Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 237: Inheritance of blood, natal martial arts

There are three direct disciples of Shaolin, Wuzhen, the eldest disciple of Shaolin, a lowly old monk in martial arts.

The second disciple Wu Tian, ​​a dazzling shining, overwhelming Tianjiao throughout the age.

The third disciple Wu Yan was equally outstanding and dazzling.

He is completely able to compete with Taiyi Sect, Yongling Temple, Ximen Family, and the great disciple of He Twelve Profound Sect.

Wu Yan is also a real first-class talent.

In comparison, Wuzhen is indeed ignored by everyone.

Even suffered contempt.

But like Simon Wang, the rudeness and arrogance that he showed in person, he didn't put Wuzhen in his eyes at all. Such unscrupulous things not only didn't give Wuzhen face, but also Shaolin's face.

This is not ashamed of everyone.

In front of the face, if it is still like this, it is indeed too much.

I saw Xiaoyaozi of Taiyimen, Wu Yong of the Twelfth Profound Door, and Master Yideng of Yongling Temple. Gu Shi frowned and looked at Ximen with a frown.


Wuzhen, who was pushed aside by Simon Wang, declared a Buddha's name with a cold expression on his face.

At this moment, he didn't have the slightest emotion in his heart.

Becoming cold, paranoid emotions and obsessions continued to breed in his heart...


The arrogant Simon Wang glanced at Wu Zhen disdainfully and let out a cold snort.

Wu Tian, ​​Wu Yan, the two have cold faces.

Looking at Simon Wang angrily.

"How can Shaolin be on an equal footing with Taiyi School, Twelfth Profound Gate, Yongling Temple, and my West Gate family?"

"Taiyimen Xiaoyao, the congenital Dzogchen martial arts, the Yongling Temple Yideng Master, the congenital Dzogchen martial arts, and the son of the Twelfth Xuanmen Wu Yong is also the congenital Dzogchen martial arts."

"My son, Ximen Wang, is innately perfect in martial arts cultivation."

"This Shaolin's great disciple Wuzhen, one foot is about to be buried in the loess, only the four levels of martial arts cultivation skills acquired."

"The exchanges and discussions between the five provinces and sects of the Lingnan North Road are not only the comparison between the five people like me."

Simon Wang went around for a big circle, always holding a domineering air, and finally pointed to Wuzhen: "I want to ask, this old monk, is he worthy to exchange ideas with me?"

"The acquired four levels of martial arts cultivation base really live on a dog."

As soon as Simon Wang's voice fell, everyone's discoloration suddenly changed.

Wu Zhen was expressionless, Wu Tian and Wu Yan held back their anger, staring at Ximen with scorching eyes.

"You stand aside, you don't deserve to sit with me and the four of you."

Simon Wang pointed to Wuzhen, which was a posture that completely prevented Wuzhen from coming to stage, and then looked at Wutian Dao who was angry: "At only five years old, he has reached the foundation-building stage."

"It's you, worthy of letting me take a look, and because of your presence, the newly rising Shaolin didn't let me down."

"It's better to let you discuss with this son."

"Look at the Shaolin Martial Arts, there are some real things at a fair price."

At this moment, everyone felt that Ximenwang was so mad as to be boundless.

Even behaved a little crazy.

Why do you Simon family step on Shaolin so unscrupulously?

It's madly unreasonable.

Very clueless.

With a pair of eyes, Gu looked at Ximenwang incredible.

At this moment, even the members of the Ximen family felt that their descendants had acted too much.

Even to an incomprehensible level.

How can the exchanges and discussions between the five prefectures and sect disciples of the North Lingnan Road be so arrogant and aggressive?


"Why don't you let the poor monk teach you some tricks?"

Wu Yan, who couldn't stand it a long time ago, stopped Wu Tian, ​​and then stood up with an angry expression on his face.

He couldn't help it a long time ago.

This Simon Wang was really too rude and too defiant.

What kind of madness?

What's so crazy?

At this time, Wu Yan was not only angry, but also full of fighting spirit.


Seeing Wu Yan standing up, Ximenwang immediately looked at Wu Yan with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Well, I hope you don't let me down..."

After Simon Wang finished speaking, he took a deep breath, and flew straight to the top of the ring with a light touch.

Wu Yan was also unambiguous immediately, exuding extremely thick from all over his body.

The breath of yang.

He leaped and went straight to the arena, and stood face to face with Simon Wang who closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"My sword, I don't know if you can catch it..."

With his eyes closed, Simon, who was standing on the ring, whispered to Wu Yan in front of him.

With his hand on his waist, a thin and soft sword flashed coldly.

Appeared in Ximenwang's hands.

The sword intent was surging, the wind was vigorous, and the chill was reaching people's hearts. At this moment, Ximenwang suddenly opened his eyes, and a terrible sword intent came out from Ximenwang's body with the momentum of the world.

A terrible murderous intent locked Wu Yan.

A pair of eyes stared at Ximenwang and Wu Yan on the ring.

Feeling this terrible sword aura, as well as this unparalleled sword intent that carries the power of heaven and earth, Taiyi School, Yongling Temple, and Twelve Profound Gates, all the disciples couldn't help but take a breath.

In my heart, I couldn't help but bursts of horror.

Even Xiaoyaozi, Wu Yong, the major disciple of the Taiyi School and He Twelve Profound School.

Seeing this, his face changed drastically.

The look became solemn.

Because of Simon Wang's sword power, even they had to take it seriously.

"Hate Wind Slash!"

With a cold shout, Ximen Wang cut out with a sword, and the countless sword auras that the software waved, condensed and slashed towards Wu Yan with the power of heaven and earth.

"Hi...Is this the core sword skill of the Ximen family [Shi Feng Slash]?"

"Rumors Ximen family's natal magic power to confine the gods and anger, that is the truly terrifying magical power that shocks the world."

"This Fengshen and Fengshen's rage are both magical skills that only the people of the Ximen family can practice..."

"This Wind Slash is a heaven-grade top-level magic technique, but this Fengshen's fury is said to be an epic-level technique..."

"Yes, the fate of the Ximen family is said to be impossible for outsiders to practice."

"The inheritance of the Ximen family has always been the inheritance of blood strength."

"Although the Ximen family seems to have no successors in recent years, the arrogance in their bones is hidden in their blood..."

"I don't know if Simon Wang Shizi has also practiced Fengshen Rage. If you can see this epic-level technique..."

"Hey, the family of Simon, the blood is noble, and the inheritance of martial arts, why are these two generations mediocre..."



When Ximen Wang performed the Heavenly Grade Divine Art, Hurrying Wind Slash, one after another, he took a breath, and was accompanied by various speculations and heated discussions of Ximen's family.

Then it emerged and spread...

Ximenwang, as the eldest son of the Ximen family, logically speaking, the inheritor's noble blood, and the inheritor's powerful natal martial arts.

But speaking of it, the recent situation of the Ximen family has been deteriorating over the years.

Family inheritance is not as good as one generation.

This Ximenwang is compared with the generations of strong men before the Ximen family.

It's really mediocre...

Only inherited the arrogance and arrogance of the Ximen family...

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