The truth is, you can't be too foolish.

Fu Ma didn't think much and answered honestly: "My name is Fu Ma."

Prince consort? What kind of name is that? Are you going to marry a princess?

Wait, this isn't... this isn't... ugh!

Ye Tian's eyes twitched and he tried not to think about it, and instead tried directly: "I heard that your family is very rich?"

Fu Ma immediately became alert when he heard "money".

Ye Qian started talking about money again. Sure enough, he wanted to use the advantage of money to defeat me, but I couldn't be fooled like this.

"No, my family doesn't have much money, but we are not short of it. Every year, nearly 10,000 pigs are born in my family. It is easiest to exchange them for money, but we can also exchange them for other materials."

Fu Ma said carefully, trying to divert the topic away from money and at the same time bring up his own advantages.

"Nearly 10,000 pigs every year? 6 Fergin per pig, 10,000 pigs is 60,000 Fergin...", Ye Tian couldn't help smacking his lips after calculating in a low voice.

Tsk~~ Dog rich man!

Of course, no matter how envious and jealous he was in his heart, he couldn't show it on his face.

Ye Tian nodded and said in a fake calm tone:

"I heard that your pork is delicious? I would like to try it if there is a chance to see what the difference is."

Fu Ma was stunned for a moment, and found that this seemed to be an opportunity to show himself, and immediately said:

"It's not up to me to decide whether it's delicious or not, it's up to others to judge. But I can give you a few, just as a way for you to taste the local specialties here."

As he expected, the people around him sighed at his generosity.

Great, when Feiyan hears this, she will probably change her opinion of me. Fu Ma was overjoyed, and secretly looked at Ye Tian, ​​hoping that he would come again.

Little did he know that Ye Tian was also overjoyed at this moment, and his eyes were secretly looking at Fu Ma.

I want your straightforwardness, keep it up.

Ye Tian said "hmm", and then asked in a vague tone: "I also heard that everyone here raises horses, you should have a lot of horses at home, right?"

After saying this, Ye Tian was excited and wanted to send a few horses out for Fu Ma.

"Ah, this..." Fu Ma hesitated for a moment. Although they raised a lot of horses at home, they were all bought, and it was not something worth showing off.

Seeing Fu Ma hesitate, Ye Tian thought he was reluctant, and immediately provoked him with some contempt: "Why? Don't you have many horses in your family?"

Fu Ma's face turned pale, and he felt that he was about to be suppressed by Ye Qian. Just as he was thinking about how to break the situation, he suddenly thought of his father's teaching again: "What you need to do now is to make Ling Feiyan think that you are better than Ye Qian."

Yes, I just need to make Feiyan think that I am stronger, not what Ye Tian thinks.

Fu Ma's eyes began to firm up, and his thoughts surged rapidly in his mind... Ye Qian had impure intentions when he mentioned money, and suddenly mentioned horses must have other intentions... My name is Ma, and my father's sustenance for me is also Ma. This is not a secret in the neighborhood... I know.

Fu Ma raised his head suddenly, his eyes slightly condensed.

It turned out that Ye Qian's real purpose was not to ask about horses, but to ask about my career!

He must know that I haven't started raising horses yet, and wanted to treat this as a joke.

What a vicious scheme, but unfortunately I have seen through everything!

Fu Ma hesitated for a while, but decided to say it.

Ye Tian, ​​who used his eyes to observe the words and expressions, was almost laughing like crazy in his heart.

He didn't expect it to be so easy. As soon as he got the horse, he patted his butt and left. The fat boy could do whatever he wanted. Anyway, he would not accompany him.

Fu Ma looked at Ye Tian who was trying hard to hold back his laughter, and a surge of anger rose in his heart. He said confidently:

"It's not me who has the final say on whether Ma Shao is good or not. It's up to others to judge. My Fu family never relies on words, but proves itself with actions. One day, I will be able to turn all the pigs in my family into horses!"

[The light of dreams, from Fu Ma's miracle value +500. 】

"Good! Well said!"

"As expected of the young master of the Fu family, he has such determination at such a young age."

"I originally thought that the young master of the Fu family was not ambitious, but now it seems that he is just pragmatic and low-key."


"What the hell?" Ye Tian's mouth twitched violently, and he almost burst out with a mouthful of Chinese quintessence.

Why don't you play by the rules? Shouldn't you give me a few horses to play with?

And what pigs and horses, what did you say to me?

Ye Tian, ​​who didn't believe in evil, recalled what he had just said, and asked again: "I heard that your family's

"Good horses run very fast. I want to try how fast they run if I have a chance."

After saying that, he looked at Fu Ma eagerly, and kept urging him in his heart: Hurry up, I've been so straightforward, and you're the only one left to deliver the horses.

Good horses? He's talking about the ones I prepared for the horse racing competition? Fu Ma's eyes turned and he understood Ye Tian's intention.

Those horses were selected by his father, and he spent a lot of money on them.

Although he felt a little sad to use them as prizes, this is the tradition of marrying a wife here, and he didn't think it was a big deal.

But why did Ye Qian mention this? Is it because he has better horses to take out, so he wants to ridicule himself?

Fu Ma, who saw it clearly at a glance, naturally wouldn't be fooled, and of course he couldn't just go along with the other party:

"They are just some stronger horses, not good horses. Horse racing here is a spirit, not just about the quality of the horse.

"If we really want to compare who has the better horse to win, then what's the point of horse racing?"

After Fu Ma finished speaking, passers-by immediately applauded.

"Well said, it's exactly the same as my idea! Horse racing is the spirit of the race, what does it matter if the horse is good or bad?" A man who Ye Tian was quite familiar with excitedly waved a whip, with a skinny horse following behind him.

Fu Ma's face turned slightly red. He actually heard this by chance, and said it as he thought it was appropriate. He didn't expect that someone would praise him, which made him feel a little guilty.

However, for the sake of his wife, he didn't care about the embarrassment in his heart.

Seeing Ye Tian's black lines, Fu Ma, who felt that he had won a game, said generously: "If you want to try, I can take you to visit my horse farm."

"Visit? Why are you so stingy! Not even a dog... Wait, let's go to the horse farm for a visit?"

Ye Tian raised his head suddenly and looked at Fu Ma with shining eyes.

Fu Ma nodded indifferently. In his opinion, his action was to despise the other party in action. No matter how Ye Tian responded, he did not lose.

"Okay, let's go now?" Ye Tian rubbed his hands fiercely. If there were not so many people watching him, he would have wanted to kiss the little fat man.

Ah, I can't give my first kiss to this bastard.

But this little fat man is quite good at dealing with things. He will give whatever he needs.

"Let's go?" Fu Ma was stunned. He didn't expect Ye Tian to really go.

According to his father's teachings, shouldn't Ye Qian change the topic and compete with him in other advantages? Why did he agree so easily?

Could it be that Ye Qian had another conspiracy?

Seeing the other party's eagerness to try, Fu Ma suddenly didn't want to take him there.

But with so many people watching, he couldn't really go back on his word.

So, Fu Ma, who was wearing a black dress with golden horses embroidered on it, and Ye Tian, ​​who was wearing a red dress with Ferkin embroidered on it, walked side by side and went straight to the horse farm.

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