The man in the middle did not speak.


Ye Tian looked at the man in the middle and was stunned. He was not wrong, the man in the middle did speak.

But the tone was wrong.

After thinking for a while, he continued: "You haven't answered me yet."

The man in the middle looked sluggish and murmured softly: "This is not something I can decide. However, since you are willing to take such a big risk to remind me, it means that time is really urgent. I will communicate with the higher-ups. You did a good job this time."

I did a good job? Ye Tian was confused. Are you the boss or am I the boss? However, he saw that the man was in a strange state, and his answer was normal. At present, they should regard him as a messenger. If he leaves now, it should not arouse suspicion.

However, it always feels quite unbecoming to leave like this, which is inconsistent with his mysterious image. He decided to raise his profile before leaving.

After making up his mind, he half turned around, put his hands behind his back, and whispered: "Have you ever thought that your preparations are not a secret to some people at all."

He gave himself a thumbs up in his heart. Once this sentence came out, his profile was raised. Moreover, it is easy to explain. You are such a large group of people gathered here every day. Don't you think Kosovo is stupid and can't see it?

"I can think of it. After all, the more you do, the more traces you leave, and it will always be noticed. However, if you want to do big things, sneaking around is the worst option. In this regard, you and I are very similar."

What is very similar? And what is this about? Ye Tian frowned, feeling a little confused. But why do the big guys in TV dramas say so mysterious words? Say half and leave the other half, that's the effect you want. The less others understand, the more profound you appear.

Thinking he understood everything, Ye Tian chuckled and said in a pretentious manner: "So, from the beginning, I laid down layers of obstacles. Those people saw the surface layer and thought they had guessed my plan, so they secretly went to the second layer. Little did they know, I had been watching them on the third layer."

The air was silent for a while, and then the man's voice sounded: "I thought you were caught by mistake, but I didn't expect you to have such a plan. It seems that the incredible actions you made after entering 0-7 were to divert their attention. I misunderstood you. I will remember these merits for you, and when it's done, I will personally recommend you to the adults."

The man paused and continued: "I don't know what method you used to sneak into Zone 0, but you did a good job. I originally wanted to confirm with you through a hidden chess piece, but now that you are here, there is no need for that.

"Ye Tian, ​​is the target there? "

Ye Tian's heart skipped a beat, and he shouted in his heart.

When that person spoke again, he realized that something was wrong. It seemed that this person should not have said this at all. The real person who was speaking did not seem to be here. And the person who was speaking in front of him was more like a phone, used to convey messages. From the information revealed in the words, this person has a lot of power and knows everything about him.

Could it be that the bastard Yao Zhe was on the other end of the phone?

Miracle value from Yao Zhe +10.

Confirmed! Damn, it's really him?!!!

After confirming the identity of the other party, Ye Tian wanted to greet him in beautiful Chinese. But then he thought that his current situation was not good, so he should not conflict with Yao Zhe for the time being.

With the idea of ​​stabilizing Yao Zhe's side, he said in a serious voice: "There, I confirmed it several times. But the defense here is very strong, are you okay?"

"You don't need to worry about this. Problems that can be solved by force are not a problem. Do you know the specific location of the target? "

The voice seemed to be afraid that he would be suspicious, and added: "Don't worry, after rescuing the target, the adults will take you away directly. The 0-level prison is negligent, and this responsibility is not low. Not to mention the removal of a few people, even if it is to replace a guard, it can be done with some operations. "

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the information he brought this time was so huge.

He originally planned to follow Yao Zhe's words and wanted to get away with it. However, it seems that he heard something incredible. It turns out that Yao Zhe's target, no, it should be the target of the big man behind him, is a person in the prison?

And they want to save people, not kill people.

In this case...

Ye Tian's eyes lit up, and he said seriously: "With Area 4 as the axis, Area 0 and the location of the inspection room are relatively

Yes, you should be able to find it easily. There are three floors inside. He is at the bottom, numbered 0-1 room. However, the rooms there are all made of Kasain metal, and it is not easy to save people. "Hehe, no matter who they want to save, just give 0-1 to them. The bottom floor is full of people, but how do I know who the target is? I will skip you if you don't talk to me. As for what to do after getting out? 0-1 is the fourth realm of 'Rain' realm. As long as he gets out, he can always run away if he can't beat him, right?

Moreover, asking Kasain for a solution in the end was a very wise decision he felt. After all, he was still wearing it on his hand. He didn't plan to rely on Yao Zhe to get out. Not to mention how credible their words were, he wouldn't dare to do it even if they were really credible. If he relied on him to get out, it would be like getting out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den.

