Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 239: Just one seed

The black cloud is overwhelming, this is a palm technique that even the world has changed.

The heaven and the earth showed a vision.

At the same time, a huge golden palm fell from the sky.

A burst of palpitations of heaven and earth's might.

Such pressure is simply suffocating.

Just when everyone was stunned.

Among the disciples of the Ximen family, I don't know who yelled out a sentence and asked Ximenwang to perform the same epic skill.

Use epic-level exercises to seal the anger of the gods and fight against this Buddhist martial art that is also epic-level exercises.

"Yes, the inheritance of the Ximen family's martial arts and anger is also epic..."

"His, it's terrifying, and only Conferred Wrath can resist the palm of this world vision."

"The confrontation between the two epic martial arts, this is simply a battle of the gods."

"I was fortunate enough to see that the two epic martial arts techniques are worth it in this life..."

"Who knows, what is the name of Shaolin Wuyan's palm technique that fell from the sky?"

"This is pure Buddhism martial arts, yes, but I have never seen it or heard of it. There is such a terrifying technique..."

"The Ximen family's epic-level exercises to confine the gods and anger can only be practiced by people with blood inheritance from the Ximen family."

"Yes, I don't know if Ximenwang has practiced Fengshen anger..."

"You must be trained, the Ximen family has noble blood, and the martial arts inheritance of life has been practiced since childhood..."

"The loneliness of the Ximen family over the years began with Young Master Qing. Young Master Qing has not actually battled the Conferred Wrath, and this Ximenwang has never performed Conferred Wrath..."

"Really, since the Qing master's generation, it seems that I have never seen the Fengshen anger of the Ximen family again..."



For a moment, everyone's eyes focused on Ximenwang's body.

Looking forward to a battle between epic-level exercises and epic-level exercises.

Regarding the Ximen family’s epic exercises to confine the gods, some rumors have also begun to diverge...


"Dare to ask Brother Wuzhen, what kind of magic is Shaolin's mastery of Wuyan's strength?"

Taking a deep breath, the frightened Master Yideng of Yongling Temple, he slightly slapped Wu Zhen, who was indifferent and didn't know what he was thinking.

Asked a question that everyone wants to know.

Shaolin Wuyan, this terrifying epic mastery that carries the power of the world, what kind of magic is Shaolin?


Wu Zhen announced the Buddha's name, and responded to Master Yideng, and said: "This is the palm of my Shaolin Town Temple's magical skill, the Tathagata."

After speaking, Wuzhen watched his nose and nose, and stood there motionless with his hands clasped together.

Not much at all.

Such an answer can't help but disappoint everyone.

But you can know that the name of this epic-level exercise is pretty good.

Shaolin has such a set, the epic-level exercise method Tathagata Shenzhangzhengong, compared to today, will be spread from the governor's house.

Spread throughout the North Lingnan Road, Shaolin's reputation and influence will be further enhanced.

"It turns out that this epic-level magic palm is called Tathagata Palm."

"It's horrible, upright and bright, vast and endless, full of the breath of Buddhism, it's true that it is called Tathagata Palm..."

"But have you discovered that this Shaolin Wuyan's Tathagata palm should have just been cultivated to the beginning..."

"Epic-level exercises, it's not easy to be able to cultivate to the beginning, you know, Wu Yan is only fifteen years old..."

"Yeah, Wu Yan's martial arts talent is already a top-notch generation. In the future, only a little understanding is needed. There is no problem in the martial arts realm."

"Something's wrong, why is there no movement at all from Ximenwang?"

"Yes, Wu Yan's aura has been completely locked on him, as if he was waiting for Ximenwang to respond at the moment of his death."

"No, the arrow is on the line, and Wu Yan can be regarded as polite."

"Ximenwang, isn't he not practicing Fengshen anger?"

"No, this guy is so arrogant that he didn't practice the martial arts of the Ximen family's bloodline inheritance?"

"People like Wu Yan are doing this, and they have prepared time for Ximenwang. What is this Ximenwang doing?"

"Hurry up and use the blood and inheritance martial skills of the Ximen family to conquer the gods."



At this moment, Wu Yan's aura was completely locked on Ximenwang.

And the sky carries the power of heaven and earth.

The palm that triggered the power of heaven and earth has not fallen. Everyone can see that Wu Yan is the friendship between the five provinces of the north and south Lingnan Dao in the grade...

There is no immediate shot.

It was after giving Ximen Wang time to make preparations, and then showing this extremely terrifying palm.

But the problem was that Simon looked at nothing, and just stood there with a look of trepidation.

It seems that the whole person is stupid.

If you become Fengshen Wrath, you will show it.

It’s impossible for Wu Yan to stand there forever and not send it out, right?


There was a loud noise.

The golden palm fell from the sky, and everyone was disappointed by the scene in front of them.

There is nothing at all, the battle between the epic-level exercise technique Tathagata palm and the epic-level exercise technique Fengshenwu.

Ximenwang on this ring was locked by Wu Yan's aura, facing this horror that fell from the sky, not only did he not have a trace of resistance.

There was not even a trace of fighting spirit to resist.

Shaking all over, full of ugliness, slumped on the ground with a look of panic and helplessness.


Ximenwang let out a howl, and the whole person was on the verge of collapse.


He opened his mouth and spit out blood in the mouth.

The whole person lay on the ground, and the ground was squeezed out of a deep pit like rootless fingerprints by that invisible terrifying force.

It is different from the disappointment of others.

All the elite disciples of the Ximen family felt very ashamed of their anger.

The son of the dignified Ximen family is so useless.

It's like a big embroidered What is arrogant?

What is noble?

At this moment, it was simply being rubbed against the ground by Wu Yan.

The key is that Ximenwang didn't even practice the blood and inheritance of the Ximen family's martial arts skills to conquer the gods and anger.

The most unacceptable...

This Ximenwang's performance was simply discrediting Ximen's house.

Seeing Ximenwang, when a puddle of mud was about to pee his pants, Wu Yan couldn't help but shook his head and was ready to stop.

at this time.

The wind was blowing everywhere.

A young man flew out from among the elite disciples of the Ximen family, walking on the breeze like a fairy.

Come to the top of the ring.

A whirlpool appeared in the sky, and endless aura of heaven and earth surged.

"Fengshen angry!"

With a loud shout, the young man looked mad and began to roar up to the sky, and the terrifying power of his open arms was aroused from his blood.

Arouse the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the wind and cloud change its color...

Converged into a terrifying wind force.

This boy, with his arms open, supported a hurricane with one hand, and the force of the terrifying wind directly supported the palm that fell from the sky.


The horrible energy spread, setting off a terrifying wind energy.

Everyone is in this terrifying energy confrontation.

Unsteady standing, one by one can't help being forced to go back three or five steps...

"Ximenwang, why didn't you practice Fengshen anger?"

"Because you are a smasher."

Before everyone reacted, the young man stepped on Ximen and said loudly.

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