Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1079: How can you win if you don't enter the tiger's den? (Plus more)

I saw Fat Ju’s huge tiger body that was over 100 meters shrunk to about 30 meters!

The body shape just matches Jiang Menghu!

Fat Orange is almost ashamed and crazy, and all his thoughts are on the small videos I watched before!

Really girl Baixue, just after reading it, will this be used?

Didn't succeed by the cotton swab, but was succeeded by this platinum tiger?



For the sake of race and survival, this king recognizes it!

So he lay on the ground like a sphinx, with two small hands, he was fully prepared!

There are 10,000 galloping horses in Jiangnan's heart!

I'm just undercover, this sacrifice is too much, right?

Was in the face of a black wolf before, but now he is borrowed from the fire by the tiger?

There are wolves before and tigers behind!

Mrs. Tiger urged!

ʕ。◞·̀ㅅ·́◟ʔ "What are you thinking about? Do you work? Is my girl not pretty enough?"

"He's a big beautiful tiger, he's strong, you guys just have fun!"

Jiangnan dodges his eyes!

ʕ◔ε◔ิ๑ʔ " this going to start? I...I'm not very good at it!"

One minute is one minute!

Use green sticks or numb rings? A tiger roars force control?

The green stick is dizzy and fat orange, the ring is paralyzed, and the space wormhole is flicked, and then control the tiger grandmother!

In case something goes wrong, there will be a grenade to control the dance, if it doesn't work, you will shout twice!

In ancient times, Wu Song was drunk and killed a big tiger!

Is Jiangnan catching two tigers by fire today?

Isn't this better than Wusong cattle?

Just do it!

Grandma Tiger said anxiously: "You're a **** thing, don't you know how to do it? Mother-in-law teaches you!"

While speaking, there was a strong cloud energy all over his body, and it was slowly wrapped around Jiang Menghu's body!

"Go! Two front paws on Niuniu's shoulders, first like this, then like this, then like this, and finally like this..."

"Isn't this all alive?"

Jiangnan:! ! !

Do you want to explain in such detail?

This is not a good old woman!

ʕ·́ㅅ·̀٥ʔ "Hey? Still... do you want this?"

Grandma Tiger stared: "Nonsense! If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get a tiger? This is the ancestors of the tiger! Your wife married for nothing?"

Jiangnan almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood!

It's a horrible child if you can't enter the tiger's den!

Did this sentence actually mean this? The ancients do not deceive me!

How did the ancients sum it up? Isn't this too immortal?

Grandma Tiger said anxiously: "You are really struggling! I'll help you!"

The clouds and mist entwined Jiangnan while they were talking, pulling and controlling Jiang Menghu to walk towards Fat Orange!

The two front paws were pressed on Fat Orange's shoulders!

Fat orange shivered, suddenly a little frizzy!

‼ ʕ๐·\'口\'·۶ʔ۶(‧̣̥̇Ф﹏Ф)

Jiangnan is crazy!

by! What's the matter with this cloud? Not only teleport can't be used anymore!

All spiritual skills are blocked? Not available?

damn it!

Jiangnan finally knows why Zhou Yunhu is one of the four evil spirits!

The talented psychic skill, extremely day and sea of ​​clouds, has its own sealing effect!

As long as he is not higher than his own level, and he is in the sea of ​​clouds, his spiritual skills will be blocked? Not available?

This skill is simply amazing! Or domain technology?

Although the psychic power is functioning normally, the special meow psychic can't be used!

Following this tiger grandmother's way, the countermeasures he had just planned to catch the tiger were completely useless!

Isn't this over?

Grandma Tiger said anxiously: "What are you thinking about? Let's start? Forget it, let me help you!"

Jiangnan:! ! !

You shit, help!

Are you really hand-in-hand guidance? Do you want to do your best?

Why don't you go on your own?

Jiangnan is now being controlled by the sea of ​​clouds!

This's hard to ride a tiger!

Fat orange has a shy face!

(ノ)˃᷄ㅅ˂(ヾ) "Oh, hurry up!"

Jiangnan exploded, are you rushing to it?

I have only heard of things that are too fast, and I have never heard of things that are too slow!

So far, he can only recover his body and fight to the death!

Jiang Nan took a deep breath, just about to shout!


The earth shook violently, and the cave rock mass even cracked!

Anxious roars suddenly came from the meeting grassland!

One day, the tiger roars up to the sky!

"Alert! The Flame Sky Flying Dragon and Beast Group has air attacked, and it's hunting again. Brothers suffered heavy casualties!"

"Quick! Go and support!"

Fat orange suddenly exploded when he heard it, and suddenly got up, his body recovered to the size of a hundred meters!

It was directly lifted by Jiang Menghu, and he sat on the ground, lying on his back!

Fat orange was full of murderous expression: "That cheap dragon is looking for death! Huo'er will borrow it later!"


After speaking, he smashed out of the cave and rushed towards the exit of Lingxu!

Jiang Menghu let out a long sigh of relief, tears streaming down his face!

It has to be my Long brother, otherwise this wave will really be instructed by Mrs. Tiger!

ʕ◞◔ㅅ◔ิ◟ʔ "Cough~ Niuniu is out, you are not bad as a tiger, look at me..."

Jiang Nan stared, you are so ugly as a tiger grandmother, but you think it's pretty beautiful?

I bother!

Taking the opportunity to break free from the shackles, Jiangnan rushed out with a teleport!

At this moment, the spirit beasts of the meeting grassland are still pouring out, and they are already fighting at the door!

I saw the purple scum tiger sitting on the lawn looking up the high-level spirit orbs given by the tiger grandmother, and his eyes were full of small stars!

