Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 166: Young Master Ye Family of Beiyuan Mansion

The Ye family's son was named Ye Tian, ​​from the Ye family inherited from a thousand-year-old family in Beiyuan Mansion.

The status of the Ye Family in the Beiyuan Mansion.

It is equivalent to the status of the Nangong family in the Tianbei City.

Belongs to a giant of a party, has a high status and influence in the Beiyuan Mansion, and has the right to speak in the Beiyuan Mansion, a martial arts leader.

He is the real son of a family.

Ye Tianyi's appearance immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Especially this group came from Beiyuan Mansion, the elite children of a large family.

"That's Ye Tian, ​​the son of the Ye Family. Am I wrong?"

"It's really Ye Tian, ​​why did he come here?"

"He is holding luggage, just like us, he also came to participate in the Shaolin Trial?"

"How is it possible? That is the young master Ye from a thousand-year-old family, how could he come to Shaolin in this poor country where birds don't shit?"

"Ye Tian is a real Tianjiao, a real son of a family of inheritance, is he also to worship under the seat of Zhiyun monk?"

"How is this possible, the ancestors of the Ye family and the great elders are in the Golden Elixir period, do they need to come to Shaolin for the Zhiyun monk of the Golden Elixir period?"

"With the Ye Family's power and status, wouldn't it be easy for the Ye Family Young Master to become a master of Jin Dan?"

"If Ye Family Young Master didn't come for the Zhiyun senior monk, would he still come for Shaolin's name? What a joke..."



Among the discussions among the elite children of Beiyuan Palace, Ye Tian attracted everyone's attention as soon as he appeared.

For these sect children and family children came from all directions in Tianbei City.

As well as the gentry rangers.

These elite children from Beiyuan Mansion are all arrogant talents.

And the Ye Family in their mouths, as well as the Ye Family Young Master, are even more unattainable...

"I have seen Master Ye."

"Young Master Ye."


From the Beiyuan Mansion, these elite children with high self-esteem and inner pride.

All of them became humble.

Gu Shi stepped forward eagerly and humbled to Ye Tian respectfully.

At this moment, Ye Tian is like a star holding the moon and has attracted much attention.

But Ye Tian just smiled, showing the demeanor of the family prince, and walked toward the mountain openly.

"This Xiongtai, in Xia Yetian, I also came to Shaolin to participate in the trial."

"How about you and me walking together?"

Under everyone's gaze and dumbfounded, Ye Tian stepped forward quickly, facing someone in coarse linen.

Looking a little embarrassed, the ordinary shy teenager greeted him.

"Under Li Yuan, together..."

Li Yuan seemed flattered, and put the Wowotou he was holding into his mouth.

He hurriedly hugged Ye Tian in return.

For a time.

The two actually started talking.

Talking and laughing, they went to Shaoshi Mountain together.

One is a noble-born, from a well-known family, with a star halo, and respected by the family.

One is an ordinary, inconspicuous, humble boy.

One is the Tianjiao of the Houtian Eightfold, and the other is an ordinary warrior who has just broken through the acquired threefold. However, the more and more eager he talked on the road to Shaoshishan.

The more you talk, the more speculation, as if you have become a friend you haven't seen for many years.

"Who is that man? Is he a beggar?"

"What is Li Yuan? I don't know where the wild boy came from..."

"Damn, it's really bad luck, and I got closer with Ye Tian Gongzi."

"This kid is also worthy to go with Ye Gongzi?"

"Master Ye Tian is truly worthy of being a master of the family with a thousand-year heritage. This demeanor and demeanor is beyond my ability to compare."

"How could Ye Tian Gongzi become friends with a poor boy?"

"Ye Gongzi really came to participate in the Shaolin Trial. The four generations of disciples Juezi generation selection..."

"I'm waiting for the name of Zhiyun Senior Monk, but I don't know why Ye Gongzi came from?"

"Probably Ye Gongzi is not here for the Zhiyun monk, so what is there in Shaolin that is worthy of Ye's hard work..."



Seeing Li Yuan, an ordinary poor fellow, talked and laughed with Ye Tian, ​​the more they chatted and speculated.

Everyone cast envious glances.

Especially those elite children from Beiyuan Mansion.

The most important point is that Ye Tian Gongzi really came to participate in the Shaolin Trial.

This made a group of elite disciples who came from Beiyuan Mansion and thought highly of themselves and couldn't figure out the ordinary little sect of Shaolin.

What is the attraction in the end.

It was actually able to attract Ye Family's son Ye Tian to come to worship and participate in the trial.

Today, Shaolin Temple is full of people, there are devout pilgrims, and some come here to watch the excitement.

But there are very few elite disciples who really meet the conditions and are ready to participate in the trial.

Because there are too few monks in Shaolin Temple.

not enough people.

There is an enlightenment at the bottom of the mountain and a Xuanyuan on the mountain, and the other disciples are in retreat at the monk monastery.

Therefore, Wu Yun transferred many monks from Wenshu Monastery.

Heng Daozong, Wujian Villa, and the Nangong family also arranged a lot of people to come and help.

Maintain order and handle all kinds of chores.

To be honest, with so many people gathering in Shaoshishan, the few people in Shaolin Temple simply can't play.

A total of five to six hundred people qualified to participate in the trial.

Just register one by one.

It took most of the day.

From time to noon, the sun was shining brightly, and the Shaolin Temple was full of people and noisy.

No one knows when this trial will begin.

What kind of trial is it.

Coming from Beiyuan Mansion, a group of elite disciples with high self-esteem began to become dissatisfied.

"When will this wait?"

"Apocalypse is so and there are so many people, there is no one who serves tea and water?"

"I also serve tea and pour water. Does this Shaolin even have a place to sit?"

"This is the first one in Tianbei City? What else is there besides this exciting temple building?"

"The conditions are too bad. What is the difference between this and the wild forest?"

"I really can't figure out why Zhiyun senior monk surrendered to the Shaolin school."

"That is, if the Zhiyun monk is still in Wenshu Monastery, I will never come to Shaolin to suffer."

"Is there a trial? What are you trying? What can Shaolin do?"


A group of elite children from Beiyuan Mansion began to become impatient one by one, and complained in dissatisfaction.

Among the five or six hundred people who meet the conditions.

On one side are the elite disciples from Beiyuan Mansion, and on the other are the elite disciples from Tianbei City.

The camps are very distinct.

The elite disciples from Beiyuan Mansion are full of superiority.

Self-esteem is very high, and the heart is extremely proud.

Not only did they look down on the elite disciples of Tianbei City, but even Shaolin didn't pay much attention to them.

In their hearts, being able to come to Shaolin is all for the sake of the Zhiyun monk.

Facing the dissatisfaction and complaints of this group of elite disciples of Beiyuan Palace.

The elite disciples of Tianbei City are daring to be angry but dare not to speak.

In their eyes, Shaolin is a true Buddhist holy land. They have piety and respect and dream of worshipping Shaolin.

It didn't come from the name of Zhiyun high monk.

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