The ground was covered with dirt, but the ground was still covered with dirt.

Ye Tian came to the end of the passage, where there was a thick layer of soil, which could bury his calves if he stepped on it.

Although he and Bramo had been moving the soil backwards, they obviously couldn't keep up with Genban's speed.

Ye Tian didn't have time to care about these, but looked to the front. The soil wall there was a little black, which was the seepage of water.

"Why don't you dig it up?" Ye Tian asked with some doubts.

Shi Changsong rubbed his hands and explained, "Brother Ye, you don't know. Level 0 prison is not like other prisons. Pipes and other things cannot be easily broken. If we dig it up now, it may be found out tomorrow. So we'd better dig it up when we leave, so that the risk will be minimized."

He paused and continued, "As for the route, you don't have to worry. When we were making the plan, we explored the direction of these pipes. Apart from anything else, there is no problem escaping this level. As for how to go later, we can't predict it."

Hu Dou also echoed, "Yes, the plan we made is to complete it here. We originally planned to make a final sprint, but Genban helped a lot this time and saved all this effort. As for whether it will succeed later, it is not something that the tunnel can decide."

Ye Tian nodded. After all, he didn't understand these things, so he wouldn't give blind instructions.

"Then let's go. You should be prepared in these few days. The two days I mentioned are just to confuse Kosovo. You will know the specific time when the time comes."

He reminded him and took the lead to walk out.

Although Yao Zhe told him that it was these two days, that was not a definite time. He didn't dare to be too firm. What if Yao Zhe didn't arrive on time, wouldn't he be in trouble?

Hu Dou and Genban followed him naturally. When they were about to reach the exit, Hu Dou asked:

"Ye Tian, ​​how did you get this time?"

Hu Dou felt that Genban was different from Bramo and others, and was considered one of his own, so he didn't avoid him.

Ye Tian paused and replied in a hoarse voice: "I went to Area 1 in the afternoon. I wanted to go around, but I didn't expect to bump into Yao Zhe."

"What? Yao Zhe? He came to the prison?"

Hu Dou's voice suddenly rose, and he looked at Ye Tian in disbelief.

Ye Tian listened carefully, and after confirming that the sound did not spread far, he said: "Keep your voice down, don't make such a fuss. Yao Zhe didn't come, but those people have a way to communicate with him."

"I see, I was wondering why they were so mysterious all day, it turns out they were doing this." Hu Dou's face was a little confused. He had been thinking about this question for a long time, and now he finally got the answer.

"I was not sure at first, but after chatting with him for a few words, I found out that it was Yao Zhe. I pretended to report the situation to him and got some information. Their target is a person in my prison, and they will probably take action in the next two days. Hehe, how is it?"

Ye Tian smiled and couldn't help bragging.

He really played well in this wave of operations. Not only did he ease Yao Zhe's attitude towards him, but he also got useful information. Although the process was a bit coincidental, the result was satisfactory, so he could just brag about it, right?

Hu Dou admired him and said, "Great! But you have to be careful, Yao Zhe is not a good guy, it's best not to have too much contact with him."

Ye Tian laughed and said, "Of course I know. Yao Zhe also promised to pick us up afterwards, but why should we put our lives in his hands? As long as the water is muddied, we will just run away and not play with them. Hehe, I really want to know Yao Zhe's expression afterwards. Oh, and Kosovo."

"Well, that's it. Don't trust Yao Zhe completely. Don't rely on him if you can walk on your own." Hu Dou agreed, and then he felt a little bit of pain: "It's just that we have been working in vain during this period. Not only will we be wanted after we go out, but we may also be questioned by Yao Zhe."

Yao Zhe is indeed a problem. Ye Tian frowned and asked in a low voice: "By the way, are we only related to Yao Zhe? Do the people behind him know us?"

"You worry too much. How can a small character like us get in touch with such a person?" Hu Dou said self-deprecatingly.

Ye Tian's eyes lit up. He remembered that Yao Zhe had told him that he would recommend him to the big shot later. In other words, the big shot didn't know the two of them at all.

Doesn't that mean that as long as Yao Zhe is dealt with before this, he will no longer be a threat?

Very good! That's it. After getting rid of Yao Zhe,

After that, his road to rise can officially begin.