˚*̥ʕ∗*⁰͈ꇴ⁰͈ʔ*̥ "Hey~ It's the first time in my life to make so much money! I..."

Before she finished speaking, Jiang Nan suddenly appeared in front of her with a dark face!

Zi Yuan's smile froze: "Why... how is it so fast? Have you done it well? Don't worry, I will keep this matter secret for you..."

Two violent chestnuts from Jiangnan hit Ziyi's skull!

"So your love is better than Jin Jian? Love is sweeter than honey? Have you sold teammates like this?"

Two packs of Ziyuan were knocked out on the top of her head, tears were in her eyes, and her face grumbled with aggrieved expression!

୧ʕ☍﹏⁰ʔ୨ "Then I can't fight, what can I do!"

Jiang Nan grabbed the high-level spirit orb in Zi Yuan's arms and stuffed it into his own alien space!

"Go! Go outside and see what's going on?"

Zi Yuan said weakly and weakly: "No...Don't it? Zhenghuan is playing outside, but it's dangerous!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes and said, "Then you will be here. Maybe there will be a little tiger looking at you in a while, and let you take a cub or something!"

Zi Yuan's eyes widened fiercely, she couldn't help shaking her head, and rushed up to hug Jiang Nan's arm!

"I'll go with you!"

The two teleported crazily until they were outside the Lingxu!

I saw that the ghost beast group was already fighting together with the dragon beast group, and the scene was extremely bloody!

There are soaring fires everywhere, as well as roasted corpses of beasts!

There are countless flaming dragons flying in the sky, all red and black!

"Dragon Flame!"

One after another giant pillars of red fire spewed out, scorching the ghost beasts below!

I saw that the head of it was a flaming dragon at the pinnacle of the stars, with a body size of 90 meters!

Can't help laughing at this moment!

"Three small barbecues a day! All-you-can-eat baking over the fire!"

"Brothers! Sprinkle the seasoning and infuse your soul!"

The flames of the sky flying dragons responded in unison, and saw that their dragon claws were all clutching a huge salt rock!

I don't know where it was dug, but an airdrop smashed the salt rock on the corpses that had been burned to half-cooked!

Deep-fried into salt flowers and sprinkle evenly!

For a while, the aroma is overflowing, and the meat is permeated!

The ghost beasts were so angry that they kept attacking from the sky!

But the flame flying dragon took advantage of its own flying advantage to easily dodge the spiritual skills that smashed into the sky!

However, there are not many flying spirit beasts in the ghost beast group. They can't reach them and can only be passively beaten!

The Flame Flying Dragon has absolute control over the air, and it has become a large barbecue site!

At this moment, the fat orange sprang out fiercely!

"Very day and sea of ​​clouds!"

A thick cloud to the extreme spread out in an instant, covering an area of ​​10,000 meters!

The clouds and mist are unusually dazzling, as if hit by a flash bomb, just like a very day!

The spirit beasts that were shrouded in the sea of ​​clouds were all sealed, and they suddenly became deflated eggplants!

One by one, they were scared and ran out of the clouds like crazy!

The fat orange at this moment is no longer an orange color, and her hair is white in the sea of ​​clouds!

There seems to be a dazzling white light radiating from his body, his figure is completely hidden in the sea of ​​clouds, and it seems to be integrated with the realm!


With a tiger roar, the spirit beasts who wanted to run stiffened, and they were all stopped!

At this moment, Fat Orange's eyes were full of killing intent!

"Tiger Hunting!"

The forefoot claws popped out, and there was a cold light flashing on it!

The figure of the fat orange instantly disappeared in the sea of ​​clouds, and a series of incandescent claws appeared like a knife light in the sea of ​​clouds in the extreme day!

Strangle everything!

And those spirit beasts had no possibility of resisting at all, they were all torn apart!

In a blink of an eye, corpses were already everywhere under the sea of ​​clouds!

Jiang Nan looked horrified, and the three talents of Zhou Yunhu were fierce enough!

Together, the combat power is even more amazing!

No wonder Mrs. Tiger caught her own tiger roar, if this is really arranged, the day cloud tiger will really take off!


A flaming pillar sprayed fiercely towards the fat orange!

Perceiving the heat wave above, Fat Ju leaped sideways quickly, avoiding the attack!

I saw Yan Tian Feilong laughing: "What? I'm angry? What happened to your little brother?"

"You have the ability to kill me? You're a spicy chicken!"

Jiangnan is stunned, what the fuck?

This Flame Sky Flying Dragon is the pinnacle of Star Yao, dare to yell at Daotian Beast like this?

Isn't he a little floating?

Fat orange was about to bite into pieces with a bite, his eyes full of hideousness!

"Tigers don't show off! Do you really think I am a fat orange?"


I saw Fat Orange jump instantly, and his powerful hind legs even stomped the ground!

He leaped out of the sea of ​​clouds and leaped into the sky, like a white sword radiating blazing light!

Almost in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the leader of the flying dragon!

"Tiger Hunting!"

The claw mang is like a knife, rushing to the head of the flying dragon to grab it!

Firework Dragon:! ! !

So fast?

Can't help but stir up his wings and retreat!


In an instant, the whole body of the Yantian Flying Dragon turned into a red flame and burned blazingly!

Claw Mang tore the Flame Sky Flying Dragon into three petals, but he recovered instantly!

Then he withdrew, a dragon flame spurted out and exploded on Fat Orange!

The fat orange in the sky has no leverage, and can't control his figure at all!

Can only endure this sturdily!

Jiangnan's mouth is twitching!

No wonder the flame sky flying dragon is so arrogant, the day cloud tiger can't fly

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