The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

"If Marian took over the main control room, she should be able to see the situation on our side. Could it be an accident?"

"It's possible. Kosovo is not a simple person. He might have a backup plan. Let's go there first. If there is an accident, we can help."

"Okay, this time with that person taking action, we have plenty of time... Hey, where is Bone Overlord?"

The six people walked out of the gate of Area 0 and found the bodies of Angie and Solo outside, but only Bone Overlord was missing.

"When we went in, he was still dealing with Solo. How come Solo died and he disappeared?"

A man in a black cloak asked in confusion.

"Heh! He's so famous, how can he be the same as us? He easily killed two guards, his contribution is already the highest, so he can go wherever he wants."

A man with prisoner's clothes on his body sneered, not hiding his inner dissatisfaction at all.

The man in the black cloak frowned and said with a hint of displeasure:

"Bone Overlord is indeed too much. This is a task from above, not someone orders anyone. Well, let's ignore him for now. After the matter is over, I believe that the above will make a fair choice."

Several people quickly passed the bodies of Solo and the other two and walked away, not noticing that there were two people next to them.

Ye Tian watched them leave like this, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

After he decided to stay, his mind was calm. Looking at the dark environment around him, he thought of the scene of transporting soil in the tunnel with Bramo.

At that time, he relied on the skill of reducing his presence in the dark night to achieve a miraculous effect. And now, he has an additional skill of disguising himself in the dark night.

He didn't realize what this skill did at first, but thinking about the connection between the two skills in the Eternal Night Scroll, this Night Camouflage is likely to be an enhancement of Reduce Presence, or a skill that can be used in conjunction with it.

So, with the idea of ​​giving it a try, Ye Tian activated Reduce Presence and Camouflage at the same time. What surprised him was that those people ignored him and Bone Overlord.

"Could it be that camouflage is an enhanced version of Reduce Presence?"

"That's not right. The name of the skill is actually very close to the effect. Camouflage should not be equivalent to Reduce Presence. Also, they seemed to treat me as air. Could it be that what I said in my heart at that time, 'Treat us as air', came true?"

"Camouflage, camouflage... If it's disguised as air, it makes sense. Could it be that this ability is used in this way?"

Ye Tian's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered a new world.

"Hehe! It seems that God doesn't want you to live."

He looked at Bone Overlord, whose mouth was stuffed with a ball of tattered clothes, and increased his mental output again. Anyway, the overall situation has been decided, so he doesn't need to waste his mental energy.

"Huh? The guard actually avoided Yao Zhe's people in advance? Does he also have similar perception abilities?"

"He came this way? Is he here to confirm whether anyone has been kidnapped?"

Ye Tian stared at that direction, and the man's breath was getting closer and closer.

"This is...

"Lu Yi? ! ! "

Ye Tian looked at the familiar face. Although Lu Yi was wearing a hood, he still recognized him at a glance. The eyes of an insightful person cannot mistake a face that he has seen before.

He stared at Lu Yi closely, wondering in his heart:

"Why did he come here?"

"Is he here to perform his job as a guard? But why did he avoid those attackers? And he actually turned a blind eye to the bodies of Angie and the others, and only walked towards the door of Area 0. "

"This doesn't seem like what a guard should do. Could it be that his goal is also 0-1? "

... If that's the case, his actions can be explained. But why did he avoid Yao Zhe's people? Aren't they in the same group?

Ye Tian watched Lu Yi walk into Zone 0, without exposing his thoughts.

When Bone Overlord was completely dead, Ye Tian carefully threw his body into a corner far away where it was not easy to be observed, and sneaked away.



The originally flat land was full of cracks, and the trees used for covering disappeared, like a piece of clothing torn by violence.

In a huge pit, Kosovo struggled to maintain a half-kneeling posture. If it weren't for one of his arms supporting the ground, he probably couldn't even kneel.

"Why do you still insist? Facing a battle that is bound to be lost

. "

A huge voice came from the sky, and a giant who covered the sky and the sun slowly stepped over, ignoring Kosovo's figure. It is worth mentioning that there is a deep wound on his left chest, and you can vaguely see the beating heart inside.

"Ahem. Why so many whys? Just do it if you want to do it."

Kosovo raised his head and faced the powerful enemy in front of him, without a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Haha, although you are not one of us, your courage is worthy of admiration. "

The giant exclaimed in admiration and then raised his foot.

Although he admired this enemy, it would not shake his killing intention.

Just when Kosovo was about to use the last resort, the air suddenly froze.

His movements seemed to be paused, frozen at this moment.

The giant in front of him was also frozen.

A listless young man walked slowly. His face was very young, but the pair of dead fish eyes on his face added an old-fashioned look that did not belong to his age.

"I say, what do you want to do with all this trouble? Garuda. "

The young man looked at the giant and said calmly.

Garuda, 'sea' level, one of the initiators of the super-standard spirit advent event not long ago.

In that event, he almost dragged three judges to the king's area by himself, but only had a scar on his chest.

Garuda turned his eyes and saw the young man coming. Black mist began to emanate from the surface of his body. In an instant, he was out of the state just now.

"Hehe. It's you who came, Baiju."

Garuda smiled slowly, as if greeting an old friend.

"You know, I am only responsible for fighting, and I am not the one who makes the decision on planning. If you want to know, you should ask the 'Hanged Man'."

Baiju's eyes flashed, and he said softly:

"Since I'm here, do you want to continue?"

"That's not necessary. I don't want to fight a meaningless battle. However, I will stay here for a while. "

Jia Luolou waved his hand, expressing his unwillingness to fight him, but he was determined to delay for some time.

"Do you want those people below to continue to complete what you want to do?"

Bai Ju looked at the exposed 0-7 prison not far away and said thoughtfully.

"I am not so bad that I put my hope on some weak people. However, you only came with one judge, and you want me to retreat. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me?"

Jia Luolou said silently, with no sadness or joy on his face.

It is hard to tell whether it is true or false.


Waste disposal area.

Hu Dou looked at the increasingly dark sky outside through the gap in the ceiling, and was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but he could do nothing.

What happened to Ye Tian? Why hasn't he come yet?

It won't be an accident, don't let it happen at this time.

"Brother Hu, do you think Brother Ye will have an accident? "

Shi Changsong asked in a low voice. The time for escaping the prison had long come, but Ye Tian had not come yet, so they could not leave. The noise outside was getting smaller and smaller. If reinforcements really arrived and the outside was pacified, their plan would be ruined.

Bramo, who was standing behind, was more anxious than him. If he had not suppressed his thoughts in his heart, he would have dragged out someone's eighteen generations of ancestors to greet them.

The reason why he stood behind was because he felt that if he stayed next to Hu Dou, he would definitely ask. If he accidentally said that he had a fork in his mouth, and Ye Tian was fine, he might have an accident.

Hu Dou looked at the two people who were getting more and more impatient, gritted his teeth, and was about to suggest that he go out to find someone, when a figure suddenly flashed in the distance.

"Hey! Are all the people here?"

Hu Dou looked at Ye Tian appearing in front of him, and was overjoyed, and went over to pat him.

"I've been waiting for you! What are you doing? Why are you here so late? If you were a step later, I might have to go out to find you. "

Ye Tian looked at Hu Dou and the other three, smiled carefreely, and said humorously:

"I just met some people and did some things, which can be regarded as a period of my life."

Without waiting for Hu Dou and the other four to wonder, he walked inside first:

"Okay, we should set off. "

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