Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1154: Human pillar power? Take the road? Is it you?

Before the Mengxins could react, Jiang Nan had already turned the spirit pillar and smashed it down!

Yiroutan Xinsheng raised his spiritual shield and defended it with all his strength!

Just listen to the loud noise of "boom", the new student is like a nail!

Was ruthlessly smashed into the ground, only to see Jiangnan changed to sweep!

The 30-meter-long spiritual power column swept out in an irresistible posture!

Like a round of baseball or golf, dozens of freshmen were spitting blood and flying upside down, mounted on the wall!

Wang Zhan's eyes widened!


What kind of attack is this?

Is Naru all this way of play? Hit people vigorously with the pillar of spiritual strength?

People... People Zhuli? Remember for a second


Do you want to be so literal?

And Jiang Nan seems to feel that a pillar of spiritual power is not enough to hit people!

So nine pillars of spiritual power were differentiated and controlled by nine tails!

It's like beating a mole, catching a student is a smashing meal, extremely violent!

Nail the students one by one into the ground and insert them into the wall!

Bring the combat effectiveness of Renzhuli to its extreme!

Luo Tianqing's eyes widened, and his eyes were shocked!


Hmm~ How does this attack feel a bit familiar?

What kind of power is this?

Why can't I understand?

Jiang Nan is happy to fart, this spiritual force column is beyond imagination?

It couldn't be more suitable for smashing people, see who can stop me Jiang Tiezhu today!

At this moment, Xie Crab suddenly noticed the copper bell tied with a red thread on Jiangnan's wrist!

Eyes glaring!

Quickly pulled Wang Zhan, and said quietly, "Damn! Brother, look at the copper bell!"


Wang Zhan was taken aback: "What happened to the copper bell?"

Xie Xie said anxiously: "Nan Shen is wearing it on his hand. I have seen it before. This product must be played by Nan Shen, you guessed it!"

"It is estimated that all the black hoods were made by the academy instructors, and Nanshen was captured as well, just to create a crisis for us!"

"It is estimated that collecting spirit orbs is not the content of the assessment at all. The real assessment is to see how we react when facing danger!"

Wang Zhan was startled: "Are you sure this man Zhuli is a Southern God?"

Thinking about it this way, that's how it really is!

Xie Xie said with certainty: "Inevitable! I definitely think it's good. Who else has such a show besides Southern God?"

"Let's express ourselves quickly, not be afraid of danger, and be brave to take on something!"

Wang Zhan's eyes suddenly brightened. Since they are all college tutors, are they still afraid of wool? Can't die anyway?

I patted Xie Xie at that time!

"Hey! Classmates withdraw first, I'll cover you! Dogs! If you have a kind, kill me! My Wang Zhan is not afraid of sacrifice!"

"Completely animalized!"

I saw Wang Zhan's clothes burst suddenly, turning into a big red-shelled crab about 130 meters in size!


"Ramp the world!"

Suddenly Wang Zhan's eight legs drove the huge beast to rampage!

Crashing at extreme speed, the crab claws relentlessly clamped towards the black hoods!

The black headgears are also angry, people are thinking about how to run, are you a little floating?

"Aren't you afraid of death? Then give me a blow to him!"

Xie Xie took a bite, **** it! He pretended to be!

Is it so brave?

But I’m thankful that I’ve never been weaker than others since I was young?

I saw that Xie Crab was also completely animalized, and the huge crab claws were slashed straight towards the south of the Yangtze River!


"Children's shoes, don't be afraid, I will carry this man Zhu Li!"

While talking, the crab claws cut straight towards Jiangnan!

Jiangnan is stunned, huh? You two are pretty enthusiastic!

Then he controlled the spiritual power column and smashed it straight towards Xie Xie!

Just hearing a "boom", Xie Crab was smashed into the ground half of his body, and he was spitting at that time!

Can't help but quickly give Jiang Nanfei an eye, lowering his voice

(???????) said: "Southern God! Tap it! Tap it!"

"Give some face, just behave!"

Jiangnan was startled, **** it!

How did this kid recognize me?

Then he used his hands harder: "Fart! I'm taking the road! Don't talk nonsense!"

While talking, I used ten spiritual pillars to smash Xie Xie!

Xie Xie quickly used his tongs and shield to defend!

"Are you a ghostly Naruto? It's done! I can see it!"

"Give me a chance to pretend to be a wave? If the classmates know that the black hoods are all made by you, Jie Jie Jie~"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

Huh? Are you threatening me?

By the way, did you misunderstand something?

Apart from me, these black hoods are really bad guys!

At this moment, Wang Zhan on the side has been frothed by the black headgear!

This group of mentors are too cruel! Really hit hard?


He quickly roared: "Hey hey! I'm going to die! I'm really going to die! The kind that will die right away!"

While being beaten, the black hoods winked at the same time!


Jiangnan's face is black, these two guys don't think that the black headgear are all mentors, so I want to show it?

Wrong! Hey!

If you don't understand, you will be killed!

Never let them break my plan!

"I just take Ludu!"

Xie Xie rolled his eyes: "Bah! Still acting? I'll pay back SARS!"

