Even so, Luo Tianqing still relies on extremely strong physical quality to support it!

His whole body muscles are violent like a horned dragon!

But the action is extremely difficult, how can Frey let go of this great opportunity?

He raised his foot and hit Luo Tianqing's head with a football kick!

Since she can change her density at will, Frey will be lighter and heavier every time she strikes!

Bless your own attack power to a perverted level!

Luo Tianqing bit her teeth tightly, so she could only raise her hands hard to protect her head!


But Jiang Nan suddenly appeared beside Fu Lei, raising his hand to throw out the space wormhole!

Frey's football kicked fiercely into the space wormhole!

Emerging from her temple! Remember for a second

Frey:! ! !

At the very moment, Frey changed the density of her legs!

Just listen to the "bang"!

This kick hit his temple, but he didn't get hurt!

He didn't even tilt his head!

Jiang Nan took the opportunity to press on Fu Lei's heart!


However, it is useless at all!

Fu Lei is Xing Yaoyi, only platinum Jiang Nan can not tear down her heart!

But Frei sensed Jiang Nan's touch, but her expression was ruthless!

"Quality change!"

In an instant, the density of Jiangnan itself also increased sharply!

Jiangnan's two calves plunged into the ground fiercely, but this kind of weight is not a problem for Jiangnan's physical fitness at all!

001 angrily said: "I don't use Lao Tzu's ability like this!"

"Frei! Don't let the meat tickets run away!"

While speaking, he pressed his big hand toward the Tianling Gai in the south of the Yangtze River!

Obviously I want to tear down Jiangnan's brain!

At the same time, Frey used the air cage again!

The air becomes extremely dense, forming a solid air wall!

The depressed students could hardly move!

Jiangnan saw that 001's hand was about to fall on his Heavenly Spirit cover!



In the next moment, Jiang Nan and Fu Lei changed positions fiercely!

Just when she pressed Frei's back, she already left a space mark!

001 seems to be pressed on Fu Lei's head!

?(??口??????)?(? ̄?? ̄?)

Frey was shocked: "The air wall!"

The dense air violently blocked 001's hand, and the body subconsciously hid!

"Damn it! You be careful!"

Jiang Nan is facing Luo Tianqing: "The old way! Hammer me!"

Luo Tianqing's pretty face flushed at the moment, and his forehead was full of blue veins!

(???~???) "No! I can't move!"

Unexpectedly, I encountered such a troublesome ability!

The spirit muscles and bones are indeed powerful, but sometimes they will become their own constraints!

At this moment, Fu Lei has already hit Jiang Nan's heart!

Jiangnan said anxiously: "Open your mouth!"

While talking, a horse biscuit was thrown towards Luo Tianqing!

That being the case, let's get full power!

With the strength of Luo Tianqing's bones, what kind of power does the ghost know?

At this time, Luo Tianqing absolutely trusted Jiangnan!

Just opened your mouth and ate the biscuits!

Regarding Fleet's attack, Jiang Nan would never dare to take it!

So a teleport runs away!

But Fulei did not stop, and smashed towards Luo Tianqing's Tianling Gai with all his strength!

Luo Tianqing was also in a hurry, and the whole body's kinetic energy was infinitely blessed until the limit that his skeletal muscles could bear!

Carrying the terrifying density, he violently pulled himself out of the ground!

The whole person shot out like a torpedo, and hit Fulei's fist with a full head hammer!

Just listen to the sound of "clang"!

As if hitting an iron, Fu Lei was knocked off!

The soaring quality has turned into a weapon for Luo Tianqing's attack!

At this moment, Luo Tianqing's forehead was swollen with a big red envelope!

But the whole person looked very excited, the effect of the lip print on the back is still there!

Teleported fiercely to chase Fu Lei!

At this moment, Guan Hu presses the ground with both hands!

"Stacked waves!"

The big underground seems to have a cow turning over, and the bedrock has been lifted up!

The terrifying earth waves madly bombarded the air cage, and the ground shook the mountain!

The intensity of each earth wave is several times that of the previous one!

Just hearing a "boom", the space cage was smashed to pieces!

The students trapped in it have a chance to escape!

Ling Feng and the others are against those black hoods!

They were all ridiculed to death, and there was no chance to attack the students!

At the moment 001 is in a hurry, but Routiou is the only bargaining chip in the Rabbit Stealing Alliance!

Without the meat ticket, let alone stealing the rabbit, even if you want to get out safely!

So 001 rushed towards the students regardless of it!

And at this moment!

With a wave of Jiangnan's big hand, the infinite spiritual silk was shot out!

It immediately covered the entire cavern, and kept entwining 001's body, controlling his figure!

Unable 001 can only disassemble his body again, trying to catch the students!

But Jiang Nan teleported in front of him!

"I'm here! Don't even think about going there!"

001 eyes blood red: "Then tear you down first!"

Dozens of body parts flew towards Jiangnan Expressway while speaking!

Jiang Nan drew out the blood-drinking knife, the glazed armor covered his whole body, and even the small leather whip behind it extended out!

Crazy slashing close to 001 body parts!

