Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 232: Form an alliance, negotiate the position of the leader

In the five prefectures of North Lingnan Road, the head teacher of the Nanyuan Mansion present here knows more about Daochang.

In a Nascent Soul Stage, the martial arts strength is the most powerful.

The twelve profound gates in the Central Capital Mansion, the martial arts strength of the leader of the Nine Palaces Jindan Great Perfection.

Master Ku Rong, the abbot of Yongling Temple in Xishan Prefecture, is also the martial arts power of Jindan Dzogchen.

Even the woman who still has the charm in front of her is the martial arts strength of Jindan Dzogchen.

There is only Xuanxin, looking at the youngest person, only the martial arts strength of Zhuji Dzogchen, there is no way to compare with the four big men present.

"This is Mrs. Jin from the family of Simon..."

Ma Nanshan pointed to the Qiaoxiao Yanran woman and introduced in a very kind tone.

"It's polite."

Xuan Xin slightly hit the chief inspector, he had already guessed the identity of this woman.

But I didn't expect that the old lady Jin who supported the entire Simon family was such a beautiful woman with such charm.


Not old at all.

This old lady Jin seems to be in her thirties, but her actual age must be at least sixty years old.

This style remains the same, thanks to good maintenance...

"Okay, this official is entangled in official duties, so I won't bother you."

"Respect for the election of the leader, everyone agrees as soon as possible."

"Everyone is sincere and united, so that we can resist the demon sect together."

As the governor of the North Lingnan Road, Mananshan's existence represents the Great Zhou Dynasty. If he participates, the court will intervene.

Or the suspicion of hemiplegia.

The head teacher of the Taiyi family heard more about the Taoist master, the real person of Jiugong, the leader of the twelve Xuanmen, the abbot of Yonglin Temple, the master Ku Rong, the old lady of the Ximen family, and the Xuanxin immediately got up and sent off.

After sending away Mananshan, the atmosphere in the chamber was obviously much more relaxed.

It can be said that the five people in the Chamber represent the whole line of martial arts in North Lingnan Dao.

He holds the right to speak in the martial arts of North Lingnan Dao.

He is the true leader of the martial arts of North Lingnan Road. Anyone stomping one foot can make one of the provinces of North Lingnan Road shake three times.

Although the atmosphere is much more relaxed.

But at this time, no one spoke about how to discuss the matter of honoring the leader.

The atmosphere became a bit awkward for a while.

In the five provinces of North Lingnan Road, the leader is selected to unite the martial arts power of the entire North Lingnan Road.

For such a big thing, in fact, only five people in the chamber are needed.

A consensus will do.

The question is, who will be the leader?

Xuan Xin was unfamiliar with the place in his life, and these big men met for the first time, and Xuan Xin didn't have the desire to compete for the leader.

I also know that Shaolin does not have this strength and qualifications.

Anyway, whoever is the leader is the same.

So I sat in the chair of the grandmaster, watching his nose, nose, and mind, as if an old monk had entered concentration, motionless...

"This... old man, let's say a few words."

"Taiyi Master Master knows more about Dao Master, his martial arts strength is indisputable, or let's recommend him as the leader."

The old lady Jin of the Simon family took the lead to break the embarrassment and lifted out the fairy-style Dao bone, the He-Fa and Tong-yan Dao Wen Dao.

The reason is nothing more than the fact that Dao Chang is a strong man in the Yuan Ying period.

The martial arts strength is the best.

If you want to compete in martial arts strength, no one here is his opponent.


"The old way is just a fluke, I'm one step ahead of you, I'm too shallow in my roots..."

Duo Wen Daochang's breath is the most ethereal, and he repeatedly waved his hands and became humble about Mrs. Jin's recommendation.

"Ha ha……"

On the side of the He Twelve Profound Gate, the Jiugong real person wearing a red dress and a feminine breath, let out a yin and yang strange sneer.


