Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1493: What is this unique skill?

When it comes to picking things from others, no one is more experienced than Lan, okay?

The space cube is almost a perfect one!

After all the time, the spacesuits worn by the entire Moon Expedition Force were almost stripped!

However, the Zhengyue troops couldn't catch Lan and Mira in the whole process!

Even if it is a random attack, there are skills that happen to fight over!

All were also transferred by Lan using the space cube, or blocked by open space cracks!

Then teleport to evade, no matter how bad, there is still an absolute defense like Mira!

There is no threat to the existence of Mi Lan's combination in the field!

(¬翢¬?) "Damn it! There is still a space department! It must be the little one from China, she stole all our spacesuits!"

(??????????)? "Bah! Don't talk nonsense, I am for the peace of the moon, I am doing good deeds!"


A space ejected out, and the person who spoke did not know where to fly!

"Quick! Quickly notify Lord Pierce! We can't prevent the space system! Jiangnan, this is to tune the tiger away from the mountain, and draw a salary from the bottom!"

Lan and Mira were busy, but after all they took all the spacesuits in Interstellar City for safekeeping!

I saw two small teletubbies suddenly appeared outside the interstellar city!

At this moment Mila is riding on Lan's neck with her waist crossed!

And Lan made a face toward the city!

(??????) "Slightly~ I'm not convinced, come out and beat us duck!"

Turning around and teleporting away!

There was a scolding voice in the city, but without the spacesuits, they couldn't survive for long in the outer space environment!

I can only watch the two run away, and they can't chase after them!

"Ahhhhh~ can this be any more bamboo shoots? I want to go home!"

"Sorry, we can't go back, the Zeus exploded!"


Pierce was about to kill Jiangnan, and he was terrified!

Why can Jiangnan survive in space without using spacesuits?

This unscientific!

But I received a subpoena from the city on the radio!

Said that the spacesuits were all stolen, and there was nothing left!

[The grievance value from Pierce +1000! ]

The lungs almost exploded, so move the tiger away from the mountain?

"Fuck! Jiangnan! You wait for me!"

Turning around while talking, I'm going back to Interstellar City!

Jiang Nan's eyes brightened, did Mira and Lan succeed?

(?°???°)? "Want to go? I miss you so beautifully! If you say it, you won't keep one! Don't even want to take this one with you, you!"

"Wu Liang!"

I saw Wu Liang turned into a 65-meter black bear, thumping his chest and roaring!

"Don't accept it!"

Pierce was furious: "Then I'll **** you to death!"

While speaking, his body teleported to Wu Liang suddenly, and the vortex of the palm space pressed against Wu Liang's Tianling Gai fiercely!

However, in the next instant, Wu Liang was suddenly replaced by Jiangnan!

Jiangnan didn't dodge, and opened a space wormhole facing the space vortex!

The big hand went directly in, and went straight to Pierce's helmet to touch it!

However, a space wall formed by space confinement lay across Pierce's helmet!

Jiang Nan's hand fiercely pressed against the space wall, failing to leave a mark!

"Heh~ you thought I would be defenseless..."

In the next moment, Pierce only heard a "clang" coming from the back of his head!

I saw that Jiang Nan's other hand had already explored through another pair of wormholes!

He flicked his head against the helmet!

"No one told you, can I open two pairs of wormholes now? Replace!"

Pierce:! ! !

In the next moment, Pierce only felt cold on his body, Jiang Nan was hanging on Pierce's body like a koala!

And the spacesuit has been replaced in the past!

Suddenly shattered by the space vortex!


Pierce's eyes widened sharply, and he suddenly felt unable to breathe, and his body was covered with hoarfrost!


Space collapse!

At this moment, Pierce seemed to have turned into a singularity, and the surrounding space of 10,000 meters collapsed crazily toward Pierce!

Jiangnan suddenly felt as if countless mountains were pressing on him, as if he was about to crush himself!

I couldn't help vomiting a mouthful of old blood. After such a short time, the bones on my body were broken seven or eighty-eight!

Pierce still has some hole cards?

Jiangnan quickly teleported and ran away, and the small whip repaired his injury!

Pierce pinched his nose and teleported towards the interstellar city without looking back!

A teleportation of 100,000 meters, it won't take long to go back!

Jiang Nan grinned, showing **** white teeth!

(?? Blood??) "What's the hurry? Play with me for a while? Replace!"

Pierce, who had just teleported out of 100,000 meters, was violently replaced back to the original place!

And Jiang Nan teleported another mark back to Pierce!

Pierce:! ! !

So rounding up means I haven't moved?

[The grievance value from Pierce is +1001! ]

Can it be cheaper?

Just when Jiangnan changed his spacesuit and climbed on Pierce, he left a mark!

If you want to go back, you have to ask Lao Tzu whether you can agree or not!

Anxious Pierce can only run again!

As long as I teleport for the second time faster than you can place and change, you can't change me!

Indeed, the speed of Daotian Fang's skills is much faster than Jiangnan!

But with the fluctuations in Pierce's body, Jiangnan has already launched a replacement!

