The explosion was so loud last night, but the scene was very interesting.

"Mom, will anyone come to eat here with such a loud explosion last night?"

"Of course. Maybe there are dangerous prisoners nearby, so even the night watchmen may come to eat."

"Really? Will the night watchmen come too?"

"I think they will. Wasn't it the same last time? After the accident, there were many night watchmen wearing black cloaks here the next day."

"Mom, if we also wear black cloaks, will we also be night watchmen?"

"Haha, don't think so. It's rude to them."

"Oh, okay."

Two figures, one big and one small, appeared in the restaurant.

The older one was wearing a gray-black cloth skirt with a shabby but clean green apron on the outside. There were some freckles on her face, and her hair was tied up and wrapped with a piece of reddish-brown cloth, which gave her a neat look.

The younger one was wearing a yellow cloth with pudding on it, with a big pocket in front of her belly, and two small braids on her head, and her eyes were as lively as a child.

They took out the leftovers from the counter, heated them up, and ate them simply. The bread was brought from home, and they did not live in the restaurant because their mother thought it was unsafe.

They would bring enough bread every time, warm it over a low fire, and if the customers could not finish it, they would use it as their dinner, so that the bread they provided would always taste good.

"Mosha, go open the door, someone should have gotten up at this time."

"Okay, Mom."

Mosha obediently went to open the door. The door of the restaurant was made of wood, and there was a three-finger-wide wooden frame on each of the two doors, with a crossbar stuck in it. A rope was hung on the crossbeam, and the rope passed through the wooden beam above and hung down.

If it is inside, just pull the rope gently to open it. If it is outside, there is also a corresponding way to open it. This kind of door cannot prevent thieves, and even if you kick the door with all your strength, the door and the wall can be knocked down together.

However, no one here will steal. Because everyone's life is not easy, even those who are desperate will not choose to steal.

Of course, the most important thing is that this place is very close to the wall, and there are often night watchers. The status of night watchers is very high in the hearts of civilians, and no one dares to commit crimes at the risk of being discovered by night watchers.

Mosha opened the door, and soon a middle-aged man came in with a sheepskin water bag in his hand.

"Mrs. Moy, as usual, get me a pot of hot water."

The middle-aged man put the leather water bag and a light brown coin on the counter.

This is the currency issued by the King's District, Faircoin. There are three types of this coin, namely Fer gold, Fer silver, and Fer copper, and the exchange rate between them is 1:10. The front of the coin is an exquisite cross, and the back is a tower-like building.

Currency here is more like a voucher, a middleware for exchanging materials, rather than an asset. The purchasing power of currency in different regions is different, and each region has its own set of measurement standards.

For example, here, 2 Fer coppers can be exchanged for a loaf of bread, and 9 Fer coppers can buy a bottle of wine.


Moi did not take the Fer copper, but went into the inner room to get a basin of water, came back and poured it into the pot, and then used a fire to burn the coal below, and then turned back.

Because the royal district attaches great importance to trees, it has vigorously promoted the use of coal. This kind of coal is made from specially produced trees. 5 Fer coppers can be exchanged for the restaurant's half-month usage, so no one would think of using wood that is less efficient than coal and takes time and effort to get.

"How is Duran doing recently? I haven't seen her go out for a long time." Moi asked while looking at the fire.

There are two stoves in the restaurant, one in the lobby is used to boil water, and the other in the back room is used to cook. The two stoves are actually integrated, separated by a wall on both sides, with the same chimney. This configuration allows her to talk to guests while warming water or baking bread.

"The reaction is not so intense, I think it will be almost the same in two months. I am still considering whether to take her to the royal district. After all, the conditions there are much better."

The middle-aged man said, with a slight smile on his face, and it can be seen that he is relatively happy in his heart.

His wife is about to give birth in nearly two months, so he spends every day

Come here to get a relatively clean hot water. If it is normal, even if he is not short of food, he will not be so extravagant as to buy water.

"Well, it is safer there." Mo Yi's eyes showed a trace of envy. Her biggest dream is to take little Mo Sha to live in the King's District, even if it is only for a short period of time.

"I was quite hesitant at first. Not to mention the cost of going to the King's District, the journey there is not close. It would be bad if something happened on the way. But now, I am a little determined." The middle-aged man looked out the window with melancholy, and his tone was a little heavier.

Mo Yi nodded and said with understanding:

"Is it because of the big noise last night?"