After a sneer, he let out a cold snort disdainfully.

Obviously, he is not convinced by the recommendation of Dao Wen Daochang leader as the leader of the nine palaces...

If you talk about the strength of the sect, too one sect is not as good as the twelve profound sects. It is the foundation of martial arts and the inheritance of martial arts, and it is not comparable to that of the same sect.

Besides the martial arts strength, Jiugong Zhenren has reached the threshold for breakthrough.

It is possible to reach the metaphysical stage at any time.

Don't say he is a real person in Jiugong.

That is, among the twelve profound gates, the other eleven head teachers, if you pick one out at random, it is possible to break through the Nascent Soul Stage at any time.

It can be said that He Twelve Profound Gate has enough strength to be proud.

And as a leader’s capital.

"Haha, too..."

"He Twelve Profound Gates have led me to the five prefectures of North Lingnan Road for as long as two hundred years. No one can match my qualifications and martial arts strength is even more unshakable."

"Why don't we recommend the real person of Jiugong to be the leader?"

Mrs. Jin turned to the Jiugong real person and lifted it up. There was no embarrassment at all during this change of position.

Fairy wind Dao bones, he has a childlike face and heard more than a long time.

Sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, stroking his white beard motionlessly...

The abbot of Yongling Temple, Master Ku Rong, and the Xuanxin of Shaolin Temple squinted motionless like an old monk entering Ding.

Sitting there is like a statue.

A posture that has nothing to do with oneself.

Mrs. Jin recommended the real person of Jiugong, but she didn't get any support from anyone for a while.

The atmosphere is deadlocked there.

The real person of Jiugong exudes a cold and cold aura, his face is black and his expression is obviously ugly...

It can be seen that this nine palace real person respects the election of the leader.

It can be said to be holding a strong heart of contention.

"Abbot Xuanxin, what do you think?"

Seeing that no one agreed, Mrs. Jin was about to draw attention to her profound mind, which had nothing to do with her.

Suddenly, Taiyi Sect Master learned more about Taoist Masters, and the real people of the Twelve Profound Sect Nine Palaces, all turned their heads to look at Xuan Xin, and their attention was focused on Xuan Xin.

I want to see Xuanxin's attitude and tendencies.

Everyone knew in their hearts that Xuanxin was too young, and only had the strength to build the foundation of Dzogchen Shaolin had just left a small temple with no name.

Rise to become the supreme martial arts of Beiyuan Mansion.

Regardless of its qualifications, fame, or strength, Xuan Xin was not qualified to compete for the position of the leader of the five palaces.

Everyone wanted to see which side Xuan Xin would stand on.

Do you support the Taiyi School or the He Twelve Profound School?


Announcing the Buddha's name, Xuan Xin glanced at Mrs. Jin who was looking at her with a smile.

Knowing this time, I have to express my opinion.

"Master Ku Rong is my Buddhist monk, with profound Dharma and high moral character."

"Whether it is strength or fame, Master Ku Rong deserves to be the leader of the Five Houses."

Between the Taiyi School and the Twelve Profound Schools, no matter who Xuanxin expresses support, he will offend the other party.

This is completely unnecessary.

Therefore, Xuan Xin carried out Master Ku Rong, the abbot of Yongling Temple, so that he would neither offend the Taiyi School nor the He Twelve Profound School.

Because Xuan Xin and Master Ku Rong belong to Buddhism.

They are all Buddhist monks with advanced Dharma and Taoism, and they can be said to have a sympathy for each other.

There is nothing wrong with Xuan Xin's support of Master Ku Rong, and no one can fault it.

The key is that Master Ku Rong has this strength, and even now Yongling Temple cannot be compared with the He Twelve Profound Gate.

But compared to Taiyi, the martial arts strength is not less than surpassing.

In the end, this Master Ku Rong, regardless of seniority or fame, came to be the leader of the Five Houses of the North Lingnan Dao.

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