"0-1? Well, it's about the same as we expected. Kasain's words are indeed a trouble. However, all level 0 prisons are configured in this way, and these are also within our expectations. In this way, you don't have to worry about it next. Try not to stay in the room these two days to avoid accidental injury. "

Hmm? Didn't you say that? Ye Tian's eyes dimmed, and he was a little disappointed. But he had already obtained a lot of information, and this trip was worth it. He didn't dare to ask what Yao Zhe said, because this behavior was inconsistent with his actual positioning, and it was likely to expose something, which would not be worth the loss.

Knowing that this conversation was almost over, Ye Tian was about to leave, and suddenly he said in his heart: "By the way, do these people have to stay here all the time?"

"Not really, their main function is to receive my instructions. It's just that every time the ceremony is launched, we have to find a place to hide from others, and the motive is too obvious. So usually, let them stay here all the time."

Ye Tian nodded, his eyes flashing, and said: "Then I may have to use them. Don't worry, it won't be too long. "


Ye Tian walked around Area 1, was in a daze for a while, waited until it got dark, and walked out of the gate.

He turned his head from time to time to make sure no one was following him.

Then, he pretended to walk normally on the road, and when he passed a hidden passage, he slipped in when the air was not paying attention.

This is the entrance that Hu Dou brought him to yesterday. Ye Tian walked forward silently for a distance and stopped. The environment here is already quite dark, but it is not so dark that normal people can't see clearly.

The reason for choosing this place is that The tacit understanding with Hu Dou, and the second is related to what he was testing.

After waiting for a while, two different voices came into my ears.

One was from the darkness inside, with four footsteps, from Hu Dou and his men. Hu Dou was cautious and did not get too close, and stopped about 200 meters away from him.

The other was from the entrance where he had just entered, with dense footsteps, about forty or so. They stepped into the darkness, and the sound gradually came over.

"Seth, are you sure it's here?"

"Of course, it can't be wrong."

"But, we didn't send anyone to follow him, how did you know he would be here?"

"Hehe, you know nothing about my background. Just do your job with peace of mind, don't ask so many questions, and when the matter is done, you will naturally get the benefits."

"Hehe, last time I was going to beat that kid, but he got away with it. This time he is alone, and we have more than forty, I must take off his underwear. ”

“Kang Er, your bad taste is getting worse, but I like it. We are the ones who are hot-tempered, and we should take revenge that night.”

“It’s a pity that the guy from Genban is not here. Otherwise, let him see with his own eyes that we stripped the boy’s underwear, hahahaha~”

Hearing this, Ye Tian’s mouth curled up slightly and disappeared into the darkness.

On the other side.

“Brother Hu, did we make a mistake before?”

“It shouldn’t be. Our actions are more rigorous, so we won’t be followed. And Ye Tian just came yesterday, so it’s even more impossible for him. I suspect that this is a trap. Let’s see the situation from the side first.”

“It may be the trick of the guards. After all, we have been together from time to time recently. In addition to the fuse of your leader, it is not impossible for them to suspect something.”

“Even if it is a trap, they are just suspicious. If any evidence is really found, we will not be here. So, the tunnel should still be safe. "

In the darkness, the four people stood side by side, listening carefully. Although they were in the Ring of Silence, the sounds from outside could still be heard.

In the distance.

A large group of people came in a mighty manner. There were not only people from the Black Throne and Violent Fire,

There are also some other church members. It seems that Seth has been prepared for this action.

They looked around, thinking about how to find Ye Tian, ​​and suddenly heard a strange voice.

"The Tao can be spoken, but it is not the Tao. The name can be named, but it is not the name. Namelessness is the beginning of heaven and earth; name is the mother of all things; therefore, there is always no desire, in order to observe its wonders; there is always desire, in order to observe its boundaries. These two, with the same origin but different names, are both called mysterious. The more mysterious, the more mysterious, the door to all wonders.

"Everyone in the world knows that beauty is beauty, and this is evil. Everyone knows that goodness is goodness, and this is not good. Therefore, existence and non-existence are mutually generated, difficulty and ease complement each other, length and shortness are contrasted, high and low complement each other, sounds are harmonious, and front and back follow each other. Constant. So the saint..."

The tone was like a dream, the sound was lingering, not like a living person.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, and when they looked carefully, they found that there was a person squatting next to them.

Seth cursed inwardly, he was really scared. However, after seeing the man's appearance clearly, he grinned and walked forward.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Tian raised his head blankly and murmured: "I am asking my God when to let me out."

Miracle value from Kosovo +20.

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