The 5th district.

When Ye Tian entered here, he found that there were indeed few people and the atmosphere was particularly deserted.

There was no one going to the green field and fitness equipment. Instead, there were more than a dozen people on the viewing platform, doing something furtively.

Ye Tian walked over curiously and heard their voices from a distance.

"What I worship is the great truth. He holds the authority to deduce all things and is the power closest to creation. Is there anything more incredible in this world?"

"What I worship is the great abyss. He dominates killing. Nothing in this world can escape His eyes. The power He possesses can bring endless fear and despair to the enemy. This kind of deterrent power is the best way to save the world."

"Hmph! What's the use of just deterrence? Only the most direct power can make the world wake up. Human beings are trapped in this wall, and what they lack most is the powerful power that can be seen and touched. Therefore, the devouring that I worship is the greatest."

"Power can only solve temporary difficulties, and it is not a long-term solution at all. What you said can be done by human beings through hard work. Only the dream that I worship can do what humans cannot do. When the night is shrouded, the dream is the only way to fight it."

"Then why not just choose the eternal night? His authority has the night, so wouldn't it be able to protect the world at that time?"

"What you said This won't work, these two are not the same thing at all. And using darkness to fight darkness, aren't you afraid that the situation will get worse? "

"You haven't tried it, how do you know it won't work?"

"It's because it's too ridiculous that I don't try it!"

"It's because of your ignorance that the light that saves the world has not come yet!"

"Bah! Everyone knows that the success rate of eternal night is the lowest! You are simply walking on a dead end by choosing this."

"It's because it has the lowest success rate that it is most likely to be the hope of the world."

"What? At that time, the success rate of the spirit summoning became the standard for whether it can save the world? According to what you said, isn't confusion the least related to saving the world? "

"This... the name of confusion really sounds like it can't save the world."

"Fuck! I thought you understood a lot, but after all this time, you don't even know anything?"

"I really admire this person. If you don't understand, just listen honestly. Why are you interrupting?"

"That's right, I thought he was such a great person, but he turned out to be a blank slate?"

Ye Tian listened to their words, and his eyes lit up slightly. He didn't expect that the information he couldn't get from Ashes would be discussed by these people.

Church, creation, authority, salvation... These people look unremarkable, but I didn't expect the topic of discussion to be so high-end?

They seem to want to seek the protection of a mysterious existence through the spirit summoning ceremony? And when it comes to the success rate, that is to say, it is a law that this ritual can succeed. It's just that it may work sometimes and not sometimes, and whether it can succeed depends on luck?

Ye Tian nodded, and had some understanding of what they said.

...The existence they worship, or the object designated by the ritual, turned out to be some vague nouns. Based on this, he could not infer what these existences were.

However, truth, fantasy and eternal night, aren't these the titles of his book of miracles? ... Is there any connection between them?

"Disorder..." Ye Tian subconsciously whispered, this is the word they mentioned the most.

A person next to him heard someone reading this name, and blurted out:

"The reason why the success rate of disorder is the highest is that He may have already existed."

"Yes, there are rumors that disorder has always been there, but it cannot come for some reason." Another person added.

"Hey, do you remember the explosive news some time ago? There may be a figure of disorder in it." A person sitting in the front said in a mysterious tone.

"You mean, that super-standard spirit-coming ceremony?" The person who first brought up this topic murmured, and he obviously knew this information.

"I've heard about it, but I don't know the details. Can you tell me more about it?"

"That night, dark clouds blocked the moonlight, and the ground was dark. A gust of black wind whistled past, and when I looked up..."

The man who brought up this topic narrated mysteriously, pausing from time to time, without waiting for the next moment.

He was interrupted when he spoke in detail.

"Damn it! Can you tell the main point? If you can't, then I'll tell it." The speaker was tall and strong, crossed his arms, and snorted coldly. It seemed that he also knew the news.

"Hehe, I'm used to telling stories, sorry." Seeing someone trying to interrupt, the speaker laughed and didn't dare to talk about anything else:

"That night, a night watchman was patrolling and suddenly felt the sky dark. Looking up, he found that three figures appeared on the high wall. He was about to confirm carefully when he found that the three shadows disappeared. Then, a dazzling light flashed, and a huge altar rose in that area.

"You should also understand the spirit descent ceremony. The altar is not necessary, but the appearance of the altar means that the scale of this ceremony is beyond imagination. And, the most surprising thing is that there are 12 such altars. "

The man paused when he said this.

Seeing the people around him look surprised, he was very satisfied, and then continued:

"12 altars, 12 ceremonies, held at the same time. What's even more incredible is that these 12 ceremonies are distributed in different areas. Can you imagine that scene? "

"That night, all the night watchers participated in the action, and even three judges were dispatched. I don't know the process, but I know that it seems that they didn't succeed in stopping it in the end. "

After hearing this, everyone still looked unsatisfied. However, they need time to calm down their excitement.

"So you mean that the chaos appeared at that time?"

Ye Tian touched his chin and asked in surprise.

"Hmm? Chaos was active as early as the disaster period, but I didn't hear any news about him afterwards. Do you want to say whether he came through the spirit-descent ceremony? I am waiting and watching. Such a large-scale ceremony should be attended by a big shot. However, as the advent of a legend, I always feel that the style of the advent is a bit low. Of course, this is just my personal opinion, and the specifics depend on the reaction of the king's district. "

The man heard Ye Tian's question and analyzed it carefully.

"Legend? Has there been a similar advent before?" Ye Tian pondered his words and continued to ask.

"Yes, the advent of the spirit is not a rare thing. It's just that the king's district has a lot of resistance to the advent of the spirit, so the advent of the spirit seems so difficult. The size of the advent ceremony is actually related to the object of the advent, but it is not absolute. There was a small ceremony before, and a "Chuan" was brought down, so who can say for sure about this?"

The man shook his head and explained casually.

Then, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly:

"Do you know how I got in? I just held a advent ceremony."

Ye Tian saw that after he finished speaking, the eyes of the people around him looked at him, and they were obviously brighter. What's going on? Is it still a glorious thing to hold a advent ceremony?

"Humph! What's the big deal? Anyone can hold a ceremony secretly. I cooperated with another member of the church to hold a séance ceremony outside. If it hadn't been discovered by the Night Watchers, it might have succeeded. "

This man is tall and strong. He is the one who interrupted him before. Obviously, he also knows a lot of information.

After he said this, some people looked at him in admiration.

Good guy, why is it blowing? Ye Tian's mouth twitched, and then he said half puzzled and half bewildered:

"You said so much, what exactly does the séance ceremony summon? And why do you want to successfully hold this ceremony?"

As soon as Ye Tian finished asking, he found that everyone turned their heads and looked at him scrutinizingly.

"Who are you? Why are you here? "

Looking at this somewhat strange and familiar face, someone asked in confusion.

"Uh, that I..."

Ye Tian was a little scared by being stared at, hesitant to explain, but he didn't know how to say it.

The main reason was that he was too absorbed in listening, and asked directly about the things he was most concerned about. But he didn't notice that he asked the things that they shouldn't hear.

"You are the one from the Death Worship Cult...uh"

The tall and strong man recognized Ye Tian and spoke with some trembling.

"Oh, right!" Ye Tian didn't wait for him to finish, he clapped his hands and said with a forced smile: "I am an insignificant member of the Death Worship Cult, and I want to promote the doctrines of my church to you. "

After thinking about it, he added another sentence.

"Well, by the way, let's discuss the topic you just talked about. "

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