Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1088: The fertile soil is revitalized! (Plus more)

The first thing the war rhinoceros had just joined the tiger hunter was to pull the plow and open up wasteland!

The thieves are easy to use, and the farming effect is effective!

After clearing out the ghost-level beast group, the tiger hunting army did not continue to clear away the spirit beasts!

Instead of farming wildly, the green vine forest finally spread across the entire Dik no man's land!

There are many descendants of Tian Cong Qing Teng, and the entire no-man’s land is covered with the Tian Cong force field!

The white clouds in the sky are thick and thick!

And Qingteng has also established absolute dominance and supervisory status in no man's land!

In the case of their own home court, the tiger hunting army once again began to clear away the spirit beasts!

The Qingteng Forest cooperates with the Tiger Hunting Army, and the efficiency is amazing!

Now there are only two large beast groups left in the no man's land!

A flying dragon emperor class, a hellhound emperor class beast group!

Aiming at the Flying Dragon Emperor-level beast group, the dispersal mode is adopted to prevent grouping!

The Hellhound's beast group allows the Daotian powerhouses to concentrate on killing high-level spirit beasts and perform beheading operations!

While weakening the high-end combat power, reduce the number!

Yang Jian's purpose is very clear!

It won't be killed by a stick, and there is no need for it. It's not a good thing to go all out and fish!

Always keep the number of spirit beasts in no man's land at about 80% of its saturation!

Set aside 20% as a buffer to maintain the benign development of the animal herd ecology in no man's land!

Even if it is 80%, it is still a staggering number!

The multiplying power of spirit beasts is amazing, and the number will continue to grow!

The role of the tiger hunting army and the Qingteng is reflected, continuing to hunt and reduce, and fight to support the war!

Always maintain the number of herds in no man’s land, which also solves the problem of Fat Orange and their food sources!

As for the increase in the number of ghost beasts, don't worry!

It is entirely possible to transport many spirit beasts to other military bases to cultivate new beast martial arts regiments!

The resources of no man’s land must be used to the extreme!

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner!

Due to the formation of the vine forest wall, no-man’s land no longer springs out spirit beasts!

With a large amount of troops invested, Xijiang's recovery work is nearing completion, and the spirit beasts have been cleaned up.

Some of the spiritual ruins that have been cleaned out and found the core are also not wasted!

Instead, a shelter was built in the Lingxu to make the best use of it!

Although the no-man’s land has not been completely suppressed, the dangers of Xijiang have been eliminated and completely unblocked!

The reconstruction of the destroyed city has also begun, and cities have even been built directly around the ethereal ruins!

Because once something goes wrong, the Ethereal Ruins are the best shelter for the people!

In more than a month, the aura in the uninhabited area of ​​West Xinjiang has almost completed its outflow and external dilution!

It's like a huge source of spiritual energy located in the western part of China!

Constantly flowing out of spiritual energy, the original spirit beast would spread out from Xijiang because of the dilution of the spiritual energy!

But now they are all blocked in no man's land, and there is no way to take a step!

The concentration of the aura of the entire Huaxia has increased a little because of the outburst of the aura of Xijiang!

As the source of Xijiang, the concentration of aura is much higher than that of other provinces!

This attraction to Lingwu is fatal!

I originally thought that if this incident happened, most of the people would move out of Xijiang because of the danger of this experience, and would not come back to live again!

But in fact, because of the super high concentration of spiritual energy, it has become a sweet pastry here!

The Chen family was the first to build a foundation here!

Not to mention that the people of the Chen family are all working in the no-man's land, and the no-man's land will be stabilized in the future as the largest resource output point!

All kinds of Lingwu-related industries in Xijiang will flourish. The Chen family has taken a fancy to this point, and they rushed over!

I don't know if it was Chen Daoyi's order. When the Chen family moved, it also affected a large number of enterprises to move to Xijiang!

After all, as a big clan, the influence is terrifying!

Obviously, Xijiang has not become a barren place for everyone to fear because of this incident!

Instead, it has become a hot and fertile soil, and these are all in Yang Jian's eyes!


If Jiangnan hadn't stayed in Xijiang during this period, it would be hard to imagine what things would turn out to be!

The suppression of the no-man’s land is almost complete, and the abandoned outposts have not been recovered, and there is no need!

The former outpost mode is no longer applicable to today's Dik no man's land!

The Tiger Hunting Corps directly settled in the major ethereal markets in no man's land, and the Qingteng Forest became the best guard!

Iron Dragon City has also withdrawn from the stage of history!

Now it's all war rhinoceros plus pocket rabbits, and Pythagorean is the best choice, no animal herd can withstand such an impact!

The new model makes this fertile land full of life!

It took 42 days! The suppression of the spiritual disaster in Dick’s no man’s land has been completed, and China has lifted its first-level combat readiness!

Ye Zhenguo returned to Kyoto, and the military departments of various regions began to withdraw their troops from Western Xinjiang and returned to their original stationing points!

