Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 110: Xuan Gang, the Golden Body Secret Art is not bad

Just at Nangong Good Day, after throwing out that ball of white light, the extremely crisp metal sound seemed to strike everyone's hearts.

The endless cold light is terrifying.

A terrifying mind energy, as if integrated with the power of heaven and earth, made it in such an extremely short moment.

Time and space have slowed down.

In this short moment, this group of white light turned into countless illusory light spots.

Shooting toward Xuan Gang like a rain of fine needles.


The crisp and dense metal sound is flying like wild bees.

It's like a life-threatening joke that makes people uneasy.

At this moment, seeing the hidden weapon of the Nangong family, everyone was stunned.


Seeing Xuan Gang pronounced the Buddha's name, not only did he not have the slightest fear but also showed unspeakable excitement.

Suddenly thousands of golden light burst out of Xuan Gang's body.

The whole body turned into a golden body.

Such as wearing gold armor, incarnate into the body of the King Kong, amidst the dazzling golden light, Xuan Gang showed that the golden body was impenetrable and invaded by fire and water.

The pure and incomparable Buddhism breath, invincible, indestructible, invaded by all poisons, diamond is not bad, and invincible...


The dense white bright spots like a drizzle shot on Xuan Gang's body.

On the battle stage, around Xuan Gang, the ground was covered with dense white light spots.


Every white light spot suddenly emits white smoke, and the dense white light spots on the ground pierce through corrosion and burn out countless dense black holes.

The white light spot shot on Xuan Gang's body directly turned into a plume of white smoke...

Corrosion and burning did not cause the slightest harm to Xuan Gang.


The crowd onlookers in the audience were stunned, and couldn't help taking a breath.

"His, this is terrible too!"

"This... is actually poisonous."

"It's such a terrifying poison, it can burn a hole through corrosion."

"Oh my god, the Nangong family is such a powerful hidden weapon that can even corrode and burn a hole in the ground."

"What kind of strength is needed to receive the hidden weapon of the Nangong family?"

"What kind of poison is this? Such a terrible corrosion burn, what kind of body can be trained to prevent it?"

"But... Shaolin Xuangang was unscathed..."

"How did he defend it?"

"He didn't hide, but Nangong's hidden weapon didn't hurt him a bit."

"Shaolin Xuangang's body, Zhigang's defense is like wearing a golden armor, what kind of magic is that?"

"This... the golden body defense can actually withstand the hidden weapons of the Nangong family!"

"This is pure Buddhism magic, it from Wenshu Monastery...golden Buddha armor?"



The hidden weapons of the Nangong family, and the Zhigang defense displayed by Xuan Gang.

At the moment, unscathed, stunned the onlookers in the audience.

At this time, even the main stage, An Ruyun of Heng Daozong, and the old village owner Ji Yuan of Wujian Villa were not calm.

They were not shocked by the hidden weapons of the Nangong family.

After all, after dealing with the Nangong family for so many years, I have some understanding and prepared some ways to deal with it.

Only this Shaolin Xuangang.

Suddenly a golden light burst out from his body.

The whole body turned into a golden body.

Such as wearing golden armor, incarnate as a diamond body, with a pure and incomparable Buddhism breath, invincible, indestructible, invaded by all poisons, diamond is not bad, and invincible...

In the face of the Nangong family's inherited stunt killer hidden weapon, he even took it down in a straightforward manner.

He is unscathed!

"This is the golden Buddha armor?"

"This breath is authentic, pure Buddhism defensive magic!"



An Ruyun and Ji Yuan looked at the abbot Guangliang of Wenshu Monastery with shocked expressions of disbelief.

For a time, they did not want to understand.

They also have a way to deal with this Nangong family's deadly hidden weapon.

However, to be able to do this, the only one who can face hard and resist hard is the Golden Buddha Armor of Wenshu Monastery's Xeon to Gang defense magical skill!

The golden light on this Xuan Gang's body was dazzling, and his whole body was like a golden armor, which looked a lot like the golden Buddha armor of Wenshu Monastery.

This breath is also authentic and pure Buddhist magic!

"Abbot Guangliang, is this really..."

The head of the Nangong family, Nangong Wentian, turned his face even darker.

He also doubted the defensive magic used by Shaolin Xuangang.

It is the golden Buddha armor of Wenshu Monastery!

"Ok... what a Shaolin!"

"My Wenshu Monastery, the strongest defensive martial art Golden Buddha Armor is a territorial martial art."

"If the poor monk is right, Shaolin's most powerful and powerful defensive martial art, although it is similar to the golden Buddha armor of my Wenshu Monastery, it is also a set of authentic and pure nine-grade defensive martial art of Buddhism."

Guang Liang's eyes were shining brightly. What he was practising was the golden Buddha armor of the local supernatural power, so he could naturally see the defensive supernatural power used by Xuan Gang.

It has nothing to do with the Golden Buddha Armor of Wenshu Monastery.

It just looks a little plausible, and the most important point is that Shaolin's Buddhist defensive martial art only has nine ranks.

Compared with the Golden Buddha Armor of Wenshu Monastery, it is not even a bit weaker!

"Abbot Guangliang has good eyesight."

"Zhen Nai has a unique vision, this is my Shaolin defensive skill-not bad golden body art."

Xuan Xin nodded, although Gu Jing had no waves on her face, she felt quite refreshed in her heart.

Xuan Gang's martial arts talent is very strong.

He is also a martial idiot.

With this combat power, Xuan Xin had confidence in Xuan Gang from the beginning.

"Not bad for the golden body? What a nine-tier defensive magic!"

"It's another set of Nine-Rank exercises!"

"Shaolin actually has two ninth-rank exercises!"

"How much of Shaolin's martial arts heritage hasn't been revealed?"



Wenshu Monastery is wide and bright, Hengdao Zong is as safe as the clouds, and Nangong Wentian, the head of the Nangong family.

At this time, the five flavors are mixed in my heart.

A Shaolin who suddenly appeared from nowhere.

There is a set of exquisite nine-rank martial arts mastery, and a set of terrifying ground-rank internal skills for restoring ability.

Suddenly revealed a set of the most powerful Ninth Stage Buddhism defense magic!

Coupled with Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, the original martial arts talents, Shaolin's accumulation of martial arts foundation and martial arts inheritance is already comparable to Wenshu"

Ji Yuan, the old owner of Wujian Villa, chuckled and then narrowed his eyes.

It's like an old fox.

At the beginning, he was also shocked by the defensive magic displayed by Xuan Gang.

But he knew that the strength of Shaolin was just the tip of the iceberg.


On the main stage, Xuan Gang put away the magic, and the golden light faded away, without any damage.

Beside him, the ground is full of densely corroded and burnt black holes.

Good day to Nangong, who was born to be perfect.

At this time, the face is no longer calm.

"Very well, you are much better than I thought."

"But you are still not my opponent. Although I can't break your defense or hurt you, today, Nangong Good Day will consume you to death."

"It's a pity, you didn't build the foundation, otherwise my Nangong Ri'an would be no matter what..."

After calming down his state of mind, Nangong Ri'an regained his self-confidence again, but he was interrupted by Xuan Gang before he could finish his words.

"Don't talk too much."

Xuan Gang's eyes were full of fighting spirit, he just wanted to fight now, and didn't want to talk to you too much.

It was just an appetizer.

At this moment his blood has boiled.

With the operation of the magic power, the endless vitality of the world immediately gathered, and a giant elephant was transformed into Xuan Gang's head.

Between the giant elephant's spit, the river and the sea, the clouds and the rain, with a roar, the stars fall, and between the absorption, everything is silent.

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