Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1203: No need for skills! Hey~ I'm just for fun?

Looking back, but no one was there, Jiang Nan couldn't help but look confused!

Pang Air is going crazy, is he still hit?

I took great pains to eavesdrop personally, what the **** did he learn to go back?

I learned how to make an egg banquet, and how to mix concrete perfectly!

At the moment, Jiangnan is also straightforward!


But all the eggs on the shelf were hatched, and even Jiangnan didn't expect that they didn't even encounter the dead eggs?

If you lose your bet, you will say nothing to Pocket Bunny!

Just being a handsome dog!

Nothing will be lost if you call twice!

I may not earn! But I am definitely not at a loss!

Fortunately, I won the bet!

Can't help grinning: "A good request is not too much! Don't regret it!"

Craig's face blackened: (▀̿_ʖ▀) "Okay, what's the requirement? Let's talk!"

Can't regret it now?

Jiang Nan squinted his chin and looked thoughtful!

(。˘ก˘。) "I haven't thought about it yet, I will tell you when I think about it!"

Merlin hurriedly said, "Is there anything else that I haven't taught us in the Bastard Method?"

"Can you tell me more?"

Jiang Nan raised his hand and took out a few books from the alien space and threw them on the table!

"The essence is here, you should follow this, and change the way of hatching eggs flexibly according to the suitable place!"

"In this way, even if you have inherited the mantle of the spirit pet cooker!"

Everyone quickly looked expectantly!


Is there any cheat for this?

However, everyone was dumbfounded the moment they saw the cheats!


"108 Ways of Huaxia Eggs on the Tip of the Tongue"

"Civil Engineering" "Mechanical Principles"

"Spiritual Pet Study Volume 3 Revised Edition High School"

Clegg almost didn't squirt a mouthful of old blood!


We have learned this stuff for such a big price and come back?

This book can be sold at the roadside stalls, right?

Isn't this just the recipe? Isn't you fooling people like this?

[From Craig's grievance point +666! ]

Why are there still high school textbooks inside? And the publisher is Jiangnan?

Has Huaxia High School started to learn about spirit pets?

Is it popular?

Pang Air wanted to leave at that time, he came to learn to incubate eggs!

I'm not here to learn how to cook!

Merlin was anxious: "This... is this over?"

Jiangnan Tanshou: "ʅ(・′‸・`)ʃ otherwise?"

"Away to Jane!"

[The grievance value from Merlin +666! ]

God’s avenue to Jane, are you too simple?

"Then how to tame adult spirit beasts? You have to teach us, right?"

Compared to incubation and cultivation, it takes a long time!

Taming adult spirit beasts is faster and can create vitality in a short time!

Jiangnan doesn’t care: (͡°͜ʖ͡°) ✧ "Yes! But whether you can learn the essence, it depends on your own understanding!"

When everyone heard it, their hearts suddenly became hot!

At the beginning, Jiangnan managed a batch of madness beetles in the abyss, not to mention, it also made a beast army in Xijiang!

The method of domesticating adult spirit beasts, you have to learn everything?

Landis College has already made preparations!

Under the leadership of Merlin, everyone went to the hill behind Lantis, where the academy used the Lingxu, in the Xingluo Swamp!

It is a spiritual ruins between platinum and diamonds!

The terrain is full of plains and swamps, full of aura!

Craig took everyone to a lake!

I saw thousands of huge Pava hippos living here!

The muscles all over his body are bulging, as strong as a hill!

At least hundreds of hippos inside have rushed to the diamond level!

Obviously the entire group of hippos is being attacked by platinum towards diamonds!

Even now, there are still a lot of Pava hippos who are fighting, and the blood of Ke is splashing, and the scene is extremely cruel!

Craig smiled and said: "This Pava hippo is a power spirit beast with a violent temperament and extremely unruly! If you want to subdue such a herd, how do you do it?"

The students took a breath!

Ordinarily, if you see such a herd, just turn your head and run away?

Don't talk about conquering!

Heidi worried: ('゚﹏゚`) "This is too dangerous! Pawahippo has three talents! Rage, strength, and tank collision!"

"If it's not because the talent is a single body, it's not even lower than the war rhinoceros?"

"And in terms of power, it is stronger than the war rhinoceros. This can be regarded as a diamond-level herd. How can it be subdued?"

Moreover, it is not that the fish country did not try to subdue it before, it all ended in failure!

Even if the Pava hippos who were fighting did not fight back, they would never surrender to humans!

Saxia giggled!

(∗*՞ꇴ՞) "Don't forget, why did we invite him here! A person who is the originator of the spirit pet world!"

"You can't even do this little thing, right?"

Jiang Nan touched his chin: "It is indeed a trivial matter!"

"Wait, I will talk while accepting, only teach once!"

While talking, just walked straight towards the hippopotamus!

Emma and Yuna both looked worried, and they were ready to fight!


"Master! Need help?"

Jiang Nan waved his hand indifferently!

٩(๑︶ꇴ︶) "No, small scenes, I am enough!"

