Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1485: mother! I am afraid! (Plus more)

It's stuffed, even Jiangnan doesn't know how many stuffed it in!

Anyway, dozens of them should be available, all of which were swallowed by Batty!

There are even two stuffed in the nostrils, and the nostrils are enlarged, okay?


However, Ye Zhenguo, who is at the bottom of the main attack, is even more passionate!

"Pegasus Meteor Critical Punch!"

"Several sons and grandfathers!"

"Cut weeds and roots and tomahawks!"

"Nonsense about football playing!"

"Open the door for good luck, Qinglong's breath!"

At this moment, Ye Zhenguo directly displayed a set of small combos!

Ye Zhenguo, who experienced the incident of being stuck in the water release, seemed to arouse jealousy!

I can not? You are also thinking about it!

Clegg and Wang Dalei both looked at Ye Zhenguo with horror!


What are your insidious moves?

Who did you learn from?

The name of this move is a bit too vivid, right?

At this moment, Batty was rolled his eyes by Ye Zhenguo's little tricks!

I opened my mouth and wanted to wailing, but there was no breath in my lungs and I couldn't scream!

I can only open my mouth and stare there!


There was blood and tears on his face!

My sister did what you did, she is also a Daotian-level powerhouse anyway!

How come fighting like an old gangster?

So does your name of Azure Dragon God of War come from like this?

Don't fight anymore, I can't do it anymore!

However, Jiangnan's eyes are bright!

(?°???°)? "Brother Ye is fine? If you don't know how to optics, you have surpassed it? Is the last trick original? I learned it!"

Ye Zhenguo looked shy!

?(???????) "Fur~ These are fur compared to Brother Jiang!"

Wang Dalei:! !

Don't you two be humble about this kind of thing?

Jiangnan seemed to be tired, and directly extended 18 small whips!

Put on 16 small extreme speed slippers and start the big windmill-style automatic beating!

Shan's Batty shook his head from side to side, and the little Mazza in his hand kept beating!

It is worthy of being the seven stars of Daotian, that is, to fight!

That scene is so hot!

At this moment, Yang Jian, Zhong Yingxue and the others were worried in the God Killing Curse array!

A few people have been there for so long, they can only feel the vibration of the earth, and don't know what happened!

Facing an existence like Batty, Jiangnan and the others will not be in danger, right?

And Dazette also supported it in the past!

But soon Jiang Tianchen came over with the tablet!

"Yuewang Tianyan's picture is coming back!"

Yang Jian hurriedly asked, "How is it? Jiangnan didn't suffer, right?"

Jiang Tianchen's mouth twitched:

(??﹏???) " are optimistic about it!"

He didn't know how to describe it!

In the picture, the Jiangnan four people surrounded Batty and the ground was cracked!

Everyone in the field opened their eyes wide, and it was as silent as death!

Σ(°Д°; "Damn! Surround yourself? Can you be more aggressive? How did Nanshen do it?"

(???д??) "This...this seems a bit different from the Daotian duel I imagined? There is no such a way to play rice cakes?"

"Good fellow! Are the spacesuits taken off? Shirtless? This is outer space! What's wrong with the heat?"

"Sure enough! You have to be shirtless to fight, saying that the mosaic patch in the middle is really the Barty just now?"

This is not like the imposing Batty who just released the helium flash?

Wu Liang's lips twitched!

(′(エ)`?) "Facts have proved that you should never put a cup in front of Nan Ge! Otherwise, the horse will inevitably open the scoop?"

He can't remember how many times this Mazza has opened!

Yang Jian swallowed too!

Said the pendulum was really pendulum? Do you want to be so powerful?

At this moment, Jiang Nan is about to drink two bottles of nuclear milk for Barty, and then wear a paralyzing ring to make a personal nucleation and pop it out!

If you can kill it, you still have to kill it.

And outside the spiritual binding force field in the distance, Dezete had actually come here long ago!

It's just that when he just rushed over, he was holding his helmet, and he wanted to go up and help!

It can be seen that he was swollen three times by the Jiangnan four people, his face covered with mosaics, and he looked at Barty who was about to be finished. At that time, he hesitated!

Mind trembled!


Sure enough!

That iron law is not a joke. When Jiangnan encounters it, it is either dead or social dead?

If I got involved, would I be hammered into such a ghost?

At this moment, Dezet hesitated!

I was stunned to watch Batty being hammered for more than 30 seconds.

But at this moment Barty has reached the real limit!

The last oxygen in the body is exhausted, and you will die if you don’t breathe?

While being beaten, while resisting the suffocation caused by the space environment, this is simply a double torture, both mentally and physically!

But a strong desire to survive, Batty caught the last light!

Remember that they only took Jiangnan's saliva pills to have the ability to ignore the space environment?

So as long as you eat something, can you also have the protagonist's aura?

Where does Batty care so much at this moment?

What kind of dignity and face, don't step on the horse!

Just live!

The moment a person is about to die, the power that erupts is infinite!

