On the court.

A prisoner came as a referee and marked the goal for them.

Ye Tian and Heishang did not wear cloth strips, and the other prisoners tied black or white cloth strips to distinguish the teams. Although they could probably be distinguished without the cloth strips, Ye Tian emphasized the need for a sense of ceremony, so they wore them.

Of course, he would not admit that he made such a request because he was face-blind and could not remember his teammates.

"Heishang, just run to a place with fewer people. I will call you when I need you."

Ye Tian pulled Heishang aside and discussed tactics in a low voice.

"Ah? What about our goal?" Heishang asked in surprise.

"Hey, there's no need to defend the goal. If they can't get the ball, there won't be any problems."

Ye Tian waved his hand, as if he was responsible for everything.

Hei Shang couldn't refute it, so he nodded in agreement, but he couldn't hide the worry between his eyebrows.

After discussing the tactics, Ye Tian pulled Hei Shang to stand in the midfield. There was no one behind them.

On the other side, more than 20 people stood scattered on the court, like an indestructible wall.

Hei Hu held the ball with some trembling, and then put it on the center line, ready to kick off.

Looking at the crowd of people on the opposite side, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and didn't kick the ball under when he kicked off.

"Oh no!"

Hei Shang saw the football rolling forward at a very slow speed, and thought it was not good.

He didn't expect that he would make a mistake in kicking off. The enemy's striker was next to him, and he couldn't touch the ball again, so he couldn't help but feel anxious.

As expected, the enemy's striker came to intercept.

Moreover, there were three forwards.

There was no other way, a normal team only had two forwards. Since Ye Tian only took one, the rest were considered opponents. Therefore, the opponent had five forwards!

A prisoner with red curly hair looked at the football in front of him, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

He was one of the forwards, and he realized that this was an opportunity, so he rushed over first. He was known for his burst of speed, and at this distance, he thought that Ye Tian would not have time to compete with him.

His foot had already stretched out, and he was about to hook the football.

But one foot arrived first and stepped on the football.

He looked up suddenly and found that it was Ye Tian.

Ye Tian got the football with a smile on his face.

Originally, he could not compete with this forward, after all, his physical fitness was there. But this forward happened to block the lights above the court, bringing him a brief darkness.

With this fleeting opportunity, he successfully touched the football first.

However, this is not over yet.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the red-haired striker, and his thigh swung forward violently. According to this posture, he wanted to block the ball and the person together. If Ye Tian did not retreat, he might be tripped by him.

You know, this is a different world. And it is also a way for prisoners to entertain themselves privately, so there are not so many rules.

There is only one important rule, that is, scoring a goal.

As long as you can score a goal, no matter how dirty the action is, it is part of the goal.

Unfortunately, Ye Tian is not like others.

Although his night elf cannot be used now, the skill of the Insight is still there. His physical fitness is not as good as the opponent, but his extraordinary eyesight allows him to perfectly control every bit of his strength.

Ye Tian's feet moved back little by little. Although the speed was not fast, he perfectly missed the striker's block.

A back pull-up ball bounced directly into the air.

Where have the prisoners here seen this kind of ball skills? Some people couldn't think on the spot.

However, the prisoners who play football still have basic psychological qualities. Although they are surprised at the effect of this ball, their movements are not slow at all.

When the ball was about to fall, the three forwards had formed a corner to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian did not panic. He moved his instep over the ball before it landed. When the ball fell, he let it turn on his instep and finally hooked it with his toes.

With a simple pull back, the ball returned to his front.

At this time, a forward slid over. Another forward appeared on Ye Tian's right at the same time, cooperating with another forward to pinch Ye Tian.

Ye Tian had already noticed him, but pretended not to see him.

Ye Tian's left foot swayed, successfully diverting the attention of the red-haired forward, and then stepped forward on the grass. Then, his other foot hooked the ball to the left and back.

Take it. The forward who slid was a little puzzled, but he still changed his action and turned to intercept Ye Tian from behind.

Ye Tian had expected it, and his right foot suddenly stopped, and the ball bounced to the right front.

At this time, no one intercepted in this direction.

Because no one would have thought that Ye Tian's ball could bend so far.

Ye Tian's feet suddenly exerted force, dodged the forward who intercepted from the right, and rushed out of the encirclement with the ball.

