Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1071: I! Zhang San! Ruthless Press Sheet Machine

When he came to the bobcat, Jiangnan waved his hand in front of the bobcat and made faces!

The Bobcats did not respond at all!

Stretched a lazy waist, lazy like a cat!

Jiangnan is so happy, and it feels so cool to be treated as a transparent person, right?

So he leaned to the bobcat's ear and blew a breath!



The Lynx slapped his spirits fiercely, and subconsciously hid to the side, rubbing his ears with a suspicious look!

Dudu said: "What's the matter? Why are ears suddenly itchy?"

Jiangnan quacked, so he blew out again!

Lynx kept hiding, looked up at the open window, the curtains were light and light ~ remember for a second

Can't help but get up and close the window!

"Why is Feng'er so bad today?"

Jiangnan: (??ε??)

"The wind is serious, and people don’t know if they are serious~"

Seeing that the Bobcat completely ignored him, Jiangnan became bolder!

Pouting his mouth, he printed a bite on the bobcat's cheek!




The Bobcat screamed, feeling a little moist on his cheeks, but looking around it was nothing unusual!

After a while, the cheeks felt moist and itchy again!

Lynx looked puzzled, and simply stopped worrying about it, holding the book and looked at it!

However, Jiangnan is already addicted!

This feeling of stealing a kiss has not been discovered is too exciting, right?

It's up to the third brother to respect the law and abide by the law, otherwise, wouldn't it be ruled out?

In a blink of an eye, ten minutes passed, the pro-addicted Jiangnan completely forgot the passage of time! Where are you The bobcat stiffened suddenly, and his eyes turned to Jiangnan who was tapping his cheek!

The two of them looked at each other!


Jiangnan shivered, Shan... Couldn't Sister Shanmiao be able to see herself?

However, the Bobcats only looked at each other for a moment, and then his eyes slid away involuntarily!

Turning the pages of the book lightly, pulling down his hair, revealing the snow-white neck, his expression did not change at all!

Jiang Nan's expression then relaxes, so let me just say, third brother Niubi!

So I took another bite on the bobcat's neck!

I saw that the fingers of the Lynx holding the book were so hard that they turned blue, and the little toes in the socks were buttoned together!


But the expression has not changed at all!

Jiang Nan regained his senses abruptly, no, no, he was here to do the experiment, so why did he get on it?

Go on, but it won't take it anymore!

Confirm that Zhang San's passive talent skills are blessed by Bo Bo lipstick, that's it!

So a teleport left the room!

And the Bobcat sitting on the chair suddenly turned red into a big apple, and it was about to smoke!


Throw directly on the bed and put your head under the pillow!


Did Xiao Nan come here to kiss me stealthily?

I said why my face is wet?

Where is the wind? It's obviously not serious!

What method did Xiao Nan use to make himself ignore him in the first place?

Didn't wear any invisibility clothes?

Thinking of the scene just now, the bobcat's face turned red, but the two little jiojio on the side of the bed couldn't help shaking them!

Jiang Nan returned to the school with his eyes full of excitement: "Haha! Third brother, you are well developed!"

Zhang San was still in a dazed state, and Jiang Nan went straight to report his thoughts to Yang Jian!

Yang Jian was immediately stunned: "Are there such strange people in Longyuan? Why don't I know?"

Jiang Nan sweated violently on his forehead: "If it wasn't for him to wear a big golden chain, I don't know!"

If people who go outside to grow vines have the ability to be ignored, then are you afraid of a fart beast?

Isn't the no man's land just strolling around?

At that time, we organized people to go to the school to line up!


At this moment, Zhang San looked dumbfounded at the long bow-shaped dragons!


What is this for? Has the salary been paid?

I saw the crowd talking!

"Isn't there a ultimate weapon that allows everyone to walk in no-man's land without fear of the threat of beasts? Where is it?"

"Is it Didi? No! I don't want to be crazy!"

"Please let it go! I can't conquer a rattan dance or something!"

Wang Dalei frowned: (???????)????

"What weird thing are you talking about?"

"By the way, why is everyone looking at me wrong these days? It's strange!"

I saw Jiang Nan put his arms around Zhang San with a big smile on his face: "Hurry up, make arrangements now!"

As he said, he took out the Bobo lipstick and stuffed it to Zhang San, and raised his brows: "Brother! It's up to you whether Xijiang can be stable or not!"

"The core of our extrajudicial fanatic farming brigade is from you!"

At this moment, Zhang San's expression suddenly froze, his face turned pale, and he finally understood Jiangnan's arrangements!

Although my tool person is strong!

But the girl did you use it like this? Arrange so many old men to line up for me to kiss?

That’s how the seal came from, right?

Really? A press sheet?

"Nan Shen! So many people? I...I'm so immobile!"

Jiangnan coughed slightly!

With a report here, Zhang San's eyes instantly scanned over!

