Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 189: The duel between Jueyuan and Ye Tian

Jueyuan and Ye Tian's duel, in everyone's eyes, it was a no suspense.

Even some boring duel.

Who is Ye Tian?

The Ye family descended from the four-thousand-year inheritance family.

Tianzong's capital, acquired ninefold, belongs to the best among the younger generation.

And what about Jueyuan?

Shaolin handyman disciple sweeping monk, and it looks like only the acquired triple.

This gap is simply the gap between heaven and earth!

In this duel between the two, in everyone's eyes, there was only one result.

That is Jue Yuan's defeat.

However, based on the relationship between Ye Tian and Jue Yuan, he would definitely show mercy to his subordinates.

It won't kill you.

I saw Jueyuan standing there calmly.

Putting his hands together, his breathing was abnormally steady, he was actually waiting for Ye Tian to make a move and then he took the move.

"Ha ha……"

Ye Tian immediately chuckled, and he also thought this duel was meaningless.

The disparity in strength between the two is actually not necessary at all.

Originally, he wanted to be polite, let Jueyuan take the move, and then he took the move, so that he could easily resolve the confrontation.

Don't let Jueyuan lose too ugly.

But looking at the current posture, he couldn't do it himself.

I saw Ye Tian's whole body, condensed a strong wind energy, and the body guard qi lingered around him.

Raising your hand, countless golden shadows, dozens of palm prints mysteriously superimposed...

The momentum became stronger and stronger, and an upright and bright Buddhist aura came upon his face.

"That's the Ninth Grade Cultivation Method Boy Embracing Buddha Kungfu."

"It's Shaolin's core inner strength. I didn't expect that Senior Monk Wuyun would pass this exercise to Ye Tian."

"This boy has embraced the Buddha, and he deserves to be a 9th-rank internal strength. The acquired realm can actually condense the body-protecting Qi that is as strong as yang."

"Shaolin really has nothing to say about the background of martial arts."

"Hey, Master Ye Tian's palm is Shaolin's compassionate palm..."

"Young Master Ye Tian, ​​he deserves to be Tianzong's capital. He became a boy of the Ninth-Rank Cultivation Technique and the Great Compassionate Palm of the Seven-Rank Cultivation Technique in the month he became a monk in Shaolin."

"No, why does Ye Tian Gongzi only use Shaolin internal martial arts and martial arts?"

"Yeah, the Ye Family is a family with a thousand-year heritage, and the Ye Family's martial arts background is only stronger than Shaolin."

"It seems that Young Master Ye Tian is really sentimental and righteous. He deliberately didn't use Ye Family's martial arts."

"That is, using Shaolin internal skills and martial arts to fight this little miscellaneous Mao Jueyuan is enough to give Shaolin a lot of face."


A group of elite disciples from Beiyuan Mansion saw Ye Tian show the Shaolin Inner Kungfu boy embracing Buddhism and compassionate palms.

They were amazed.

In their opinion, the reason why Ye Tian used the boy to hold the Buddha Gong and the compassionate palm to confront Jueyuan.

That is because of respect for Shaolin.

Give Shaolin face.

Because of this duel, the result must be Jue Yuan's miserable defeat, and it was still the kind of disastrous defeat that could not fight back.

If Ye Tian used the martial arts inherited from the Ye Family at this time.

That must have slapped Shaolin in the face severely.

It embarrassed Shaolin.

This was something Ye Tian didn't want to see, so he chose to use Shaolin's inner strength and martial skills to fight Jueyuan.

Because of this, even if I feel that Yuan is defeated, it still retains Shaolin's face.

At this time, Ye Tian had already displayed the Laizi Buddhism and Great Compassionate Palm.

However, Jue Yuan remained unmoved.

Stand there confidently and calmly.

In the eyes of everyone, Jueyuan seems to be a bit silly...

The power gap is too great, so I just put it right...

That's it...


Seeing Jueyuan, I didn't plan to make any preparations for connecting.

Ye Tian couldn't help but sighed.

Immediately in the midst of the vigorous turbulence of the Gang Wind, the revolving palm technique patted Jue Yuan.

It's almost there.


Ye Tian slapped Jue Yuan's back with a palm, and with this palm Ye Tian recovered 90% of his strength.

He didn't want to feel badly hurt.

However, what Ye Tian didn't expect was that the power of this palm hit Jue Yuan's body.

Jue Yuan didn't even move.

His power, like a mud cow entering the sea, disappeared without a trace.


"How can it be?"

Ye Tian couldn't help but took a breath. Not only did he fail to defeat Jue Yuan with this palm.

Even felt that Yuan didn't even move.

Stand there without changing his face.

For a moment, Ye Tian, ​​with a face full of disbelief, immediately no longer had any reservations, and poured out all his strength.

The surging energy, under the blessing of Gang Qi, patted Jue Yuan's back palm after palm.

Everyone could see that Ye Tiandong was really good this time.

Did not retain strength.

Bang bang bang...

Countless golden palm prints bombarded Jue Yuan.

However, Jueyuan at this time was like a towering mountain motionless, Ye Tiantang did his best, but his power seemed to be poured into the vast ocean.

There is nothing wrong with Jue Yuan.

Even unscathed.

"how can that be!"

At this time, Ye Tian slapped Jue Yuan's back with a palm, volleying the void to gather all his energy.

This scene stunned everyone directly.

"No, I shouldn't be dazzled."

"Young Master Ye Tian exerted all his strength, how could he feel that there is nothing wrong with that little miscellaneous hairy Yuan Yuan?"

"It's all like this, Jue Yuan is unscathed?"

"This is impossible, Lord Ye Tian has no reservations, this kid is still standing there motionless."

"His, such a fierce and stern hand, hit the body without any damage."

"How is it possible? The acquired three-fold little miscellaneous hair is not dead?"

"It can be carried, it doesn't matter at all and it looks easy."

"This kid, Jueyuan, isn't he pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

"The acquired triple? How could this be the acquired triple, this kid is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

"Rely on What did this kid just say? Shaolin Law Protector..."

"This kid Jueyuan is not easy, his true strength is probably innate..."


A group of elite disciples of the Beiyuan Palace saw Ye Tiantang exert all their strength, but Jue Yuan was unmoved and stood motionless.

He was unscathed.

Suddenly, his eyes widened and his face was unbelievable.

"This kid, really..."

Even Wu Yun looked at Jue Yuan with a look of surprise at this moment.

The light flashed in his eyes.

A group of four generations of disciples of Jue Zi's generation, their eyes widened in astonishment.

"Jeyuan... isn't he the acquired triple?"

"How is it possible, Jueyuan, a handyman disciple sweeping monk, how can his martial arts strength..."

"God, Jueyuan's strength is far above Ye Tian."

"Is Jue Yuan really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

"Just now I thought that Yuan Yuan was crazy, saying that he was a Shaolin Law protector, it turned out he was really not easy..."

"Ye Tian has no choice but to do his best. Jue Yuan's martial arts strength is at least innate. He is only fourteen or five years old..."

"Hey, is Jue Yuan a man with a terrifying and enchanting talent?"


In the duel between Jue Yuan and Ye Tian, ​​Jue Yuan hadn't even taken a shot.

It didn't even move.

It completely shocked everyone.

Such martial arts strength is at least the innate realm.

Who can imagine such an existence that has no sense of existence and was honestly low-key and obscured in the past.

I've been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger all the time...

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