Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1473: Pandora's Box! (Plus more)

Barty, who was still smoking in his helmet last moment, was shocked by the huge shock of the spacecraft!


The smoke in his mouth was scared off, and fell into the neck after following the helmet!

Smoke billowed in the spacesuit for a while!

Batty's eyes widened!

(?? 益??lll) "Hey, my shit! Hot and hot ~ what's the situation!"

He stretched out his hand and slapped, but he couldn't take a picture through the spacesuit!

The mummy Dai Ze said urgently: "All the spacecraft flight computers are malfunctioning and are about to crash!"

"Are all our supplies on top? That light came from the direction of Interstellar City!"

Batty stared, raging in his eyes!

(? Yi??) "Damn the United States! It's fine if you hit you! Why do you want to drag me into the water?"

"I think Maple Leaf Country is good for bullying, right? I'll wait for Lao Tzu, so I'll give you more stuff!"

"It's been silent for too long, it seems that you have all forgotten my reputation as Barty!"

"Wait for Lao Tzu here!"

I saw the spacecraft that was falling at a high speed the previous moment suddenly stopped in the air!

It's like an empty brake!

The strong inertia made the Maple Leaf Sky Force crash into the cabin wall in pieces!

But Batty lifted his foot and kicked on the hatch with a "boom"!

The heavy alloy hatch was kicked directly, and Batty flew toward the interstellar city like an arrow from the string!


At this moment, the one-eyed army has been evacuated from the interstellar city, and the energy has almost bottomed out!

And Rui Sen even wrapped himself tightly with Black Rock Armor!

Hidden in the void, he looked at the countless high-energy plasma cannons facing him with a look of fear!

In today's Interstellar City, there are 66 districts in total, and more than 20 districts have been abolished. Where is the magnificent appearance before?

Even the army of the conquest of the moon has suffered heavy losses!

Martin gasped, "Shou... did you hold it?"

Vinnie also breathed a sigh of relief, but she had survived, and her energy was exhausted. Is she finally about to withdraw her troops?

Jego stared: "Wait! Wait till here from night to day, then..."

At this moment, Yego is releasing the last cruel words, ready to withdraw after going through the process!

And at this moment, a white light that Batty turned into rushed over at an astonishing speed!

It is directly between the interstellar city and the one-eyed army!

Miaoguang looked to both sides, with an angry look on his face!

Everyone's eyes are on Batty!

Who is this?

Martin frowned: (#?`~?′#) "The symbol of Maple Leaf Country? Are they here too?"

Pierce looked solemn!

(??????) "Daotian seven stars! Be careful!"

I saw Barty yelling at Pierce's nose!

?(??口???) "You gang of bullies smash! Hit it! You have to pull my Maple Leaf Country into the water, right? Shoot our spacecraft?"

"What is it! I want more parties to help you carry it, right? Okay! I'm just as you wish!"

"Don't regret it!"

While speaking, he turned to the one-eyed army!

(??`口?')? "It hurts you, don't just attack the city when I landed!"

"Staring at me? You still stare at me, right? Good!"

"I will let you know! What is Pandora's Box!"

At this moment, everyone looked at Barty who pointed towards both sides with a blank expression on his face...

However, there was no sound at all.

It’s weird to see a person with a helmet full of white smoke pointing wildly in the air...

But he must be very angry, right? It's furious!

See his helmet is full of smoke?

Batty:! ! !

"Don't pay attention to me, right? Okay! Then sink into the endless flames!"

Opened his arms while speaking!

I saw black metal **** flying out of Batty's backpack!

Each one is the size of an orange, ten in total!

And these ten spheres were divided into two parts and flew towards the interstellar city and the Cyclops army at an astonishing speed!

At this moment, Martin finally saw Barty's face behind the helmet, his complexion suddenly changed!

Σ(?д?#) "Damn! This person is Barty! The last time he showed up, he was still a diamond, and he was almost killed by the killer organization. It was a lot of trouble!"

"It sank Paga Island and even caused a volcanic eruption and a tsunami. His ability is..."

Before Martin finished speaking, Barty's eyes were full of madness!

╰(?ˉ?益ˉ??)╯"Nuclear fission!"

Those 10 metal spheres are nothing but 10 high-purity uranium-235!

I saw that the 10 **** exude incomparable light and heat under Batty's ability!

Released extremely powerful energy!


The crimson plasma fireball expands wildly, destroying everything nearby along the way!

Although not comparable to the dozen or so nuclear bombs that Jiangnan lost in Tongcheng, they are not far off!

this moment! Its daybreak!

Vinnie's face suddenly changed: (??????)? "Damn it! This bastard! Don't mess around with skills, hello!"

