The dark energy shock is like the rain in summer.

If the dark erosion is the snow in winter, then the dark energy shock is the rain in summer. It will not come quietly in the middle of the night like snow. It is flamboyant and willful.

Under the violent scouring, countless broken branches and trees floated on the ground, just like a forest that had suffered a flood.

At the same time, countless powerful people were charging. Their wives, parents or children were hanging on the trees. Even those who had no relationship would not stand there. There was no safe place. The giant tree wanted to catch everyone here in one fell swoop. Its tentacles were everywhere.

The three major gangs in District 86, Panlong Group, Axe Gang, and Black Tiger Gang, all rushed to the front. Usually, they collected protection fees calmly, and did not show any sympathy for those who could not pay the protection fees. At this moment, they also fought with the giant tree calmly, showing their other side of bravery.

"Dark energy impact!"

The black wave rose again, rushing away the enemies in front of them.

Ye Tian was not interested in the picture of thousands of people united as one at this time. The consequences of angering the giant tree were also obvious, and most of the pressure was on him.

The big mouth of the tree belly was biting the meteor in the air. After a while of chewing, the shadows with substantial bodies gradually appeared. They were like shells loaded into the barrel, flying towards Ye Tian in an explosive posture.

In the air, they can even change direction, smash down with a strong rotation angle, and even drill a deep pit in the ground when they fall to the ground.

Three upgraded shadow men emerged from the deep pit, and their powerful hind legs pushed their bodies to charge over. Ye Tian took a direct hit and was violently knocked back. Taking advantage of the gap between the shadow men's attacks, Ye Tian broke through their defense with a punch and knocked them back. Then he suppressed the dark erosion and destroyed most of their heads.

The upgraded shadow men didn't seem to be so easy to deal with. After a part of their body was broken, they would not turn into ink, but would wriggle the wound to evenly distribute some flesh to other parts of their body, and then they would regain their combat effectiveness.

Dodging the attack of a shadow man behind him, Ye Tian backhandedly hit it with the defense-breaking move. Compared with the dark erosion, the defense-breaking move was obviously more useful, and it also had a knockback effect. Because of Bramo's state, his materialized blood python knife had long disappeared, and could not bring him any help in terms of weapons. The only powerful and effective means was the dark energy impact.

But the dark energy impact could not be used as a normal attack. Once it was used, the cloud in the body would become thinner, and such a strong energy would affect not only the target, but also him who was at the center of the energy.

But even if he was frugal, he would not be polite when it was time to use it.

Dark energy impact!

The two shadow men who were knocked away had just recovered their full health, and another shadow man and the two new shadow men followed one after another. Ye Tian, ​​who was in the center of the encirclement, zoomed in without saying a word.

The black wave overturned and all five shadow men were washed away, and three of them died on the spot.

A shadow man who was less injured wanted to take the opportunity to attack, but Ye Tian turned around, his eyes were like knives, and the coldness penetrated the bones, and the shadow man was directly fixed in place.

Just at that moment, he turned into a thug, and the shadow man who was stared at by him was like a little white rabbit in front of a tiger, frightened by the fierce momentum and dared not move.

One of the new abilities is to scare creatures in the dark. The shadow man does not have the breath of a living creature, but he is also a kind of living creature and is still suppressed by him.

Just as he was about to go forward to make up the knife, he suddenly saw that the mushroom cap on the top of the giant tree had dropped to less than ten meters above his head.


There was an explosion in the distance, and the mushroom cap that was landing was shocked and stopped.


"Huo Chuan, I didn't expect you to have this courage, I really admire you!"

"Haha, I didn't think too much, I have to do it anyway."

"Thank you for your hard work, you can come to Axe Gang to join the company afterwards. Remember, you will be in the teleporting state when you jump into my teleportation circle, and you will stay in this state as long as I don't teleport. After you detonate the black jellyfish bomb, I will cancel your teleportation directly, so that you will appear beside me at the fastest speed. This is very dangerous, but you are really brave enough."

Huo Chuan hugged A black ball, with trembling legs, watched the Axe Gang go away, then murmured: "I don't want to be brave, but if I am not brave, I will end up in a miserable situation."

"Stop talking nonsense, do as I say, otherwise I can control you to detonate the bomb, and I don't have to take risks."

"Yes, yes, I will cooperate, I will cooperate."

