Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 160: Shaolin's unshakable status

In full view of the crowd, countless people witnessed that the monk Zhiyun was already dead under the thundering might.

People are gone.

The result suddenly reversed, and the senior monk Zhiyun was still alive.

Successfully broke through the Golden Core Stage, the body was destroyed but survived in the way of the soul.

As a result, before everyone had reacted from the shock, they saw the senior monk Zhiyun kneeling in front of Xuanxin piously.

I want to worship Shaolin.

The pilgrims were shocked beyond the reach.

"God, it turned out that Abbot Xuanxin made the move, and with supernatural powers and mighty power, Zhiyun senior monk survived in the way of divine soul."

"I heard that right, did I? Abbot Xuanxin helped the senior monk Zhiyun successfully form the pill and successfully carved the Dao pattern on the golden pill?"

"The senior monk Zhiyun was able to break through the Golden Core Stage, all because Abbot Xuanxin just secretly helped?"

"What did Abbot Xuanxin do? I can't see anything until the naked eye..."

"In other words, if it weren't for Abbot Xuanxin's move, the senior monk Zhiyun would not be able to successfully form a pill, and it would be impossible to break through the golden pill stage and preserve the soul under the catastrophe.

"Think about the miracle just now, if it weren't for Abbot Xuanxin's move, the fate of the senior monk Zhiyun would be as dead as Granny Zihua."

"Just now the senior monk Zhiyun meant that if Abbot Xuanxin didn't help him, he would die like Granny Zihua..."

"This is incredible..."

"The Monk Zhiyun is the ancestor of Wenshu Monastery, and now he is the only strongman of the Golden Core Stage in Tianbei City, the real ceiling-level ancestor, I heard it right, he actually wants to worship under the Shaolin Sect?"

"Senior Monk Zhiyun actually wants to regard Abbot Xuanxin as his teacher and switch to Shaolin to become a Shaolin disciple?"

"It seems that Shaolin is the true authentic Buddhism!"

"It was the abbot Xuanxin who recreated the Zhiyun monk, and it was the Shaolin Buddha's supernatural powers who made the Zhiyun monk. Without Shaolin, how could there be the current Zhiyun monk of the golden era?"

"Although Zhiyun monk is the ancestor of Wenshu Monastery and the ceiling-level ancestor of Tianbei City, if he wants to achieve higher achievements in the future, I am afraid he has to switch to Shaolin..."



A group of pilgrims were overwhelmed with shock by this sudden and unbelievable series of reversals.

The mood can be described as ups and downs.

Senior Monk Zhiyun is still alive and has successfully broken through the Golden Core Stage.

All this turned out to be the secret help of Shaolin Abbot Master Xuanxin.

The most incredible thing is that the monk Zhiyun actually wanted to transfer to the Shaolin school, respecting the abbot of Xuanxin as a teacher and becoming a Shaolin disciple.

There were still many people who complained about Shaolin.

Now in everyone's minds, Shaolin has become a true Buddhist holy land, a true martial arts leader-level powerful sect.

Shaolin's influence and reputation have reached unshakable at this moment.

Reached the point of sacredness.

From then on, in the entire Tianbei City, the sacred status of Shaolin Buddhism will be firm and unshakable.

This series of reversals can't help but horrify the pilgrims.

Even Guangliang, Ji Yuan, An Ruyun, Nangong Wentian.

All eyes widened.

Especially Guang Liang, after hearing that Zhiyun monk, the patriarch of Wenshu Monastery, was going to be transferred to Shaolin, the abbot Zun Xuanxin became a disciple of three generations.

Not calm anymore!

In his heart, today can be described as a lot of ups and downs.

"Master, you are..."

Guang Liang's face was astonished. He was already shocked by the senior monk Zhiyun's transfer to Shaolin.

You know, Tianbei City hasn't had a strong person in the Golden Core Stage for nearly two hundred years.

Senior Monk Zhiyun, although he survived in a spiritual way.

But after all, it is the Golden Core Period.

With such an old ancestor in Wenshu Monastery, the development and status of the sect will directly exceed the upper limit in the future.

Reach another height...

But in a blink of an eye, his ancestor Zhiyun, an eminent monk, worshipped Shaolin.

Not only Guang Liang was shocked.

Even Ji Yuan, An Ruyun, and Nangong Wentian were all shocked...

Shaolin is so powerful.

It turned out that Zhiyun, a senior monk who had just broken through the Golden Core Stage, paid his respects without thinking about it...

They believe that the senior monk Zhiyun did this for more than just repaying his gratitude.

Like a strong man at the level of Zhiyun monk.

There is only one reason for him to do this.

That is enlightenment.

Shaolin's enlightened attraction deeply attracted Zhiyun monk.

Shaolin has an unfathomable background!

"Amitabha, the poor monk has decided."

Senior Monk Zhiyun announced the Buddha's name and responded to Guang Liangdao in a calm and firm tone.

For the Zhiyun monk, he became a Shaolin disciple by voting for Shaolin.

It's not a sudden thought.

It's something that has been thought through, and even can't wait to do it.

With so many people present, no one knew better than him, the power of Shaolin, the background of Shaolin in Buddhism and martial arts.

As soon as I went to Shaoshi Mountain today, I saw Abbot Xuanxin, who used unpredictable means to set up the gathering formation.

Then the bell of Shaolin triggered a spiritual vortex and a surge of spiritual energy.

Cooperate with the Spirit Gathering Array to directly realize aura recovery.

The mysterious sound of wooden fish makes everyone immersed in obsessional dreams, and the Dharma preached is even more wonderful.

Pointing straight to the avenue, all-encompassing, let him and Granny Zihua realize the enlightenment method.

Only then has the opportunity to break through the pill formation on the spot.

It was also the abbot Xuanxin who secretly assisted him with supernatural powers and mighty powers that allowed him to successfully break through the Golden Core Stage and survive.

No one could understand the mystery better than the senior monk Zhiyun.

The foundation of Buddhism, the foundation of martial arts, Shaolin is the real place that can make him enlighten.

Shaolin Buddhism Holy Land.

The authentic Buddhism deeply attracted Zhiyun monk, so he couldn't wait to worship and become a Shaolin disciple.

This is just a powerful aspect of Shaolin.

There are many more, it is inconvenient for the senior monk Zhiyun to say it.

For example, now he, Divine Soul has been integrated with the Trial Ladder, and he is already part of the construction of the Shaolin Sect.

Leaving Shaolin is tantamount to losing the foundation of enlightenment.

There is no difference between being alive and being dead.

Secondly, after the senior monk Zhiyun broke through the Golden Core Stage, he discovered that Abbot Xuanxin was a divine monk that he really couldn't see through.

The monk Zhiyun also discovered that Shaolin had a powerful and unmatched one.

The breath that made him tremble.

That breath comes from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Compared with that breath, he is nothing more than an ant...

There are many, many, Shaolin's truly powerful and extraordinary places, Zhiyun monk is secretive.

It was the reason why he couldn't wait to worship Shaolin and would never say it.


"The disciple abides by the decree of the patriarch."

Announcing the Buddha's horn, Guang Liang respectfully knelt down on the side.

For him, as long as the senior monk Zhiyun is still alive, whether he is in Shaolin or Wenshu Monastery.

In the future, I can support and help Wenshu Monastery.

In addition, Wenshu Monastery and Shaolin belong to Buddhism. With the power that Shaolin has shown today, it is reasonable for Wenshu Monastery to depend on Shaolin in the future.

Patriarch Zhiyun, a high monk, worshipped Shaolin, for Guang Liang, for the College of Literature.

To some extent it is a good thing.

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