Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 130: Only Shaolin can turn the tide

Guang Liang, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, and a group of high monks, for the eight disciples in the cave.

Don't be born by the king of ghosts.

For the people of Tianbei City to avoid this catastrophe.

Almost all of them are holding on to death, ready to fight to the death with all their strength.

Ready to die.

After all, the Wenshu Monastery should bear the main responsibility for the current situation.

Regardless, the eight disciples in the catacombs can finally come out alive and can prevent this catastrophe from happening.

The abbot Guangliang and the high monks were willing to sacrifice themselves.

Let Heng Daozong be as peaceful as the clouds, Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian, and City Lord Jin Mofu have nothing to say.

The mistake was caused by others.

But they are also willing to make up for or even die.

But I didn't want to, at the critical moment, Ji Yuan, the old owner of Wujian Villa, stood up.

Stopped the abbot Guangliang and a group of high monks.

"City Lord, hurry up and invite Abbot Xuanxin."

The old village master Ji Yuan looked anxious, he knew that even the abbot Guangliang and a group of high monks had died.

It is impossible to save the eight disciples in the crypt.

It is even more impossible to stop this catastrophe.

It's not that simple.

But the old village owner Ji Yuan knew that only Shaolin Abbot Xuanxin was able to turn the tide.

A true reincarnation Buddha.

The true living Buddha.

A Buddhist power, the existence that can truly communicate with the Buddha, only he can prevent this catastrophe from happening.


"Old owner, how can you pay it back..."

With a sullen expression and gloomy complexion, Abbot Guangliang couldn't help but shook his head.

A touch of despair flashed deep in the eyes.


Guang Liang and a group of high monks announced a Buddhist horn and closed their eyes.

"Old owner, don't be confused anymore."


The city lord Jin Mofu on the side was in a hurry. For him, the cave ruins caused a catastrophe that threatened the entire Tianbei City.

Not only did his official career come to an end, he also had to hold his head to appeal to the court.

At this time, although he didn't say anything.

But I hope that the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, Guangliang, and the high-level monks can try it last, even if they all die.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope.

Also try to see if you can stop this catastrophe from happening.

If it can be prevented, it is best, if it is not prevented, then there is really no way...

Everyone is dead, so what can I complain about?

At this moment, the old village owner Ji Yuan stood up to stop him, which made the city owner Jin Mofu feel annoyed.

It's Shaolin again.

There is no way for Wenshu Monastery, can Shaolin have any way?

Old guy, I'm so confused.

"Old owner, wake up."

"You have also seen that even if I wait, there is nothing I can do now. What do you think Shaolin Abbot Xuanxin can do when he comes?"

"Hey, what kind of ecstasy did you take? What kind of ecstasy did Shaolin give you?"

"If Wenshu Monastery can't do it, do you think Shaolin can do it?"


Hengdaozong is as safe as the cloud, and Nangong Patriarch, Nangong Goodday.

Seeing the old village master Ji Yuan, he is still jumping up and down, and he is still trying his best to praise Shaolin.

Feel very dissatisfied.

At the same time, I was also very anxious, worried about Nalan Yan and Nangong Ri'an in the crypt.

But in the face of this imminent catastrophe, they felt helpless again...

Even upset.

At this moment, hundreds of majestic and murderous sergeants in battle armor and long swords lined up neatly.

An extraordinary middle-aged man wearing silver armor.

Resolutely and aggressively, he walked over in stride and shooting stars.

"See General."

The lord of the city, Jin Mofu, hurriedly ran forward to respectfully salute.

The visitor was Dingxi General Wu Anjun.

"I have seen General Wu."

The abbot of Wenshu Monastery, Guangliang, and a group of eminent monks, Hengdaozong An Ruyun, Wujian Villa Jiyuan, and Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian.

Gu Shi stepped forward to see him.

In the entire Tianbei City, no one dared to be disrespectful to Wu Anjun.

A general of the imperial court with a heavy hand and unfathomable strength.

