Opening Sign-in to a God of Wealth

Chapter 197: A leaf flying

Chapter 197

The adopted daughter's name came out, and her name was Ye Yuzhu.

So? Where's the son's name?

Everyone became interested.

The names of adopted daughters are so particular, then! Isn't the name of the biological son more particular?

The adopted daughter was picked up by Ye Chen on the train, so Ye Chen came to name her.

The son was born to great hero Li Yanfang, naturally! The name comes from her.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen expectantly, hoping that he would not sell Guanzi and announce the results sooner.

Ye Chen handed her daughter Ye Yuzhu to her mother Shao Jinhua, walked into the room and carried her son out.

Li Yanfang was inconvenient to get up, so she didn't come out.

She also wanted to know: How did everyone react?

How about the name she gave to her son?

"Drink tea! Drink tea! Drink tea!"

Seeing that everyone was looking forward to them, Grandpa and Grandpa smiled and greeted everyone for tea.

"Drink tea! Drink tea!"

Everyone responded politely.

On the surface! It is for them to name them. Actually! Just let them be witnesses.

but! Everyone is still very happy.

Since you are called, it means that you are worthy of you.

If it was before? It doesn't matter to everyone.

What's so great to make him look up to the Ye family? The Ye family is a poor family.

Poor man! No shame.

Although the Ye family is not bad, they are very kind. But you are too poor and others look down on you.

Although others have bad character, others have money and power, so they have face.

just now! The Ye family has a face!

The atmosphere is very good, warm and warm, full of human touch.

Ye Chen felt so happy to see how his son looked like him.

He couldn't help holding his son and showing it to everyone.

how about it? Is my son a handsome boy?

like me! That's handsome.

Everyone stretched out their hands and lifted the swaddle away, looking towards Xiaoye Chen's face.

I have to admit: Xiao Ye Chen is even more beautiful than Ye Chen.

That face! Upright, he is definitely bigger and more beautiful than Ye Chen's face when he grows up.

In addition! He also inherited Li Yanfang's genes, as if to make up for Ye Chen's shortcomings. therefore! Xiao Ye Chen is only more handsome and beautiful than Ye Chen!

After showing everyone around, Ye Chen held his son and sat down at the head.

After looking at everyone, Li Yanfang announced the name of his son.

"My family Fang gave her son a very straightforward and simple name! It's called'Yiyefeitian'..."

"Yiye Feitian?"

"How is it called Yiye Feitian?"

Someone asked puzzledly.

I thought: How can I call "Yiyefeitian" without the last name "Yi"?

Four-character name?

like? The name of a person can be four or more characters.

Two characters are fine, but it is easy to have the same name and last name.

but! Can't change the surname?

"Ye Feitian!"

Someone reacted quickly and immediately remembered.

It's not called "One Leaf Flying", but! "Ye Feitian"!

Yiye Feitian is the overall meaning of the name.

How does a leaf fly?

The name sounds interesting!

Not what Ye Chen said: simple and straightforward.

in contrast! The metaphor is profound and broad.

"How do you call Yiye Feitian?" Grandpa and Grandpa couldn't help but asked.

I thought: Great-grandchildren are our offspring, can't their names be messed up?

What a cat or a dog, we don't like it!

Our home! It's a serious person, and can't afford those names that are too tacky.

What age is it? Give children a cat and a dog?

"Fang, her father, and her grandfather have a dream of flying to heaven!..."

Ye Chen started talking.

Li Yanfang was in the next room on the first floor and was listening.

This time I came back and arranged her room on the first floor for convenience.

Anyway! She and Ye Chen rarely live in their hometown, so they just arranged it casually.

Li Yanfang also has a flying dream and wants to build a spaceship. Just like an airplane, fly freely between the planets.

When entering the earth, there is no danger, and it will not be burned when passing through the atmosphere...

As long as you have dreams and work hard for them, you will be able to realize your dreams.

To know! The predecessor of Nanxiang Group was Nanxiang Machine Factory.

It is specialized in manufacturing machines.

Both Li Yanfang and her dad are doctors in machine manufacturing.

Simple machines and mechanical manufacturing are too pediatric.

but! There is still a lot of knowledge in machine manufacturing.

just now! It's not just machine manufacturing.

The principle of the machine is easy to learn, but! High-end materials are hard to find.

For example! engine!

It shouldn't be a problem to manufacture engines, but to manufacture high-end engines, special materials are needed.

In addition! Modern technology has entered the era of intelligence.

The machine you make must also be able to intelligently control...

In a word: Science is endless!

It is far from the age of machine power.

"Fang's idea is: Feitian! Her father's idea is also: Feitian! So! Fang puts hope in his son, hoping to realize the dream of flying to the sky in his time!"

It's not just that scientists can fly into the sky, but! Everyone can fly into the sky.

Feitian is very safe, as long as you want to travel in the sky, you can go to Feitian.

of course! You have to be rich!

Flying to the sky is very expensive, much more expensive than flying.

One key: safety is the most important.

The planes are flying into the sky, so what is the difficulty of manned spacecraft?

If they were given funds from the Li family, she, her father and her father’s team could completely build their own airplanes.

If there are those conditions, they can also create spaceships for manned flight...

therefore! Li Yanfang named her son "Yiyefeitian".

Clever use of "Ye" surname: Ye Feitian.

in fact! It's not just Ye Feitian!

Can create a spacecraft that can fly manned, so how much profit will it bring to their family?

Li Yanfang's name for her son is not only a dream, but also a rise in wealth.

As long as her family's Nanxiang Group successfully invests in the construction of a factory in Banqiao Town, and has sufficient economic foundation, it will not be far from manufacturing spacecraft for manned flight.

Li Yanfang had this dream for a long time: to make practical and cutting-edge machine products first to make a fortune. then! Manufacturing manned spacecraft.

With the strength of her dad and her dad's team, this is not a problem.

It really doesn't work! She can also join.

she was! He is also a PhD and expert in machine intelligence applications.

After hearing Ye Chen's explanation, everyone was shocked.

There was a moment of silence at the scene, and everyone was thinking about their minds.

Do not! Emotion.

This is not only a person’s dream, but also the Ye family’s dream!

Ye family! From then on, one leaf flew into the sky, one flew into the sky.

Ye family! It's not the same Ye family anymore!

poor! Has become history!

"Is this name good?"

Seeing everyone staying there, Ye Chen reminded him with a smile.

"it is good!"

"Papa!" There was a round of applause.

"Let me just say it! The Ye Family! Will definitely get up!"

"Ye Family! Loyalty Home!"

"Ye family! Human character!"

"People with character! Sooner or later they will develop!"

"A person who has no character, even if he is developed, will sooner or later have nothing!"

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