I saw Batty staring at Jiang Nan's mouth, staring at his eyes, and exhausting all his strength, he broke free from the shackles of Wang Dalei and the others!

Frozen was struggling from the ground, holding Jiang Nan's shoulders and pursing his red eyes towards Jiang Nan's mouth!


Back then, so many people besieged me, none of them killed me!

How could I, Batty, die here?

have a bite! Just let me eat one bite!

Wang Dalei's people are all dumbfounded, is this a stupid stupid?

We thought you were going to escape when you got up. Who knew you were going to kiss Jiangnan?

Jiangnan:! !

You even want to kiss me when you step on a horse?

Did you make your nose sore?

I saw Jiang Nan directly took out a large diamond durian and slammed it on Batty's face!


Let his saliva plan end here!

[The grievance value from Batty is +1001! ]

do not want!

That is my only way to survive!

Batty, who was about to continue to grab saliva, was taken aback, and saw Dezet hiding in the distance!

The eyes of the two intertwined and collided in the air!


Batty's eyes are red!

Where are you doing it?

Already here? But watching from the sidelines? Don't know how to save me?

Are we in the same group?

Barty was so angry that he opened his mouth to scold, but he couldn't say a word in a daze!

He was directly pushed down by the Jiangnan four and continued to be beaten!

Dizete is a joke!

Damn it, it's been discovered, it's no way to go down the cat?

If Barty weren’t dead, wouldn’t it be easy to see each other in the future?

Moreover, my own spacesuit is broken and the oxygen continues to leak, and it won't last long!

It's quite far from the base here, so I can't go back and change it!

Can only risk rescue Batty and let him fix it?

As long as you are outside the bound spiritual force field, your own abilities are not restricted!

The power of spiritual skills can be extended to the force field!

"The boundless sea of ​​sand? Quicksand!"

The astonishing spirit surging around Dezete's body, the land of 10,000 meters has become deserted!

A sand sea vortex was formed, and it seemed that a few people would be swallowed together!

But Ye Zhenguo roared: "You continue to fight! I'll come!"

While speaking, he directly carried Batty on his shoulders, and took advantage of his strength to jump in the sand sea to ensure that the sand sea vortex would not be swallowed up!

The Jiangnan trio seemed to be stuck to Batty, and they continued to beat them!

(?°?д°?) "Brother Ye! Lean against the grandson, and pull him in and fight together!"

Now that Batty has eaten dozens of spirit binding orbs, it is a moving spirit binding field!

As long as Dazette is enveloped in, he will be over!

Dizete:! !

You guys... don't come over on horseback!

Ye Zhenguo leaned over here, and Dai Zete ran away!

You can't be shrouded by the bound spiritual force field!

And at this moment, Jiang Yuetu's body suddenly stiffened!

The two rabbit ears erected on the top of the head began to tremble, drooping directly on the head!

And the expression on Jiang Yuetu's face gradually became frightened!

Seeing Barty who was beaten into mosaics under him, he was splashed with blood...

At this moment, Jiang Nan seemed to wake up, he couldn't help but let out a horrified scream, closing his eyes tightly!

????﹏???? "Blood! It's blood! It's terrible, the baby is scared! Don't! Eh~"

Just close your eyes and don't turn your head in the exclamation, with an expression of horror on his face!

Then use a pony and a small whip to hammer Batty's face harder!

The blood splashed and banged!

Jiang Yuetu:


"No way, no! It's too dangerous, he's a Daotian Qixing! A fart can kill my little diamond! It's terrible!"

"Ahhhh~ I feel his eyes can kill me! And this is on the moon!"

"It's dangerous! I'm afraid, what if I die here? Brother Ye! Hurry up and take me back, we can't beat them!"

(*?????) "Xue Xue Lang Mie, come and save me! I'm going to die! Mom! I'm going home~"

At this moment, Wang Dalei and Clegg both looked at Jiangnan with ignorance!


Are you serious?

You're scared? I'm ah!

This Batty is what you labeled as this grandson?

Can't beat it yet?

Your special cat has been riding on him for several minutes, okay?

Where is it scared? Afraid of you still fighting? This is obviously more fierce than the previous fight, okay?

Oh~ I get it!

This must be a reverse mockery, an insulting attack, right?

Want to beat Batty down mentally? A wave of burying him fiercely?

Gee tee~ It’s still my Uncle Jiang!

Batty:! !

Don't take you so insulting!

Can a fart kill you? I already let you fart, okay?

Eyes? My eyes are so swollen that I can’t open them anymore. Where is the look?

Forget about hitting Laozi, and insult me? Woo~

Is this person the devil's?

[The grievance value from Batty is +1001! ]

[From Batty...]

As everyone knows, Jiangnan is not showing at all! But really scared!

The current Jiang Yuetu is scared to death, okay? The reason why he is still beating is just the stress reaction after extreme panic!

As the saying goes, rabbits bite when they are in a hurry!

Jiang Danjing, who never knew what he was afraid of, is now shrouded in fear!

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