Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1251: Sakura sauce turned over and sang

Jiangnan didn't sleep for one night, he sneaked up all night, and laughed at him from time to time!

Get up early the next morning.

Jiangnan is preparing to implement its own plan!

But just stepped out of the RV, standing on the barrel overlooking the imperial capital, he stretched his waist fiercely!

I was surprised to find that a crowd of people from the center of the city called out, squeezing forward frantically!

There are even fighting, extremely lively!

Jiangnan looked surprised: (。・᷄~・᷅) "What's the situation? Why are there so many people around there? The supermarket has a big weekend promotion? Can I get free soybean oil?"

Yao Hong just came back after buying breakfast from outside, and couldn't help but knock on Mimi:

(ノ)❛ั₃❛ั) "Where is the Lafite Hotel!"

"I heard that Senbonzakura sells the ancient Soviet treasures brought back from the ruins over there!"

"Because all the people from the major forces who gathered at the Ruins of Landis have passed!"

"After all, your shot yesterday was too terrifying, and many people from the forces were jealous!"

Jiangnan: ∑(°口°๑)? ? ?

Isn't it? Ladou'er Ying made it?

Jiangnan frowned deeply, and Teleport rushed to the Lafite Hotel, wanting to see what was going on!

"Watch my gun! I'll be back soon!"

I didn't forget to use the space wormhole to take out two small dumplings from the plastic pocket in Yao Hong's hand to chew!


Lafite Hotel downstairs!

I saw Chibon Sakura and the silly old man standing there!

There is a huge white bed sheet on the ground!

There are 10 water guns on the top, all of which were snatched from the fish head monster!

At this moment, the water surrounded by people under the hotel couldn't escape, and they all stared at the silver-white water guns!

I saw Chibon Sakura clearing his throat, with a smug look on her face!

Shouting with a big loudspeaker!

ꉂꉂ(︶ꇴ︶*) "Senbon Sakura is fortunate to participate in the previous ruins exploration!"

"Everyone has seen it. This is the trophies I got from fighting Leviathan, fighting the fish head monsters, and surviving several times!"

"Gusu's legacy! The crystallization of Landis' advanced technology! Plasma psychic, extremely powerful! Now open for sale! The higher price will get!"

After being physically disguised, Liuhua, who was hiding in the crowd, raised his hand at that time!

(゚෴゚)ツ "This thing looks pretty bluffing, is it so amazing?"

Senbonzakura raised her hand to Liuhua:

(σ❛ัꇴ❛ั)σ "That's the right question! That's the way it is!"

Sakura Sakura raised her hand and picked up a water gun, took out a bottle of mineral water and stuck it on the water gun suction port!

Immediately pull the trigger at the asphalt parking lot on the side!

Just listen to "biu~"!

A scarlet plasma ray blasted out and hit the parking lot!


The parking lot exploded in an instant, exploding a huge pit with a diameter of tens of meters, and even the asphalt was melted!

Everyone exclaimed!

(*゚ロ゚) "Am I throwing ~ so powerful?"

Senbonzakura's eyes are full of triumph!

(ૢ⁼̴ꇴ⁼̴) "You have seen it too! This spirit soldier only needs to absorb water to emit plasma rays! It's so powerful!"

"It's safe, green, and pollution-free. After you buy it, you can reproduce it according to the above spell and produce it in batches?"

"This is a complete ancient Soviet treasure. Now the Landis ruins are blocked by the protective cover. It doesn't matter whether it can be opened or not. This thing is out of print!"

"Once you miss it, you will never again! Now it only costs 100 million knives! That's all! The higher price will get! Scan the code you want~"

He said that he pulled the silly old man over, and there was a sign hanging on his chest, which was the code for collecting money!

(· ̄⌣ ̄·)▓Scan here~

How can the people of the major forces bear it?

This kind of complete ancient Soviet treasure can't be found with a lantern, okay?

Be sure to buy it back and study it!

It was crazy for a while, and even started bidding!

The last one even sold for a high price of 370 million!

Senbonzakura's face flushed with excitement, wouldn't this money be earned?


Not only can you pay off the debt, you can also become a rich little woman!

No wonder Jiangnan is so rich and spicy, and the street stalls are really fragrant!

It was sold out in an instant, but everyone's expressions were still unfinished!

I saw Chibon Sakura smiling, raising her hand!

Ten more fell on the sheets!

(σ՞ꇴ՞)σ "The price has increased now! Three hundred million a handle!"

Everyone was stunned: Σ(°Д°(゚口゚) "This... how does this still exist? Didn't it just say that it was so much?"

Senbon Sakura tilted her head: (˘~˘。) "Hmph~ Did I say that? That batch is so many! This is the next batch! Only 300 million! Do you want to buy it or not!"

"Otherwise, I will go back to the Star Luo website, and there will be people who want it!"

Everyone looked speechless, 300 million would be 300 million! This ancient Soviet treasure is a good thing that money can't buy!

How much money has to be won!

At this moment, Jiangnan, who was eating steamed buns, looked at Qianben Sakura blankly!


Good guys! Why did Senbonzakura also put on the stall?

Lao Tzu's little routine is all for you to learn!

Still bring a care?

She did not draw less when she was on the bottom of the sea?

Depend on! Does Senbonzakura also have a stall system?

System baby? Look at other people's floor cloths! That big one!

Look at your deduction search! The floor cloth is only spicy, so it’s bigger!