It was earlier than his first teleport!

So as soon as Pierce teleported out, the person was replaced!

Pierce, who was in front of him, found himself back where he was, and was almost mad!

How long can I not hold on to this tone?

Then Jiangnan teleported another mark back to Pierce!

(?????)? "Yo~"

Pierce stared, Yo your sister! I don't believe in this evil!

The body disappeared again!

Zhong Yingxue and Wang Dalei next to them were all dumbfounded. What are these two of them doing with Nagada?

Flash in place to play?

At this moment, Vinnie heard the movement outside, and could feel the blood flow in Jiangnan's body very fast!

Is this already in the interstellar city, has it been fighting with Old Pi and the others?

The battle is so fierce?

Don't worry Old Pi! I'll help you!

Watch me blow you up! The next scene must be quite bloody!

I saw Vinnie curled up into a ball and closed her eyes!


Vinnie, who was originally as small as a dusty dust, began to grow wildly, ready to return to her normal body shape!

In just a moment of effort, I saw Jiangnan's abdominal muscles that looked like a knife and axe were suddenly enlarged!

It's like an October pregnancy, even the internal organs are squeezed to the side!

The sudden pain hit Jiangnan's nerves, and a mouthful of old blood was vomited out, even mixed with organ fragments!

Jiangnan: (???????)! ! !

After delaying this moment, Pierce has already run out of the extreme replacement range!

After all let him go back to Interstellar City!

Jiang Nan looked down at his stomach in horror!

Σ(???|||) "Fuck? What the hell!"

Even Wang Dalei's eyes widened, and he gasped as he looked at Jiang Nan's stomach!

Xia Yao covered her mouth with a dazed expression!

(???????) "Xiao Nan? You... Are you pregnant? Whose is it?"

Xiong Er swallowed!

?(?????) "Such a big one? It must be Nezha, right?"

Jiangnan spit out old blood!

(???????) "Who is the god! How do I know who it is?"

At this moment, Jiangnan's bulging belly began to bulge wildly, as if someone was kicking hard, Jiangnan vomiting blood and vomiting even more fierce!

Zhong Yingxue hurriedly stepped forward to support Jiangnan!

∑(°口°?) "Ah! Is this a fetal movement? What a fierce fetal movement!"

Jiang Nan covered his face, where is the fetal movement? I'm afraid someone is dancing in my stomach, right?

What is going on?

Wang Dalei's eyes were full of shock: (?д??) "I knew that Jiang Shuneng would wear women's clothing for a long time, but I didn't expect you to wear a full set of women's clothing. You can even have children?"

Wu Liang directly gave a thumbs up!

(??????(エ)??) "Nan Ge is awesome! Unique! Sure enough! There is nothing in this world that Nan Ge can't do!"

"Has the name been chosen?"

Jiangnan is going crazy, so don't praise it, okay?

However, Vinnie, who had shrunk into a ball at the moment, was mad!

How terrible is Jiangnan's physical fitness?

Being a star, didn't even burst Jiangnan's stomach for a long time?

[The grievance value from Vinnie is +777! ]

Just listen to the muffled sound coming from inside!

(???~??)? "Old Pi! Wait! I'll come out to help you?"

Jiangnan:! ! !

The name is up!

Just call her Vinnie!

No wonder I always give Lao Tzu a grievance point. Together, she can not only make things bigger, but also make them smaller?

When did you run into your body?

Jiangnan's belly suddenly returned to its normal size, and then it became bigger again!

A mask of pain was directly put on Jiang Nan's face!

(????? Benefit?) "Yeah! No way, no way, I feel like it's coming out!"

Zhong Yingxue is crazy, and no one here has experience in delivering babies?

How do you take it out?

Can't you have a C-section?

Jiangnan is in a hurry, and if he doesn't do anything, he will be ruined!

And there will be multiple girls out of thin air?

"Just you will grow bigger, right? Don't just live in other people's stomachs!"

When Jiang Nan raised his hand, he ate a mouse biscuit!

In the next instant, the whole person grew rapidly, and in a blink of an eye he became a giant more than 180 meters high!

The belly has returned to its normal size!

At this moment, Vinnie, who was standing in the Jiangnan Stomach Square, also looked dumbfounded!

Isn't it? Can Jiangnan become bigger too?

Even if you return to a normal human size, you don't take up any space in Jiangnan's stomach?

Jiang Nan stared: "Come out! Let me come out! Pierce has been beaten back to Interstellar City by me!"

"I stole all the spacesuits, Pierce can't save you at all!"

"If I don't come out again, I will be angry!"

Vinnie was shocked, Pierce ran away? This shit!

This girl shouldn't be exposed to help you!

I'm exposed, but you are good! Ran? Doesn't this sell me?

You must not go out, otherwise there will be no way to survive!

Can't help but tremble with a stiff face!

(?﹏?) "Get angry when you get angry! I'm not afraid of you!"

"I... I just hide inside and can't come out, so what can you do to me? Bah!"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

"Don't worry if you step on the horse and live inside me! Are you still spitting? Can you talk about personal hygiene?"

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