Use the dual oppression of language and strength to bring greater pressure to the enemy.
He has used this trick many times.
Kurapika’s face was tangled, and he kept changing positions, trying to avoid the opponent’s oppression.
Finally, he said, “I…”
Before he could speak, he was interrupted by the other party’s roar:
“Idiot, let me die!!”
It turned out that at some point, Kurapika had already entered the range of the Nian Beast’s attack.
Accompanied by Abu’s roar.
More than 99% of the Qi in his body was directed towards the Nian Beast.
“With this attack distance, he can’t dodge, he must kill!!”
Abu widened his eyes, as if he wanted to see the enemy being hanged.
“Ha ha!”
However, at this moment, Kurapika changed his previous expression.
The eyes that were originally flaming were now full of indifference, and even a trace of disdain could be seen vaguely from within.
The huge contrast between before and after made Abu’s consciousness confused for a moment.
“This is, see through my trap??”
“Even if you see through it, it’s absolutely impossible to dodge it with your movement speed!!”
The arrow is on the string and has to be fired.
Abu’s face was ferocious, and he simply injected the last breath of his body into Nian Beast.
At this point, he doesn’t need defense.
Just kill it before the other party attacks.
All hidden dangers will disappear.
Kurapika: “Stupid!!”
At his feet, another chain slowly emerged.
“This is……”
Abu subconsciously looked along the chain.
I saw that one end was tied to Kurapika’s body, and the other end was tied to a pillar on the edge of the ring.
When the sharp blade in Nian Beast’s hand fell, the chain tightened suddenly.
Then, Kurapika flew backwards at an astonishing speed.
puff! !
Abu’s head was instantly pierced by the chain.
He twitched for a second, and then slowly fell down with endless regret and unwillingness.
Under the action of the loudspeaker, the sound of the corpse falling to the ground resounded throughout the audience.
The whole venue was silent for a few seconds.
Then, louder cheers sounded.
Does it matter who wins or loses?
No, what the audience cares about is the excitement! !
Above the stands, Wojin’s eyes widened.
“This is winning?? What’s going on?!”
Nobunaga covered his face, he is also in the strengthening department, why is this guy’s IQ so low? ?
It’s too embarrassing for the reinforcement system! !
Xia Feng: “Did you see the last chain?”
Wojin nodded.
“That’s the key to winning. The opponent uses [hidden] to hide the beast, and Kurapika does the same.”
“The strength of that person’s recitation is good, but the basic skills are actually similar to those of Kurapika.”
“In a battle of that level just now, KurapiIt was difficult for Ka to find the Nian Beast in the corner, and he couldn’t find the chains on the ground either. ”
First use your real speed to create an illusion for the opponent, and then control the distance between yourself and the beast.
It is necessary to make the opponent’s heart move and launch an attack.
It’s not that there is no chance to dodge.
“Just like your [Super Destruction Fist], when any mind-ability user launches an attack, he will use [Condensation] to concentrate his Qi in the attack area, so as to obtain greater destructive power.”
“That guy has to maintain his ability to strengthen his mind, and he also has to maintain his mind beast, so of course he doesn’t have enough Qi.”
“Without the blessing of mind, his defense power is at most a little bit bigger than that of ordinary people.”
From Xia Feng’s point of view, that guy named Abu has really good mental quality.
The timing of the battle is also very decisive.
At the last moment, he was able to inject 100% of his energy into Nian Beast, and he had to replace it with other non-speed players.
Maybe it’s really possible to turn the tables!
He meets guys with a higher IQ than him.
Xia Feng looked at Kurapika standing on the edge of the ring, showing a satisfied smile.
“So complicated……”
After listening to Xia Feng’s explanation, Wo Jin gave a three-character comment.
Silently rolled his eyes, Xia Feng couldn’t complain.
As far as Wojin’s IQ is concerned, even in this world, if he joins the Phantom Troupe.
Sooner or later, Kurapika will be able to defeat the strong with the weak and crush him with his IQ! !

into the night.
After Xia Feng washed up, he was about to study some major life events with Ma Qi.
buzz buzz —
The communicator beeps.
Who is calling me at this time? ?
“Aruba, what’s the matter?”
Usually at this point, the other party will not, and dare not call him.
Unless there is something particularly urgent.
・・・・・・・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
“Boss, there is a guy, it must be your sister…”
younger sister? ?
Xia Feng was taken aback.
It took me a while to realize that the body I occupied was not actually an orphan.
On the contrary, his original family was quite rich.
However, his status is a bit embarrassing: the illegitimate child of Xiaosan.
Originally, because the memory of the master personality dominated, he almost forgot about this body, but he didn’t expect the other party to come to him on his own initiative.
“With such a family, it’s better not to!!”
Xia Feng quickly flipped through the original memory of this body, showing a disdainful smile.
But now that they’re here, let’s see what tricks they want to play.
By the way, I returned the favor of this body.
Maggie is careful, let her watch Kurapika here.
Xia Feng brought the restless Wojin and Nobunaga back to the headquarters of the Lixiao Group.
“Lantian” 456348770
“Boss.” Aruba greeted him immediately.
“What’s the situation now? Why are you still fighting??”
On the airship, he received an urgent communication from Aruba.
Said that his sister had fought with his men.
The result was unexpected.
… … 0
The opponent is invincible! !

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