Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1458: Bring some souvenirs back? (Plus more)

Countless amounts of oxygen leaked out along the breach of the space wormhole!

The space troops in the cabin were holding the safety rope with a look of horror, for fear of being blown out!

Can you be more arrogant?

Are we familiar with you?

Is it okay to use a space wormhole to deflate a spacecraft?

Jiang Nan buttoned his helmet: (o??~??) "Okay~ Then you have to hurry up, it's pretty cold outside!"

After speaking, he retired and closed the wormhole!

Only then did the spacecraft's loss of pressure warning calm down, and Hart was relieved!

Hastily opened the door of the pressurized cabin!

The rest of the space force panicked!

(???﹏??)? "Do you really want to put this southerner in?"

"He cut the solar panels of the US Zeus?"

Hart rolled his eyes: "Don't let it in? It's as if we can stop him!"

Jiang Nan took a few people and 108 samples into the pressurized cabin!

After oxygenation, he flew into the core compartment!

(??w?)? "Yeah~ I haven't seen you for a few days, I really miss it?"

Hart stroked his forehead: "I haven't seen you in a few days!"

It didn't take long for Jiangnan to return from the permafrost!

No one thought that in the past few days, they would meet again on the moon?

And just after leaving the permafrost, the death of Jiangnan was revealed!

Hart couldn't help but mourn for the more than 10,000 scavengers and the more than 10,000 mouths of the 5,000 flare gun soldiers...

Momo frowned and said: (?●??) "Ababa?"

(Why don't you teleport in?)

Jiang Nan's face was shy: (¬?¬?) "Take a formality, you still need to be polite, I'm afraid it will be bad if you come in suddenly and startle you!"

Momo:? ? ?

The gods take a form, this has scared us, okay?

Hart's eyes couldn't help but fall on the sample held by Jiangnan!

It's sturdy and entangled with trees and vines, so you can't see what's inside?

Hart looked confused: (???●o) "What...what is this? Do you still carry it with you? Don't let the different degrees of space?"

Jiang Nan turned his head back: "Ah~ I'm not thinking about coming to the moon for the first time? It's quite far away, so I can bring home some local specialties for my family!"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Bing and Alice both looked at Jiangnan with weird faces!


Do you call this a souvenir?

Hart and Momo are also dumbfounded, there are souvenirs on the moon?

Native products? Could it be soil?

Bring soil back? This southerner can definitely do it!

Seeing Jiangnan didn't mention it, Hart didn't ask too much!

"What's the matter with us? How about the construction of China's lunar base?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "I have a prototype. I came to you this time mainly to borrow your starring!"

"I teleported back to the blue star again to be tired!"

At this moment, the Goose National Aerospace Forces all looked at Jiangnan with a guard!

Star ring? How did he know that the Deep Space Agency has a star ring?

The **** meow teleported back to be tired, and everyone remembered at this time that the lunar spacecraft from China was useless!

Hart was startled, then grinned: "Okay! We'll use it when we're on the ground!"

Jiang Nan grinned: (????????) "Nice~ But I suggest that you land on the front of the moon at night, so there should be some buffer time!"

"For the time being, there will be no direct conflict with the one-eyed species!"

Li Bing was stunned, what about that? Just use it?

Is Jiangnan's face so big?

Hart was about to ask for details, but the other space forces stopped doing it!

"Sirius! Isn't this bad? Anyway, this star ring was collected by Master Bai Kou with great effort!"

"Jiangnan just use it if you want? This seems a bit unreasonable, right?"

"Let him use it, but it helped Huaxia. It won't do us any good!"

While speaking, his eyes fell on Jiang Nan!

(??﹏?) "Don't...don't think we are afraid of you, we have Lord Momo here, she is a star, and she is not worthy of you!"

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched: (′-ι_-`) "But you are quite imaginary~"

Momo quickly raised his hands and surrendered, staring at the brother fiercely!


Hey Hey hey! Don't take me on? I'm not enough for him to fight with one hand!

He even helped me get this Xing Yao?

Seeing Momo completely surrendering, the brother sweated on his forehead, still insisting on his own opinion!

(???口??) "The star ring can be used by you, but...but you have to charge some aisle fees, right? Isn't it?"

However, these words didn't have the slightest confidence!

Hart stared: "Are you going crazy? How dare you ask Jiangnan for money? Just ask if you are going to die!"

Brother finally asked himself for a favor, what are you talking about here? Did I lose face?

Master Bai Kou worked hard to collect? One of the star rings was bought by Mr. Bai Kou with tens of billions from Jiangnan!

He broke his fist while talking, and Jiang Nan quickly grabbed it!

(?w??)? (????●)?

"It's a good thing, it won't be wailing, the tolls should be paid, after all, you are all involved in the great cause!"

Throw three big rice dumplings to that brother while talking!

"Hey~ I'll give you some of these souvenirs, so I can deal with them when I go back!"

The space force was taken aback, souvenirs? What the **** is this?

I couldn't help but dig through the vines to check it out, even Hart and Momo curiously leaned over!