Xijiang is completely open!

As soon as the news came out, the world was shocked!

Yang Jian didn't hide it, anyway, it was something that couldn't be hidden, and it was simply and generously disclosed!

The high-levels of various countries were shocked and horrified. Are there any mistakes? Is this the suppression?

More than a month later, although the countries initially suppressed the spiritual disaster and achieved amazing results, as the spiritual energy spread, they fell into the crisis of the spiritual beast exodus!

Now we are in a state of desperation, and China has already withdrawn its troops?

Martin looked indignant: "Wipe! Publish the news we found out, hoping to draw attention and cause them some trouble!"

"Can't let them just finish like this!"

On International, some detailed photos of no man’s land were published anonymously, causing a sensation!

There are pictures of Qingteng in the pictures, and even pictures of the tiger hunting army marching!

"Wonima! What the **** is this thousand-meter-high tree? Hey~ this the world tree?"

"The suppression is complete? What is the terrifying speed of Huaxia? Isn't our situation getting better here?"

"The Tiger Hunting Army? The world's first beast martial arts army? This...this horse is too handsome? Huh? Is their leader called Fat Orange? It's strange!"

"Huaxia's spiritual pet learning is simply invincible. Has it developed to the point where it can be armed?"

Whether it is the existence of Qingteng or the appearance of the tiger hunting army, it has aroused heated discussions!

It is almost impossible for other countries to imitate China's model of suppressing spiritual disasters!

China’s success cannot be replicated!

First of all, they don't have ivy, and secondly, they don't have any experience in how to conquer spirit beasts!

But they are all aware of the great value of the tiger hunting army. Humans and spirit beasts fight together, and their combat power will rise to a terrifying height!

Looking at such a tiger hunting army, all countries are even a little bit afraid!

And one of the photos aroused intense discussion!

In the photo, a group of war rhinoceros is launching a charge, with giant heavy artillery and rocket launchers fixed on their backs!

There are also two Vulcan machine guns on the neck!

On each rhinoceros stands a spirit warrior, controlling weapons!

And above the head of the Rhinoceros is standing Jiangnan!

Holding two cannon switches in hand, spit out flames, the shells were thrown away, and the flames reflected on Jiangnan's face!

I saw Jiang Nan grinning, his tongue stuck out and tilted to the side, so excited that it exploded, and so happy that it was blurry!

"Fuck! You are a southerner? Do you want to be so reckless? This is too maddening, right?"

"You look at him smiling? How do you feel he is having fun?"

"Great Rhinoceros Heavy Tank Corps? Carrying a spirit-binding weapon? How can this horse-riding thing withstand such a disaster?"

"Southern God! That's the first person in the spirit pet world. The establishment of the Chinese Tiger Hunting Corps has something to do with him. The war rhinos can be subdued? This is absolutely!"

The picture has been reprinted many times, after all, the scene is too shocking, I know that the tiger hunting army!

I don’t know, I thought it was the CG of World of Warcraft!

A world famous painting has been released again!

A short pants child @南神!

"Isn't it enough for you to receive the intercontinental missile with your bare hands? It's so showy!"

"Hahaha! Nanshen Niubi, this is a complete mess in Xijiang!"

Countries look at the Tiger Hunting Corps, that is greedy. Who doesn't want to have such a beastly armed force?


In the command room of the main base!

"Ah Qiu~"

A big sneeze came out, Jiang Nan rubbed his nose and was braiding Mira!

Ziyuan is lying on the table and slumbering, while Fat Orange is sleeping on Ziyuan's head!



"Hey~ Why don't you let me go? There is nothing fun in the no-man's land?"

"Today's Dragon Boat Festival, I still want to come back to the college!"

The suppression of no man’s land is almost complete, and there is nothing wrong with Jiangnan here!

Yang Jian grinned, it was indeed broken for Jiangnan Xian these few days!

And Jiang Nan's temperament can't be stunned at all!

"Li Bing said, the things for you will be researched out immediately, and I will let you wait for two more days, and after getting your physical affairs done, go back to the academy together!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, and then he remembered that Li Bing had been doing research at 066 during this period and didn't leave the laboratory very much!

Because of drinking vine pulp, the problem of lignification of the body has not been solved, and the level has been stuck at platinum eight!

Is it possible that sister Li Bing has researched out what new baby?

Jiang Nan couldn't help but look forward to it!

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue and Nightingale walked in with two large pots!

A scent permeates the whole house!

"Zongzi is all right, one for each person, there are no more!"

Now the situation in the no-man’s land is stable, and there is free time, although I have not been able to return to the college!

But Zhong Yingxue went to make rice dumplings with Nightingale early in the morning!

The Jiangnan Harazi suddenly came out: "What's the stuffing?"

Even the fat tangerine smells scent and refreshes!

Only Ziyuan was still asleep, and her brows were frowned again, her small faces wrinkled together!

(˃᷄~˂᷅๑) 唔~

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