Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 201: Enlightenment that hides merit and name

At this time, the old monk Wuming has become the focus of everyone's attention.

Everyone knows that this trembling old monk is a powerful man in the martial arts ceiling.

The martial arts strength is unfathomable.

Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian, these two martial arts masters who have been in the same era.

It was like a child in front of him.

In fact, it is also conceivable that Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian are fighting to death, and the duel has reached a critical moment of life and death.

And suddenly stopped.

It is impossible for ordinary people to make two deadly enemies close at the same time at a critical moment.

Only like the old monk Wu Ming, who is absolutely crushed by martial arts, can they stop at the same time.

Who would dare not give the old monk's name and face?

Li Wentian practiced the secret technique [Bone Forging Sword], and its major flaw was pointed out by the old monk Wu Ming.

At this time, it has reached the point where it is difficult to save the gods.

Just when everyone was shocked by the old monk Wu Ming and his martial arts was profound, they didn't want Wu Ming and asked casually.

The secret of the Lin Family's Heavenly Grade Magical Art [Yin Lei Jue].

Everyone looked at Patriarch Lin and raised their ears curiously.

"Senior, how do you know?"

"There is an essay with a sincere question."

The Lin family head looked at the old monk Wu Ming incredulously. Fourteen years ago, the ancestors of the Lin family and the ancestors of the Li family worked together to obtain the Heavenly Grade Magic Art [Yin Lei Jue] two volumes.

It was originally intended to practice enlightenment together.

But I don't want to, the first scroll obtained by the ancestors of the Lin family is an article about Buddhism's subtlety.

In the eyes of the old man in the Lin family, this has nothing to do with martial arts secrets and heavenly magic skills [Yin Lei Jue ].

There is no half a dime relationship.

It is not a martial arts secret book, but an in-depth article about the cultivation of one's mind and nature, involving the subtlety of Buddhist studies.

Not at all useful...

The complete secret of Tianpin Divine Art [Yin Lei Jue] is in the lower scroll in the hands of the ancestors of the Li family...

Because of this, the two people distrusted each other and disagreeed. Then, the ancestor of the Lin family took the lead in the four thousand-year heritage family to ambush and kill the ancestor of the Lin family and the current patriarch.

Snatched the full version of the Celestial Power [Tian Lei Jue]

After that, the Lin family wiped out the door with blood overnight...

It can be said that this enmity fourteen years ago was all caused by Heavenly Grade and Divine Art.

It’s just that, with regard to the Heavenly Grade Divine Art [Yin Lei Jue ], the upper and lower two volumes, especially the first volume, is an article of [Chi Xin Su Wen], and the second volume is the complete version of [Yin Lei Jue] practice secrets.

Only the ancestors of the Lin family and the Lin family who have died know.

At this moment, he said it casually from the mouth of the old monk Go Ming...

This is the most incredible...

At this moment, the elders of various families in Beiyuan Mansion, as well as a group of elite disciples, and a group of Shaolin disciples of the four generations of Juezi generation.

They all looked curious and craned their necks to look at the old monk Wu Ming.

Waiting for the reply from the old monk Wu Ming.

"The poor monk created [Yin Lei Jue], it should have been more than a hundred years, and because of its major flaws, he has been painstakingly looking for ways to make up for it."

"So I learned something from Buddhist classics, and wrote its subtle and big meaning in the [Chi Xin Su Wen] article."

"Use the power of Buddhism to dissolve the hostility generated by practicing this practice."


Having said this, the old monk Wu Ming couldn't help sighing, and said: "The poor monk also went astray back then, blindly trying to practice the most powerful killing skills."

"One mind, immersed in the creation of martial arts techniques."

"Martial arts techniques, if they kill people, they will inevitably produce evil spirits and hostility. The wisdom of martial arts should be related to the improvement of the state of mind."

"One's own detachment, the universal is just the way."

At this time, everyone looked at the old monk Wu Ming in amazement, while Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian took a breath.

Looking at the old monk Wu Ming tremblingly.

"The poor monk also awakened after Shaolin became a monk and heard that Abbot Xuanxin was unable to make magic."

"After comprehending the Dharma avenue of Abbot Xuanxin, and learning his superior Dharma and speaking in French."

"The poor monk also disdains to learn those murderous skills again."

"The real avenue cares about detachment from the heart."

The old monk Wuming paced tremblingly, admonishing in a very earnest and earnest tone.

Finally walked to the Lin Family Master and asked: "Donor, you are now practicing [Yin Lei Jue], your Yangtu acupoint has been faintly painful from the beginning, has it developed to the unbearable pain of acupuncture now?"

I saw the Patriarch listened, his face instantly white and cold sweat leaked from his forehead.

"Master, how do you know?"

"My acupuncture point has been practiced for a while, and it is as painful and unbearable as acupuncture and fire."

Patriarch Lin was trembling all over, and his heart was full of horror. Only now did he know that the scrolled [Chi Xin Su Wen] article was the core key.

But over the years, he has been ignored.

The hostility, evil spirits, and evil spirits are gathered at the Yangtu acupoint at this moment, and they have been accumulated for a long time and cannot be resolved, even if they are not practicing every morning.

He would feel that life is better than death...


"It seems that your condition is more serious than the poor monk expected."

"After half a month, the donor is bound to die suddenly at Zishi."

The old monk Wu Ming couldn't help sighing. The situation of Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian is the same as the situation of the gods.

At this moment, the words of the old monk Wu Ming directly exploded in the crowd.

"Isn't it, this elder Shaolin monk created this thunderbolt?"

"Hey, more than a hundred years ago, this old monk had already created a god-level supernatural power a hundred years ago?"

"Oh my god, it's horrible, this old monk is like a living god..."

"The Heavenly Grade Divine Art of Leading Thunder was created by the old Shaolin monk. It has been more than a hundred years. How could it be taken by the Lin family?"

"Back then, the ancestors of the Lin family and the Li family seemed to have obtained them from an Icelandic cave?"

"This is too mysterious, right? How old is this old Shaolin monk?"

"Unexpectedly, Shaolin had such a generation of legendary masters!"

"People's martial arts wisdom is not what ordinary people like us can match. UU read"

"The secret technique [Bone Forging Sword] practiced by Li Wentian was also created by this old Shaolin monk, right?"

"Nonsense, if this old Shaolin monk hadn't created it, how could he know the defect and find a way to make up for it?"

"This is too legendary, it's just like a myth..."

"Will the world martial arts come out of Shaolin, right?"

"The world martial arts, it is estimated that there is no such old Shaolin monk can not understand."

"This is terrible. With the old Shaolin monk, who would dare to be an enemy of Shaolin in the future?"

"If this old Shaolin monk can give me some pointers, then I will definitely be useful in my life."

"Sure enough, I want to worship Shaolin now, become a Shaolin disciple, and kneel in front of the old Shaolin monk every day."

"I regret it at the beginning, there was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that was placed in front of me and I didn't cherish it..."

"A month ago, when I participated in the Shaolin Trial, they were all elite disciples. I didn't even cherish the stupid one..."

"If I were still a Shaolin disciple, I would definitely be able to get advice from this old Shaolin monk in the future..."

A group of elite disciples from Beiyuan Mansion, especially a group who had participated in the trial.

And it passed.

The person who could have become a Shaolin disciple, but left stupidly, now feels regretful...

Shaolin is so awesome, the martial arts background and this old Shaolin monk...

Joining Shaolin is simply a great opportunity...

It happened that they did not cherish the lard at the time.

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