Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 147: Rejuvenation, shocking again and again

Those who can master formations are extremely rare talents in this martial arts world.

The way of formation requires extremely high aptitude and comprehension, as well as the time and energy of a lifetime to study it.

This is the key factor that led to the decline of talents in the formation.

Talents who know how to form formations, no matter where they go, can be welcomed by all sects and families.

And respect.

In the entire Tianbei City, there are very few who have seen the mysterious and strange formations.

Those who can deploy formations in sects and aristocratic families are even more top-level existences.

Guangliang said that the mysterious and mysterious Buddhist imprint just now formed a series of patterns, and these miraculous signs were only after the formations were arranged.

Ji Yuan, An Ruyun, and Nangong heard the sky, each of them widened their eyes.

I was extremely horrified.

Everyone looked at the two ancestors.

With their experience, knowledge and qualifications, it is obvious that they cannot explain the doubts in their hearts.

At this time, it has manifested the importance of having such a ceiling-level ancestor.

Zhiyun senior monk, grandmother Zihua, also looked horrified at this time.

"This is indeed arranging the formation."

"But... monk, have you ever seen such a method of unpredictable arrangement of formations by ghosts and gods?"

"Have you ever seen such an unpredictable formation and Daoyun? The formations in the world are mostly constructed with the attributes of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. What a powerful formation?"

At this time, Guang Liang and the others didn't have the place to talk, and they listened carefully like a junior.

These things have never been heard or seen before.

The only ones who can answer their doubts are the senior monk Zhiyun and Granny Zihua.

The only monk in the mouth of Granny Zihua was the Zhiyun monk of Wenshu Monastery.

The two are the same generation of Tianjiao in the same era, and Granny Zihua has been calling Zhiyun monk monk for decades.

Granny Zihua's face appeared shocked, but the shock in her heart was ten times stronger.

Based on her insight, she has never seen anyone deploying a formation using such incredible means.

He had traveled the Quartet before, and he had also seen the top sect family, and invited the masters of the formation to arrange the formation.

What I saw was all cumbersome, all kinds of underground excavation and construction, and various treasures and magical instruments were buried in the arrangement.

What's more, it's all gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, this kind of pure power of the five elements.

Combining the strength of the five elements, it is an ordinary formation.

Difficulty formation, killing formation, defense...

Where have you ever seen such an unpredictable, immortal arrangement of formation methods?

Where have you seen it, this kind of rhyme is filled with the imprint of the vast Buddha's mighty power?

What kind of advanced formation is this?


The senior monk Zhiyun took a deep breath to relieve the shock deep in his heart, and said: "The poor monk has clumsy eyes, and it is impossible to see what kind of method this is."

"But this formation has a vast aura, full of the authentic Buddhist aura of my Buddhism..."

He shook his head, Zhiyun noble monk had never seen such an unpredictable array arrangement method.

I don't know what a powerful formation this is.

I just felt that the vast, bright, powerful breath of pure Dharma...

The high level of this formation is by no means comparable to ordinary formations.

Guang Liang, Ji Yuan, An Ruyun, and Nangong heard the sky. Seeing the two ancestors, they couldn't answer them, and they were shocked in their hearts.

It can be concluded from the mouths of the two ancestors that the means of this formation is very powerful.

This formation is also very high-end, so high-level that the two ancestors can't understand it.

This is incredible...

Even the two ancestors couldn't understand, and they all marveled at it. That shows this Shaolin.

How mysterious should it be?

How powerful should it be?

How deep is Shaolin's heritage?

Since Tianbei City, the martial arts league sect disciple rookie competition, Shaolin has shown too much time and time again.

It shocked them, and even subverted what they knew.

At this moment.

Only Lao Zhuang Master Ji Yuan, he was determined to say something in his heart and finally stopped.

The mystery that Shaolin showed was really incredible.

But the old owner knows that these are really just the tip of the iceberg that Shaolin shows.

Everyone knows that Abbot Xuanxin used his own power to turn the tide and save Tianbei City, knowing that he is the reincarnation of the Buddha and the living Buddha.

It is a monk who can communicate with the Buddha.

We all know that Shaolin martial arts has a profound background and does not lose to the Wenshu Academy.

But I don't know that the Wuzhen of the three generations of the great disciple, a dying and old man with only the three layers of acquired, is an extraordinary and powerful existence that even he needs to look up to.

Everyone treats him as an insignificant dying old man.

Even Ji Yuan could say that in front of Wuzhen, the two ancestors were equally powerless to fight back like ants.

There are also the demon king tiger and the little ferret in the abbot's monastery.

The same is unfathomable.

These were things that others didn't know, and what he knew, Ji Yuan, was just the tip of the iceberg in the eyes of old village owner Ji Yuan.



Just then, the bell rang.

Thousands of Shaoshishan gathered together, and suddenly fell silent at the moment the bell rang.

The melodious bell is very mysterious, the bell is noble, loud, pure, calm...

It echoed in everyone's ears.

Zhiyun monk, Zihua mother-in-law, and the two ancestors stopped and looked at the majestic Bell and Drum Tower. Ji Yuan, An Ruyun, Nangong Wentian, and everyone who lined up at the foot of the mountain stopped.

The bell sounded to my ears, as if echoing in my heart.

Inexplicably, I felt an unprecedented peace and harmony.


Following this, the melodious bell sound seemed to be transmitted back from all directions.

There was clarity in my mind.

The greed, anger, ignorance and ignorance in my heart are filled, and the inexhaustible worries are eliminated at this moment.

Seeing one's mind and seeing one's mind is free.

The aura of the entire Shaoshi Mountain was awakened, and the aura from heaven and earth swarmed from all directions towards Shaolin Temple.

The entire Shaoshi Mountain formed a spiritual vortex, with the Bell and Drum Tower as the center, a magical surge of spiritual energy was formed.

And this time the surge of aura made the aura of the whole Shaoshishan become rich.


Waves of auras surged, and the aura of Shaomiyama was revived in a short moment.

It has become a strong spiritual place suitable for practice.

This kind of vision of heaven and earth, if it is said that it is innate, most people still feel it is not obvious.

Then, Guang Liang, Ji Yuan, An Ruyun who have already built the foundation, Nangong Wen Tian.

Especially the senior monk Zhiyun and grandmother Zihua in the late stage of foundation building.

Their feelings, especially the two ancestors, are particularly sensitive to the feeling of aura recovery.

For this moment, the whole Shaoshi Mountain had a vision.

Especially shocked.

One by one stood in place, motionless as if they were a wooden chicken.

I was shocked again and again.

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