Opening Sign-in to a God of Wealth

Chapter 167: Wealthy wife

Chapter 167

In just a few months, Li Yanfang had already studied the MBA.

With her female doctor's IQ, there is naturally no difficulty.

It can be heard from her words: She is applying what she has learned, learning and applying.

Originally, she studied machinery manufacturing and intelligent applications, but now she changes to business management, and it has no difficulty at all.

Seeing that Li Yanfang was better than him, Ye Chen was not jealous at all, on the contrary, he was very happy.

With his IQ, he was far behind Li Yanfang.

Again! His kindness and loyalty limited him.

And Li Yanfang! The ability to adapt to society is particularly strong.

before! He still looked down upon others, thinking they were nerds.

just now! He admires, convinces, and obeys others.

it is good! With such a good wife, what should you worry about?

If she doesn't worry about you, if you don't want her to worry about you, worry about it, or add to it, you are equal to fulfilling the responsibility of a husband.

Ye Chen suddenly remembered: The billion beautiful women distributed to him by the system should be his wife Li Yanfang.

Correct! It must be Li Yanfang!

Li Yanfang has more than two thousand patents in her family. With her management level, more than two thousand patents have been produced. Not to mention one billion, more money is possible.

Li Yanfang’s family now has more than two thousand patents. What's next? It's hard to say how many patents there are.

Li Yanfang's father leads a scientific research team that specializes in mechanical problems and generates dozens of hundreds of patents every year.

Those who followed her dad were all nerd-level research fanatics.

These people are nerds, so they fall behind in the face of the trend of the times. Their thinking is backward and they are not respected in other enterprises and scientific research institutions.

and so! They are all willing to follow Li Yanfang's father.

They would rather live a life in Qingping than a life that is rich but not respected.

In other enterprises and scientific research units, bosses and leaders are chasing profits. All scientific research that cannot bring them profits or benefits will be cut off.

And they! Do not pursue profit, only pursue your own hobbies.

They decide which project to research, regardless of the market.

to be honest! They are purely scientists.

They decide which project to research, and they are all willing without salary. Even more! I am willing to eat and sleep abnormally for days and nights.

For an experiment and test data, they are reluctant to leave for days and nights. Stay in the laboratory when you eat and sleep.

Just such a group of nerdy scientists, even if they have great professional abilities, those profit-seeking companies and scientific research units don't want them at all.

result! They all gathered here, Li Yanfang's father.

With this group of scientists who don't want fame and fortune, one can imagine: How many patents can Nanxiang Group have a year?

just now! With the financial support of Nongyi Development Bank, practical patents and patents with market prospects are put out for production. Can imagine! As long as there is a good manager, how much profit will be brought to Nanxiang Group.

Li Yanfang is a female doctor, and now she is studying business management and international market research. She is responsible for the production of Nanxiang Group's patents. It is conceivable: The future prospects of Nanxiang Group?

Billions! It will be much more!

Just relying on bank loan interest, how much can a bank develop? How much profit can be made in a year?

If you do not support the development of reliable and promising enterprises, how much profit can your bank make?

If the management is careless and the loan is given to a fraudulent company, how about repaying the interest? The capital will not come back!

Isn't there a precedent for bank failure?

Several banks have closed down!

Nongyifa Bank only relies on the deposits of 500 million plus depositors to make loans. How much interest can it collect in a year? Excluding costs, how much net profit can be made?

and so! You must support the development of reliable and promising companies, so that your bank can make more profits.

Although Li Yanfang is pregnant, as long as she is free, she will study management and international markets by herself.

This nerd studies like she did when she was engaged in scientific research. As long as she picks up the book, it is difficult to put it down.

Ok! She is a pregnant woman and has many things. After a while, the baby kicked her, and then she was hungry again, and after a while, she had to put down the books.

IQ of female doctors Just read it once and write it all down.

After reading a book, close the book and think about it, and you will be fully integrated.

You can read a book in a few days, how many books can a major have?

Can you imagine her ten months pregnant?

She has finished reading the two professional books for doctoral degrees.

Ten lines at a glance, never forgetting!

Li Yanfang not only wants to produce her family's patents, but also to make an "industrial chain."

For the time being, it will produce patented products, in the future! Raw materials, manufacturing, and sales are one-stop.

If you just produce patents, others may monopolize you, control you, and raise your costs on raw materials.

and so! In terms of raw material production and supply, we must do it ourselves.

The raw materials are available, and the products are yours, but the sales are not yours, and others are just like you.

and so! You have to do it yourself in sales.

Hehe! In just a few months, Li Yanfang had this mind!

really! You can't compare the doctor's IQ with them!


suddenly! Li Yanfang squeezed Ye Chen's ears and pressed her hands.

Ye Chen couldn't help crying out in pain.

"What is the party's policy?" Li Yanfang asked sharply.

"Frankly be lenient, resist strictly!" Ye Chen had to respond.

Shouldn't you try it out?

Believe it or not she twisted your ears open?

even! Screw it down!


"Say what?"

"Where did the baby come from?"

"Is it my seed?" Ye Chen responded.

"I planted the seeds, and then! They sprouted in your field. Later! Then there will be babies slowly... Ouch!"

"I ask you! This cute little baby girl, did any of your ex-girlfriends give birth to you?"

original! That's it!

Yes! What if the husband and wife are intimate and laughing? Li Yanfang wouldn't be so hard.

"No! No! It was on the train, someone abandoned it to me! The other is a single mother, unable to raise... Ouch!"

"Why not abandon it to others? Say!"

"Where do I know? Am I handsome?"

"Don't tell me? Don't tell me, I'll take her for a DNA test tomorrow!"

"Really not! No! Oh! The ears are going to be broken! Screw it again! Screw it again and I will be angry!"

"Are you still angry? Are you angry with me? Say!"



"Auntie! Forgive me! Ouch!"

"Say! Is it your second ex-girlfriend Jin Fengsheng?..."

Speaking of "Golden Phoenix", Li Yanfang lowered her voice in fright.

The other party's name is Jinfeng, and her mother-in-law's name is Jinhua, which is a bit taboo.

"Do you know all of this? Oh!" Ye Chen cried out in pain.

Is this okay? I had nine ex-girlfriends, after this! Sooner or later, the ears were squeezed off.

"How can I not know about such a big thing? Li Dakang had already hired it!"

"Li Dakang recruited?"

"Li Dakang hired everything on social networking sites! You? It's over!"

Li Yanfang just let go.

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