Huo Chuan walked away first, then took out half of the mirror and pointed it at the altar. A swallow flew across the sky and released the other half of the mirror. The mirror fell freely and faced the mirror in Huo Chuan's hand. At the same time, a flare rose into the sky.

Dazzling white light

It exploded in the center of the altar, and the golden fragments wrapped around Huo Chuan and the mirror in his hand, and disappeared before being swallowed by the light.


The giant tree was illusory several times, and the human face on the tree belly began to twist, as if it wanted to split.

Its impulse to deal with Ye Tian did not stop, but instead accelerated the speed of the mushroom cap falling. At the same time, the mushroom cap rolled up and turned into a big mouth of a man-eating plant, looking forward to the beauty of swallowing flesh.

Ye Tian naturally would not be polite to it, and raised his hand to launch a dark energy impact.

The energy of the impact completely entered the "mushroom big mouth", like a balloon filled with too much water shaking back and forth.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Tian exerted force on his feet, rushed to the front of the giant tree, and pressed his hands on the trunk of the giant tree.

Dark energy impact!

The huge energy wave directly acted on the trunk of the giant tree. The powerful reaction almost overturned Ye Tian, ​​and the surrounding roots and soil flew directly, and a "wormhole" appeared on the trunk of the giant tree. As if aware of the threat brought by Ye Tian, ​​the giant tree shot out more shadow men to besiege Ye Tian. Facing the shadow men rushing towards him, Ye Tian did not turn his head and changed direction to trigger the dark energy impact again.

The shadow man behind him just stretched his hand to Ye Tian's shoulder, and was shocked by a strong impact and retreated again and again.

Ye Tian didn't care and changed his direction again to press his hand. He wanted to knock down the giant tree.

The shadow men appeared more frequently, and the giant tree tried its best to stop Ye Tian. From a giant to a giant tree, the efficiency of catching people has increased a lot, but its own offensiveness has also decreased accordingly, and it no longer has a strong destructive power.

Ye Tian just wants to seize the fact that it can't move and kill it while it is sick. No matter what you are, since you look like a tree, I will cut you in half and see if you are still alive!

Finally, someone rushed in with countless roots. The night watchman named Qingfeng drew his sharp blade and slashed like a breeze splitting water ripples, cutting out the dividing line of the chessboard. The light blade in Che Qing's hand rotated, and all the roots it touched were cut off. De Biao raised his hands above his head, and the earth and rocks gathered and condensed into meteors, smashing towards the vicious root cluster.

On the other side, Feng Shao also took the lead, followed by people from various gangs, all of whom were fighting against the giant tree.

Zhai Nan left only two or three afterimages, and the whole person rushed to Ye Tian in an instant. The blade chopped off the head of the shadow man who was about to sneak attack from behind Ye Tian with extreme speed, and then sank into the trunk of the giant tree, cutting out a third of the fracture mark.

Ye Tian glanced at the broken mark on the tree and said, "Can you attack like this more times?"

Zhai Nan scratched his head embarrassedly: "My ability is speed, as the name suggests, I need a certain distance to accelerate. It just so happens that there is no obstacle on the road behind you. Now the road behind you is also blocked. I don't even have room to turn around in here."

"Give me the knife, you can go away."

Ye Tian pulled out the knife without hesitation, secretly started to run away, the surging power spread in his body, and his arms exerted force.


The huge force pushed the blade into the gap of the giant tree, widening the gap a little.

Seeing Zhai Nan standing there in a daze, Ye Tian frowned and said, "Why don't you leave? There are your companions outside. If you are seen, you will be charged with treason."

Zhai Nan's tongue was dry when he heard it, and he turned around and changed his target and rushed up.

At this time, the mushroom cap above adjusted its direction and covered Ye Tian with a bite, swallowing Ye Tian and the trunk of the giant tree.

The darker the environment, the clearer Ye Tian could see.

The trunk of the tree was collapsing and repairing. The explosion in the distance should have destroyed the ritual passage. The giant tree and everything abnormal were about to lose contact with reality. Its foundation was shaken, but the people it plundered were its supplies, so it was also staying strong.

Countless thorny tentacles stretched out from the mushroom cap, pushing Ye Tian to send him into the big mouth of the tree trunk, so that he could also become one of the hanged insects on the tree.

