Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1460: Universal Epistar?

As Jiang Nan sucked out a tear of the oracle, the whole body rang like a crackling sound like firecrackers!

The violent and mixed spatial force is destroying Jiang Nan's body wantonly!

At this moment, Jiang Nan regarded his body as a container for the oracle's tears!

The power of the space coming out of the body even cracks in the space, exploding small space cracks!

Li Bing's eyes are full of horror!

?(??口???‖)? "You forget the oath you just said when you look back? Have you absorbed the tears of the oracle?"

"This is for the Star Gate, not for humans! Hey! You don't want to live?"

Desperately without your spelling skills, right?

Don't kill yourself before you start playing?

Hart's face was pale, knowing that Jiangnan was forced to deserve it!

"It should be okay. Jiangnan did just that in the permafrost. It was fierce! I especially his car! Soon!"

Li Bing:? ? ?

This is not the first time?

How crazy are you out there, you?

What car are you talking about?

If it's not for nothing, Jiangnan wouldn't want to **** it either!

But for Shang Ruisen, I didn't have the slightest confidence, too much difference!

If you want to hold it back, you can only stack it up!

Jiang Ning looked at Jiang Nan, who was spurting blood, and his eyes were distressed, but without Jiang Nan, he wouldn't be able to deal with Rui Sen!

Can't help but bite her teeth: "How long can it last?"

Without looking back, Jiang Nan raised three fingers towards Jiangning!

Jiang Ning grabbed his backhand and held the two Bose particle swords in his hands!

Three minutes?

It should be enough!

Rui Sen stared: "Then I won't let you live for three seconds!"

His body disappeared in an instant while he was speaking, and he appeared in front of Jiang Nan in an instant!

One hand of the glass knife slashed at Jiangnan, and the other hand burst out with orange light!

Facing Jiangnan's heart, press it madly!

The extreme cold and extreme heat are opposed to each other, and the flesh of Jiangnan’s chest is carbonized due to the high temperature before he is physically present!

Under constant destruction and repair!

But Jiang Ning was also killed, and the two glass lightsabers slashed towards Rui Sen's heart relentlessly!

However, Jiangnan does not hide!

The alien space opened, raised his hand and grabbed it, and the crystal-made magic knife with the knife and sheath fell into Jiangnan's hands!

But with this action, Rui Sen's hand was already pressed on Jiang Nan's heart!

But Jiangnan has already opened a space wormhole!

Rui Sen's orange light burst through with his big hand, and the orange light burst out!

The kilometer-high crater was hit by orange light, and it boiled and burst into magma!

Seeing that the Bose Particle Knife was about to be cut off, at this moment, Jiang Nan leaned forward!

Killing intent was boiling in his eyes, holding the knife in one hand, and clenching the scabbard in the other!

Draw a knife and cut it? A knife Shura!


Time seems to have slowed down, and the blade is out of the sheath!

The cold light of the knife was like an angry dragon, drew a stunning arc in the air, the blade did not arrive, but the chill came first!

Jiangnan's swordsmanship has long since reached the master level, and the shot is a lore!

Suddenly, the Killing Sword collided with the Bose Particle Sword!

The jagged blade of God Killing Knife cut off the Bose Knife like tofu!

The broken half of the blade spun and flew out!

Rui Sen looked at the broken blade with a face of disbelief, and his complexion changed a lot when he saw the killing of the sword!

However, the Blade of Killing God has already slashed at Rui Sen's **** one-horned one!

Risen:! ! !

At the end of the day, it is unrealistic to escape into the void, but he still tried his best to lift his head and flash back!

A stab cut, after all let Rui Sen avoid the one-horn, the tip of the knife scratched his forehead!

Jelly blood spurts!

Risen is about to escape into the void!

But Jiangnan's attack was not a single piece. Although the left hand knife had been cut, the scabbard held by the right hand followed closely behind!

Pick up fiercely!


The root of the scabbard hit Rui Sen's chin!

The brutal force smashed Rui Sen's jaw and the jelly splashed!

The whole person was smashed off the ground!

And the two handles of Jiangning's Bose Particle Sword pierced directly into Rui Sen's heart!

Out of the chest!

Rui Sen: (???#) "Puff~"

A large mouthful of jelly spouted from Rui Sen's mouth, and the star ring bloomed in the next instant!


Jiang Nan's body was instantly collapsed and flew out, even if his arms were folded to protect his chest, the glazed armor was still melted to pieces, and his arms were still carbonized by the high temperature of orange light!

Quickly teleport to stand firm!

And Rui Sen has escaped into the void, and then he is a safe distance of 30,000 meters from the south of the Yangtze River!

The body stabbed by Jiang Ning healed in the blink of an eye!

But the jaw that was smashed by the scabbard recovered extremely slowly!

With full recovery, it slowly grew better, and the whole person became a little more transparent!

You know, the scabbard of the God Killing Sword is also made of crystal material!

I saw Rui Sen's complexion extremely ugly, his eyes staring at the nine six-pointed stars on the scabbard!

"Why do you have this knife? Isn't this Ji Yu's knife?"

Even Jiang Ning looked at the magic knife in Jiang Nan's hand in amazement!

The knife made by Huanyu Epistar? Where did Jiangnan come from?

