Opening Sign-in to a God of Wealth

Chapter 156: An extra pair of monitoring eyes

Chapter 156

"The store!"

Morey was about to have an attack, but saw Mo Xiaocao appear.

Only then did I know that the food was eaten by Mo Xiaocao.

"Hehehe!" Ye Chen looked at him and smiled triumphantly.

"You?" Morey complained: "Why didn't you say it earlier? I thought!..."

Thinking that the restaurant’s dishes were really not cleaned, which beauty accidentally got curls into the dishes.

"Eat! Drink! Leave her alone! The food is delicious! One more!"

"One more!"

In a while! The store had another dish of the same dish.

After such a toss, Mo Xiaocao never came back.

It was discovered that handsome uncle Ye Chen was playing tricks on her, and she was so angry.

If you can't fight him, and you can't fight him, what else can you do?

Angrily! She hides herself.

Without this little tail, Ye Chen was much more relaxed.

but! I think of her from time to time, and I feel a pair of eyes staring at him.

Not afraid! Get used to it 1

Don't do bad things for people, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night!

For a person with character, it seems that someone is watching!

Above the head, a sharp sword hung high.

What is the so-called: people are watching the sky!

just now! There is one more Mo Xiaocao.

Not afraid! Just look at me!

Your handsome uncle agrees with words and deeds!

"Who is she? This skill is too fast?" Morey asked incredulously.

"Do you still dare to compare with her?" Ye Chen asked.

Morey shook his head: "With the hand she showed just now, I am willing to go down!"

"Actually, she?" Ye Chen shook his head and didn't say anything.

"I don't care about her!" Morey nodded: "If she had treated me, I would have lost! Dead! I'll take it!"

"She is young and has little social experience! Alas!"

"Slowly it will be better! It will be better after more experience!"

"Yes! Drink!"

Without Mo Xiaocao's interruption, the two drank again.

Since they have understood each other, there will be no precautions and pretentiousness, and they will speak directly.

Morey admired Ye Chen's character.

Morey's strength also won Ye Chen's approval.

Each has its advantages and disadvantages, and each has its own merits.

Ye Chen has character, but is too kind and loyal. result! Passive everywhere in real life.

Morey was too strong to admit defeat everywhere. result! There are few friends in real life.

Others were forced to deal with him in desperation.

After dealing with him, I think this person is okay.

but! Just can't accept his strength.

Morey's aloof, self-respecting posture was unbearable.

In front of him, others always feel that they have no self-esteem and no respect.

And Ye Chen! Too kind, thinking about others everywhere. result! I'm bullied all over the world.

Not stupid! but! You are a fool in the eyes of others.

Others play you like a fool.

After the two of them had a heart-to-heart exchange, they all had a feeling: It would be nice if they combined into one person.

Ye Chen is stronger, then! Definitely mixed better!

If Morey gave up being strong and learned more about Ye Chen's kind heart, he would only have more prestige.

Others do not respect him, but cannot ask for it and are willing to be close.

A word! The two had the feeling of seeing each other late.

After eating a meal, the two became friends of the year.

Morey is in his fifties, twenty years older than Ye Chen.

"Are you a credit reviewer for China Agricultural Development Bank?"

"Ha ha!"

Ye Chen naturally didn't tell the truth, and smiled at Morey.

It's impossible to tell others about the worth of his boss.

"I heard! The Nongyi Development Bank has a long history! It has existed for thousands of years! It has existed in different forms in different historical periods! Before liberation, it was called a'bank.' After the new society, capital was spread among the people to help those in need. People. Later! The policy changed and the bank opened publicly. Before! Called the China Agricultural Development Bank!"

Morey said.

"Do you still know the history of our Nongyi Development Bank?"

"Right? Why did it change its name to Nongyifa Bank?" Morey asked.

"This one?"

"There must be a reason!"

"Actually! Nothing! Just! Because! That?..."

"Say!" Morey was anxious and asked.

His old temper is guilty again, and if Ye Chen hesitates again, he will lose his "boss temper".

The strong person is like this: you can't brush his mind.

"Our Nongyi Development Bank is a private bank, and it is wholly-owned."

"I know this! Talk about the point!"

"Our Nongyi Development Bank used to be called'Nongye Development Bank', isn't this? Someone sued us that our name was infringing!

"How did you infringe?" Morey became angry on the spot when he heard it.

Is this unclear? Is someone bullying?

Bullying you Agricultural Development Bank?

"There are many names of other registered banks, just like registered trademarks, all related names have been registered. So! Our Agricultural Development Bank is a taboo!..."

"Why are you taboo?"

"Our China Agricultural Development Bank's "Nongfa" has been registered. Isn't that? I had to add the word "benefit" in the middle!"

"This? Doesn't make sense?"

"Actually! We can solve it through legal means, without changing the name. But! That's very troublesome."

"Trouble? This can be troublesome? Isn't it? People bully you? Can you let them bully?"

"We also know that others are bullying! Isn't that? Let them bully! Let it become a ‘established fact’ that they have bullied us?"

"This?" Morey didn't understand.

Ye Chen explained: "These are not important. The key issue is: Our Nongyifa Bank has developed too fast, which has affected their business development. More importantly..."

"What is it?"

"Our Nongyi Development Bank's internal regulations have seriously affected the internal staff of other banks..."

"how do I say this?"

"Our Nongyifa Bank has a complete set of methods to punish internal staff, and the results came out and other banks followed suit. Therefore! It seriously affected the survival of the moths inside the bank. Therefore! These moths hated our Nongyifa Bank. , They tried everything to clean up us!"


Ye Chen briefly talked about the hidden rules inside the bank.

"Oh?" Morey nodded and said, "Yeah! This is a fact! If we don't rectify it? Isn't it strange that the bank doesn't go bankrupt?"

"Obviously a good thing! Good for the banking industry!"

"But you offend those worms?"

"Yes, yes!" Ye Chenying said: "There is no way! Our Nongyifa Bank developed through internal remediation! Moths! Don't keep one!"

"You? You are not a simple credit reviewer!"


"I heard! The boss of Nongyifa Bank, everyone can do it! The point is! As long as you have a character. Just like the head of the United States, everyone can run for election. You? You will not be the boss of Nongyifa Bank, right? ?"

"Brother Mo has a boss brother from Nongyi Development Bank, isn't it good?"

"Hahaha! Drink! Drink!"

Morey laughed and raised his glass, inviting.

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