Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 207: Good luck soaring, the weather has become

Accompanied by the sound of wooden fish, the sound of chanting from the abbot's monastery.


A group of disciples of the Juezi generation announced the Buddha's name together, and each of them sat down as if they were a pilgrimage with pious faces.

The expression was solemn.

Put your hands together, close your eyes, and listen to the mysterious Dharma, like a fanatic.

A group of Beiyuan Mansion, three patriarchs of four thousand-year-old families.

The elders of various families, as well as a group of elite disciples, had a Buddha word in their hearts that broke in and gradually magnified, and immediately felt the infinite mystery and profoundness, and Gu then sat cross-legged and entered a state of meditation.

Unconsciously, the obsession in the heart gradually enlarged, and entered the dreamland in the powerful obsession. .

The subtle and deep Dharma guides every believer who has a pious and honest thought in his heart and listens to the Dharma into a state of meditation, illuminating the deepest entangled obsession in their hearts.

Everyone has his own way.

Everyone has their own obsessions. Resolving obsessions requires not only enlightenment, but also guidance from the sublime Dharma.

Numerous golden words and Buddhist words emerged from the abbot's monastery.

Accompanied by a grand atmosphere.

The mysterious power of the Dharma, coupled with the knelt down Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian's understanding of the Dharma.

From the inside out, the mysterious power of Buddhism began to dissolve the evil spirits in the main body of the Lin Family.

And Li Wentian's bone poison penetrated into the bone marrow because of the practice of the secret technique.

The golden words of Buddha's words burst out with golden light, which shined on the bodies of Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian.

The breath of the two also changed accordingly.

Back to the basics, simple and unpretentious, and without sharpness, but the breath on the body adds a sense of peace and tranquility invisibly.

Patriarch Lin and Li Wentian, their upper body shirts turned into powder and fluttered in the wind.

The gray hair on his head turned into strands of blue silk.

Flying along...

"That's what I heard. For a while, the Buddha lived in the city of Wangshe, in the mountain of Qijaburi, and was joined by the 2,000 people of the Great Bhikkhu. They are all Arahants, and all the omissions are exhausted, and there are no more troubles. The heart is at ease. The names are: Aruohan Chenru, Mahakaya, Uropinluakaya, Gayakaya, Natikaya, Sariputra, Big-eye Qianlian, Mahakayayan, Amian Lou Tuo, Jie Bin Na, Chu Fan Bo Ti, Li Po Do, Bi Ling Gha Po La, Bo Kura, Maha Kura, Nanda, Sundra Nanda, Fu Lou Namitorani, Xu Bodhi, Ananda, Rahola, such as the knowledge of all, the great arahant, etc."

Xuan Xin preached from the Diamond Sutra to the Lotus Sutra.

The entire Shaoshi Mountain reverberated with the sound of Xuanxin's chanting, and everyone fell into an epiphany in the sound of chanting.

Even the birds in the mountains stayed on the branches.

Listening to Shaolin Dharma.

In Shaolin Temple, apart from the sound of Xuanxin's chanting, there is no noise, and the atmosphere of tranquility and the rhyme of Buddhism has become extremely strong.

He knocked on the wooden fish, Xuan Xin until he finished preaching the Lotus Sutra.

This stopped.


Breathing out deeply, opening his eyes, a ray of rhyme and sharpness flashed away.

Xuanxin stood up, wearing a brocade robe.

Feeling that this very strong breath of Buddhism and Taoism, the whole Shaolin Temple and the whole Shaoshi Mountain are so quiet and peaceful.

The peace in my heart has never been before.

This kind of breath made Xuan Xin feel more comfortable than ever before.

The little wine was dressed in a robe, monk clothes and cap, sitting cross-legged in front of the golden Buddha statue like an old monk enters Ding.

Bathed in the rhyme of Buddhism and Taoism, it is like falling into an enlightenment intoxicated.

Fuhu lay on the ground, the head of the tiger bend his ears and listen.

Looks very pious.

