Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1006: What do you think is what I made you think?

It's not Jiangnan's arrogance!

Just for the current situation, Li Bing's method is the only way!

For this reason, let alone the vine stem and the shards of Lingzhu!

Even if she wants the stars in the sky, she has to take them off!

There are always more solutions than difficulties. How can I know if I can’t do it without trying?

"Isn't it about giving us a baby? What did it come from?"

Li Bing smiled: "Using the mother vine root you gave me, I took someone to make 10,000 serums overnight!"

"After the serum is injected, the breath of the mother vine can be simulated!"

"Although it is impossible to control the blood cane forest, people walking in the blood cane forest will not be attacked by the blood cane because of the level suppression!"

"That thorny whip can also be directly immune to the poison, I hope it can help you!"

Jiangnan's eyes are bright!

This serum is a good thing. Once injected, the endless blood cane forest is no longer a threat to Longyuan Dark Night!

Ten thousand in such a short time? It can be seen how hard Li Bing and the others are! "

"A lot of help!"

Li Bing added: "Also! The serum only works for 72 hours!"

"After this time, the serum will be metabolized by the body!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Enough!"

Xiao Mi La ran out of the misty marsh restricted area, and she was able to constantly refresh back to her initial state and was not affected by the mutation!

So you can freely shuttle between the two sides!

He returned with 10,000 blood serum, and then left another bag of blood for Li Bing!

Wang Dalei worried: "Is there enough manpower? I have transferred a lot of manpower from various parties, and I touched about 15,000 people!"

"Currently there are only so many. If it is not enough... I will think of a way!"

That's going to dry the mother vine, the lair of the Brahma, no matter how many people are not enough!

Jiang Nan shook his head: "No, just 10,000 serums, why are so many people coming in?"

"Don't let the brethren come in and suffer, arrange to go somewhere else, we have enough people!"

Guan Tai shivered and looked towards Jiangnan in amazement!


This...Why is this enough?

I feel that another 100,000 is not enough!

Do you want to be so happy if you refuse?

Wang Dalei was also dumbfounded, fucking?

No reinforcements? Where does your confidence come from?

Jiang Nan waved to Wang Dalei and brought 097 back to the border!

Only Wang Dalei, Li Bing and the others stood on the steel dragon city...

Wang Dalei sighed for a long time and couldn't help but sighed: "If this situation goes on doing the mother vine stem and the spiritual pearl fragments? You want Jiangnan's life!"

"Will the mother vine honestly let Jiangnan deal with it?"

"There is a pig **** in the Wushen restricted area! That guy is not an ordinary trick!"

Li Bing's eyes were complicated: "Do you think I want Brother Jiang Nan to take risks?"

"I tried all the methods, this is the only way!"

Looking at the back of 097 slowly drifting away, Li Bing took a deep breath and bit the lollipop in his mouth!

A brilliant smile: "Go and believe him, he said that if he can bring it back, he will definitely be able to! Anyway, I believe it!"

Because of this southerner, he never disappoints!

Wang Dalei looked worried: "I won't go back to the headquarters these days. I will go to 096! If something goes wrong, I would rather put myself in and protect my uncle!"

"Look back to inform Brother Jian and let Uncle Ye be ready to support Xijiang at any time!"

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on!"

Inside the 097 post, in the combat command room, there is a giant map on the table!

The locations of 13 blood banks including Brahma Dungeon are marked on the top!

Even Iwakuni’s is included!

Guan Taimu scratched his head sorrowfully!

"The mother vine is in the core position of Brahma Dungeon. Where are the guards? There are pig gods, and there are countless strong people! What do you want to do?"

Mu Wan said sadly: "Once the blood vine is moved, it will inevitably alarm Pepper and the strong men in the dungeon! How to evacuate safely?"

The bobcat furrowed his brows deeply: "Don't even mention the withdrawal, according to the information received from Vivienne, it is a problem even if you can get in touch with the mother vine!"

Jiang Douding stood on the map with a confident smile on his face!

"For this action, I have a mature idea!"

"I want to do the mother vine! I want to do the 13 blood banks together!"

When everyone heard it, a mouthful of old blood almost didn't come out!

Did you make a mistake?

A Brahma dungeon is enough to make people a headache, do you want to do the blood bank together?

Xia Yao smiled: "Xiao Nan is afraid that something is broken again, right? What is the plan?"

Since it is a mature idea, Jiangnan naturally already has a plan in his heart!

Jiang Douding grinned: "Because our goal is the mother vine, we have to build a blood bank together!"

"The memories of all avatars of Vivienne are interoperable. We just reviewed the location of the blood bank!"

"She must be prepared and strengthen the defensive power of the major blood banks, waiting for us to jump into the pit! Set us a trap!"

