Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1467: Every night is long~ (plus more)

I saw that uncle bearded wearing a space suit with a long knife over two meters slung around his waist!

With a mustache, there is a long and narrow scar on the corner of the lips and forehead!

The body is strong, and the evil ghost tattoo spreads from the chest to the neck!

The expression is extremely vicious!

Stare directly at Chibon Sakura!

(`⌒′メ) "Huh? Can Swish Tower, what do you mean? I want to go to the China Moon Base to take revenge?"

"That's your own business, what are you pulling us to do together? It's troublesome!"

"This is the moon. If something happens, cutting off your ten fingers is not enough to apologize!"

Makoto Takahashi raised his eyebrows: (?????) "Look? Yamada Musashi-sama disagrees, or build our base first, and then..."

Qianbenying stared: (??????)? "You try to cut one? I have your wife's phone number. Believe it or not, I will complain to your wife and say you molested the female players!"

"Are you planning to hook up with a female one-eyed species on the moon?"

"What's the matter with the emperor of the underworld? Isn't that awesome? Isn't he going to kneel on the washboard when he comes home?"

"The materials used to build the base are all in my alien space. Believe it or not, I will run away from home and let you starve to death on the moon?"

At this moment, Yamada Musashi, with an extremely fierce expression, sweats on his forehead, his eyes... his eyes dodge!

(`﹏′メ) "It's fine with you, let me cut whoever I cut, don't... don't complain to my wife!"

Senbon Sakura: (?????)

Makoto Takahashi sighed, "It seems that it is necessary to go, what happened, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"Hoshino blow? What's your opinion?"

Next to me, a girl with a little baby fat on her cheek floated slowly through the air!

Long light green hair tied together randomly, a peaceful smile, and a star sticker on his cheek!


Everyone's eyes are on Hoshinobuki's body!

The expression on her face began to change and she slowly opened her big eyes!

The corners of the mouth rise and start to open the mouth...


It took her a full minute to complete these actions!

Senbon Sakura:! ! !

(¬絲¬?) "Takahashi Makoto! Are you sick, you? Ask Xiaochu what is the problem?"

"Wait for her to answer! The moon is destroyed, okay?"

At this moment, Hoshino’s expression is just like slow motion, like that stamped sloth!

Finally he said: (??????????) "Hey~"

"I~ feel~ get~..."

Senbon Sakura:! ! !

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think! Just go!"

While talking, teleport directly to the stormy ocean with the spacecraft!

After several teleports, I came directly to the coordinate position of the China Moon Base that was informed by the ground!

Senbonzakura looked out the window blankly!

(o???) "What the hell? How come there are clouds on the moon?"

At this moment, the Shenwu spacecraft is in the midst of white clouds?

However, it hasn't waited for everyone to see what's going on around them!

More than a dozen silver giant vines jutted out from under the clouds, entwining the spacecraft like an octopus!

Suddenly was pulled down!

The cabin of the spacecraft vibrated violently, and I saw a huge silver rattan over 600 meters in size, just like a world tree!

The branches dance in a flurry, like a madman!

Grasping the spacecraft, I rubbed my body for a while, as if I was tickling it!

Where can the spacecraft stand up to such a babble? It's about to disintegrate when I look at it!

Takahashi Makoto said in surprise: (°A°`) "Anything that tells you not to come, now it's good!"

Rokka screamed and hugged Senbonzakura's waist, Qianbenzakura's face was dark!

(????????????)? "You didn't curse it yet!"

Did the ground tell the wrong location? Is this really China based in the moon?

Hoshinobuki: (??????????) "Let's ~ we ~ still ~ yes ~ no ~ go ~"

Before she finished speaking, her voice stopped abruptly, and her expression began to change from peaceful to panic!


Senbon Sakura:! ! !

It's already here! Now it's too late to say this!

Seeing that the spacecraft is about to explode, Miyazaki and Musashi are ready to shoot!

The helpless Sakura can only take all the moon landing troops to abandon the spacecraft, teleport and run away!


The Shenwu spacecraft exploded into a raging flame!

Senbonzakura in spacesuits also teleported out of Fujibayashi!

They just saw it right now!

Where is this base? Is it clearly a vine forest that covers a tens of thousands of meters of land?

Everyone looked dumbfounded!

What the hell? Has China planted land on the moon?

It’s fine to plant in the west, but also to plant the land on the moon?

Musashi was in a hurry!

"Destroy my Shenwu spacecraft? No matter what you are, I will kill you!"

The big hand is already on the handle of the knife while speaking!

Staring at the eyeball, he looked inward, but when he looked at it, he shivered, and his body and mind were cold!

I saw that the laurel silver vine, which is over 600 meters in size, exudes an unparalleled fierce aura!

The thick branches lashed on the ground wantonly, causing an earthquake, as if caught in hysterical rage!

Even more terrifying is that the phantom and alien behind the laurel silver vine!

I saw a towering silver vine rhizome coiled around, and a huge moon under its rhizome, like a small marble held in the palm of your hand!

The rhizome extends indefinitely, I don't know how many planets it covers!

