After the meal, the waiter came to the room.

When they arrived at the main hall of the inn, Hu Dou and his friends had been waiting here for a long time. This was what they had agreed to do before. If he didn't come back for a long time, they would come to the inn and wait.

Ye Tian gave them a look, then ordered a meal and asked the waiter to send it to the room.

After the waiter left, Hu Dou and his friends slipped into Ye Tian's room. This was a simple matter for them.

Several people sat together. Hu Dou, who was the person who was most familiar with Ye Tian, ​​asked directly: "What happened?"

Ye Tian had no intention of hiding anything. He said in short: "I won the horse, but there was an accident in the middle. Do you still remember the most beautiful woman in the district?"

"I remember, isn't it Ling Feiyan? People here mention her from time to time." Hu Dou spread his arms and said speechlessly. What is the most beautiful woman? It doesn't sound good. It is estimated that there are not many beauties here that are praised like this.

"Is there something wrong with this Ling Feiyan?" Bramo saw the key at a glance.

"Yes, she or the people behind her are not simple and have abilities." Ye Tian didn't dare to say too much. He mentioned it roughly. He also wanted to hear other people's thoughts.

"Ability? It's too difficult for ordinary people in this place to awaken their abilities, not to mention that it's surprising to you, Brother Ye. The capable person behind Ling Feiyan concealed this, could it be for the Fu family's property?" Shi Changsong guessed pertinently. As the oldest among the few people, he directly saw through some things.

Ye Tian nodded slightly. He thought so too, but there was one thing he didn't quite understand: "Do such people with abilities often attack ordinary people?"

Although there are capable people in Fu Ma's family, in his opinion, they can only be regarded as strange people. The ability of the Sun and Moon Protector is useless in battle, but the person who attacked him is different.

"A person with special abilities attacks ordinary people? This is divided into different areas." Bramo thought for a moment and then said, "Ordinary people are the majority in this world. Except for those who harm innocent people, there are not many people who specifically attack ordinary people. There are not many similar cases of murder and robbery. There may be many in the outer ring at the edge of the second wall, but this is the inner ring near the first wall. This kind of thing is really rare."

Shi Changsong agreed and said, "Yes, the night watchmen are not here to eat dry food. If a person with special abilities dares to attack ordinary people near the inner ring, the intensity of the pursuit is not a joke."

Ye Tian pursed his lips silently. He understood that the ordinary people here were weak, but the person with special abilities did not dare to point the spearhead at them easily.

"Wait, what do you mean by inner and outer rings?" He asked in confusion.

The few people who had long been accustomed to Ye Tian's lack of common sense were not surprised, but they were a little embarrassed about who would give him a popular science. After all, this kind of 1+1=2 problem is often a bit embarrassing to explain.

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and Genban explained in a low voice: "There are a total of 150 areas within the second wall. Except for the 30 areas within the first wall, the other areas are 30 areas in a ring, and there are four rings in total, which are called the inner ring, middle ring, side ring and outer ring."

"Oh, so that's what you mean. I knew it a long time ago, but I didn't associate it with each other." Ye Tian added without blushing, and then wondered about Ling Feiyan's purpose: Why did she attack him?

I just came here for less than a day, and there is no conflict with her... Wait, if there is a conflict, the only one who has a conflict with him is Fu Ma, so...

"Ye Tian, ​​what are you thinking about?" Seeing that no one spoke, Hu Dou asked habitually.

Ye Tian, ​​who unconsciously put himself into the perspective of a detective, paused for a moment, and said: "Oh, nothing, we will go to get the horse tomorrow. No matter what conspiracy Ling Feiyan has, it has nothing to do with us."

At most, it is to remind Fu Ma, which is considered as compensation for fellow Taoist. Of course, Ye Tian said this in his heart.

After sending Hu Dou and the others away, Ye Tian lay alone on the bed.

The fat woman was Ling Feiyan, and it seemed that she was also controlled. Behind her was probably the middle-aged man. The purpose was also easy to guess... It was nothing more than to seize the things in Fu Ma's house. In order to avoid the attention of the night watchers, she chose to get married. Fu Ma seemed to be completely unaware of it.

"Because my intrusion ruined their good deeds, they targeted me?" Ye Tian muttered to himself, and then took out the Book of Miracles.