Everyone:? ?

You are a platinum, facing a herd of thousands of scales, you still say it is a small scene?

Is it possible that Jiangnan has any secrets?

He took a horse biscuit out of his pocket and ate it, twisting his neck!

The spine makes a noise like popping beans!

So I came to the lake and raised my brows! Arrogant face!

(ꐦ°᷄д°᷅) "Yo~"

In an instant, a pair of eyes looked over!

Jiang Nan smiled at the corner of his mouth, raised his hand and raised his middle finger!

(ꐦ・᷄д・᷅) Convex "Fak squid ~ Leitou hold back!"

Pava Hippo:! ! !

Are you a little arrogant when you step on a horse?

For a while, I didn’t do anything. A diamond and three Pava hippo rushed towards the south of the Yangtze River!

The huge size of fifty or sixty meters is like a moving hill!

With strong force, his whole body muscles bulge, as solid as a rock!

Immediately under the violent blessing, the strength increased in all directions! Directly used a tank collision against Jiangnan!

This hippo hits like a giant cannonball!

But in the face of such an attack, Jiang Nan did not hide, his expression was leisurely!

Saxia swallowed, and with such an attack, even the mountain could be knocked down!

What exactly does Jiangnan want to do?

At this moment, Mei Lin is ready to make a move, after all, he can't let China Jiedu make an accident in Yuguo!

The beating of the Pava hippo is no joke!

Yuna's hand has even been held on the handle of the knife, ready to shoot at any time!

Seeing that the Pava hippo is about to hit Jiangnan!

Compared with its huge size, Jiangnan is as small as an ant!


But at this moment!

Jiangnan moved!

The left foot slams forward!


The hundred-meter land was trampled on and exploded, and Jiang Nan leaned slightly, twisting his waist and his hips!

The iron fist was swung out from bottom to top, and a series of air rings spread rapidly!

"Heavy Bone Rising Dragon Fist!"

٩(ʘ̆益ʘ̆*)و "Pull the pocket~ Follow!"


One punch hit the Pava hippo’s chin!

Over 10 tons of body weight, dense bone strength, and strong muscles!

It is enough to withstand the extreme kinetic energy stacking of horror!

This punch is comparable to a scourge!

The Pava hippo with a wide open mouth was stunned by Jiangnan's beating, and the horse's teeth were directly smashed by the fierce force!

Its huge body of nearly sixty meters was flew to an altitude of hundreds of meters by a round of Jiangnan!

Smashed into the lake with a "bang", exploding into the sky!

"Clang clang..."

There was a sound of chin hitting the ground behind him, and the student instructors almost didn't stare out their eyes!


We fantasized about various ways to cope!

I didn't expect you to hit the Pawa hippo with an uppercut!

Is it related to the power of the spirit beast just power?

Is it you or is it you?

To smash such a big hippopotamus so high? How powerful is this?

Hard work?

I saw Jiangnan did not retreat at all, facing the second hippopotamus that rushed up!

A big swing hit his cheek!


The face of the hippopotamus was punched in a round pit, and the body rotated and smashed hundreds of meters!

Flying over everyone's heads!

Then he grabbed a hippo's teeth and twisted and slammed it!

His huge body was thrown up like a discus by Jiangnan, and he was thrown at the hippo group fiercely!

As soon as it was thrown out, there were two explosions!

However, Jiang Nan teleported to keep up, volleyed his whip, and kicked the hippopotamus!

The hippo was accelerated again, smashing dozens of hippos that rushed up!

Even the castration was unabated, and the water floated on the lake, hitting more than a dozen times!

There was endless roar in the field, and Jiangnan hardly moved the place!

Like a ruthless punching machine, the hippos that rushed up flew one after another!

The students are dumbfounded!

"How does Lao Tzu feel that he can hammer me to death with this punch? How can platinum be so strong?"

"Be confident! Get rid of the feeling! Obviously it's the space element! Why did you choose to fist with Hippo Qungang? If you have skills, don't you need it? Hey~ just for fun?" For example, if he punches me, I can make him kneel on the ground and beg me not to die!"

"Too shocking! Such a small size, but can fly such a big hippopotamus? Look at my goose bumps!"

Heidi's eyes were red with excitement, Jiangnan brother is even more fierce than in the abyss!


Emma and Yuna swallowed. The master doesn't seem to need protection, right?

The role of the two of us is actually to stop the master and not let him miss the enemy and kill the enemy, right?

Is the co-author for the enemy hired?

Saxia Qiao's face was pale, and she didn't dare to talk about it anymore!


In case Jiangnan is anxious and punches me, I might cry for half a year, right?

But Dimon on the side was so excited!

˚*̥٩(꜀꜄ଳ۝ଳ꜂꜆)۶˚*₊˚ "Ahhhhh~ Nanshen is amazing! Come on! Come on! Let them all get down! I'm fond of you for a long time!"

Jiangnan: (இ﹏இ)! ! !

No, no, I can't bear your love!

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