Did he make a virtual nail into a knife? its not right?

At present, human beings shouldn't have the ability to forge Huanyu Jingyuan?

Jiangnan raised the knife and flicked it, and the Bose particles contaminated with the blade on the upper edge were thrown into the magma lake and turned into nothingness! []

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"Oh? Do you recognize it? You know, I've been holding back this knife for a long time!"

"I shouldn't lose the face of Oracle!"

As soon as the words were finished, the air in Jiangnan's lungs was pumped away by the vacuum environment!

His chest was deflated, and his face flushed and rolled his eyes!

It was clearly suffocating, coughing violently!


Li Bing:! ! !

Don’t you know if you don’t wear a spacesuit now?

Don't talk if you can't talk!

Can't you be more handsome?

I saw Jiang Nan's face full of anxiety, and several teleports rushed to Li Bing!

A space wormhole was opened directly in her helmet!

Li Bing was shocked: "What are you doing? You have to do... Yeah!"

In Li Bing's horrified gaze, Jiang Nan put his big face directly into Li Bing's helmet!

The two face to face, Li Bing felt that his face was aching because of the high temperature emitted by Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan greedily breathed a few scented air, suffocated a sigh of relief, and looked back at Rui Sen with a look of resentment!


This jelly, what a deep scheming city!

Did you deliberately lure me into talking?

Simply vicious!

It's not what I couldn't help but say to be handsome!

However, Ji Yu? Was it the original name of the oracle?

Rui Sen was full of indignation, and the stab wound on his forehead was slowly repairing!

Why doesn't he recognize this knife?

Every star on the scabbard is a shame to the Bose clan!

Nine gods who were one dimension higher were cut down by a strong ant!

If it weren't for Jiyu, today's Blue Star has become the Star Market!

How could this knife fall in Jiang Nan's hands?

Is it a disgusting space system like riding a horse? Rui Sen is raging!

"Do you think you can restrain me with this knife? Just keep you close!"

Jiang Ning reminded: "Cut his horns! A horn is a weak point. If a horn is broken, he can't reproduce other people's abilities!"

"But it will not die. To cut fatal wounds, the wounds cut by Huanyu Jingyuan, even bosons, require a lot of Bose particles to heal!"

"When his particles are almost consumed, he can be killed!"

"Also, don't cut me off, I'm afraid of this too!"

Jiang Nan grinned straight, thinking that if he had the sacred sword, he would die if he beheaded the boson body or something!

But obviously I think too much!

The Bose clan is worthy of being a star-level overlord race, claiming to be gods, this is too difficult to kill!

It takes a thousand cuts and cuts until Rui Sen is exhausted?

I really don’t know how the Oracle hacked to death nine of them back then!

Rui Sen looked at Jiang Ning angrily: "You traitor, you actually stand on the side of humans. I will kill you first!"

When you speak, you will rush to kill Jiang Ning!

Where is Jiangnan willing to do it?

At this moment, I am holding back in panic, and there is no place to put the power of the full violent space!

Do you think 30,000 meters is the safe distance?

Not enough to see!

I saw Jiang Nan bit the God Killing Sword in his mouth, and threw the scabbard behind him!

The small leather whip came out instantly and caught the scabbard!

Then both hands to the sky!

Two amplifying curses reappeared, blessed by the green stick and the tears of the oracle!

Two split saw blades with a diameter of more than 500 meters reappear!

The body instantly disappeared in place, and appeared directly in front of Rui Sen!

Don't wait for him to escape into the void!

10 void black holes formed a circle, sealing all directions, and bursting out amazing suction at the same time!

The space was torn apart, like ten black suns in the same sky!

At the same time, two giant split saw blades were severely chopped together by Jiangnan!


The saw blade instantly exploded with a more violent posture, and there were chaotic space blades everywhere!

Even Jiang Nan himself was chopped into blood gourd!

Jiang Ning on the side saw his scalp numb!

Jiangnan's saw blade attack is really strong, and in this case, he dare not rush in!

Otherwise, you will also be slashed by the Space Blade!

This is an indiscriminate attack!

Rui Sen was full of savage eyes, and the glass light and orange awn burst at the same time, and the extreme cold and extreme heat rushed!

Jiangnan quickly opened two pairs of space wormholes to resist!

Even so, Rui Sen still managed to escape into the void!

But he was still slashed by the Space Blade, and there were three more wounds on his body!

In the first moment, Jiangnan has already tracked the spatial fluctuations to catch up!

Raise your hand to grab the sacred sword, holding the sword in both hands! Cut down on Rui Sen's forehead!

Rui Sen reacted extremely fast, and wanted to flash past it sideways!

And at this moment, the space barrier was condensed, and the huge space barrier of a hundred meters was cut down from the void!

"Boom boom boom!"

The moon surface was cut out with a hundred-meter-long knife mark, and every space barrier was cut on the ground, and it would condense and cut down again in the air!

Six barriers, infinite loop!

The moon table at this moment seems to have become a dish, and the space barrier is a big chopper that keeps cutting down!

Jiangnan manages this trick called a space barrier? Chopping meat!

Hmm~ It doesn't look so good?

It's called a space barrier? The sword is good~

At this moment, Li Bing, Momo and the others were stunned!

Is Jiangnan chasing the boson and slashing?

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