Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1125: Seems to have become my instinct

This turn does not matter, there is a fan-shaped area behind Luo Changge!

That's all forbidden!

Luo Changge's movements suddenly stiffened, and one of his hind legs slammed into the middle of Zhao Dezhu's characters at an incredible angle!

Don't talk about kicking after full force, the horse biscuit cooperates with the Lingjiyugu!

This leg is directly Luo Changge's leg bone limit, plus a 300% physical crit bonus!

Zhao Dezhu hadn't expected that he would be killed. He just got a kick and another kick!

Just listen to the "bang"!

Unsuspecting Zhao Dezhu was kicked out by this back kick!

The whole person's eyes burst, cold sweat on his forehead, grabbed the ground with his head, and made a "ho **** ho" sound in his mouth!


The painful face turned white, and even the waist was hurting along with it!

The audience is as silent as death!

With such a strong kick, even Zhao Dezhu can't cover it!

Luo Changge:? ? ?

I... Did I kick back just now?

What seems to have been kicked?

At this moment, Jiang Nan has a guilty expression on his face. It's really not bad for me!


You have to step down after the fight, so you have to turn around?

Zhao Dezhu's eyes were breathing fire, and a carp stood up, strode towards Luo Changge!

"Didn't you all say that you passed? How come you still play a sneak attack game?"

"I'm afraid your kid is a little floating, right?"

However, as soon as he approached, Luo Changge's legs kicked back uncontrollably!

Zhao Dezhu:! ! !

I saw Zhao Dezhu spread his legs apart and jumped, avoiding this record and kicking off his grandchildren!

(ꐦಠ益ಠ) "Do you still kick it? If you go wrong, do you pay it back?"

While speaking, he took a big grab, held Luo Changge's two wrists, pressed them on the ground, and directly controlled them!

However, in this position, Luo Changge turned his back to Zhao Dezhu!

Those two feet were completely disobedient. They kicked Zhao Dezhu's crotch one after another!

Comparable to Foshan Shadowless Foot, a piston-type siege gun!

The sound of "clang clang clang~" is endless!

Zhao Dezhu was kicked off the ground, but the upper body still kept the capture!

The following posture at an oblique angle of forty-five degrees controls Luo Changge!

Zhao Dezhu was so angry, his whole body shone with golden light!

"I'm still addicted to kicking, right? When I'm a golden bell, is the iron crotch used for nothing?"

"If you do this, are you worthy of your Aunt Li? Huh? Don't stop?"

Luo Changge is almost crying right now!

(;'༎ຶД༎ຶ`) "I'm addicted! Sister Bailian! Sorry!"

"I want to stop too? But I can't stop at all. This is my instinct! It seems to have been carved into my DNA!"

With the blessing of the big green stick, Luo Changge is jumping out of all the truth!

When Zhao Dezhu heard this, his lungs suddenly exploded with anger!

Are you really addicted to riding a horse?

You came on stage to kick me, right?

Instinct? Don't engrave all weird things into your DNA!

(ꐦʘ̆益ʘ̥̆) "Addicted? It feels good to bully my sparrow, right?"

Luo Changge: (#꒦ິ口꒦ີ) "Yes, yes! It feels very strange, after all, no one can play Huaxia Dragon Armor!"

"In the future, I will go out to drink with friends and brag about it. Some people say that it is a pity that no one recorded the video. I said that I am afraid they will not believe it!

Luo Changge:! ! !

Wo Nima!

Why did Lao Tzu tell his true thoughts again?

Isn't this over?

Dang, who had kicked the vice president, was already dead. Now...

Zhao Dezhu sprayed out two puffs of white smoke directly from his nose!

"Ahhhhhhh! You brat! You want to record a video? Are you arrogant enough?"

No matter what he said, he grabbed Luo Changge's head and smashed it into the ring!

Like a hydraulic hammer drill!

At this moment, the freshmen in the audience are also shocked!

Changge brother, wow, you deserve to be a son of a family, so arrogant?

Luo Changge:! ! !

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the reminder from the north wind!

Don’t just eat whatever Nanren gives?

Horse biscuit? Huh? The truth is!

[The grievance value from Luo Changge +1000! ]

At this moment Beibei was frightened and turned around quickly: "Brother Feng? You help..."

But before the words were finished, the legs kicked out backwards!

The north wind caught off guard was kicked by Bei Bei, only to hear a "boom"!


The north wind was whirled and kicked out!

North Wind: Wang Defa?

"Ah~Brother? I didn't mean it! I..."

The playground at the moment is completely messed up!

Because the freshmen are standing in a queue, row by row!

As soon as the side effects broke out, the front row kicked the back row! Fuck up!

All of a sudden there was banging on the playground, people flying around, and screaming endlessly!

Some were spiraling up into the sky, some lying on the ground and kicking the ground crazily, and some kicking each other with red eyes!