After several people went out, they dispersed and left.

Although he had reached a certain tacit understanding with Kosovo, he did not dare to provoke openly.

Because he had been waiting for a wave of fire, and the tunnel was under construction, it was already very late, so Ye Tian went straight to the restaurant.

When he arrived at the restaurant, Feng was already waiting.

Ye Tian smiled at him, then asked for a bag and put some sausages in it. He didn't plan to eat here, just a dinner or so, just deal with it casually.

Feng didn't say anything, and silently led him back.

"Hey, brother, have you eaten? Do you want one?"

Ye Tian took a sausage and asked while eating.

Feng looked at him speechlessly and shook his head: "Eat it yourself."

"You can't do this. Standing guard in this place where you can't see bird shit all day, and you don't talk much. If you continue like this, your mentality will be unhealthy." Ye Tian said earnestly.

Feng rolled his eyes at him, turned his head away, and ignored him.

When they arrived at the prison gate, there were still two figures, one fat and one thin.

"Hey, you haven't eaten yet? Have a sausage." Ye Tian saw them and enthusiastically stuffed a sausage into each of them.

Solo was still a little embarrassed, but Angie took it and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Well, I haven't had dinner yet, and I'm really hungry." Angie finished eating in two or three bites, looking unsatisfied. Seeing that there were still a lot in Ye Tian's bag, he was about to reach out.

Ye Tian slapped his hand away and said unhappily: "This is mine. It's good to give you one to fill your stomach. When I go in, you can eat whatever you want in the restaurant."

Angie rubbed his stomach and said with some dissatisfaction: "Huh, stingy!"

The door was already open at this time, and Ye Tian walked in.


Solo looked at the door closing, and said hesitantly: "If you want to eat, this one is for you. I'm not very hungry."

Angie looked at the sausage Solo handed over, waved her hand and sighed: "Hey, Solo, your personality is not good. How can you find a girlfriend in the future if you are so shy?

I eat his sausages, that's the way to deal with him. If I'm really hungry, a few sausages are not enough to fill my teeth. Let's go to the restaurant to eat."

Solo's face turned red and he followed Angie silently.

Feng looked at the figures of the two, shook his head, and turned away immediately.

Ye Tian heard the sound of several people walking away, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

"They are all interesting people."

He quickly went down to the bottom floor with the sausage and came to the door of 0-1.

"Hello? I brought you new sausages. I came back late today, and the sausages are a little cold. But for this kind of thing, cold or hot doesn't affect the taste too much." Ye Tian explained with a smile.

0-1's body moved, then walked over and stretched out his hand.

Ye Tian looked at the outstretched hand, with slender fingers and fair skin, just like a woman's hand.

He shook his head, threw away those weird thoughts, and put the sausage in his hand.

"Remember not to eat the packaging outside anymore." Ye Tian reminded with a smile, and then asked curiously: "Why don't you leave the room? Don't you like it?"

"The time is not right."

What a pretentious remark. Ye Tian laughed secretly, heard the chewing sound in the room, and then asked impatiently: "How does it feel? Is it delicious?"

"Not bad."

"Well, that's fine. By the way, I brought you a big gift." Ye Tian thought of the words he said to Yao Zhe in the afternoon, and said with a smile.

"What gift?"

"You'll know in two days. By the way, are you good at fighting?"

"It's OK."

"What does OK mean? Can you be more specific?"

Ye Tian was obviously not satisfied with this answer.

"Invincible in the same level."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be more arrogant than me." Ye Tian was surprised for a moment, and then continued: "If you are really that good, can you help me with something?"

"Go ahead."

"When you receive my gift, you may meet a man named Yao Zhe. Well, when the time comes, please help me cut him with a knife." Ye Tian said with a smirk, and seemed a little worried after saying that, and reminded:

"Well, it's best to cut on the neck. After you cut, just run away, don't give them face."

"I don't understand, why did I meet him?"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about it. Anyway, just remember to cut Yao Zhe when you see him."


"Okay, repeat what I asked you to do


Ye Tian was afraid that he could not remember, so he asked again.

"Hack Yao Zhe to death."


Ye Tian called him an expert, you are so concise.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, you remember it very well, just remember to hack him to death when you see him."

Ye Tian clenched his fists and said excitedly.

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