"Catch the clone, it is indeed possible to ask for information, but it is also equivalent to Vivian's eye in us!"

Guan Tai stared: "Then in this case, do you have to set up a blood bank? Isn't this hitting the gun?"

"This clone is tricky enough, or else just kill Earrings Wei!"

Jiang Nan quickly raised his hand: "Don't don't! The key to this action lies with Vivian!"

"All she wants is this eye!"

Speaking, his eyes fell on Xia Yao!

"Big Wolf Destroyed, the time to show your acting skills has come, you have to be me for a few days!"

Xia Yao's eyes are bright!

(❀╹◡╹) "What do you do? I like role-playing the most!"

Jiangnan smiled compassionately!

"When you become me, go and ask her about the defenses of the major blood banks, and then show an embarrassed look!"

"Next to inquire about the deployment of Brahma Underground City, and repeat the details with her!"

"In this way, she would think that we gave up attacking the blood bank and set the target on the dungeon!"

Xia Yao said excitedly: "In this way, Vivian will transfer people back and work **** the defense of the dungeon? The blood bank is negligent?"

"Then we can take the opportunity to attack the blood bank?"

Jiang Nan snapped his fingers: "Smart!"

The Lynx was stunned: "But our goal is the mother vine. Now that the defense of the dungeon is up, the mother vine can't get it?"

Jiangnan laughed!

(๑ ̄᷄.̮ ̄᷅) "13 blood banks were attacked at the same time, what would Vivienne think?"

"She would think that she was in a trick to tune the tiger away from the mountain. Everything was a blindfold, thinking that our true purpose was the major blood banks!"

"Then what will Vivian do?"

Zhong Yingxue's eyes brightened: "The frustrated Vivian will deploy a large number of master troops from the dungeon to support the major blood banks! Safeguard the banks with all their strength!"

"Try to sabotage our actions, the dungeon will be empty..."

Jiangnan teleported to Zhong Yingxue's cheek!


"Mua! That's right! Reward a Bobo!"

"Since then, I would never have thought of killing Vivienne. Our real purpose is actually the mother vine!"

"This creates an opportunity for action in the dungeon!"

At the moment Guan Tai Muwan and they are all silly!

This...what kind of fairy-like action plan is this special cat?

Acting a wave of Vivienne fiercely?

What you think is not what you think! I made you think!

Actually, what do you think is what you think? I just played you a wave?

This wave of Jiangnan is in the atmosphere!

The avatar of others, the eyes inserted here are originally their advantage, but can you become your own advantage?

This is too amazing, right?

How does the head grow? Why are there so many bad ideas!

Mu Wan swallowed: "I finally know why Nanshen always emphasizes that he controls the court! Is this to control the audience?"

Jiangnan's expression was straightforward: "The most important thing for this action is the time difference!"

"Ten thousand blood serums, divided into 12 groups to attack the major blood banks!"

"Before the support from the dungeon comes, successfully defeat it and retreat!"

"At the same time, I will do it in the dungeon. Since the mother vine is more important than the blood bank, those who chase you will definitely come back!"

"I need to complete the task and withdraw from the dungeon before the manpower returns to the dungeon!"

"The time for this manpower to come and go is our time for action, is it clear?"

Everyone nodded their heads. Although the plan was to show off, it was tantamount to dancing on the tip of a knife!

A mistake in one link will result in a loss of all the games. This requires strong to the extreme cooperation!

Play Brahma in the palm of your hand!

Guan Tai was startled: "Wait! Divide into 12 teams? The one that attacked the dungeon..."

Jiang Nan pointed to his nose!


"Is there anyone here who has stronger mobility than me?"

"No? You don't really think I'm going to storm the Brahma Underground City, do you?"

"This kind of situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak, of course, is to engage in lurking!"

"The more people who go, the easier it will be to expose, but it is a burden. If it doesn't require a few people to fight, I will go by myself!"

Everyone stunned fiercely!

Did you make a mistake?

The most difficult dungeon, Nanshen is going to fight it himself? Want to do it alone?

Xia Yao pouted her little mouth, her face reluctant!

(· ́ε·̀) "Suddenly I don't want to play role-playing so much!"

Zhong Yingxue smiled bitterly: "What Xiao Nan said is the truth. Daotian and Xingyao are in the underground city!"

"It is not a problem that can be solved by a large number of people. There is no means to survive in this situation, and it will be cumbersome if you go..."

Obviously this time, Jiang Nan couldn't bring himself and Wu Liang with them!

Although I feel uncomfortable in my heart, but for the sake of the overall situation, not to add chaos to Xiao Nan, I can only accept it!

At this moment Wu Liang and the others are so eager to become stronger, because if they don't work hard, they will really be left behind!

Jiangnan's steps are too fast!

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