It was so hard for us to dry the one-eyed army out of power. This wave of your operation is simply suffocating!

Pierce and Martin's faces are all black, absolutely can't let this big fool ruin the interstellar city!

The two directly pushed it up!

"Space confinement!"

"Supergravity barrier!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The earth waves hundreds of meters high hit the protective shields of Martin and Pierce!

The energy of the explosion caused a strong earthquake!

Both the gravitational walls and the confinement of space have been torn out huge gaps!

Six more districts were destroyed by the explosion, and Martin's heart was bleeding!

The ability of this product is atomic control!

It can even cause nuclear fusion, fission, and metamorphosis to the extent that all countries want to die!

It's like a walking human-shaped nuclear bomb, but he can do much more than that!

I saw that Batty was also affected by the explosion!

The spacesuit on his body was even bombarded with flesh and blood!

He was bloody, extremely hideous!

But Batty didn't care!

"Atomic reorganization!"

Seeing countless tiny dust converging from all over the void, Batty's body returned to its original shape in a blink of an eye!

Even the destroyed spacesuit was reorganized into its original appearance!

Looking at Pierce, they looked as if they had eaten stinky socks!

A smug smile appeared on Barty's face!

(?????) "Now! Remember me?"

However, he discovered that Pierce Martin was not looking at themselves at all?

Can't help looking back fiercely!

I saw that most of the energy of the nuclear fission was absorbed by the one-eyed species!

Even sucked out the energy vortex!

Obviously, the one-eyed species turned on the energy absorption mode, and they were about to run out of power. This wave of nuclear explosions directly charged them with a lot of energy!

Even the injuries caused by the explosion on his body quickly regenerated, and in a blink of an eye they returned to their original condition!

Batty:? ? ?


With such a big trick, I originally thought it would be able to collapse thousands of people, but...what's the situation?

Less than a hundred dead?

I saw Yego's eyes full of excitement!

(? Hi)? "Thank you brother!"

"Thank you for the energy sent by Lao Tie, you must be the undercover agent arranged by the Holy Envoy on the human side, right?"

"It's just right! Little ones! Energy transfer! Bump him and leave!"

Rui Sen: (??ˇ_ˇ??:)? ? ?

Eh? I... have I arranged it?

The one-eyed species that had just absorbed the energy of the nuclear explosion shot out orange beams of light!

Concentrate all the energy on Jego!

At this moment, Jego's whole body energy surges

"Full energy open! Star pupil giant cannon!"


The thousand-meter purple light beam was shot towards the interstellar city by Jego with an amazing posture!

Martin yelled, "Barty! You are waiting for me!"

"Just what you can do?"

Pierce roared: "If our Interstellar City is gone! Your Maple Leaf Country will be gone!"

"Space Crack!"

At this moment, Pierce tried his best to tear open a huge space crack in front of the interstellar city!

Vinnie used all her strength to enlarge the crater as much as possible!

Gravitationally pulled by Martin in front of the interstellar city!


Endless jets of energy are flying around!

The half-constellation interstellar city turned into fly ash in the star cannon, and the land was shoveled!

The enlarged crater and space cracks indeed blocked part of the star pupil cannon!

But it only blocked part of it!

Pierce and the three people vomited blood one after another under this kind of mighty cannon, all looked embarrassed!

Looking at the interstellar city, even if the remaining half, most of them are bathed in firelight!

Now there are only a dozen districts left in Interstellar City...

They will all be demolished soon!

Batty swallowed in the air, cold sweat bursting out of his forehead!

(¬﹏¬?)... this one-eyed army so strong?

Is it okay to be bombed? The power of this cannon can even be wiped out by atoms, right?

Originally, I thought that there should be no one on the Blue Star who could kill him. Who knew there was on the moon?

I was planted a lesson by one-eyed as soon as I came here!

Seeing Pierce and their murderous eyes, Batty coughed lightly!

A cold snort: "Hmph! I hope you can learn from this lesson and stop messing with Lao Tzu in the future!"

He flew to Chenghai without looking back!

This artillery exhausted all the energy of the nuclear explosion that had just been absorbed, and Risen no longer entangled, and evacuated with the one-eyed army!

And Pierce and Martin looked at the tattered interstellar city, their faces were as black as briquettes!


Is this a fart billboard? Take care of yourself first!

The interstellar city was torn apart, and over there, the Hong Kingdom and the Maple Leaf Kingdom began to build their own bases in the moon!

Jiang Nan didn't expect that during the time he left the moon, there would still be so much fun on the moon!

At the moment, he is still sleeping in the heart of Great Wolf Dee!

Sleeping directly on the halazi, so far!

Five countries have successfully landed on the moon, but no spacecraft has successfully landed!

The moon may be more uglier than a spacecraft, right?


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