Oh no! He should be treated better than those hanged insects.

He took a look at the miracle points, 373.

He just used 50 miracle points to exchange for a second of rampage, which felt pretty good. Because of what he did, someone kept adding points to him, so he quickly accumulated some more.

Ye Tian didn't plan to accumulate more, 7 seconds was enough for him.

The rampage started, and the violent power spread from the heart, and the endless strength filled the muscles. He clenched his fists slightly, as if grasping the air.

Clang. Clang.

Ye Tian held the blade containing Kasain metal with both hands, assumed a standard lumberjack's posture, and chopped the blade on the trunk of the giant tree with great force. First, he cut a notch from top to bottom, and then cut another notch from bottom to top, alternating back and forth to use the wedge-shaped pressure to hollow out the trunk piece by piece. This is Steele's famous logging technique, which Ye Tiantian brought out as a violent aesthetic.


In order to prevent himself from being pushed away, Ye Tian's legs were already deeply sunk into the mud. The tentacles whipped Ye Tian fiercely, but they could not slow down his tree-cutting movements.

After digging a big hole in one side of the trunk, Ye Tian pulled out his legs, rushed to the other side, and then chopped the tree again.

A shadow man descended from a high place, changed his hands into claws and directly grabbed Ye Tian's head. Ye Tian knocked it away with the back of his knife, and then chopped it into the tree again.

Time has already used up 4 seconds.

The sound of electric current flowing sounded, and blue electric light appeared above the mushroom cap.

Ye Tian knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for had come, and the last knife was inserted into the weak body of the tree trunk.

Dark energy impact!

The remaining seconds of the rampage were 2 seconds.

The giant tree was shaky, and only a small piece of wood was left to support its roots.

Ye Tian jumped up and tore open the mushroom cap where the electric light flashed with his hands. Geng Qi and Hans had been waiting on the mushroom cap for a long time. There were shadow people climbing up below, ready to tear them apart at any time.

"How far can your teleportation be?" Ye Tian asked, holding Geng Qi's shoulder.

"As long as I have seen or walked to a place, I can teleport. There is no limit to the distance, but there is a limit to the number of people."

"That's no problem. Send me up there, and then you can evacuate quickly." Ye Tian raised his hand and caught a black ball falling from the sky, a black jellyfish bomb.

"Listen to me, hurry!"

The golden fragments wrapped Ye Tian, ​​and he appeared again at the top of the giant tree. The man-eating plant formed by the tree canopy was still biting the bottom below, and the whole thing looked like a Rhine bottle.

The moment Ye Tian appeared, he threw the black jellyfish bomb in his hand upwards, and a colorful light lit up from his pocket at the same time.

Dreamy whispers, phantom body!

The phantom body intertwined with Ye Tian's real body, stepping on Ye Tian for the final leverage. At this time, there was still a tree forest with intertwined roots and stems below. The people closest to him had already retreated after hearing the reminder.

Ye Tian's body fell down, and when he passed a tree trunk, he suddenly inserted his arm into it and pulled Bramo out of it.

The remaining seconds of the rampage were 1 second.


The dazzling light burst out above, and the explosion impact of the black jellyfish bomb would give the tree trunk a huge thrust, and there was only a little connection at the bottom of the tree trunk. As a result, the tree trunk fell to one side, and the hanging bugs on the tree would fall out of the explosion range, and the only Bramo wrapped in the tree trunk was also rescued.

This was all calculated.

The powerful impact pushed Ye Tian to dive down rapidly. If they fell to the ground at this speed, they would die.

Seeing the ground rapidly enlarged in his eyes, Ye Tian stretched out his hand again.

The crows gathered, but they didn't use their bodies to help them slow down, but dropped black balls. These black jellyfish bombs were found by the people of Sylma. The last order Ye Tian gave them was to bring all the bombs they found.

The rhizomes of plants are sometimes larger than the above-ground parts. The landing point of the black jellyfish bombs covers the core area where the roots are located. Just detonate them to solve the final trouble.

The firepower and shrapnel of the black jellyfish cut Ye Tian's back, and the hurricane caused by the heat wave made him almost dare not open his eyes.

The remaining seconds of the rampage, 0 seconds.

The mushroom mouth that originally bit the root bit back, and Ye Tian calmly watched it swallow himself and Bramo into its mouth.

