The miracle value from Lu Yi +5, the miracle value from Genban +5, the miracle value from Qin Die +10, and the miracle value from Cui Shiping +15.

What the hell? Is it really useful? And Lu Yi and his names also appeared.

But, this miracle point looks a bit dangerous. .

"Looking for death! Don't stop me, I'm going to kill this bastard today!"

Ye Tian was startled and quickly hid from Xiaodie.


A clear sound of drawing a knife sounded, and a cold and sharp object pressed against his neck.

"What do you say? Who am I?"

A cold light flashed in Xiaodie's eyes, and the knife in her hand was ready to swing at any time.

"Xiaodie, calm down, it's not that serious. He is an important prisoner and cannot be killed directly."

"Don't persuade me, it's useless for anyone to say anything today!"

Xiaodie narrowed her eyes and asked:

"Do you dare to say what you just said again?"

"Yes, kid, do you dare to say it again? I promise not to kill you."

The captain of the Night Watch approached at some point, exuding a dangerous aura.

"Uh, don't get me wrong. I just want to say that she should be the saint of my sect."

Ye Tian waved his hands repeatedly, looking guilty.

"Saint? What is that?"

The captain of the Night Watch asked in confusion.

"It's the highest position besides me."

"Isn't that your woman?"

Xiaodie's eyes glowed with coldness, and the knife in her hand pushed forward again.

"Don't, don't get me wrong. The saint is a symbol. She is pure and innocent. She cannot get married. Besides, I am devoted to my career. How could I be interested in sex?"

Hearing this, Xiaodie's eyes faded, but the knife in her hand still did not loosen.

"Oh? You are not interested in sex?"

"Of course, I was taught not to fall in love early since I was a child. I have been single for 18 years now."

"Then I will help you cut it? It's useless anyway."

Xiaodie's blade loosened, and was about to move down, but was grabbed by Ye Tian.

"Don't, don't. I was taught since I was a child that people should come and go intact, and always keep themselves intact. If you cut me, I will be incomplete. This is more painful than killing me."

"Teached since childhood? Humph! A group of dirty bugs will only corrupt the atmosphere."

The captain of the Night Watch didn't know what he thought of. He snorted coldly and didn't force him anymore.

"Okay, Xiaodie, let go of the knife, okay?"

"Tsk! Coward."

Xiaodie put the knife back in and ignored him.

"Hey, kid! Do you know who taught you?"

"Uh, they're not here anymore."

Ye Tian said this with a somewhat lonely expression.

Xiaodie glanced at him and thought with some pity:

'Hey, he's also a poor child, who has been indoctrinated with evil thoughts since he was a child. Speaking of which, he's also quite innocent. '

Miracle value from Xiaodie +3.


Ye Tian looked at Xiaodie strangely, always feeling that something was wrong.

On the road again, he was much quieter and did not clash with the night watchman again.

After all, once or twice is fine, but if it happens more, he's afraid he'll lose his head.

"By the way, are there many people like me in prison?"

Ye Tian chatted with Lu Yi, hoping to find out more information.

He came here without any memories, so he can only rely on himself.

"Ah? You? It's not too few, but it's not too many either. After all, the Advent Sect is actually quite rare. Otherwise, there would be no need to mobilize so many troops just to arrest a leader."

The Advent Sect? It seems to be related to that kind of ceremony?

However, the high walls he saw before, and their excuses for being indifferent to prisons. There must be something he doesn't know about this world.

Ye Tian looked around and asked cautiously:

"It sounds like there are quite a lot of prisons like this. Besides the Advent Sect, who else is imprisoned there?"

Hearing this, Lu Yi narrowed his eyes and said jokingly:

"Hey, your idea is a bit dangerous."

"I'm just curious, who will my future cellmates be?"

He felt that Lu Yi seemed to have some suspicion of him, so he quickly found an excuse to get away with it.


"Of course."

Lu Yi stared at him for a while, then said:

"Level 0 prisons are basically related to you Adventists. Maybe

You can still meet your people. However, I advise you not to know too much, this is not a fun thing. "

The captain of the Night Watch behind looked up at Lu Yi and said nothing.

"Okay, this is it."

The crowd stopped in a forest, where two cloaked men were waiting.

"Eh? Aren't you going to the prison?"

Ye Tian looked around and found that there were only trees and no traces of any buildings.

"It should be underground. It's normal for a level 0 prison to be more secretive."

Lu Yi touched his glasses and said casually.

The two cloaked men came over and said calmly:

"Thank you for your hard work. We will take over them."

"Okay. Brothers, let's go. "

The captain of the Night Watch was obviously familiar with the process, and he took the people here and left them alone.

Xiao Die turned her head to look at Ye Tian, ​​hesitated for a moment, and left directly.

After they left, one of the cloaked men took out three pieces of black cloth and handed them to them.

"You need to blindfold."

Lu Yi glanced at the black cloth and said with a smile:

"I am different from them. I am here to take up a post."

"I know your identity. But I'm sorry, this is the rule."

The cloaked man was very polite, but his attitude was particularly tough.

"Okay then."

After the three of them were blindfolded, they were led to the front.

I don't know how long it took.

"Hey, who stepped on my foot?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean it."

"Genban, you go in front, you are too tall."

"What does it matter if you are tall and can't see the road?"

"I'll touch his back, and you follow me. This way, you won't step on others' feet, right? ”

“Heh, stupid way. I don’t need it.”

“You bastard! How dare you call me stupid?”

“It’s just a joke between friends, don’t mind it.”

“Do you think I’m a fool?”

“Sorry, I can’t see. But you can let me guess whether you are a fool or not.”

“I think you are drifting.”


Ye Tian felt his head suddenly hit Genban’s back, and asked in confusion:

“Why don’t you leave?”

“Okay, we’re here, you can take off the strips. "

The person who brought them here spoke, his voice was flat and did not change at all.

Ye Tian took off the black cloth, and the dazzling white light shot into his eyes. It took him a long time to react.

When he opened his eyes, what came into view was a dense mass of steel behemoths.

Huge gears were exposed to the air and were slowly operating. There were iron chain suspension bridges in the air, and there were hanging baskets going up and down in the sky.

People wearing black cloaks can be seen everywhere here, and their faces are not covered by anything.

The two people who brought them here also took off their cloaks, revealing two faces, one fat and one thin.

The tall and thin man with brown curly hair smiled and said to them:

"Welcome to Prison 0-7."

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