Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1158: You believe me! Believe me?

Milan feels the surrounding scenery changes, waiting for him to see clearly!

Luo Tianqing’s Prison King Kong has already smashed over!

Ten thousand horses galloping in my heart!

Is he directly controlled to death by Jiangnan?

What kind of weird spiritual skill is this?


At this moment, Mirando spewed countless silks from his body, wrapping himself into a hard silkworm chrysalis!

Trying to block Luo Tianqing's punch!



With a blast, the thousand-meter crater that had been blasted out once again settled!

Before the earthquake wave dissipated, it ushered in a new wave of shock!

The infinite kinetic energy was transformed into potential energy, bursting out amazing heat, even melting the rocks and splashing magma!

Mirando, who was smashed, spewed a lot of blood from the cocoon!


People were directly bombarded into scum!

[The grievance value from Mirando is +1001! ]

Jiangnan is happy!

Quite righteous? Before he died, he broke the wave limit for himself?

I saw Jiang Nan teleporting again in front of Luo Tianqing, smiling brightly!

(ૢ⁼̴.̮⁼̴) People "I haven't enjoyed it yet! Let's do it again?"

Luo Tianqing:! !

Why does it become so weird if you say good things out of your mouth?

"Come on! Go and die!"

"Prison King Kong!"

As he spoke, the whole person was like a ruthless ramming machine, and the iron fist was thrown toward the south of the Yangtze River again!


At the same time, after such a while, Huayin has slipped more than 30,000 meters!

With a look of horror, the combination of the two goods is simply not human!


You have to meet Frey and the others quickly, and be careful!

But at this moment, Huayin felt a chill on her back, and a bad premonition spontaneously emerged!

Suddenly remembered that Jiang Nan slapped himself before!

Without even thinking about it, I saw that slug's head suddenly disappeared, and then the tail became a head!

Then the whole body was cut off from the middle, splitting into two!

Today's Huayin is only 15 meters in size!

Left half, and ran away without looking back!

As soon as the split was over, the half of the slug that was left in place suddenly disappeared!

Instead, the emergence of Jiangnan!

As soon as Jiang Nan appeared, he heard a terrifying loud noise from 30,000 meters behind him!

The shock has spread here!

Don't think about it, you all know what happened to that half of the slug's body!

Jiang Nan frowned: "It's pretty smart, do you know that you can cut off the mark and dock the tail to save your life?"

Huayin's body has long been gone, and Jiangnan didn't chase it!

There are still many remnants with black hoods in the cave that have not been resolved!

"Mark teleport!"

In an instant, Jiangnan returned to Luo Tianqing's side!

Sure enough, the rock pit on the spot is bigger!

At this moment, there are still more than two dozen black hoods remaining in the field. Seeing that Milan is dead, Hua Yin ran away, and the hostages were gone!

Then make a woolen thread?

He turned his head in horror and ran away!

Jiangnan smiled brilliantly!

(๑ˉิٹˉิ) "One person and half?"

Luo Tianqing pouted!

(˘৺˘。) "I must be faster than you!"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Nan had already appeared in front of a black headgear, with a blood-drinking knife ruthlessly piercing his heart, and then a small leather whip rushed up, drawing it into a corpse!

"Hey~ That's not necessarily true!"

Luo Tianqing is naturally unwilling to show weakness. The teleportation time has not yet passed, and she teleports crazily at this moment, constantly smashing, punching a black cap!

But my heart was shocked!

I had only seen the melee strength of Jiangnan Bound Spirit before, but now the heyday of Jiangnan, the combat power is really terrifying!

Especially that control to the death of the show operation!

"It feels to cooperate with you, it doesn't seem to be that difficult to play Xingyao!"

Jiang Nan: "Be more confident! Get rid of what seems to be!"

Luo Tianqing pouted her lips and praised you, but still panting?

At this moment, the black hoods are desperate, this horse can't run away?


Both can teleport, even with eight legs long enough?

The meat tickets are also lost!

Ok? Meat ticket?

One of the black hoods suddenly remembered, there seems to be one left here?

So I swept my eyes, and I found the north wind in the gravel pile at a glance!

At this moment, the north wind was wounded and his eyes were dull, and he was almost scared to pee!

This... Is this Jiangnan's real combat power?

Those black hoods that are enough to kill you in a second, are now being dropped by Jiangnan?

With a knife on the battlefield, no one can even hold a face-to-face?

Thinking back to what I said before, that black headgear was still dressed up by Luo Tianqing!

The North Wind has all the hearts he wants to die!

After such a moment of stunned effort, a black hood with a platinum peak rushed over in an instant!

I grabbed the north wind and strangled his neck with a big hand!

The whole body is metalized, and the eyes are full of hideousness!


"You two! Don't move! I will break his neck if I move it again!"

"Jie Jie Jie~ You are still careless after all. I didn't expect there to be a student left here, right?"

At this moment, Jiangnan Luo Tianqing has solved all the black headgear present!

Seeing Beifeng being held hostage, Jiangnan laughed out loud!

Then walked forward unhurriedly!

The black headgear is anxious: "Tell you not to move! I really killed it!"

