The more you say something, the more you will be punished.

Ye Tian looked at the group of people, sneered and said:

"Let's play a game? Each of you says a bad thing you have done, and another person must prove it for you. If it is true, come over and spit on him.

"You come one by one, and after a round, the first person starts again until you can't say anything. Of course, if someone stops, congratulations to that person, you have won one of my 'lucky children', and I will give you a special 'reward' later. "

Ye Tian's words were like a devil, hitting these people's hearts, and even Huang Shan couldn't help but secretly swallow his saliva.

The young people around them suddenly turned pale. Although this person was obviously more powerful than Huang Shan, they didn't dare to compete with Huang Shan.

Not to mention the majesty that Huang Shan had established in their hearts, it was difficult for them to spit on him. Take the revenge that is likely to happen afterwards. After this person leaves, will they still live?

But if they don't do this, they will be the ones who are unlucky. The so-called "lucky son" will not have a good end. No matter how you choose, it seems to be a dead end.

Just when they were struggling to weigh the pros and cons, Ye Tian added:

"Oh yes, my ability can identify lies. If any of you lie to me, then you will automatically be included in the ranks of "lucky sons". "

After these words, some people's faces turned paler, and it was obvious that their "plans" were shattered by Ye Tian's words.

A quarter of an hour later.

"I, I am a bastard. I was hit on the head by Brother Shan, so I spilled some of my urine in the water he drank.", a thin young man with brown hair said weakly. If Huang Shan's mouth had not been blocked, he really didn't have the courage to say it. He didn't dare to look at Huang Shan, but he estimated that Huang Shan's face would not be too good.

The fact was indeed as he expected. Huang Shan's eyes were wide open, staring at the young man.

"Who can prove it?"

Ye Tian's mouth corners slowly curled up, as if casually.

"Daomeicui can prove it. He secretly saw it at the time, but he didn't tell Brother Shan about me. ", the brown-haired young man said with a bitter face, and he did not forget to show an apologetic smile to a "pineapple head" young man not far away.

The young man almost lost control on the spot, and shouted with a dark face:

"Fuck you, Ge Si, I helped you keep a secret, and you were afraid of death, and you turned around and sold me out? Fuck you ****** (omitted some words)"

Daomeicui was stopped by Ye Tian's sharp eyes before he cursed a few words. He was so scared that he quickly stood up and said:

"I can prove that what Ge Si said is true."

Huang Shan's face was flushed. If he hadn't been corroded by Ye Tian's dark erosion, he would have killed people long ago. Unable to move, he could only use facial expressions to express the ten thousand horses with grass and mud in his heart.

"Okay, Ge Si goes to spit, you continue. "

Ye Tian crossed his arms and urged expressionlessly.

This was a trick he discovered by chance after playing a round. The effect of this chain actually met the conditions for creating miracles, and it could bring him a lot of miracle points every time.

So, Ye Tian adopted it happily.

Daomeicui didn't dare to hesitate. After all, the last person who did this was commanded by Ye Tian to swallow several mouthfuls of phlegm, which almost made him vomit.

Daomeicui walked quickly to the center of the crowd and said nervously:

"I am a bastard. I once asked Brother Shan how to awaken. He said it was a matter of talent. I thought he was fooling me, so I bought alcohol from a black-hearted merchant and mixed it with beer as a gift to Brother Shan. After Brother Shan drank it, he was drunk as I expected. That night, I took off Brother Shan's pants and carried him to the doghouse.

"Well, only Brother Shan knows that I sent wine. Although no one saw me do it, everyone knows that Brother Shan took off his pants and slept with the dog."

Miracle value from Huang Shan +200.

Miracle value +20+30+26......

Oh my god, so exciting? Ye Tian looked at this young man who seemed a little shy and kept scratching the back of his head with his hands, and couldn't help but give him a thumbs up in his heart.

After Dao Mei Cui finished speaking, even Ge Si, who had just spit out saliva, was stunned, and his eyes kept moving between Huang Shan and Dao Mei Cui. Dao Mei Cui didn't show anything yet, but Huang Shan was about to explode.

Huang Shan originally thought that day was his own

He was drunk, and he didn't expect that it was Dao Mei Cui, the bastard, who did it. Moreover, Dao Mei Cui usually supported him in everything, and he regarded Dao Mei Cui as his confidant. Although he didn't think highly of Ge Si, Huang Shan also regarded him as his proud subordinate because he served tea and water, and thought that he would definitely bring him with him when he became rich in the future.

What was the result? The two of them showed him such a "wonderful" performance?

Ge Si came first, and then Dao Mei Cui came after Ge Si?

These two bastards really deserved to die!!!

Huang Shan's face turned from red to black, and he was almost choked to death by a breath of air.

Ye Tian didn't bother to care about these, and invited the next audience with interest.

The next person stood up calmly, and had already prepared the manuscript. Since everyone was playing badly anyway, he had no scruples at the moment and said immediately:

"I'm a bastard..."


Mosha watched Ye Tian bullying those hooligans from a distance, her fingers of both hands kept pinching each other, and a smile unconsciously appeared on her face.

Unconsciously, she had forgotten Ye Tian's "real identity".

"Hey, you silly kid, what are you standing there for?"

Ye Tian walked over with a figure-eight step.

He had almost finished playing, so he ordered the group of people to stand still for a quarter of an hour, and he left first. Anyway, his goal had been achieved, and as for what they would do next, it was not something he needed to consider.

"You are the child!"

Mosha was very dissatisfied with Ye Tian for calling her a child all the time, and she retorted.

Ye Tian didn't care, opened his palm, and revealed 5 golden coins, which were the Fergin that Mosha had been robbed of. In addition, there are 7 Fer silver coins, which were looted from the gangsters.

Mosha looked at the coins in front of her and blurted out:

"Ah, that's too much. I was only robbed of 5 Fer gold coins and 2 Fer silver coins."

"Take it, just consider it as the price they paid for bullying you."

Ye Tian stuffed the coins into Mosha's big pocket, tucked her pocket, and then dragged her back.

"Hey? Don't pull me, I can walk."

"Really? Then walk faster, your legs are so short, and you always want to keep pace with me."

"Hmph, if you have the ability, turn back into 'Little Leaf', 'Little Leaf''s legs are much shorter than mine."

"Bah, I'm this tall, okay? Also, don't call me 'Little Leaf'."

"It's okay, I know you were originally a short person, but I won't look down on you, Ye Zi."

"Ah hey! When did I become a short person? Don't put yourself in my shoes, okay?"


At the head of Xicun.

A gangster knelt in front of Huang Shan and trembled. If he hadn't really had nowhere to go and could only stay near the village, he would have run away like Daomei Cui and the others.

"Brother Shan, Father Shan, Grandpa Shan... I really didn't mean it. You saw the situation at that time, I really had no choice. And if we really want to judge the crime, Dao Mei Cui..."

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked away by Huang Shan.

"Don't mention his name in front of me!"

Huang Shan, with his sticky hair, trembling eyes, murmured:

"Gai Si, Dao Mei Cui... Don't let me catch you!"

Then, his eyes suddenly darkened, and his tone was as cold as a beast's roar:

"Lu Yi, I will remember you! How dare you bully me like this. I, Huang Shan, swear that I will make you...

"Hundred (sui)! Times (shi)! Pay (wan)! Return (duan)!!!"

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