Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 187: : Wuyun lost to 4 Patriarchs

Facing Beiyuan Mansion, the most powerful force, four thousand-year-old inheritance families, as well as a group of elders and elite disciples of a large family.

At this time, Wuyun, the strong man of the three generations of disciples Jin Danqi, stood up.

Shaolin can be regarded as a master now.

At this time Ye Tian stood up.

The master is full of affection...

During the month of becoming a monk in Shaolin, he was the chief disciple of the four generations of Shaolin disciples in Juezi generation.

As Wuyun's personal disciple.

This month’s grace of teaching, teaching, and martial arts to solve puzzles.

Bit by bit.

Ye Tian dare not forget!

This is why he has deep feelings for Shaolin, and how painful it is to make a decision to break with Shaolin.

He Ye Tian didn't want to be an ungrateful person.

But no way, his roots are in the Ye family, as a direct son of the Ye family's blood.

I can only apologize to my teacher Wuyun.

I can only apologize to Shaolin.

It can only be separated from Shaolin, and even if he has to, Ye Tian has to stand on the opposite side of Shaolin and fight Shaolin...


Ye Tian stood up and knocked Wu Yun three heads in full view.

Then he stood up and said loudly and resolutely: "After today, there will be no three generations of Shaolin disciple Juetian."

"I am Ye Tian, ​​the sixth son of the Ye family!"

After speaking, Ye Tian's whole body was raging, and his whole body was shocked in the gray-white Shaolin monk's clothes.

Directly into pieces of rags.

With his upper body naked, Ye Tian announced his break with Shaolin to everyone.

Since then, there is no relationship or involvement, which also means that Ye Tian is going to be an enemy of Shaolin!


Wu Yun's figure trembled, and then he sighed deeply.

This Ye Tian was once his most valued personal disciple.

This month, he devoted everything he had to teach Ye Tian what he had learned throughout his life. He was cultivating Ye Tian as his successor.

What Ye Tian did at this time, and what he said and wanted...

Let a trace of sorrow rise in Wu Yun's heart...

At this moment, he couldn't even say a word or a word.

"Monk Wuyun, I beg you to give way. The great demon who undermined my four thousand-year inheritance family is hiding in Shaolin."

"I'm going to search Shaolin, even if I look up and down, I have to find the big monster."

"Kill him!"

Ye Tian, ​​who had completely broken with Shaolin, looked at Wu Yun with scorching eyes, and his expression became extremely unkind.

There was even a slight threat in his tone.

You know, here is the Patriarch of a four thousand-year-old inheritance family.

There are also a group of elders and elite disciples from a large family.

If Shaolin is a man's arm as a car, it will definitely be a dead end.

Unmoved, Wuyun stood there and closed his eyes with his hands folded. At this moment, his heart was filled with disappointment.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Wu Yun unmoved, Ye Tian smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Backed down.

He knew it was the result.

The four thousand-year-old family who wanted to search Shaolin would inevitably conflict with Wuyun in the end.

This battle is inevitable.

Ye Tian stepped back, but Wu Yun remained unmoved, folded his hands and closed his eyes and stood there.

Rely on one's own strength to fight against the four thousand-year heritage families.

There is also the most powerful force in the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

Wu Yun's body was full of strong wind energy, rich Buddhist aura, and mysterious golden light.

Then the four magnificent sedan chairs also released a series of overwhelming waves.

The breath of horror like a mountain.

The spiritual energy in the sky gathered crazily, followed by horrible air pressure hovering one after another.

The sky is gray.


The fog was buried, the sky darkened, and it became extremely suppressed. Under the spread of the strong wind, a group of four generations of Shaolin disciples Juezi generation, and a group of elders and elite disciples of a large family in Beiyuan Palace.

She was unsteady and had to step back one after another.

The Jin Dan stage masters have played against each other, they have no chance to participate, and they don't even deserve to take a second look.

The terrifying air pressure, the overbearing aura, the layer after layer of qi, the breathless breath like a mountain...

Various forces intertwined, and finally reached a critical point...


I saw Wu Yun spit out a mouthful of blood, his figure trembled and he was already unstable, and there was a moment of collapse under the fluctuation of his spirit.

What he faced was the patriarch of four thousand-year heritage families.

Four powerhouses of the Golden Core period!

These four Patriarchs didn't keep a hand at all, they shot together to compete with Wu Yun, and they suppressed Wu Yun strongly without any suspense!

After all, for the four Patriarchs, their ancestors were assassinated, and they came to Shaolin at this moment to punish the devil.

Anyone who blocks, they will be rude or even unwilling!



"Are you okay?"


A group of four generations of disciples from the Juezi generation, seeing Wu Yun who was ailing, suddenly panicked and surrounded him.

His face was full of concern, as well as panic, nervousness and anxiety.

Wu Yun is a Shaolin disciple of three generations, and he is also a strong man in the Jin Dan stage. Even he can't handle the four thousand-year inheritance family.

Then Shaolin is really imminent!

"Master, are you okay?"

Among the four generations of disciples in the Juezi generation, a handyman disciple came to Wuyun.

Raising his hand, the unmarked general sent a gentle energy.

Enter the body of Wuyun.

This energy made Wu Yun's trembling soul again solidify.


Wu Yun turned his head took a deep look at the handyman disciple.

There was a stormy sea in my heart.

He had the impression that this handyman disciple was the only person he couldn't see through the trial ladder a month ago.

His name is Jueyuan, and it seems that there are only three ordinary and mediocre handyman disciples the day after tomorrow.

"Master, leave it to me."

With a confident expression on his face, Jueyuan nodded to Wu Yun and stood up calmly.


"Haha, I can't help myself."

"Why do you need a mantis arm as a car?"

"The Shaolin Jindan powerhouse is nothing more than that."

"This is the confidence of your Shaolin, thinking that if there is a strong man in the golden core period, he can challenge the four thousand-year inheritance family patriarchs?"

"I'm pooh, I used to think that when I came to Shaolin to become a monk and worship under the seat of Wuyun, it seems like that now."

"I want to be one enemy four, is Wu Yun crazy, right?"

"That's right, the four Patriarchs are already strong in the Golden Core Stage, and any one of them can stand up and beat Wuyun."

"To the point where I live and die, this Shaolin is really ridiculous..."

"Fortunately, I didn't worship Shaolin at the beginning, and I didn't worship under Wuyun's seat..."


A group of elite disciples of Beiyuan Mansion who regarded themselves highly, saw that Wu Yun was defeated by the four Patriarchs.

Suddenly stood up and sneered.

Patriarch of the four thousand-year-old inheritance family has reached the Golden Core stage for many years.

As a sedan chair, without even showing his face, he easily suppressed Wuyun, a strong man of the Golden Core Stage...

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