Jiang Nan stared, it seems that I must use a trick to prove my identity!

"Don't believe me?"

While speaking, the spirit threads in the hands gathered, running at high speed, making a "buzzing" sound!

A baseball-sized glass ball came together!

Xie Xie's eyes widened fiercely, with a look of horror on his face!

Rub the **** with one hand?

what is this? Spiral pill? Nanshen can even do this?

Before Xie Crab could react, Jiangnan Dashou directly pressed Xie Crab's shell!

"Take the kidneys~"

(???~??)つ-`●′-( ̄#)3 ̄)

Just listening to the sound of "boom", the steel ball burst into dazzling brilliance and burst!

Lingsi sliced ​​the shell of Xie Crab, screaming blood, and spreading it out in no time!

In an instant, all the students in the cavern had a lot of blood, big and small, and they kept crying!

Everyone was shocked!

Do you really know helix pills?

Shouldn't might be so scary?

How do you fight this?

At this moment, Xie Crab's whole body is bound by spirit silk, and he can't move anymore, like a hairy crab that is **** and ready to be cooked!

Suddenly someone couldn't hold it anymore and hurriedly shouted!

"Teacher Tianqing, please help! Please help!"

Luo Tianqing was full of excitement, is it finally his turn to play?

Luo Tianqing rushed to the side of Wang Zhan who was besieged!

The fists shook out phantoms, and even threw out a deafening explosion, making a sound like a machine gun!

Several black hoods were smashed and flew upside down!

Wang Zhan is crying, these mentors are not human, they are really going to die?

At this moment, 001 in the distance reminded: "Take the road! Get rid of her!"

Jiangnan laughed!

?? (????) "Leave it to me!"

At this moment, Luo Tianqing looked extremely excited, and even raised an eyebrow toward Jiangnan!


That obviously means playing with me for a while, acting like a little bit, and then I lose again!

Jiangnan was full of bitterness, Luo Tianqing at the moment looked very much like the original self!

I saw Jiang Nan's face serious!

(? ̄?~ ̄?) "Is Tianqing God of War? Very good! An opponent like you is worth my ultimate skill!"

While talking, Jiangnan's Nine Tails Liuli's mouth opened wide!

Countless spiritual silks gathered in front of the mouth of the nine tails, cutting the air at high speed!

Even the nine tails went into battle together and began to frantically rub balls!

I saw that the steel ball made of spirit silk was getting bigger and bigger!

In the end it became a huge glass ball with a diameter of nearly ten meters!

The cute new people have their jaws hit the ground!

This special cat can be regarded as the strongest cos in history!

Do you use all this trick?

Just now the baseball is so big, the power is already terrifying, now the diameter is so big?

Isn't the power going against the sky?

So one by one quickly avoided defense!

I saw Jiang Nan squirt fiercely, controlling the steel wire ball and smashing it towards Luo Tianqing!


Luo Tianqing licked her lips: "Iron!"

In the next moment, his whole body suddenly changed to the color of black iron!

Block the hard resistance with your arms!


At the moment when he came into contact with Luo Tianqing, the steel ball burst!

Lingsi cut on Luo Tianqing's body, bursting out dazzling sparks!

Jiangnan tried his best to control the disintegrated spirit silk to avoid Luo Tianqing, but cut the cave with all his strength!

The extreme edge passed by, and the entire cavern, along with other corridors, was shredded in an instant, and collapsed directly!

Countless rocks fell, smoke and dust everywhere!

The scene is in chaos!

Jiang Nan used the smoke to cover up everyone's sight, and he teleported closer to Luo Tianqing!

Raise your hand to release the void barrier to block the falling gravel!

Luo Tianqing's eyes widened: "Teleport? You are Jiang...Um!"

This is only played by Jiangnan? After he was captured, did he join the ranks of playing bad guys?

Hiss~ How many unique skills does this man have?

Before Luo Tianqing could finish speaking, Jiang Nan covered her mouth!

Eyes full of anxiety: "There is no time, the black hoods here are all really bad guys except me! They are all agents of other countries!"

"Caught a trousers student, who came rushing to pocket rabbits!"

"Hurry up and act with me!"

At this moment, Luo Tianqing was stunned and didn't understand what Jiang Nan meant!

Didn't the black hoods come from the mentor? Why did you become an agent again?

If you are really an agent, how did you mix with them?

Looking at Jiangnan's serious eyes, Luo Tianqing knew that Jiangnan was definitely not joking!

"What do you want me to do?"

Jiangnan quickly said: "I want you to be me! Cooperate with them in acting!"

"Stop talking, take off your clothes quickly!"

Luo Tianqing:? ? ?

What do you want to undress? Want me to be you?

What is the agent?

I think you just found a reason to want me to take off my clothes, and then did it!

(︶~︶)? "No, no, no! I can't do it with you, it would be messy! And it's not convenient for me these days!"

"You hold back again, when you get to my house, go find a little..."

Jiangnan:? ? ?

What do you think about this old woman all day long?

"Be me! Be me! No... Asi! Don't take it off, just change it!"

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