Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1017: You control slightly

The whole audience raised their glasses and drank all the wine in one cup when they raised their heads!

Father Jiang Keng directly opened a spatial wormhole in his mouth and moved the wine outside the house!

Humph! I have been walking around for many years!

How could it be possible to drink the wine of the enemy's house?

And Chen Daoyi, who raised his head, turned his eyes around!

Heh~ As an old river and lake, you still need to have the alertness that you should have, and you can't drink in other people's turf!

As soon as the wine was taken, Chen Daoyi held it in his mouth!

Eh! If there is wine or not, I hold it in my mouth, just for fun!

However, Chen Daoyi frowned slightly. Is the whiskey so silky?

Is there something salty? What's the matter with this inexplicable bean fragrance?

Chen Daoyi, who tasted the product with the tip of his tongue, was a little confused, but he didn't care so much! First URL htt

I didn't plan to drink it anyway!

A small green plant grows from the upper tooth cavity, which can absorb all the wine in the mouth!

Immediately discharge through the pants!

Father Jiang Keng and Chen Dao glanced at each other, everything is said without saying!


On the other hand, the members of the Brahma Society drank it all at one go. What were they afraid of?

But after drinking, they all frowned slightly, then laughed!

"In order to entertain Senior Chen, the head of the meeting took out all the old wine! This taste is simply amazing!"

"That's it, the cotton is soft and silky, astringent with salty, and it's too moist!"

"Haha! There is not a thirty-year cellar that doesn't have this flavor!"

Chen Daoyi didn't drink it at all. Where does he know the taste?

But still echoed: "Yes! Good wine!"

The Jiangnan who listened was shivering. Is that really fine?

I don’t know if there is a 30-year cellar, but it’s true that the third brother brewed it!

Seeing the atmosphere eased, Pepper couldn't help looking straight up!

"It's time to talk about business, my Brahma will prepare parasitic blood vine cultivation methods as a reward!"

"Plus Jiangnan's order is handed over! I wonder how the Chen family's planting of blood vines in Xijiang was arranged!"

Chen Daoyi grinned: "Naturally, it was arranged according to your requirements, but it was just a matter of my order!"

"This time I came here to take the training method! But Jiangnan is quite tricky. Are you sure you can take it down?"

"My Chen family returned without success several times. How can I trust you only with your empty cheque?"

Father Jiang: (≖~≖)

You are just in front of me, is it really good to study how to engage me?

Pepper sneered: "You really regard Jiangnan as a green onion? Entering my Wusong restricted area, even if he is a space department, he can't get out of this circle!"

"Aren't you just letting me knead? To tell you the truth, I'm about to break through to six stars! You know what this means!"

"I will be the king in this misty marsh forbidden area in Jieshi, and this is my sincerity!"

Then he took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and slid it in front of Chen Daoyi!

"Inside is the cultivating method of Parasitoxys sibiricum, there is no fraud!

Chen Daoyi picked up the USB flash drive, his eyes flickered, and there was a touch of jealousy in his eyes!

"You are generous, but you also know that my Chen family is mainly for Jiangnan!"

"You don't know how risky it is to plant blood vines. I won't take any risks until Jiangnan is caught!"

The two discussed the matter!

Pepper wanted Chen Daoyi to immediately order the planting of blood vines, and then catch Jiangnan after he broke through!

And Chen Daoyi didn't want to take any risks because he didn't get the things, so he ordered the blood vine to be planted after he caught Jiangnan!

However, Jiang Nan patted Chen Dao on the shoulder!

"Dad! I'll hold the U disk for you, let's check it later!"

Chen Daoyi's attention is focused on negotiations, where else can he think of anything else? Passed the U disk smoothly!

Jiang Nan just put it in his pocket, and he was so happy in his heart!

I got the same baby again, what can you give us more?

I will help you all!

At the same time, Kaori on the other side of the conference table frowned slightly!


At this moment, her dark circles and her black lips are much lighter!

An immortal spirit rushed in his stomach, and then rushed down!

Kaori: (٥ರ﹏ರ)!

Since... Why did you fart?

At the head of the meeting, they are still discussing business. On such a serious occasion, they must not fart!

I am too embarrassed to interrupt their conversation, my heart is crazy!

hold back! Keep your promise sphincter!

As everyone knows that Kaori's ability is venomous, and there is no place in her body that is non-poisonous!

The chemical reaction with detoxifying small soybeans is the most intense!

With the accumulation of immortal energy, launch another charge!

Just gather the top three flowers!

Kaori's forehead is covered with cold sweat, no way! Can't hold it anymore!

So with fierce force on both legs, he directly took a stance in the air, letting his buttocks be 1cm away from the surface of the bench!

Then put his hands in his pockets and lifted slightly to the sides!

Accurate control of air pressure and flow!

The breeze slowly moved the tablecloth, and the entire pressure relief process lasted 30 seconds!

The sound is controlled below 10 decibels, and a perfect fairy fart is born!

Kaori took a long sigh of relief, and peeked around twice!


Should... no one should have noticed their anomaly, right?