The planet at this moment is in its root system, like a humble pebble!

The orange-yellow sunflowers hanging on the vines give people a feeling of endless heat!

Where is the flower? Obviously it's the suns!

The astonishing breath exuding from his body was so overwhelming that everyone present couldn't breathe!

One after another shivered, the water circulation system in the spacesuit was activated!

I saw that the Musashi sword hadn't been pulled out, and his legs were soft, and he knelt on the ground with a click!

Not only Musashi, but everyone including Senbonzakura Miyazaki!

Kneeled all together!

Just listen to the misty fairy sounds coming from the void!

"Yueyueyue is too beautiful~every night is long~"

"Don't kill two people every day~ I feel melancholy every night!"

"Yue'er engages in hanging out! Suitable for a cemetery~"

"Hurry in and let me ~ bury you!"

"Boom~ Checkekchek! Mua! Mua! Ah~"

Musashi's face was pale, his eyes almost burst into tears!

=???? (メo口o?)? "Shark me! It wants me! It wants to bury me and make the moon my cemetery?"

This horse riding is more terrifying than my wife?

Where is this destination? It's clearly a cemetery, **** it!

At this moment, Musashi became a younger brother directly, and he didn't have the courage to draw a sword at all!

Miyazaki was also shocked. This is space. Hey, why is there still singing?

How powerful is this vine? I'm afraid it won't be enough to hit it with one hand, right?

Liuhua cried in fright, Cheng Cheng shivered, and Hoshinobuki was still in the process of transforming into a frightened face!


Senbon Sakura was so scared that she still sang? Is Huaxia so hilarious?

Jiang Zhannan, you can bluff others, but you can't bluff me!

It must be the scary pink spray, right? At least he used it when Lantis was teaming up with Jiangnan!

Special effects! It's all special effects!

Sakura Sakura shouted loudly!

?(??????) "You have the ability to lie to girls, you have the ability to come out~"

"Don't hide from inside! I know you are at home!"

At this moment, Chibon-sakura kept yelling, she didn't dare to go in, but I asked Jiangnan to go out, right?

(????)? "Are you afraid of me? You must be afraid of me, right?"

Everyone is looking at Senbonzakura!

You are sure that the people inside can really hear you shouting like this, and the shouting is indeed reasonable!

But the way you knelt on the ground and shouted is not a little bit imposing. Hey!

At this moment, the sharp-eyed Liuhua pointed at one place fiercely!

(*???)? "Sakura sauce, where do you look? There is a brand!"

Everyone hurriedly looked in the direction pointed by Liuhua!

I saw a conspicuous no-passing traffic sign stuck in place!

Everyone was stunned!

Why are there traffic signs on the moon?

There is also a crooked line written on it with a marker pen!

"There are bad dogs inside, please do not enter, if there is an accident, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

"Jiangnan is not at home~ I'm back to Blue Star~ Don't come in!"

Liuhua's eyes widened suddenly, holding his head in horror, and then vomiting!

?(???|||)? "This...this is the handwriting of Jiangnan, Yingjiang! You must not enter, the **** must come from ahead!"

"I was in Fenglin Villa at the beginning, because I didn't listen to the warning and entered the room that I should never enter, and I was stunned!"

"Jiangnan's warnings are all literal. If he doesn't let us in, we can't enter!"

The current Liuhua still remembers the struggle in that special room for durian blooming!

Was ruthlessly stunned!

The painful memories have been carved into the DNA!

The ghost knows what terrible things are waiting for everyone in this vine forest!

Qianbenying grinds her teeth and returns to Lanxing? Did you come back to Blue Star?

This girl chased you from Blue Star all the way and hit you. She just crossed 380,000 kilometers to land on the moon. You told me that you returned to Blue Star?

Senbonzakura almost didn't go crazy, do you want to go so fast?

[The grievance value from Senbon Sakura is +1001! ]

"I don't believe it! He finally came, how could he leave so soon? It must be a mystery!"

"I'm afraid that people will find him on the moon and hit him, so I pretend not to be at home!"

"There is still a vicious dog in it? I yeah! How could there be a vicious dog on the moon?"

But at this moment, I saw Fujibayashi shaking for a while, in the horrified eyes of everyone!

As soon as Chen Dao wore a white vest and big shorts, he walked out!

Wear a straw hat on your head, a towel around your neck, and a green pressurized pesticide pot on your back!

Completely dressed like an old farmer, this is the spraying equipment Jiangnan left him!

Hearing the explosion just now, Chen Daoyi went to check it out!

Didn't expect to encounter the space force of the Hong Kingdom? Chen Daoyi also looked dumbfounded!

At this moment, Senbon Sakura and other members of the Shenwu Space Force were all stupid!

What the hell!

This person was on the moon, so he wore a shorts vest and sprayed pesticides on his horse?

Are you sure this is the moon? Several people are almost schizophrenic!

This... isn't this Chen Daoyi? Are all the Daotian-level powerhouses of Huaxia now dusting pesticides?

Do you want to be so extravagant?

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