At this moment, Hart's only remaining eyeball almost didn't go wide!

I thought the deadly bike was already your limit!

I never imagined that I could see an evolutionary version of the bicycle in my lifetime!

Upgrade from two wheels to four wheels?

Did you tie the argali? Road... Road riding a ram?

The Space Department gives you such a blind girl, what kind of imagination is all this?

The problem is that Jiangnan not only dared to think, but also put the imagination into reality!

Even the steering mechanism is specially made through the spirit pillar!

And it's four-wheel drive!

Li Bing: \oДo*)???

"What kind of spirit beast's spirit skills is this? I have never heard of which spirit beast's talent spirit skills will be a giant off-road vehicle!"

Even if Li Bing was killed, this off-road vehicle was a gem-level combo skill with a combination of spiritual skills and spiritual skills!

I saw Jiang Junan's face flushed with excitement, and he didn't know whether it was suffocated or excited!

This car is so cool, okay?

Directly hit where there are many people!

As long as the close one-eyed species are ejected into outer space by the space of the argali horns!

It is simply an artifact of the Qing soldiers!

Even if some one-eyed species escaped the ejection from space and were knocked into flight, they would hit the windshield!

It is a luxury for the one-eyed species to come close to the void black holes bursting around the car body!

Coupled with the strong horsepower of the off-road vehicle, there is also a flashing flash!

In a short while, more than a thousand one-eyed species were knocked into outer space!

Frozen is to clear a field in the encirclement of the one-eyed species!

Xinghuan finally did not need to move its position and began to connect the transmission channel!

Jiangnan is driving an off-road vehicle, which is a surge of heart!

I couldn't help it at all, and used the spirit pillar to hit a line of barrage directly on the roof of the car!

? "Combination upgrade? Death cross-country!"?

Driving in the one-eyed army, majestic and majestic!

Jiang Ning: (??口???)

This...Is this really from the space department?

Why is it different from the impression?

You really showed the infinite possibilities of mankind to the fullest!

It's just that you might be afraid that something is wrong, right?

Rui Sen is also dumbfounded. What kind of tricks are you going to do when you step on a horse? Lao Tzu has been in contact with a lot of space departments, and you are the first one to show off like you!

David is so excited. If this stuff can be broadcasted on the Internet, I am afraid I will be called the **** of cameramen!

What are these scenes?

In the main control hall of the Tianchen Bureau, a giant off-road vehicle is on the screen.

Xia Yao Zhong Yingxue's roots were red, and she shyly covered her face and did not dare to look at the screen!


Ahhhhhh~ so shameful!

This death cross-country is more terrible than a deadly bicycle!

Xiao Nan is simply a named master!

Is he not ashamed? You even marked it as a barrage for everyone to see?

Are you afraid that others don’t know what your car’s name is?

At this moment, the hall seemed deadly silent!

Ye Zhenguo's mouth twitched!

(?′?`?) "I thought Shura would be invincible at 180 meters. I didn't expect Death Cross Country to be more brave than Shura? Whose commander is this?"

Wang Dalei swallowed!

(?°~??~?°) "Uncle Jiang was the first to fight shirtlessly on the moon, and he was the first to ride a horse racing car on the moon?"

Can the ghost think that Jiangnan would clean up soldiers in this way?

The one-eyed species are indeed extremely difficult to kill, but can they just be bombed?

Jiang Tianchen's eyes were red: "6 minutes and 27 seconds! Jiangnan is refreshing the limits of mankind again and again!"

"And it's this kind of high-intensity battle, to survive without the aid of any equipment!"

"You must hold on!"

I saw Jiang Junan in the picture couldn't help but yell!


"Death off-road? Black sheep chariot!"

As soon as he finished roaring, Jiang Junan's chest slumped down, as if he was about to burp when he had exhausted all his qi!


Jiang Tianchen covers his face!

What are you yelling at? We all know what this trick is called wow!

At this moment, Li Bing on the moon also collapsed. In this case, don't shout at the skill name!

Already handsome, okay?

Your barrage has been played out? Do you have to roar to be vigorous?

As everyone knows, Jiang Nan is extremely satisfied with this trick, and he has to scream in his heart to get his energy!

Even if you use up all the qi in your body, you have to roar!

The momentum must get a bit!

At this moment, Momo was extremely surprised!

(?●??)? "Ababa~"

(The star ring is connected!)

Jiang Nan's gaze instantly locked the star ring!

I saw a stable black space vortex formed in the center of the star ring!

At this moment, Jiangnan is approaching the limit, his head is dizzy, and his vision is black!

But the power of the Oracle's tears in the body has not been exhausted!

Can't go! Fight again!

Jiang Nan's eyes locked on Rui Sen!

At this moment, under Risen's offensive, Jiang Ning could only support it hard, with several wounds cut out on his body!

The whole person becomes transparent!

Jiang Nan raised his foot and kicked on the argali's ass, and directly drove death across the sky above the void!

Several consecutive teleports rushed straight to Rui Sen!

Argali: (?#??口???)

