Opening Reward 100 Million Lives

Chapter 2027: The system finally works

Chapter 2027 The system is finally a man

His master called very smoothly.

It made Jiang Cheng start to recall whether he had promised to accept him as his apprentice.

He also has nothing to do with Wushan's hob meat.

Even if you correct it, he will ignore it.

What's more, people are flattering, and it's not good to discourage enthusiasm.

And Changling on the side was also defeated.


Unify the Yuanxian Realm?

There are too many grooves, and she has no desire to complain.

You can only use squinting eyes to express your disdain for the 'master and apprentice'.

"By the way, Master, you have achieved great achievements, but have you made any major actions?"

Looking at Wu Shan's stance, Jiang Cheng deliberately said fiercely: "I want to kill Zhengshen, why don't I make you a Pathfinder Pioneer?"

This sentence scared Wu Shan's whole body.

He quickly waved his hand, indicating that he was not capable enough to take on this important task.

"Master, I think it's better to recharge your batteries first, and think from a long-term perspective!"

He treats Jiang Cheng as the son of the plane.

But the son of the plane should also follow some rules to kill by leaps and bounds, the righteous **** is too far away.

At any rate, take a few virtual gods to practice your hands first, and proceed step by step.

Brother Cheng had no desire to kill any righteous god.

"Okay, I'm going to practice."

He has just obtained the way of rules, and he is about to study it carefully.

Wu Shan made a new request.

"Master, I wonder if you can give me some pointers on that magical technique, I still don't understand how consciousness manipulates the origin in the surrounding world..."

"It's said that this is my innate talent, do you understand it exclusively?"

Jiang Cheng has no time to teach him.

What's more, if you teach, you can't learn.

"Master leads the door, and the practice is personal."

He patted Wu Shan on the shoulder and encouraged: "Although I'm not your master, the main thing for cultivation is to rely on my own perception, and you can't rely too much on my guidance!"

The five people who remained at the scene were speechless.

Say it as if you really pointed it out.

When the five of them continued to study "Tai Shang Hua Dao", Jiang Cheng had already clicked on the system skill panel.

In the column of Tiandao skills, he found the way of rules.

However, this skill was not named as Heavenly Dao Skill 5.

Because it is different from the previous power of shaking the sky, multiple vision, etc. that need to be actively triggered, the way of rules is a passive skill.

This made Jiang Cheng slightly relieved.

Passive skills, meaning that each casting does not need to consume profound crystals.

It's just that this skill has a progress bar and can also be upgraded.

Profound Crystal is required for each upgrade.

Similar to the three thousand mysterious patterns.

At this time, the level of this skill is level 1.

And to rise to the next level, you need a mysterious crystal.

Brother Cheng was not very happy. With his understanding of the system, if he was promoted to two or three levels, the amount of profound crystals needed in the future would be hundreds or thousands.

When he learned "Tai Shang Hua Dao" in Heaven, he still had 170,000 mysterious crystals left.

Afterwards, he received a payment for helping the Holy Emperor deal with Tiandao, and Xuanjing finally rose to 350,000.

As for the time when he returned to the Primordial Immortal Realm, the medicinal pills and the treasures from heaven and earth were all useful, but he didn't exchange the profound crystal.

"350,000, should you be able to order five or six?"

After consuming the first profound crystal, the way of rules rose to the second level.

A lot of insights about the combination of mysterious patterns flooded into his heart, so that he immediately withdrew before he could look at the system panel.

Then communicated the origin of death and the origin of killing through Xuanwen.

When the two root totems touched together, the two sources also disappeared at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, a gray stone appeared in front of his eyes.

Jiang Cheng was not disappointed.

He manipulated the stone and blasted it towards the mountains in the distance.

The moment the stones exploded, the mountains collapsed and turned into a cloud of dust.

The stronger the Heavenly Dao, the higher the plane level, and the harder it is to be destroyed.

For today's Yuanxian Realm, the degree of damage to this kind of landform is already very high.

Jiang Cheng estimated a little, and the power of the blow just now was equivalent to the power of the three source totems, which was indeed an increase.

He didn't stop.

Immediately afterwards, the source of ice and the source of sword were called up, and they turned into a blade of grass and sacrificed again.

Then comes the source of thunder and the source of water...

After experimenting with dozens of source combinations in a row, Jiang Cheng has completely understood the meaning of the 'The Way of the Rules' being upgraded to the second level.

As the name suggests, the second level is the source technique that can use two origins.

The origin technique of this system is very different from the various origin techniques explored by other immortals.

First of all, there is no need for any formula and arrangement.

As long as the two origins come into contact with each other, they can be automated into different origin techniques.

Second, any two origins can be combined, regardless of the type.

These two characteristics made Jiang Cheng overjoyed.

There is no need for complicated and cumbersome matching secrets, and it is much more flexible to use in battle.

However, the System Origin Technique also has a small flaw.

Profound patterns of different levels cannot be combined into a source technique.

For example, the Origin God Altar can only be combined with the Origin Divine Altar, and cannot be combined with the Origin Totem and Origin Phantom.

"It seems that in the future, the other profound patterns will still be raised."

Seeing that the system skills are so powerful, Jiang Cheng immediately opened the panel again, planning to upgrade a few more levels.

Then he noticed that the profound crystal required to upgrade to the third level actually only required 3 profound crystals.

This surprised Jiang Cheng.

With the consistent urine quality of the system, he thought that this level was at least 100 points.

After clicking this level, he automatically got the Origin Technique perception of the three origin combinations.

And the mysterious crystal required for the next level is 9 points.

"so little?"

"The system is really transformed this time!"

Point to the fourth level, learn the combination of all four origins, the next level only needs 17 points.

The brother-in-law was a little restless.

"It's tearfully cheap!"

"The system suddenly changed, my brother is not used to it, hahaha..."

He said that he was not used to it, but his hand was used to it.

In this way, Jiang Cheng has reached level 50 all the way, and the consumption of profound crystals required by the lower level has just exceeded 1,000.

At this time, he has already learned the powerful Origin Technique that combines any of the fifty origins with each other.

Putting it in the outside world, this is the threshold of high-level source art!

"It's too simple."

"The system has finally become a human, hahaha!"

With a smile on his face, he clicked again dozens of until he reached level 80, and he still had 280,000 of his 350,000 profound crystals left.

But as soon as he clicked, Jiang Cheng suddenly realized two small problems.

"This rule of law, there won't be level 3000, right?"

"Furthermore, I only have 3 origin shrines and 8 origin totems in total."

"This Origin Technique has risen to the 80th level, and it can combine 80 kinds of origins. I can't use it!"

Although the System Origin Technique is not limited to the types of rules, it must be of the same order of profound patterns in order to form an effective Origin Combination.

If Jiang Cheng wanted to use the eighty-level Origin Technique, then he could only use the eighty origin phantoms to combine.

The origin phantom is only the origin of the Taoist level, and its power is quite limited.

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