But millions of people…
It doesn’t make much difference whether there is a ban or not.
He even suspected that V5 and the Justice League had obtained vague information at this time.
The other party may not be aware of the existence of the teleportation box, but they should be familiar with its effects.
Teleportation, this is a relatively precious mind ability.
The number is indeed rare, but for the volume of V5, it is not unusual.
The only thing he is worried about now is whether the dark continent information has leaked out.
Although the vast majority of special operations troops are from Meteor Street, no matter which world they are in, there should be no shortage of youngsters.
Xia Feng is not so arrogant that he thinks that everyone will bow down when his body shakes.
“As long as the information on the Dark Continent is not leaked, other problems can be resolved.”
The facts are similar to what Xia Feng guessed.
Since it is not only the dawn group fighters who participated in the battle, it is better to include the troops of the subordinate countries.
Therefore, not long after the Justice League and V5 launched their efforts, relevant information was gathered to the headquarters of both parties.
V5 base camp, strategic headquarters.
The generals looked solemnly at the information gathered by the intelligence department.
“How could there be such a mind ability?!”
“I don’t believe it either, but this is the most reasonable deduction.”
“Actually, there is nothing difficult to understand. Since there is a single teleportation, there must be a collective teleportation.”
“The five major disasters can exist, and it’s just a mere teleportation. I think it’s reasonable.”
“It’s not a question of whether it’s reasonable or not. It’s about the energy consumption. It’s hard to imagine how much energy would be consumed for a teleportation involving millions of people.”
“Is it possible that it is the ability of teamwork??”
A certain prince of the Kajin Empire has a similar mind ability. The more supporters around him, the more terrifying the total amount of mind energy that erupts from that team.
“I don’t know, but the possibility is very high, otherwise it’s hard to imagine who can have such a huge potential.”
Compared with other people’s arguments, the five supreme commanders don’t care about the principles.
They looked at each other. Although there was no communication, everyone knew what the other was thinking.
Wait for the crowd to disperse.
5 people meet privately.
“You say, is that news true or false??”
“It’s not confirmed yet. All the elite agents sent before have been found out by the other party, and the rest are all newcomers. They don’t know the existence of the Dark Continent at all.”
“It’s the same on our side.”
“If it’s just a similar place, then it’s okay to say, I’m afraid it’s true.”
“Report to the higher authorities, this matter is no longer our concern.It’s decided. ”
Soon, through special channels, military intelligence reached Tian Ting directly.
The five powers reacted surprisingly unanimously:
“Re-investigate! The authenticity of the information must be confirmed!!”
At this time, the previous combat deterrence of the Xiaoxiao Group began to play a role.
If it’s just an ordinary consortium, where does it need to be confirmed?
V5 only needs to give the other party an order: unconditionally cooperate with the investigation! !
Die if you disobey.
Unfortunately, the dawn group is not an ordinary consortium.
Nowadays, in the eyes of V5, the status of the Breaking Dawn Group is similar to that of some powerful countries.
Others can’t see clearly the causes, consequences and final results of the [Umbrella Project], how can V5 not know? ?
In a sense, they are masters at playing tricks.
You know, hundreds of years ago, V5’s land area was not as large as it is now.
Compared with the stability of V5, the reaction of the Justice League is more radical.
They also have spies hiding in the Dawn Group’s special forces.
It was just out of habit before, and I didn’t intend to play a role at all.
Unexpectedly, the useless pawn at the beginning brought such important information at this time.
“The Dawn Group can bypass V5 and go directly to the Dark Continent?!”
When this information was passed back to the Justice League, all member states were shocked.
Although because of the blockade of V5, many countries have not been to the Dark Continent for a long time.
But before the Great Lockdown, almost every country had been there.
As for the terror and disaster there, the information alone is shocking.
And a powerful country like the Kajin Empire knows the five major disasters brought back by V5 and their threats to the human race! !
Of course, from a national perspective, all controllable threats are not a problem.
“No Man’s Stone” that can generate electricity when placed in water, herbs that can cure all diseases, longevity food–Nitolomi, stock solution of all liquids–Sanyuan Water, alchemy plant–Metalion, danger and opportunity Equally, the resources of the Dark Continent are also coveted.
“Let the mole provide more detailed information, preferably in kind.”
“Also, contact Lixiao Group immediately, we want to discuss cooperation!!”
All far-sighted people know that the interests of the human territory are not even a fraction compared to the Dark Continent.
There needs land and land, and resources need resources.
The difference is that they can’t go there, and it’s extremely dangerous there.
However, judging from the performance of the Xiaoxiao Group, it seems that the other party has a way to solve these problems.
Cooperation, must cooperate!
The idea was immediately approved by all.
Soon, Xia Feng received related news.
“The position is different, and the reaction is completely different.”
420 Looking at the information submitted by the intelligence department, Xia Feng sighed a few words.
Going to the Dark Continent is not a difficult task for V5, as long as they want to do it, they can do it at any time.
The reason why I don’t go is just because the pay is not proportional to the harvest.
A lot of manpower and material resources are spent each time, but the final harvest is very little.
On the contrary, it will bring back some horrible existence from time to time.
Therefore, they are more concerned about whether their “baby” has been stolen.
As far as the Justice League is concerned, those who cannot go to the Dark Continent, their awareness of danger has already faded over time.
Even if you know the existence of the five major disasters, you just know it.
The simple information introduction is really not enough for deterrence.
They care more about profit.
As long as the benefits are large enough, the risk of destroying the country can be accepted, not to mention the five major disasters that only know the name but have never seen the real thing.
“Since there is an intention to cooperate, let’s talk about it.”
Regarding this issue, Xia Feng had already made two-handed plans.
If the news of the Dark Continent has not been exposed, then it will develop slowly according to the original plan.
When the Lixiao Group is strong enough, it will have a showdown with other countries.
On the contrary, if you encounter the special situation now.
Then there is only one way to go: win-win cooperation! !
Since we are unable to fight against the whole world, we should recruit more allies and share the risk equally! .
Chapter 203: Longevity Food – Nitolomi! (please customize)
Both parties have intentions, and the negotiation is naturally very smooth.
Since the decisive technology is on Xia Feng’s side, there is no doubt that the initiative is in the hands of the Lixiao Group.
For Xia Feng’s request, the Justice League approved some and rejected some.
First, all countries must make every effort to unblock the Dark Continent.
If V5 uses this method to attack, they must unconditionally stand on the side of the Xiaoxiao Group.
On this point, the countries have no opinion.
They are very clear that in order to truly plunder the resources of the Dark Continent, it is a necessary process for V5 to let go of the ban.
Xia Feng has made it clear that the means he provided are only suitable for small-scale exploration by elite troops, and are far from reaching the level of colonization.

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