However, every time he chopped and chopped, no blood flowed out!

On the contrary, one is divided into two, two is divided into four, and 001 is as much as hundreds of yuan in a blink of an eye!

Keep bombarding the Liulijia in the south of the Yangtze River!

Even if Jiangnan's attack speed is fast, there is no way to defend against so many attacks!

The glazed armor keeps breaking and repairing!

And 001 is also looking for opportunities, trying to tear down the heart of Jiangnan!

At this moment, 001 finally found a chance, and the damage on the chest of the glazed armor has not been repaired for a long time!

His big hand quickly pressed towards Jiangnan's chest!


Seeing that the big hand was about to press on his chest, the corner of Jiang Nan's mouth was curved!

(?ˉ?ˉ) "Replacement!"

The next moment, the Jiangnan figure suddenly disappeared, replaced by Fu Lei who was fighting Luo Tianqing!

There was a surprise in her eyes!

Look down!

I saw a big hand pressed on my chest, and it was deformed!



Fu Lei's heart was pressed and bounced out of her back!

001 is also full of surprise!

Damn it? Doesn't it feel right? Why do you declare this?

Jiangnan has such a big cup?

At this moment, I was stunned to realize that Jiang Nan didn't know when he became Fleet!

Her heart was pressed out by herself!

Frey:! ! !

"Give me your stinky hands..."

The words are not over yet!


Jiang Nan and Fu Lei changed positions again! Ke Fu Lei's heart is still floating in the air!

Jiang Nan turned around fiercely, swung the blood-drinking knife in his hand, and threw 13 splendid blood lights in the air!

(?ˉ?口ˉ?)つ¤=[]=????=????=??????=????=???? 7

"Thirteen consecutive cuts!"

Frey stared: "Damn it! 001 you..."

The light of the knife struck the heart, and that heart was ruthlessly chopped up by Jiangnan and exploded into blood in the air!

Everything happens between the electric light and flint!

I saw Fu Lei vomiting a big mouthful of blood, her face pale, as if she had been drained of all her strength!

When he raised his head again, he faced Luo Tianqing's Prisoner King Kong!


With a punch, Fu Lei was punched through the chest by Luo Tianqing!

Yin Hong's fist pierced through the back, and the terrifying fist punched a big hole in the stone wall!

[The grievance value from Fu Lei +1000! ]

At this moment, she was full of resentment, so she could kill someone with a knife!

Jiang Nan had already calculated it, seduce 001 to make a move, and then replace and tear down his heart! Then chop it up!

Let Luo Tianqing kill again!

Did the act of guarding against 001 just now let Jiang Nan know that 001 has the ability to dismantle himself?

Frey vomited blood, her eyes full of ferociousness: "If one-on-one! I kill you like a dog! It's all Jiangnan! It's all..."

Luo Tianqing didn't have the time to listen to her nonsense, and squeezed her neck!

With a "click", crumpled!

"Sorry! There is no if!"

Fu Lei hung up, Jiang Nan took a provocative look at 001!

(?°??°?) "How? It feels like killing your teammates by yourself! It should be very nice, right?"

001 was full of hideous eyes, and said this to him at the beginning!

Now it has been refunded as much!

"Damn it! Are you calculating me?"

Jiangnan Tanshou: ╮(??w??)╭"This is just a tactic! So! Are you ready to accompany Frey?"

Where does 001 mean to fight again?

Milan has been belching long ago, and Frey is gone, Huayin doesn't know where he went!

No matter how hard he would die, hundreds of bodies rushed in different directions!

"Don't think about leaving me so easily!"

The black hoods in the cave were all dead in the hands of Guan Hu and the others. The tutors weren't a joke when they got serious!

Jiang Nan looked speechless: "This person can be troublesome!"

Physical attacks are almost ineffective!

Fu Lei is dead, and the suppression of Luo Tianqing disappeared with the wind!

Because another Xingyao was hammered to death, Luo Tianqing at the moment looked extremely excited!

"Come on! Givemefive!"

Jiang Nan grinned, raising his hand to give Luo Tianqing a high-five!

Ok? What seems to be wrong?

There was a series of bursts of air, Jiang Nan's eyes widened fiercely!

She hasn't passed the cookie effect time yet, right?

Just listening to the sound of "boom", Jiang Nan's body was shot straight into the air, and it was embedded in the wall fiercely, and the buttons couldn't be buckled!

Luo Tianqing also shivered in shock!

(??﹏???) "I...I didn't mean it! I..."

Jiang Nan's face was black and he connected his broken arm!

?(???~???)?? "Hurry up and chase Cindy! Don't let him escape the ant nest maze!"

A group of instructors are chasing after 001's various body parts flew away!

It really caught a part, just smash it, or burn it with fire!

But this obviously does not pose a threat to 001's life!

At this moment, 001's head and all other body parts flew uncontrollably, already approaching the deepest part of the ant nest maze!

He even discovered a dense group of bullet ants, and even diamond-level ants!

Obviously this is a large bullet ant nest!

001's eyes were bright, and his face was fierce: "You are the one who forced me!"

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