Who dares to offend?

"how so?"

Wu Anjun directly skipped the crowd, looking at the dark cloud with a heavy face and serious face.

A huge mouth of the abyss was torn open, and the ghost face of howling and howling ghosts came.

The blue face and fangs, the ghostly spirit, the breath of Dharma has long been suppressed.

"Wenshu Monastery, what on earth do you eat?"

Wu Anjun's face was extremely ugly, and as soon as he turned around, he pointed at Guang Liang sharply and questioned him.

Straightforwardly ask the teacher!

"The poor monk is incompetent, the poor monk is guilty."

"Among the ruins of the cave, the eight ghost kings set a trap. The poor monk failed to see through the previous investigation..."

Guang Liang, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, knelt down directly in front of Wu Anjun, and then gave a report on the seriousness of the situation.

"Everything is the fault of my Wenshu Monastery."

"The poor monk Guangliang, as well as the high-ranking monks of Wenshu Monastery, are willing to protect the Tianbei City for the sake of death..."

Guang Liang stopped all the sins on himself and the group of high monks.

Willing to make the final remedy with death.


Guang Liang and a group of high monks announced the Buddha's name together, and then stood up as if they were dead.

For a time, Wu Anjun was burning with anger in his heart.

Can't help but feel a little moved.

"General Wu, please believe me, only Shaolin Abbot Xuanxin can turn the tide."

"Only he can prevent this catastrophe from happening."

"Send someone as soon as possible to invite Abbot Xuanxin."

The old village master Ji Yuan, seeing that everyone didn't take him seriously, stood up anxiously.

To Wu Anjun again, eloquently, cried out and pleaded.


If he is not seriously injured at this time, he will leave for the invitation himself.


"Shaolin... Are you talking about Shaolin Abbot Master Xuanxin?"

"A true Buddhist monk, a monk who can communicate with the Buddha?"

After listening to Wu Anjun, his eyes lit up and he asked loudly in excitement inexplicably.

Wu Anjun's whole person suddenly seemed to be beaten with blood.

The look is fanatical, and his face is pious.

Surprise inexplicable.

Guangliang, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, and a group of high-ranking monks, as well as Hengdaozong An Ruyun, and Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian.

Jin Mofu, the lord of Tianbei City, looked at Wu Anjun with surprise.

All dumbfounded!

I was shocked by Wu Anjun's such a big reaction.

It was even more judged by Wu Anjun, the great power of the Buddhist monk in his words, and the monk who can communicate with the Buddha.

It was deeply shocked.


This is Shaolin Abbot Xuanxin?

In their impression, Xuan Xin is a young monk who has just stepped into the innate.

how come?

How can it be?

This is absolutely impossible. The monks of Wenshu Monastery can't do it. How can he be able to turn the tide?


"Yes, Shaolin Abbot Master Xuanxin, only he can resolve this catastrophe."

Old village master Ji Yuan was shocked by Wu Anjun's reaction, and he couldn't figure it out.

Why, he spoke to An Ruyun before, and Jin Mofu said to them.

They treat him as farting.

How did you say to Dingxi General Wu Anjun that he received such incredible attention?

"Yes, that's right."

"Only Shaolin Abbot Master Xuanxin can turn the tide and save my Tianbei City."


Wu Anjun, who was inexplicably excited, suddenly burst into a relaxed laugh, and said in ecstasy: "Abbot Xuanxin is the real Buddha reincarnation."

"It's a living Buddha."

"Recently, the military affairs are busy, and this general forgot to go to Shaolin to worship Buddha and burn incense..."

"Come on, quickly send someone to Shaoshi Mountain and invite Shaolin Abbot Master Xuanxin over!"

Wu Anjun's undisguised reverence, that kind of fanaticism and piety from his heart.

That incredible praise and evaluation.

Directly let Guangliang, Jiyuan, An Ruyun, Jin Mofu, Nangong Wentian...

Shocked, paw!

An incredible face.

Shocked in the heart, it set off a huge wave!

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