I saw a lot of little girls in the queue like a long dragon!

Zhang San's eyes were bright, and his hair exploded directly!

(????)?? Aha~

As long as I kiss all the elders in front of me one by one, won't I be able to kiss the little girl with integrity?

"It's my Southern God, I think about brother if there is any good thing!"

Zhang Sanyi's face was moved, and he put on lipstick directly, just like a printer!

Holding a shabby old man, phantoms were printed on his head, and he kissed more than a hundred mouths in a daze!


"Go go! Hurry up! Next one!"

As soon as the beard was kissed, everyone felt that he had disappeared, and he could not be seen at all!

Can't help being horrified, do you want to be so amazing?

What method did Nanshen use?

So everyone's heart was agitated!

They didn't even know that Zhang San's red lips were waiting for them at the end of the team!

Zhang San is full of energy at this moment, girls! Waiting for brother!

I'll be able to kiss you soon!

As more and more people loved him, the spiritual power in Zhang San's body began to exponentially flow away!

Passive talent skills need to consume spiritual power all the time, but it consumes very little!

But I couldn't stand the crowds, and when I was halfway through Zhang Sanqin, I felt like I was leaking!

The spiritual power is passing by, and you can only eat durian pulp to supplement it!

However, looking at the girls at the end of the team, Zhang San gritted his teeth!

Ok? wrong! I kissed so many people, why didn't I even get a girl back?

do not care! As long as you keep kissing, you can always get there!

Zhang San is fiercely popping up here, while Jiang Nan is quietly arranging someone to jump in front of the girl!

I know that Zhang San is not willing to kiss, these are the little girls that Jiang Nan borrowed from the laboratory!

Without giving the third brother some motivation, where does he move?

There are simply no girls in the farming brigade!

I don't know how many people Zhang Sanzhi has kissed, and he feels that his lips are wooden!

Blurred vision, directly fainted to the ground!

Still muttering:

(????) "Sisters, wait for brother! Brother will kiss you soon~"

Jiang Nan laughed, patted his hands, and the girls are all back to the laboratory!

There are more than a hundred people who haven't finished kissing, third brother, you can't fall down!

So he grabbed Zhang San, fed him a mouthful of durian pulp, smeared ink on his mouth, and took turns to stamp the seal manually!

As for Jiangnan, who is a humanoid weapon, it is not a problem at all to use printed sheets or something?


Li Si on the side can't stand it anymore!

Nanshen really doesn't do anything at all, it's so cruel!

After the last more than 100 people were printed, the extra-legal madman farming team set out to plant the land!

But Zhang San woke up leisurely, his mouth turned into a sausage mouth!

"Where is the girl? Why are people gone?"

Jiang Nan smiled and said, "We are all going to perform the task!"

Zhang San's eyes were red: "Where is the girl? Did I kiss the girl? I was tired and passed out just now!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Why didn't you kiss me? You don't know, the girl is yelling at you, she has a shy face!"

"You have to work hard, they will have to come to you to fill up your lip prints at that time!"

Talking about the durian pulp stuffed into a basket of Zhang San!

Zhang Sanyi looked regretful, **** it, I didn't even see such a scene? Fainted?

You must experience it in person next time!

Speaking of Ka Ka, stuffed durian pulp into his mouth for the farming team to use, and I look forward to adding lip prints next time!

Jiang Nan got up and looked thoughtful!

It's not a long-term solution to borrow a girl from the laboratory. This is not a long-term solution!

It seems that you have to find some big men in the farming brigade to send some small puddings to eat, women's clothing cheats kisses!

This way the third brother can be more motivated!

Ok! Just do it!

Zhang San still has an expectant smile at this moment!

Ahhhhh~ I didn't expect Zhang San to be able to greet my sister in an open manner one day!

This is all thanks to Nanshen!

Good brother wow!


In this way, the extrajudicial fanatic team began to wander around in no man's land, farming wildly!

Dig a hole, bury some soil, a few one, two, three, four, five, and the green vine seedlings will grow!

The Tiancong Qingteng also took the opportunity to spread underground, expand its territory, and establish contact with Fujilin!

Li Bing stayed at 066 and began to study the Tiancong Qingteng, saying that he wanted to solve Jiangnan's physical problems completely!

I don't know what I'm studying!

Jiang Nan led the team back to the outpost headquarters, docked with Purple Kite, and constantly observed the progress of the Tiancong Project!

As the first wave of the country that resisted the great outbreak of the Lingxu, China’s every move in Xijiang has now attracted the attention of the whole world!

They are all wondering what method China uses to suppress the spiritual disaster. After all, since the first wave of beasts in Xijiang, there has not been any major trouble!

See if you can learn it and use it on your own!

But the no-man’s land was obscured by a large cloud, and the satellites couldn’t make a clear picture at all!

Even the spy nails were activated to inquire about the actions of the Lingwu troops in Xijiang, all of them went crazy!

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