However, it didn't matter if I looked at it, but I was frightened in a cold sweat, and took three steps back with an exclamation, his face was full of horror!

=???? (?口?????) "This, this... one-eyed species? Are you all one-eyed species?"

I saw that the dead one-eyed species felt the lights in the space station, and his eyelids trembled as if it was about to turn on!

Jiangnan quickly covered the vines!

"Send you off, remember not to let them shine in the sun, otherwise these three will be enough for you!"

Hart swallowed, didn't he?

It seems that you have caught so many one-eyed species within a few hours after you first arrived on the moon?

Think of the black smoke coming out of the moon's eyes again, and it turns out that Jiangnan did it!

Is the Cyclops experimental sample? This meeting ceremony is really heavy enough?

"Thanks! Let's log in! Momo?"

Momo nodded, and the wings of the Void Spirit Butterfly fanned, and the Hurricane departed from the moon's orbit and headed straight toward the sea of ​​rain!

And just at the second teleport!

Jiangnan's pupils shrank sharply, his hair standing on end!

There is no time to speak, and one hand will be drawn when one hand is inserted into the alien space!

But it was too late, the Void Spirit Butterfly felt the abnormal fluctuations, and directly released the butterfly prism, trying to block the attack!

However, a Bose particle knife slammed out of the void, smashing the butterfly prism, and even the Void Spirit Butterfly was covered with a layer of hoarfrost!

The spacecraft was cut through a huge gap!

The six layers of space barriers released by Jiangnan have all been cut away!

Tian Ling Gai, who headed straight to the south of the Yangtze River, cut it off!

At the moment when he saw that it was Jiangnan, Rui Sen's pupils shrank and his eyes were scarlet!

His face was unbelievable, but the knife was cut harder!

Just when the Bose Particle Knife was about to slash Jiangnan!

A long sword of glass light crossed in front of them!


The azure blue light bloomed in an instant, with a sense of extreme coldness!

The Hurricane spacecraft exploded into brilliant flames in the air!

Disintegrate directly!

Hundreds of space troops were directly blown up and separated! Wandering around in space!

Jiangnan's eyes are full of bad luck!

Give up the knife, throw out seven void chains with both hands, entwining everyone!

Several teleports fell onto the rainy sea!

Many spacecraft fragments are scattered everywhere like rain!

Hart's eyes are red!

Is it still exploded? Good guys!

Is there no spacecraft that can land on the moon intact?


It's over!

At this moment, Hart's body and mind are cold!


Jiang Ning's body was instantly collapsed, and even the glass lightsaber in his hand was broken!

The person who came is not someone else, it is Risen!

The strength of this product is much stronger than Nariya!

Last time in the God-killing Curse, Jiang Nan didn't get any advantage against him!

And this time, there is no God Killing Curse on the moon!

At this moment, Rui Sen is standing above the void with a knife, his face is unbelievable!

Eyes are staring at Jiangnan!

"You're not dead? This is impossible! Huaxia has such a big reaction, and Riya has personally checked it out!"

"Could it be that Badr was lying to me?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Is your home connected to the Internet? Do you really believe me when I am playing with him?"

(??????‵) "As for Badr? Jie Jie~ As long as you give him more than you give him!"

Risen:! ! !

Badr, bastard! Sure enough, I was lying to Lao Tzu, and was receiving the benefits from Jiangnan?

Huan Te Miao deceived a head-sized source of fire from his own hand?

Take both sides?

Wow, wow! You step on a horse and wait for Lao Tzu!

At this moment, Rui Senqi's hands are shaking!

Looking up in the direction of Moon Eye, the black smoke billowed, and Rui Sen's steel teeth clenched!

what's the problem?

How long did I leave now?

Risen had never been on the moon before, but ran all the planets close to the blue star!

Confirm that there are no other hidden sources of fire on the planets!

After all, it is possible to hide the fire in the moon, Rui Sen has to be suspicious!

All opportunities must be squeezed out!

But who knows that if you haven't been there for a while, the moon will be misty?

Humans on the blue star begin to land on the moon? Have you come up on horseback?

What does Riya do?

As everyone knows, Riya thought Ryson was watching on the moon... I didn’t know that he went to other planets to explore the fire...

I saw Rui Sen cast a glance at Jiang Ning, his face full of bad luck!

His eyes fell on Jiangnan again!

"Heh~ Since you are here, don't even think about leaving, just sleep on the moon and witness with your own eyes how this blue planet is falling into the abyss step by step!"

While talking, the Bose particle knife in his hand slashed to the sky!

The azure blue glass light shines, and the night sky is bright!

"Yego! Come over to Lao Tzu!"

At the same time, Yego, who was absorbing energy at the moon's eye, noticed the glazed light blooming in space!

My heart trembled and I was very anxious. Has the Holy Envoy returned?

"Leave some people stationed at Yueyan and Tongcheng, don't sleep to save energy! Give me the combat mode on high alert!"

"The rest! Come with me!"

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