Jiangnan shrugged!

ʅ(・′‸・`)ʃ "Are you killed? This scum will die if you die! Selection test, it's normal for people to die by accident, right?"

Black headgear:? ? ?

Bei Feng's eyes are red!

(ʘ̆益ʘ̥̆#) "Jiangnan! You can't do this! You are a mentor and a pioneer! Can you save me?"

"I'll give you whatever you want, don't you want the spirit run spell formation? I'll teach you when I look back!"

"If a student is dead, you can't explain to the academy!"

Luo Tianqing said indifferently: "I can't see the Skyeye system here? I'll keep it secret!"

"The student Beifeng died heroically in an accident? Isn't it good? Is it? Smelly Boa?"

Jiangnan smiled brilliantly: "I'm doing it for the province!"

Beifeng's face is green, and his body is trembling!

"You two men and women, embarrassing things, shameless people! You can't save you from death! You..."

And at this moment, Jiangnan rushed into the body and suddenly appeared in front of Bei Feng!

The killing intent appeared in his eyes, and the blood-drinking knife in his hand slashed a stunning arc, straight to the north wind and cut off the neck of the black headgear!

Obviously to kill two kills!

The horror of the north wind and the fear of death made his soul tremble!

The black headgear looked ruthlessly: "I'm going to slap my back when I die!"

He said that he blocked the north wind in front of him!

And just as the blade was about to pass the north wind's neck!

The space wormhole unfolded, and half of the blood-drinking knife slashed in!

The blade emerged from the back of the neck of the black hood!

With a slash, the head of the black hood spun and flew, blood splashing three feet!

Bei Feng widened his eyes, rolled his eyes, and vomited black and blue bile in his mouth!

The crotch was stained with water, and I lay motionless on the ground!

Jiang Nan threw off the blood on the knife, with a look of disgust!

(︶益︶٥) "I've seen someone who scared peeing, and it's the first time I've seen someone who can scare the gall!"

Luo Tianqing looked at the unconscious north wind, her eyes were full of discomfort!

After all, he just said everything!

(ꐦ°᷄~°᷅) "Don't kill?"

Jiang Nan retracted the blood-drinking knife: "Regardless of him, I am a security guard anyway, and I can't do anything about hacking test students to death!"

"Leave him to fend for himself, this kind of scum is not qualified to be my opponent!"

While talking, he took Luo Tianqing to the cavern that collapsed 70,000 meters away!

The students' poison has not been solved yet, so I don't know if they have enough soybeans!

In addition, many students have not been rescued. The Rabbit Stealing Alliance is more than this one stronghold!

Jiang Nan squinted: "If you are doing trouble on my site, none of these people will want to go back!"

The two came to the collapsed cavern in a blink of an eye!

Only found that there was no one here, and there were traces of a lot of fighting!

The students are gone!

Luo Tianqing was taken aback: (*゚ロ゚) "Where are the people? Haven't they all been rescued?"

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched slightly!

=͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇) "Damn! Didn't you get caught by Fu Lei 001 again, right?"

I was just rescued from the front foot, but the back foot was arrested?

Do you want to be so seamless?

"Look, there are marks left by the students!"

I saw a five-pointed star painted with blood on the ground, very hidden!


Extending all the way!

Jiangnan's eyes breathe fire!

(ง火◠火)ง"Chasing! I can't kill them!"

Immediately and Luo Tianqing followed the mark of the five-pointed star to catch up!

At this moment, in a cavern that can be monitored by the Sky Eye system!

Fu Lei and 001 came here with a bunch of students!

Write text directly on the ground with a stone strip!

"We have thousands of students! Luo Tianqing, Jiangnan is also in our hands!"

"Speed ​​sent 100 pocket rabbits to the designated location of Haikou Port!"

"Otherwise, just wait to collect the corpses for the students!"

At this moment, in the Tiankeng camp, Li Fan hurriedly said: "Senior Zhao! Something has happened, look!"

Zhao Dezhu quickly looked at the screen and couldn't help grinning!

(◞·̀ᗜ·́)۶ "Hurt ~ Fat Tiger and they are acting quite real?"

"In order to scare the boys, you really do everything!"

"It looks like that!"

Speaking and ordered someone to respond quickly!

Then Long Yuanjun was also dumbfounded: "Really...really?"

Zhao Dezhu waved his hand: "Back!"

Soon, the ground in the cave had a reaction!

I saw a huge **** mountain slowly rising from the ground!


Luo Changge and they all cried!


This academy is too rigid, right? Don't give me a bit of face?

Fu Lei was so angry that she stepped forward and smashed her middle finger!

"He's Lailai! Is every one of the Pioneer Academy so afraid of death?"

001 black face!

(̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿̿) ̄"Do they think we are the academy tutors?"

Frey exploded and took off the black hood!

At the same time order everyone to take off their headgear!

"Look clearly! My old lady is a bad person! She stole rabbits by riding horses! How much respect we are, OK?" "You believe me! Believe me?"

(Bad mouth)ᕤ

I almost put the word bad guys on my face!

Can you feel a little crisis?


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