At this moment, the playground has become a large-scale horse pen, and more than 20,000 horses have gone crazy!

Xiang Zula, who had just returned from the retreat, was pulling his hips, and his brain was buzzing when he saw this scene on the playground!

What's wrong?

The last time I withdrew, the attack power test is over? Go directly to the survival test link?

A scuffle in the audience?

From behind, Xiao Chuhuo pushed the wheelchair and walked slowly over!

"Heh~ what's the situation? You two know what's going on..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Zhan's leg kicked backward at an incredible angle!

Kicked straight on the armrest of Xiao Chuhuo's wheelchair!

Xiao Chuhuo:? ? ?

At this moment, the wheelchair has surpassed the terrifying speed of twice the speed of sound and is heading backwards!


It's like reverse gear!

At this moment, Xiao Chuhuo screamed, and he couldn't see what was behind him. His arms violently violently, pushing the two wheels of the wheelchair crazily!

The wheels rubbed against the ground and sparked, but the speed did not slow down!

I saw the wheelchair crashed into the bushes backwards and overturned the car!

Xiao Chuhuo was lying on the ground with his whole body tilted up, his eyes breathing fire!

"It's the opposite! Do you even dare to kick the dean?"

Wang Zhan was agitated: "Huh? How do I feel someone calling behind me? What did I seem to kick just now?"

So subconsciously looked back and looked back!

But the **** was aimed at Xiang Zu, and a kick kick violently on Xiang Zu's body!

Xiang Zu screamed, his body was kicked to the crazy horse group in the playground, and he was trampled ruthlessly!

"Lao Wang! Nima! You have an enmity with me, right? The worst thing I have done in my life is to meet a brother like you!"

Wang Zhan was full of doubts: "Ah Zu? Did you hear the call? Hey fuck? Ah Zu, why are you gone?"

There is no one behind Wang Zhan at this moment!

The freshmen have red eyes one by one, and their grievances are refreshed wildly!

What the **** is this shit? Although useful in battle!

But you definitely don't want to use it when you stand in line?

If you knew you shouldn't eat horse biscuits in advance, wait until your turn to eat them?

Jiangnan's forehead was sweating violently, and he didn't expect the scene to become chaotic like this!

Directly rushing!

But I said the effect is only 30 minutes, and you insisted on buying it with me!

You have nothing to do with me, Jiang Innocent?

Zhao Dezhu's face turned black when he looked at the chaotic playground!

(̿▀̿益▀ꐦ̿) ̄

No need to think about anything, just look for Jiangnan as soon as something like this happens!

So the eyes fell on Jiangnan for the first time!

Jiang Nan quickly raised his hands!


"I didn't, I don't know! I didn't do it, I didn't see anything!"

Zhao Dezhu's face is dark, it's not you who made the ghost!

"Make trouble again, give you a four-part butt, come and help! Get them to the training room for me!"

"Go directly to the survival and elimination test!"

Jiang Nan was startled: "Isn't the attack test done?"

Zhao Dezhu's face was dark, and he looked down at his crotch!

What a **** in this situation?

No matter how hard your crotch is, you can’t hold back so many new students taking turns to kick and play, ah?

Carry more than 20,000 feet a day?

Are you really sorry Aunt Li then?

"Why don't you try it? I think you can!"

Jiang Nan looked at the galloping horses on the playground, and couldn't help but shudder!

"Don't don't don't, I'll help transfer!"

Guan Hu has already prepared in the physical training room!

Today's physical training room has undergone a complete reconstruction!

The ground, the surrounding walls, including the ceiling, are all made of alloy bound spirit steel!

They were all pulled out by the Mavericks!

There are even a few spirit-binding orbs inlaid, completely turning the physical training room into a spirit-binding state!

The survival test is to let the freshmen fight in a spirit-bound state!

Eliminate the survivability!

Now that the freshmen are already fighting together, it just happens that there is no trouble!

I saw Jiangnan teleport over to the playground!

The black hole of the void was thrown out, the suction was controlled, and the nearby new students were drawn together, and then the void chain was wrapped around!

Tie all the freshmen who have sucked it together, and then teleport to the door of the physical training room!

Raising his hand, he threw the new students in like a meteor hammer!

Back and forth!

Frozen, all the freshmen on the playground were thrown into the physical training room!

Even Luo Changge was thrown in by Zhao Dezhu!

At this moment, all the freshmen looked at Jiangnan with bitterness, but remembered the promise they had made before buying the biscuits, one by one became even more angry!

Yesterday, the fighting Ji was not the Southern God trumpet, right?

Jiangnan's little mouth flirted!

(· ́w·̀٥) "Don't look at me like this, just ask if you have passed the attack power test?"

"As far as the result is concerned, it's still perfect!"

The freshmen covered their faces one after another, and they passed, they all canceled directly!

It's entering the big melee

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