Why do you kick me?

I don’t have a throttle function.

You just want to kick me, you!

Seeing Jiang Nan driving over, Rui Sen couldn't help but numb his scalp, and turned his head to escape into the void!

I don't want to be hit by this car!

However, the violent teleportation of death cross-country appeared in front of Rui Sen!

The four wheels exploded!

Countless space blades were slashed, and the argali tied in the engine compartment was also chopped into blood gourds!

Rui Sen was full of resentment, and his body was scratched by Space Blade again!

However, half of his body has escaped into the void!

But at this moment, Jiang Nan had already left the cockpit and returned to his normal body size!

He just rushed in with the Space Blade and cut dozens of wounds on his body!

Raise the sacred sword with both hands, and slash towards Rui Sen!

Wound sister Ningning like this and leave?

Don't think about it!

Risen sneered: "Can you get it?"

The corner of Jiang Nan's mouth evokes a radian, his eyes bursting!


With a big word, all the qi in the body was used up!

I saw that the Sword Killing Knife became 100 times bigger directly under the action of the mouse biscuit!

Originally, the length of the sacred sword was 1.2 meters long! After zooming in, the knife is 120 meters long!


Jiang Nan roared with the giant knife in his arms, and injected all the energy of the oracle's tears in his body into the God Killing Knife!

Both arms burst into blood because they couldn't bear a lot of energy flowing!

At this moment, a dazzling glazed brilliance burst out from the blade's edge!

The jagged blade even distorted the space!

Rui Sen's eyes widened and his face was full of horror!

What the hell?

Can the knife become bigger?

With a slash, Rui Sen said that most of his body has been hidden in the void!

But there is still a part that was exposed. This knife directly cut off Rui Sen's right leg!

The jelly splashed all over and broke all over!

[The grievance value from Ruisen is +1001! ]

The space was cut open like rags, and a long and narrow black gap was opened!

Several craters in the distance were directly sharpened by the space marked out!

The fracture was smooth and tidy, and the top of the mountain was cut down. The scene was extremely shocking!

With one cut, Jiangnan has reached his limit!

It's dark in front of you!

Originally thinking about adding another star to the scabbard, obviously, is he still far behind?

But Risen's broken leg that fell to the ground, and a few craters that had been topped off!

The corner of Jiang Nan's mouth evokes a satisfying smile!

Once upon a time, Jiang Nan remembered that when he was silver, he saw a magician for the first time, and he showed himself his Dimensional Slash!

Cut the top of the snow-capped mountain directly, which is bad for Jiangnan's envy!

Do you just think that your future self can be such a big hit?

And now, Jiangnan can do it too!

A few more were chopped down at once!

At this moment, the one-eyed species all looked at the broken leg on the ground with unbelievable eyes!

The leg of the **** was cut off by this human?

Isn't the **** invincible? How could such a noble boson be injured by a low carbon-based life?

Broke a leg?

Even Jego, who had just rushed back, had his pupils shrunk and watched this scene!

The whole person was stunned!


The scene that happened before their eyes had no less impact on them than the sun rising from the west!

How can this be!

I saw Rui Sen suddenly fell out of the void, with only one leg left!

At this moment, the Bose particles in the wound are madly spawning, consuming a lot of his energy!

This is simply a shame for Bose!

And it was seen by the lowly slaves!

At this moment, Rui Sen was caught in a hysterical rage!

"Yego! Boom me! Boom them to death!"

Yego's eyes glowed with purple light, aiming at the star ring, he was about to launch the star pupil cannon!

With one shot, there will be no more human life forms around here!

Jiang Nanqiang stayed in a coma and threw out the void chains!

Holding one of his 105 souvenirs, holding Li Bing, Alice and David!

Rushed into the star ring with Jiang Ning!

The argali that was chopped into blood gourds has long since ran away through the cracks in the space cut out by Jiangnan!

He has no means to stop the attack of the giant cannon of Yego's star pupil!

At least one leg of Rui Sen was cut, worth it!

Two brothers and sisters each have an arm and a leg? Nice~

Hope next time! Receiving is fate!

If you want to live and keep the star ring, you can only call a foreign aid!

I can't figure it out by myself!

Let's call the old woman to fight!

Jiangnan just led people out of the star ring, and the cold air that followed!

And the familiar gravity!

The landed Jiangnan raised his head and breathed the air greedily!

However, the expression on Jiang Nan's face froze in the next instant!

Damn it!

I saw an extremely vast square in front of the star ring!

Hundreds of thousands of Blizzard soldiers are fully armed, standing neatly on the square!

On the high platform, there are a group of high-level goose countries, and they have even seen it on TV!

There are other Daotians of Goose Country, and Bai Kou is standing at the forefront!

The hundreds of thousands of people present at the moment looked at Jiangnan rushing out of the star gate with horror!

The chin smashed to the ground!

If you are not mistaken, is the moon behind the star ring?

How could someone rush out from inside?

The most important thing is that he rushed out from the moon shirtless?

Damn it!

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