From the kick-off to now, not even 3 seconds have passed, and the court has experienced a fierce confrontation.

Fortunately, he won this confrontation!

At this time, none of the seven forwards of the enemy reacted.

Ye Tian's position at this time was close to the right boundary line, and the ball was in the air in front of him.

This was what he had planned long ago, whether it was his position or the landing point of the ball.

Without superhuman physical fitness, he can still do some things that ordinary people can't imagine with just a plan made in advance.

"Hey, it's time to show you some real skills!"

With a smile on his face, Ye Tian raised his right leg suddenly, caught the ball with his instep, and made a volley.

The football drew a delicate arc in the air and flew directly into the goal from the right side of the half.

The ball went in!!!


"A good start? How long has it been?"

"One man took on three forwards and then shot directly in the half? What kind of operation is this?!"

"What are the others doing? So many people can't stop the ball!"

"It should be that he didn't react. After all, who would have thought that someone would shoot at the beginning of the game?"

"Yes, they had too many people and the ones behind were blocked. The defender and goalkeeper didn't have time to react and were robbed. And the angle of his shot also avoided most people. This time can be said to be a coincidence, and it won't be so easy to score next time."

"If it were me, don't talk about next time. Just this time, it's enough for me to brag for half a year."

"Hehe, half a year? Do you think someone can do this in half a year?"

"Uh... That's enough for me to brag for three years?"

Ye Tian stood on the court, feeling a strong force pouring into the Book of Miracles.

Miracle value +3+3+4+3......

Hehe, this wave is quite fat, it's worth my hard work.

Just now he looked relaxed, but in fact it was extremely thrilling.

Especially when he passed the three forwards, he used a technique that he had only seen on TV before - the dragon's tail swing. This is a super difficult technique. Even with the prediction of the Insighter, he completed it with great risk. He could not guarantee 100% success in the initial feint and the final turn.

Fortunately, luck was on his side this time.

The first game ended and the second game started immediately.

The ball was handed over, and this time the opponent kicked off.

Heishang was a little nervous to find a position. He was not on the left, the right, or the back, and finally stood there.

This... seems... seems... seems... it seems... that there is no wind wherever you stand?

"Heishang, just stand here in the half court. Just run to a place with fewer people as I told you before." Ye Tian reminded Heishang and focused on their forwards.

If you want to get miracle points by playing football, you must create enough disparity. Therefore, he rejected the other party's proposal to let his side serve the ball in a fixed manner.

Then, he will be busy next.

Not only is it a problem of taking the initiative, but there is also the difficulty of the number of people.

If he cannot grab the ball in time, the difficulty of winning will increase dramatically.

The other party is also aware of this and directly dispatched five people to receive the ball.

The forwards behind stood at some important points, not only forming an airtight human wall, but also even keeping this array moving forward.

In the first game, they were scored because of carelessness. This time, they obviously put in twelve points of energy.


The football jumped at the feet of a forward, and the other four forwards quickly moved forward, blocking Ye Tian's possibility of rushing forward. The forwards behind followed closely and were distributed around the forward with the ball.

Ye Tian felt bad. These people were clearly bullying the few with the large number of people. They only wanted to be stable and slowly pressed their own space for activities. If he was forced into the penalty area like this, it would be too aggrieved.

The thought flashed through his mind, and he rushed out directly.

This situation was extremely unfavorable to him. If he wanted to break through, he could only take a risk!

Ye Tian went straight in, relying on his exquisite steps to pass through the enemy forward's obstruction and rushed straight to the forward with the ball.

Now, his half of the field was really defenseless. If the forward passed the ball to the side, and then the left and right sides

If the player on the boundary passes the ball forward, he can't stop it at all.

The enemy's forward didn't make a fool of himself. When he saw him rushing in, he passed the ball directly to the forward on the side.

The forward on the side seized the opportunity and ran towards the football without letting the football stop.

Ye Tian's eyes flashed, and he had a plan in mind.

When their forward passed the ball, he began to jump horizontally in that direction. When the forward on the side ran over, his legs also lifted up.

The football kicked by the forward on the side happened to be in his must-kill range.

This is actually not difficult to understand, after all, the distance between two points...

The shortest is a straight line.

"This ball is called Po Jun!"


With this volley, the football flew directly over the heads of the forwards and hit the goal.

The audience in the stands stood up suddenly, watching this scene in disbelief.

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