Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 127: Fa conference and recruiting disciples

In the past month, Shaolin pilgrims have surpassed the gate, and many famous sects in Beiyuan Mansion want to visit.

No Xuanxin refused one by one.

One month's time has consolidated Shaolin's influence and reputation in Beiyuan Mansion.

But to say it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it will take more time.

Jue Yuan is currently the director of all internal and external affairs of Shaolin.

Ordinary trivial matters will not be disturbed by Xuanxin by going to the abbot's monastery in person. They will only be related to Shaolin's major matters or his inability to do the Lord's matters.

Only then came to the abbot's monastery to ask Xuan Xin to decide by himself.

"Sit down and speak slowly."

Taking a sip of the fragrant tea, Xuan Xin greeted Jue Yuan with meticulous care and respect.

"The disciple thanked the abbot."

Jue Yuan can be said to be cautious, acting very restrained tremblingly.

Only in the Abbot's Monastery, in front of Abbot Xuanxin, could Jueyuan feel such a sense of oppression and restraint.

In Jueyuan's mind, the abbot is a sacred and stalwart existence. ,

It is the pillar of the faith deep in his heart.


Just as Jueyuan sat down, Xiaojiu rode the tiger, carrying a bowl of fragrant tea that had just been brewed, and handed it up.

"The disciple thanked the monk."

Jue Yuan looked at it and got up hurriedly. While bending over, he took the fragrant tea offered by Xiaojiu with both hands.

His face was flattered.

Jueyuan knew that Xiaojiu was the sacred beast of Shaolin, and the old man at its feet was a demon king with a strength comparable to that of a golden core.


The little wine wearing a mini monk's clothes became very excited when he heard that Jueyuan called it a great monk.

Excited for a while.

I was very satisfied with the boy Jueyuan. Every time this boy came to the Abbot’s Monastery, he called him a great monk, which greatly satisfied Xiao Jiu’s inner vanity towards the Buddha.

Now Xiao Jiu looks at Jue Yuan, this kid is more pleasing to the eye.

"Has something happened in the temple lately?"

Xuan Xin looked at Xiao Jiu's cocky look, she was speechless and couldn't help but shook her head with a smile.

Put down the fragrant tea and asked Jue Yuan.

"Back to the abbot, this is the four-thousand-year inheritance family of the Beiyuan Mansion, as well as the greetings signed by the Zongmen family in the towns under the jurisdiction of Beiyuan Mansion."

"Bei Yuan Palace's family patriarchs and sect masters want to visit Shaolin."

"I hope I can listen to the abbot's Dharma..."

Jueyuan took a sip of tea, and when he heard the abbot's question, he went straight to the subject and hurriedly took out the greeting note and handed it up.

It probably means that Shaolin is now the martial arts supreme of the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

The martial arts leader of the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

Even four thousand-year-old inheritance families have bowed their heads and put their ears to Shaolin.

Since Shaolin is the eldest brother of the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

It's the thigh of Beiyuan Mansion, do you stand up and say a few words to reassure everyone?

Should we unite the families and sects?

Each martial arts strength.

Get closer to each other. If you have something in the future, please ask Shaolin, the eldest brother, to come out and cover...

After all, it has been a month, and Shaolin has also been promoted as a martial arts leader by various sects and families of Beiyuan Palace.

The supreme martial arts...

The entire Beiyuan Mansion is spreading about Shaolin's deeds, and Shaolin's reputation and influence spread throughout the Beiyuan Mansion.

As a result, Shaolin was too low-key this month. The eldest brother didn't say a few words to everyone, nor did he talk about ties and ties.

Although Shaolin is a place of pure Buddhism, it can't really be indifferent to the world, right?

You are the eldest brother.

Don't you care about my brothers?

"Jueyuan, please let me know. Three days later, Shaolin will hold a Fa conference, inviting the four thousand-year inheritance families of Beiyuan Mansion, as well as the families of various sects and families in various towns."

"Patriarchs, gather together with the masters in Shaolin."

"Also, after the notice, Shaolin will recruit 400 four-generation disciples of the Juezi generation next month."

After Xuan Xin read the greeting card, he immediately knew about the martial arts sects of the martial arts family in the Beiyuan Mansion.

The commotion and thoughts in the secret are also clear.

"Respect the abbot's decree."

Jueyuan bowed to Xuanxin reverently, and then retired respectfully.

After Jueyuan left, Xuanxin took a walk in the courtyard with the greeting card.

The current Shaolin is the supreme martial artist of the Beiyuan Mansion, and the leader of the Beiyuan Mansion with the sole right to speak, Xuanxin not only has to stand in the position of the abbot of Shaolin and think about problems.

We must also look forward and think about the problem from the position of the supreme martial arts in the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

At present in Beiyuan Mansion, martial arts forces can be divided into three classes, and the only martial arts supreme sect leader is Shaolin.

Shaolin is at the top of the food chain.

The second class is a four-thousand-year-old family with deep roots, intertwined roots of power and deep roots.

The third class is the martial arts sect of the martial arts family in each town.

Of course, there are also some small families and casual repairers who are not in the name.

Now there is a real commotion, and it is the third class, the small families of the small sects in various cities and towns, that are surging.

They longed for Shaolin, the new eldest brother to carry the handles, to stand up.

Rebalance the interests and contradictions of all parties.

This requires Shaolin to stand up and build a strong alliance instead of being uncontested.

At the same time, these sect families also hope to embrace the big thick legs of the big brother Shaolin, in order to obtain more benefits in the distribution of benefits...

It means that each has its own plan.

After all, Beiyuan Mansion is very big, if there is no strong alliance and leader brother.

The martial arts forces in the entire Beiyuan Mansion will be chaotic...

In a word, the power relations and interest cakes divided by the four thousand-year-old inheritance families.

Because of the rise of Shaolin, he became the new eldest brother.

Everyone is ready to move, UU reading seeks to reshuffle the cards, re-division and distribution.

All these profound minds understood that since the younger brothers below demanded to re-establish a strong alliance, then Shaolin would stand up as his own.

It's good to establish a martial arts alliance respected by Shaolin.

The conflicts of interest and conflicts among the kids.

It can be resolved internally.

In the future, there will be any major events in Beiyuan Mansion, Shaolin and his brothers charge and do it together.

That's what it means...

The reason is to recruit four generations of disciple Juezi generation again, and also recruit as many as 400 disciples at a time.

Xuan Xin considered that with Shaolin's current fame and status.

The expansion of influence.

There are still not enough monks, and there are still too few monks to be the only super sect monk in Beiyuan Mansion.

Shaolin is not only strong but also big!

Secondly, the scale of Shaolin is too small today, and it's really not very good to have a few sect buildings like Shaoshishan.

This requires expansion.

To expand, we need manpower and material resources. How does this manpower come from?

Of course, excellent disciples selected from the entire Beiyuan Mansion joined.

How does this financial power come from?

Of course, it is to hold a Fa conference, let the younger brothers offer incense money, and after the rich and the people, Shaolin can expand on a large scale.

Four generations of disciples of Juezi generation were recruited on a large scale.

It can also unite well, lower the hearts of the various sects and families, and better condense the incense and beliefs of the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

You have to know which family or sect does not want to let your own outstanding disciples.

Worship Shaolin?

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