[Detected that the host insulted the system, deducted the host's big gold bricks, the kind that has gained weight! ]

Jiangnan:! ! !

You are killing me! It's not good again, right?

And Senbonzakura, who was selling goods, naturally noticed Jiangnan in the crowd!

Can not help but raised an eyebrow toward Jiangnan!

(∗ᵒ̶̶̷̀ꇴ˂̶ ́) "Yeah~ Isn’t this Jiang Devil? Why? See if there is anyone in the picture? Take care of your sister’s business? Give you a bargain!"

Jiangnan gritted his teeth for a while: (ꐦ°᷄緄緒°᷅) "Are you floating a bit? Are all the shows coming to me? I set up a street stall, and you followed suit?"

Isn't this robbing business?

Senbon Sakura has a proud face!

(¬◡¬.) "What? I'm not breaking the law when I set up a stall? Your space is a spiritual orb! How much is it? Let's make a price!"

"My sister now has money! Money is just a number to me!"

Jiangnan's face is dark, why didn't you say that when you owed me money?

(◦`~′) "I won't sell you! I have all the treasures of the ancient Su, just wait and see!"

Talking and teleporting, there is no shadow!

Senbonzakura is so proud that he is happy!

Yahahaha! Jiangnan slumped?

After such a long time, this girl finally got her back!

Sakura Chan turned over to sing?

I'm happy here, just listen to the loud noise of "boom"!

The God-killing Giant Cannon that had just been charged up fired another shot!

Thousand-meter blue beam of light cracked and drained the clouds, blasting through the sky!

The sky over the imperial capital once again set off an eighth-level gale!

At this moment, everyone in front of the Qianbon Sakurachi stall shrank their heads in terror by the sudden shelling!

Squatting on the ground holding his head, and Senbonzakura instinctively hid behind Miyazaki, using him as a shield!

(· ̄⌣ ̄·)◔﹏◔ิ๑)୨

Everyone looked in the direction of the God-killing Giant Cannon, their calves trembled!

Haha, what is this? Why did you fire it again!

I saw Jiang Nan standing on the muzzle with two loud speakers, desperately roaring!

٩(ᵒ̌口ᵒ̌*)و "Walk around, take a look, take a look! Nanshendi is out of stalls! Big money sale!"

"Those who have the money hold a money market! Those who have no money go home to withdraw money and hold a money market!"

"Landis's exclusive Gusu legacy treasure! Shocking Great Secret, you won't lose if you come! You won't lose if you buy it!"

"The kids next door are crying with excitement, what are you waiting for?"

With the shouts, the leaders of the major forces stared!

Will Nanshen also sell the ancient Soviet treasures obtained from exploring the ruins?

"Walk around! Let's go and see! Jiang Nan brought back the giant artillery! There must be something good in your pocket!"

"Sure? After all, Jiang Nan has a mermaid in his hands, so the chances are definitely greater!"

"Could it be a baby of the same level as the black giant gun?"

"Why do you think so much? Just go and see? It's great to be able to find out some of Landis' secrets!"

I saw the crowd Wuyang Wuyang rushing towards the position of the God-killing Giant Cannon, for fear that they could not get the position!

In a blink of an eye, Chibon Sakura's booth is right in front of you!

Senbonzakura hurriedly waved!

(๑゚口゚)ツ "Hey hey? Don't you go? I'll give you a bargain! Can't it be sold for 300 million?"

"One hundred million! Fifty million won't it? Buy three and get one free!"

But no one stayed at all, they all ran towards Jiangnan!

Senbonzakura pouted and stomped her feet!

(◦`3′◦) Cut~

"Damn Jiangnan! Take my business? I want to see what you sell!"

Speaking of packing the bed sheets on the ground, I just threw it into my own alien space!

Bring Liuhua and Miyazaki and rush towards there!

At this moment, Jiangnan has already spread the ground in front of the giant cannon!

I am preparing my own plan to earn money and earn skill points!

But Craig rushed forward with an anxious look on his face!

(٥◞·̀口· ́) "What's the matter? Why did the gun fire again? Did someone attack Alice again?"

Jiang Nan shrugged: ʅ(・′‸・`)ʃ "No, I'll set up a stall! Just open a cannon to help the fun!"

"After all, when the cannon rang, gold would cost a thousand taels!"

Craig:? ? ?

Shente Meow opened a cannon to cheer up!

Isn’t it true that God-killing Giant Cannon gave you a real girl?

A heart made of iron will be shocked by you, okay?

One shot in 12 hours, two shots a day? Who can stand this?

Sure enough, the giant artillery started, and the major forces gathered in the imperial capital were attracted one after another!

I want to see what good baby Jiangnan brought back from the Ruins of Landis!

"Southern God? What did you get in the ruins? Take it out and show it to everyone?

Seeing Jiang Nan's expression on his face, he took out the broken black stone pillar from the alien space and sat under his ass!

(灬ꈍ◡ꈍ灬) "The baby I found this time, that's too much!"

When everyone saw the black stone pillar, their eyes were straight!

One after another took a sip of Huazi!

Hiss~Are even the stone pillars sitting under the buttocks a legacy of ancient Su?

There are probably millions of high-level spells above, right?

Such a precious thing sits under the ass? How many treasures did he get?

I saw Jiangnan carefully put on his passionate little gloves!

A hand reached into the alien space!

꒨ԅ(๑ˉิ͜ʖˉิ) "Look! This will open your eyes!"

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