Xuan Xin stepped out and found the quiet and elegant abbot's monastery, where the harmony of nature and man naturally breathed.

One plant and one tree are in harmony with Tao, giving people a very natural and comfortable feeling.

"God helps me Shaolin."

Standing in the temple, Xuan Xin looked up at the sky and saw the vitality swarming that day.

Shaolin's luck is soaring, and the weather has become...

The air and luck are intertwined, and the mystery is extraordinary.

In the golden light of soaring air luck, Xuan Xin saw the dragon yin and phoenix sound, and saw the posture of the dragon wind, each complementing each other...

I saw a simple and atmospheric character "Fire".

Seeing the small sun condensed, it releases the sun **** and burns eternal years.

Seeing the golden light of luck, the vast Buddha light soars into the sky...

Seeing the golden light of merit shining, the nine-layer merit gold pagoda that condenses the golden wheel of merit...

In this way, Xuanxin's golden pupil of fortune has seen many mysterious and extraordinary sights, and these scenes have formed an imposing golden dragon of fortune.

This golden dragon of Qi Luck, entrenched in the sky above the Abbot’s Monastery, has already shown the atmosphere of swallowing the world and shining forever...

A series of miraculous changes have taken place in the fortune of the weather, the long river of fate, and the golden light of luck.

There are all kinds of incredible magic.

Reincarnation of cause and effect, destiny is doomed, and a series of entanglements in Buddhism.

A series of changes are so wonderful.

The past, present, future, cause and effect, reincarnation, and numerology changes all seem to have foreshadowed them, and they can't escape the calculation of the great road...

Although Xuan Xin didn't have a deep understanding of Qi Yun, numerology and calculations, especially heavenly secrets.

But it can also be seen.

Shaolin's air transport has been completed, and the weather that is present at this moment has the potential to swallow the world.

This also means that Shaolin is about to move towards a world of battle.

Compete for the road of incense and luck in the world.

The spread of Buddhism, the cohesion of beliefs, the prosperity of Shaolin, and the prosperity of Buddhism are the general trend of the future.

This situation has been achieved.

And Shaolin is the protagonist.

"The world is in great shape, Shaolin is prospering, and Buddhism is prospering, but it will inevitably be accompanied by catastrophe."

From the golden light of Qi Luck, Xuan Xin saw the general situation of Shaolin Qi swallowing the world, but also saw a strange darkness from the weather.

And the weird dark light became more and more prosperous. UU reading

In an instant, darkness struck, and the vast golden Buddha light merged and transformed into darkness a little bit.

In the endless darkness, the dark magic lotus condenses into...

"The catastrophe is born, this future catastrophe is actually reflected on my two disciples."

Qi Luck is very mysterious. Xuan Xin saw the prosperous side of Shaolin Daxing's Buddhism, and the weather on this side seemed to be fulfilled in the great disciple Wuzhen.

And the strange darkness that I saw, the great calamity derived from the dark magic lotus, this kind of weather was undisputedly fulfilled in the body of the second disciple Wu Tian.

Xuan Xin didn't know whether her final path would be fulfilled.

But Xuan Xin had a hunch that if his Dao wants to reach Consummation, it is very important to cultivate the major disciple Wuzhen and the second disciple Wutian.

The cultivation of two disciples is indispensable...

In the long river of fate, it is vague, and it is impossible for Xuanxin to fully penetrate the future.

Think about the great disciple Wuzhen, a dying and decayed man who is over sixty years old and has no future. He can't pile any magical secrets on him.

The current Wuzhen's martial arts strength is no more than three or four times the day after tomorrow.

At most, it will reach the sky after reaching the seventh or eighth layer of the acquired day.

How can such a big disciple with no future be cultivated?

There is no future at all, and Xuan Xin feels a headache as long as he thinks about it if he wants the big disciple to enlighten the truth.

On the contrary, it is the second disciple Wu Tian, ​​too enchanting talent and too aggressive to stop the car...

Two disciples, need a balance...

For a time, various plans began to build up one by one in Xuan Xin's heart...

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