Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 143: Lay out the guardian formation

Hum! ! !

The light of the Buddha filled the sea of ​​consciousness, and three jade slips appeared out of thin air and fell in front of Xuanxin.

On the first jade slip, it was written with four simple characters: Protecting the Mountains.

The second jade slip has three simple characters written on it: Gathering Spirit Formation.

The third jade slip: There are four simple characters written on it: Trial of the ladder.

For the construction of the sect, especially the use of these jade slips, Xuan Xin has long been familiar with it.

All kinds of enlightenment appeared in her heart, Xuan Xin couldn't help but sighed.

"Sure enough, merit is still required."

As he expected, but whenever the jade is briefly revealed, it must use consumption merit.

Zongmen Construction: Protecting the mountains, using this jade slip requires 5,000 points of merit.

It used to be like the Great Hall of Great Heroes, this kind of extremely powerful sect construction.

It only consumes five hundred merit points.

Now, just a large formation to protect the mountain, one formation would cost five thousand merits so huge.

It has doubled ten times, which is simply unimaginable.

Xuan Xin was shocked!

Of course, this also shows that this mountain guard is powerful.

There must be an extremely incredible mystery.

Zongmen Construction: Spirit Gathering Array, using this jade slip requires 500 points of merit.

Zongmen construction: Trying the ladder, using this jade slip, also requires 500 points of merit.

The construction of these two sects can only be said to be relatively normal.

This Spirit Gathering Array and the Trial Ladder are all normal sect construction, belonging to the first level of the Daxiong Palace.

In this contrast.

This actually made Xuan Xin even more curious about the mountain guard formation.

How mysterious is this mountain protection formation?

What kind of formation is it?

It's worth it, five thousand points of merit are needed for light manifestation?

"Fortunately, this time in the catacombs incident, the super soul saved Tianbei City."

"A huge amount of merit has been accumulated."

Now Xuanxin is getting more and more, feeling the importance of merit.

It is almost impossible to play without merit.

The three sects built jade slips, and all of them used only 6,000 points of merit. Now the Xuanxin is so rich that it has accumulated more than 20,000 points of merit.

Don't worry about lack of merit.

"Trial ladder?"

Xuan Xin can understand the mystery of both the mountain guarding formation and the gathering spirit formation.

But this trial ladder alone is confused.

Picking up the construction of the sect: trying out the jade slips of the ladder, the light of the Buddha in the sea of ​​consciousness filled with enlightenment.

"This is good."

When all the sect constructions are not revealed, the specifics and mysteries are unknown.

But now after Ming Enlightenment, Xuan Xin knew what a trial ladder was.

This sect building is used to test the disciples' xinxing and comprehension.

Talent, luck, and unique sect construction.

"It just happens to be able to select Shaolin disciples with the ladder of trials."

The current Shaolin needs to continue to expand its talents, and Xuanxin's selection of Shaolin disciples.

The first thing that matters is luck.

With strong luck, even if he is a big villain, Xuan Xin is interested in saving it for you.

As long as the luck is strong, all other talents and understanding, or age, are secondary.

Just look at Wuzhen and you will know that those who are over 60 years old will become the first disciple of three generations of disciples with the same martial arts skills acquired.

Of course, if the luck is not good, the xinxing, comprehension and talent must be able to survive.

The above is all the gains Xuanxin got from signing in this time.

Collect the jade slips carefully.

Walking out of the Daxiong Hall, Xuanxin couldn't wait to reveal the jade slip of the sect building.

After all, the formation method is not a real, visible or tangible physical sect construction.

Therefore, Xuan Xin did not need to select a location for this.

Standing directly outside the Daxiong Hall, Xuan Xin took out the sect building from his arms: the Great Formation of Protecting the Mountain.

This jade slip.

This is a sect construction that requires five thousand merit points just to manifest.

It can be seen how exaggerated it is.

It is also Xuanxin, the one most anticipated.

After holding the jade slip in his hand and closing his eyes, the light of Buddha filled the sea of ​​consciousness.

I saw the jade slip in my hand suddenly became silent.

Inexplicably disappeared.


Suddenly, the mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, the ground moved and the mountain shook, and there was a loud noise.

The rock collapsed, and the entire Shaoshi Mountain was crumbling.


Xuan Xin only felt dizzy for a while, with a feeling of shaking mountains like an earthquake.

The whole Shaoshishan felt shaking.

The rocks at the foot seemed to be loose.

This movement is too big.

In addition, the sect buildings such as the Daxiong Hall, the Monk Monastery, and the Bell and Drum Tower began to shake violently.

The first disciple Wuzhen, the second disciple Wutian, the third disciple Wuyan, Xuangang Xuanyuan, and Wu Neng all ran out of the monk monastery.

One by one, with shocked faces and an expression of fear and anxiety, they ran towards the main abbot Xuanxin.

"Master, what happened?"

A few people gathered around, and the eldest disciple Wuzhen put his hands together, and asked with trepidation.

At this time, Shaolin's original dilapidated Buddhist rooms.

Has completely collapsed.

Fortunately, similar to the Daxiong Hall, the sect construction given by the system is very solid and durable without any damage.

In the midst of this swaying mountain, these sect buildings are always as strong as a mountain.

Xuan Xin didn't expect that the appearance of the mountain guarding formation would have such a big movement.

"Shaoan, don't worry, I'm setting up a large formation to protect the mountain for the teacher."

Xuan Xin's face was plain and calm, as if everything was under his control.

Wu Zhen Wu Tian Wu Yan, Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, and Wu Neng breathed a sigh of relief immediately.

Feel calm and fear no longer.

But immediately, he became excited again.

Guardian formation, what is guardian formation?

Just when the disciples were full of curiosity a very dazzling golden Buddha light appeared in the sky.

In the golden Buddha light, one after another Buddhist mantra words appeared.

Every word blooms with the sacred and vast Buddha light.

The first mantra text, flew to the Daxiong Hall and merged into this Xiong Weiqiju building.

The second text flew to the abbot's monastery and blended into this quiet and elegant building.

One after another, the Buddhist mantras appeared...

More and more, it is either integrated into the sect building or into the underground into the water, brick by tile, grass and wood.

These golden gleaming, sacred and vast Buddhist mantra words.

All over the Shaoshi Mountain, into the Shaoshi Mountain, one grass and one tree, one brick, one tile, one water and one stone.

Such spectacles made Wu Zhen and other Shaolin disciples eyes wide open.

One by one was stunned.

Even the most insightful Wu Neng was shocked at this time.

I have never seen such a mysterious, incredible arrangement of mountain guards, and the sacred brilliance of the Buddha's mighty power reflects the entire Shaoshi Mountain.


After announcing the Buddha's name, Xuan Xin's eyes flashed with all kinds of enlightenment.

The arrangement of the guarding mountain formation was successful.

But Xuan Xin found that he couldn't open and control it, even what exactly this mountain protection formation was like.

Xuan Xin was also at a loss.

I set up a big array, and then I look dumbfounded.

But Xuan Xin knew that this great formation of protecting the mountains needed a person who opened up the formation, and needed a destined person who comprehended the ten thousand-character Buddhist mantras in the entire Shaoshi Mountain.

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