With his speed, he would have pierced the big mouth directly and smashed it to the ground, but at the moment when the big mouth closed, Ye Tian seized this short dark environment of less than 0.01 seconds.

Stealth in the dark!

He led Bramo through various cracks, along the roots into the soil, along the rhizomes and outward, all the way to escape until the hot wind behind him destroyed everything.

Boom boom boom boom.

The explosions continued, and the white light brought by this time could not dissipate for a long time.


"Coordinates, Area 86."

"Engine loaded, launch!"

A bird-like figure appeared from the clouds, falling directly from an altitude of 5 kilometers, rushing down with a sweeping momentum, approaching the ground in less than 3 seconds, hundreds of times faster than the speed of rain!

At 0.001 moments before he was about to make close contact with the ground, he suddenly stopped, which was more incredible than a high-speed train stopping in less than 1 meter when it was about to hit a little girl on the rails.

But he stopped just like that.

The soles of his feet were suspended 3 centimeters in the air, and then he stepped on the ground according to the law of free fall.

"Ah! The towing was successful, and the plane landed safely. A beautiful day starts with survival."

This is an ordinary young man's face, with a nonchalant expression, wearing a blue casual suit, a travel bag on his back, and a black baseball cap on his head. The baseball cap seems to be longer than the average style, which is why he looks more like a bird in the clouds.

But he

He didn't approach the barrier right away. He seemed to be enjoying the scenery like a traveler dressed up as a tourist because someone blocked his way.

He was a young, gentle man with a scar on his right ear.

Lai Gun!

"You seem to have been waiting here for a long time. Do you want to introduce the local scenery to me?" Ah Fei raised his cap and smiled like a sunny boy.

Lai Gun stood up slowly. He was wearing a bright red costume, with light stage makeup on his face. His wide cuffs spread out like a golden eagle's wings. As he stood up, the barrier disappeared inch by inch, and the darkness inside also dissipated. The alternation of light and darkness replaced the curtain of the stage.

"Oh? Are you going to perform a drama for me?"

Lai Gun smiled, wantonly and silently, with the corners of his mouth almost stretched to his ears.

He moved lightly, as if he really wanted to dance, but he seemed to be just a puppet being pulled, as if he was performing the disappearance of all things, and as if he was celebrating the growth of things.

He opened his mouth and hummed, like an actor reciting prepared lines, and there was an illusion of improvisation.

"When history is sealed in destruction, the truth is chaotic in disasters, and confusion is scattered in the world;

Boundless darkness covers the sky, and the dawn is trapped;

Numerous dangers are like swords hanging over the head, and the only remaining hope is like dead water without waves;

A thousand-foot-high chasm is in front of us, what can break all this?"

The originally low voice suddenly became high, like a bell.

"It's a miracle!"


Ye Tian got up from the ruins. At this time, the sky was already bright and the night was over.

He rubbed his eyes and slowly adapted to the change of light.

There was still the whisper of the magic sound in his ears, but the sound was no longer clear. The silver bracelet was still glowing to help him resist, and this time it lasted longer and was more difficult to eliminate.

Ye Tian thought about it, took out the 'fog' level shadow bead from his pocket, and swallowed it into his stomach.

Switching dream points.

Take out the Book of Miracles and unseal the first page of the dream.

The ‘qi’ level mental power doubled again. Although it did not have a big impact on the overall cloud, the extremely cool feeling flowed from his head like water and spread throughout his body.

The magic sound completely subsided.

“No wonder the silver bracelet asked me to choose the back one first. It turns out that the mental power must be accumulated to a certain level to resist the magic sound brought by the back page?”

Ye Tian blew a whistle lightly, holding the Book of Miracles in one hand, and took out a photo with only a corner left from his pocket with the other hand, smiling slightly.

He used Dark Erosion to completely devour the photo. He looked into the sky, watching the wind blowing the white clouds, and the clouds clearing to see the sun, and he felt refreshed.

He remembered a poem that fits the current situation.

“The night will eventually pass, and the dawn will surely come.”

Suddenly, Ye Tian felt a pain in his chest, his pupils shrank, and the whole person froze in place.

He lowered his head and saw a black blade piercing through his left chest, with blood on the tip.

A familiar voice sounded from behind him.

"Leader of the Death Worship Cult, Ye Tian, ​​you are under arrest!"

(End of this volume)

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