"Well. Forget about the one some time ago, after all, the scope involved was too large. But this time, it's just around here, I'm a little worried." The middle-aged man unconsciously clenched his fists, his face revealing worry.

"Well. You can wait for the news. If the night watchers take it seriously, it will be safer to leave while they are nearby."

The middle-aged man touched the stubble on his face and agreed: "I think so too. It depends on the presence of the night watchers in the next few days. Speaking of this, I would like to trouble you to pay attention."

"Of course, I will help pay attention." Moyi agreed immediately. At this time, the water was boiling hot. She used the basin she had prepared long ago to cool the boiled water and then poured it into the leather water bag:

"It's ready. Go slowly."

Moyi handed the leather water bag to the middle-aged man, and then put away the Fer copper on the counter.

The middle-aged man nodded, took the leather water bag and left.

"Mom, will it be dangerous for us to stay here?"

Mosha obviously heard the conversation just now and asked with some concern.

Mo Yi's eyes dimmed slightly, and after 1 second, he comforted:

"Don't worry, the bigger noises before were fine, and it won't be fine now."

Mo Sha said "Oh", and didn't ask any more questions.

There were not many customers in the morning, except for Uncle Wu and the first one to come, and Granny Mao who lived on the same street with them.

Granny Mao had bad teeth, and usually brought the hard bread to my mother to help heat it up, or make bread soup. Mom didn't want to charge, but Granny Mao insisted on giving two Fer coppers a week.

"Oh, when will the customers come?"

Mo Sha leaned against the counter, looking at the roof with some boredom.

"It's almost noon, I guess someone will come? I don't have enough salt, can you help me get some."


Mo Sha agreed stupidly, and slowly walked to the inner room, where the salt was placed in the cupboard.

The cupboard can be divided into two layers, the upper layer is a wooden shelf divided into square grids, used to store some light items. Below is a cabinet with two small doors, which contains spices. These spices are not very precious, but they are placed in a relatively dry cabinet for fear that they will get damp after being stored for a long time.

"As for salt, I remember it was in a red bag."

Mosha whispered to herself, and then pulled towards the cabinet door.

"Huh? Why can't it be opened?"

Mosha muttered, then grabbed the door handle with both hands and pulled it out with all her strength. She even leaned back to try to add her body weight.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make the cabinet door move at all.

"What's going on? Why don't you ask your mother to open it?"

Mosha frowned and looked at the cabinet door. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, the cabinet door suddenly opened.

Then, the room became silent.

Inside the cabinet.

Mosha opened her eyes wide and looked at the "child" inside, and the whole person fell into deep doubt.

"Who are you?"

The two looked at each other for more than ten seconds, and Mosha finally couldn't help asking.

Ye Tian looked at Mosha nervously, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that she had no intention of "reporting" him to her mother. If he was really treated as a bad person by her mother, he would be forced to leave.

Fortunately, he was smart and disguised himself as a child in advance, which dispelled Mosha's vigilance.

"Uh, I, I came from the next village."

Ye Tian held his forehead and hadn't thought about making up a fake identity. But since the other party is a child, it should be easy to deceive, right?

"You are talking nonsense. The nearest village is more than ten kilometers away from here, and there are wild dogs on the road. You, a child, can't walk here at all. And I know everyone in this village, and you are not there at all."

Mosha looked straight at Ye Tian and ruthlessly exposed his "lie".

"Uh, that, actually..." Ye Tian rubbed his temples and really didn't know how to make up.

"You are nearby

"You are a little gangster, right? Only among those people are there 'kids' that I don't know."

Mosha said in a tone of "I know who you are better than you do", and emphasized the word "kid".

"Ah, yes." Ye Tian pounded his palm, his eyes brightened a little, and then said proudly:

"That's right. I have been a bully in the village since I was three years old. Even dogs have to give way to me."

Then Ye Tian poked Mosha's shoulder and raised his chin:

"What do you think? Are you afraid or not?"

"No." Mosha snorted softly, then sneered: "You damn guys, you are restless all day long and will cause trouble to others. I hate you so much. "

What? You're not afraid? I was going to threaten you not to tell anyone about me, why aren't you afraid?

What should I do next if you do this?

"Well, I should go out now. You can stay here if you want, as long as you don't cause any trouble for us. I warn you, you'd better stay away from those hooligans, or I'll chase you away with a stick next time."

Mosha warned solemnly, took a bag of things from inside and went out.

Ye Tian looked at the closed door, his mind blank.

This, is it successful?

Who am I? Where am I? Did I do anything just now?

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