"This time is different from the time when I saved Angie Solo,

Even if I don't open my new ability, I can guarantee my safety. It's fine if they don't provoke me, but if they come to cause trouble, I'm not a good-tempered person. "


The next day.

"Is anyone there?" Ye Tian knocked on the door a few times.

He didn't have to wait long before a servant opened the door.

Ye Tian saw the servant's eyes light up and said, "I'm looking for Fu Ma. I beat him yesterday, but he hasn't fulfilled his promise yet."

The servant also recognized Ye Tian and replied hesitantly, "Master Fu didn't come back last night."

"Huh? He won't want to default on his debt, right?" Ye Tian was immediately annoyed and his face darkened in a second.

"Uh, that's not the case. I heard that Master Fu seemed... seemed uh." The servant's eyes were obviously evasive.

"What? ", Ye Tian looked at him suspiciously, his expression became more serious, as if "If you dare not say it, I will make you look bad".

"It seems that he was detained in the detention center. You can go there to find him.", the servant finally lost his temper and told the truth.

"Detention center?", Ye Tian's eyes twitched. If he remembered correctly, this had something to do with him.

Seeing that the horse was nowhere to be found, he waved his hand helplessly and turned back.

Fu Ma was detained in the detention center, and he really had no way out. As a new criminal with a reward of 10,000 Fergin, he still had basic self-knowledge. It was a fool's business to gamble his life on whether others could recognize him.

"Well, Fu Ma's place doesn't work. Can I only steal horses? I only rented the inn for two days. If I don't leave now, I'm afraid I'll have to sleep on the street tonight. "

Ye Tian scratched his cheek and thought, not noticing that an old woman had been following him.

The old woman's head was wrapped in cloth, revealing only a pair of eyes. She carried a basket on her arm, which was covered with a black cloth and looked bulging.

When passing a fork in the road, a horse-drawn carriage carrying goods came galloping in the opposite direction. Ye Tian pulled over to make way and prepared to wait for the carriage to pass before continuing.

The driver slowed down in advance when he saw the pedestrians, and only flicked the reins to speed up again when he passed the old woman, but what he didn't see was that a black silhouette flashed under the carriage in an instant.

Not long after they went, the horses became restless, and no matter how the driver drove, they couldn't calm them down. The carriage turned around at a very fast speed, and almost overturned because of the high speed. Then the carriage started to gallop in the opposite direction.

The coachman saw the carriage rushing towards the pedestrians on the side of the road, and hurriedly said: "Get out of the way! "

Although Ye Tian's abilities were limited during the day, this did not mean that he was the same as an ordinary person. When his mental power was active, his senses were far superior to those of ordinary people.

The moment he turned his head and saw the carriage, his eyes conveyed the best hiding position to his brain. Ye Tian retreated calmly, and there was more than enough time for him.

But at this moment, the old woman not far from him suddenly stumbled and fell to the middle of the road.

After seeing this, Ye Tian did not think much, took two steps sideways and grabbed the old woman, and took her to the side. The carriage brushed against the old woman. The basket in his hand whizzed past, and a corner of the top black cloth was lifted, revealing a gleaming dagger.

The old woman's eyes flashed, and she grabbed the dagger and slowly pulled it out, but the black silhouette that had just disappeared at the bottom of the carriage flashed again, taking the dagger away.

Ye Tian was habitually trying to look at the carriage, but was attracted by a white light in his peripheral vision. Before he could see it clearly, the white light disappeared, and then he saw the old woman rushing straight into his arms.

Thinking that the old woman couldn't stop because of inertia, he reached out and straightened her up, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

The old woman seemed to be frightened and stuttered and couldn't speak. Ye Tian patted her shoulder, then turned around and shouted: "Hey! What's wrong with you? Can you drive?"

"Sorry, I'm really sorry, my horse suddenly went crazy, and I couldn't control it just now." The driver waved his hands to explain, his tone full of earnestness.

"Humph! I am just a kind person. If you don't drive well, you will go to jail. ", seeing his sincere attitude, Ye Tian did not pursue anything, but just asked him to be more careful next time.

Fortunately, this is not the earth, otherwise he would have to blackmail him.

Looking at Ye Tian's leaving figure, the aftershocks in the eyes of the "old woman" slowly disappeared, and then a black silhouette flew down from the eaves and returned to the basket.

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