Zhang San: ☚(๑・᷅ก・᷄)

"Brother Nan! She fart, should the drug effect be about to happen?"

Jiangnan covers his face!

Third brother! It's hard to get a 100-point fairy fart! You want to pierce others!

Is the silence of death shameless?

Xing Yaowei, who was sitting next to Kaori, frowned and sniffed lightly.

(✡ˉ᷄·ˍ·ˉ᷅) What smells sour?

Can't help but look at Kaori!

However, Kaori's face remained as usual, listening carefully to the content of the negotiation...


At the same time, in the 097 interrogation room, Erdingwei looked at the turning doorknob, her heart tightened!

Is the devil's time up again?

The door opened, and Xia Xiaonan, wearing a bio-chemical suit, walked into the room with her little hand on her back!

With a bright smile on his face!

"I won't poke you today!"

Earring Wei breathed a sigh of relief, and finally no longer need to experience the pain of being paralyzed?

No... not right! Bastard Jiang is so kind?

I saw Xia Xiaonan pull out two big diamond durians from behind! -


"Smelly you today!"

Speaking of aiming at the fruit handle, it was just a press. After a few "beep beeps", two large durians burst apart!

The walls of the entire interrogation room were stained yellow, and Erdingwei's body was covered with flesh!

The interrogation room instantly turned into a yellow hell, and it stinks!

After hearing the earrings Wei, every cell in her body was resisting, she rolled her eyes and kicked her legs, sitting on a chair and struggling wildly!

It stinks directly!

(#༎ຶཀ༎ຶ) "Oh~Oh~"

"God damned Jiangnan, you are not a human! This...this smells so bad! You shark me! If you have the courage, you shark me!"

_(꒪ͦཀ꒪ͦ"∠) "vomit~"

Earring Wei vomited violently and kept vomiting!

[The grievance value from Vivian +1000! ]



Meeting room in the underground city Getun Building!

Xing Yaowei and Ma Weiwei's eyes widened at the same time, and they rolled their eyes straight!

(꒪ͦཀ꒪ͦ✡) "Oh~"

ᥬ(๐˃᷄ཀ˂᷅) "Wow~"

A puff of sour water was spit out by them!

And these two vomits directly interrupted Pepper Chen Daoyi's conversation!

They all looked at Xing Yaowei in surprise!

Xing Yaowei pinched her nose: "No... I'm sorry, you continue!"

[The grievance value from Vivian +1000! ]

Kaori on the side panicked!

(๑◔﹏◔ิ๑) I...Is my fart that smelly?

Are you vomiting Vivienne? Where is that exaggeration?

She... Doesn't she know it was me who fart?

However, at this moment, a fragrance swooped down again!

The Kaori glass is almost crushed!

Why are you still here?

So I took a stance in the air, and started to put the fairy silencer fart!

This time the traffic is more terrifying than the last time, and the blowing Kaori black hair flutters!

There is a sour smell in the air!

Xing Yaowei:! ! !

Where does this smell come from?

Originally, Erdingwei was tortured by the smelly bomb, and under the synchronization of the senses, all the clones were stinky to vomit!

Coupled with the seduce of this smell in the air, it is even more unbearable!

Chen Daoyi: "I feel you are the best..."

Xing Yaowei: "Oh~"

"Better still..."

(′ཀ`✡) Wow~

"still is…"

ᥬ(๐꒦ິཀ꒦ີ) vomit about~

Chen Daoyi:! ! !

Can not help but slap on the table!

(ꐦ°᷄益°᷅)ノΣ┬─┬ Snap!

"What's the matter with you? Is what I said is so disgusting? Let me say, you vomit?"

"Not as disgusting as you?"

"Pepper! You are in charge of your people!"

I saw Pepper frowning and looking at Xing Yaowei!


Star Yaowei: (✡థཀథ) vomit~

I bowed my head and vomited everywhere, with vomiting tears in my eyes!

The corners of Pepper's mouth twitched slightly: "You control it! Why is Brother Chen so disgusting? Don't be ashamed of me!"

Xing Yaowei wiped her mouth, her face full of indignation: "It's not because of me, it's because of... vomit~"

Damn Jiangnan! You wait for me!

Jiang Nan looked surprised, why did Xing Yaowei vomit like this?

Hiss~ Is the fart of Death Silence so lethal?

Kaori's complexion flushed, and she looked at Xing Yaowei angrily!

"What do you mean, Vivienne? You are sincerely picking my fault, right?"

"Didn't I just let out a fart secretly? You don't have to hold on to this point, where do you keep vomiting?"

"I've smelled it, billions of points don't smell! You did it on purpose! No one else vomited, just where you and the clone were vomiting!"

"Don't you just want me to make a fool of myself in front of the meeting leader? The meeting leader treats me as a confidant, but guards against you. Are you jealous in your heart? You are vicious!"

Xing Yaowei:? ? ?

I said, why are you sour? It turned out that you secretly fart?

"Kaori! I'm not...vomit~"

Kaori burst into tears!

(☍益⁰)☛ " deceive others too much!"

"I admit it! I secretly fart! Just... just let it go! Did I break the law?"

"Do you still vomit? Will you look at her first!"

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