Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1502: Treasures of the ancestors

Jiang Nan just let go of Koronov's chest hair, raised his hand and blew, his expression is fierce!

(? ̄??? ̄?) "When you really want to do it, you don't do it again. What's the use of a light voice?"

"Sa Leng hand over all the spacesuits to me, otherwise I will go to tear down the star gate!"

Koronov rubbed his chest with a beard and stared, but what can he do with Jiangnan?

Once the fight starts, the country of goose will suffer, not to mention the one-eyed species in a few days!

It's not easy to deal with it after a few days when it hurts vitality!

Can't help looking difficult: (︶益︶╰) "Go get the spacesuit and give it to him!"

Jiang Nan's eyes were full of disappointment: "Don't want to be free, you have to be slaughtered to be happy?"

"Get ready for a small amount of money, come to me to change pills before dawn! Miralan, follow them to dress up!"

Seeing that Mila and Lan were holding their little hands with excitement, they ran to follow suit!

Bai Kou on the side looked at Jiang Nan and couldn't help but laugh out!


The robbery is as reasonable as you, I'm afraid it's the only one!

Although he was robbed by Jiangnan, Bai Kou seemed very happy!

Immediately the conversation turned: "Have you passed the Moon Eye and saw the Origin Tinder inside?"

Jiangnan raised his hand and took out a different space, and directly took out a three-meter by three-meter origin tinder square brick and smashed it on the ground!

(???~??) "You mean this?"

Bai Kou's eyes widened instantly, his chin hit the ground!


Koronov almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Damn it! Such a big piece?

At the beginning, a piece the size of a pigeon egg in Lantis let a basket of Daotian scalp it!

Nowadays, the piece that Jiangnan took out is even bigger than the bed!

Bai Kou took a breath: "How much is under the moon's eye?"

Jiang Nan nodded: "The one-eyed species has been mining, I blasted the warehouse in Tongcheng, but I didn't bring all of it back, the space of different degrees can't fit!"

Koronov is already numb at this moment!

The explosion of Tong City was really made by Jiangnan, the origin of the fire is so many that it can't fit in a different dimension?

How much does that have to be?

Bai Kou's expression is solemn: "So the purpose of the one-eyed species is already obvious! Extinguish the origin flame and destroy the moon!"

"Xiaodi said that if you want to win, you will go month by month. There are treasures left by the ancestors on the moon!"

"The oracle also relies on the treasures on the moon to surpass human limits. He said that there are a huge amount of origin fire on the moon..."

"The amount is so large that the oracle needs to make a star ring! I have never been here, I don't know what the specific situation is!"

Jiang Nan was startled, and couldn't help thinking of what he had seen in Yue's eyes before!

The origin fire on the moon is scattered, obviously not self-generating veins, that is to say, the origin fire on the moon was placed here after people!

Treasures left by the ancestors...

Was it made by the ancestors and then hidden in the moon?

Jiang Nan couldn't help getting goosebumps all over!

The oracle has been to the moon, his level is beyond the limit of human beings, and the alien space should be too big!

Even so, the oracle still has to make a star ring!

Choose to bet on hope in the future and let more people go to the moon!

Instead of bringing back the stone of origin for future generations to prepare...

That also means that his alien space can't hold the stone of origin on the moon?

It's not just a problem that can't fit, but it feels like ants move mountains every time.


As expected, the origin fire on the moon should be terrifying!

Isn’t the point mined by the one-eyed seed just a drop in the ocean?

What's more terrifying is if Jiangnan's guess is true!

How did the ancestors thousands of years ago hide such a large stone of origin in the moon?

Where did you get it?

The more Jiangnan thinks about it, the more terrifying it becomes!

Bai Kebei bit her teeth tightly: "That is the treasure left to us by our ancestors! We must not let the one-eyed species destroy it!"

Jiang Nan thought of the star-eater giant insect, it was also a stimulating spirit!

Don't let that guy nibble again!

(?°??°) "That's not something we need to consider at this stage! Let's get a firm foothold on the moon!"

"Then think about how to solve these problems! I will withdraw first and wait for my news!"

At this moment, Lan and Mila have already returned. Seeing Lan's smile on their faces, they should have been pretending to be less!

And Koronov gritted his teeth with hatred at this moment, but he could only watch Jiangnan take away the spacesuit!

Jiang Nan looked at Koronov and grinned!

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "If you have this enthusiasm, let's use it more on the one-eyed species!"

"I hope you don't have the same name as yours! You are a coward!"

Koronov stared!

(╯?口?) "Fart! Life and death are indifferent! Do whatever you want! I'm not a coward!"

Jiang Nan shrugged, waved, and then left!

Bai Kou hurriedly said: (????)? "Hey~you didn't get this origin flame!"

Jiang Nan didn't turn his head back: "I'll give it to you, just treat it as the spacesuit I bought with you!"

"I have a lot of this stuff because it takes up too much space, and I feel so panicked when I sit in bed!"

After speaking, the lead team has no shadow, and it is obviously withdrawn!

Bai Kou is speechless, the **** cat takes up too much space, can you still have more Versailles?

However, Goose Koronov swallowed, giving us such a large stone of origin?

It doesn't seem to be a loss to change a spacesuit?

In an instant, the suffocation that had just been robbed disappeared a lot!

At this point, in the Seven Moon Countries, except for China, the spacesuits of all bases have been robbed by Jiangnan!

Sure enough, since the spacesuits were no longer worn, each family has been trapped in the base. Even if you want to go out for a stroll, family conditions don't allow it?

Like stealing homes from each other before, the phenomenon of crazy involutions really did not happen again!

Every day except for infrastructure construction and expansion of bases, it is just cursing Jiangnan!

The refresh of the grievance value has never stopped!

And Jiangnan and his party also drove the exploration car back to Silvermoon City!

At this moment, Martin is still waiting in the vine forest!

The spacesuits left on them may be the only ones left in the United States!

Martin is going crazy!

(???口??)? "Did Vinnie succeed? Can this spell of Deity Killing be opened?"

I drove it once before, but Vinnie didn’t come out at all?

Those little guys don't do it!

(?'W`?) "Brother Martin! Let's go home, I'm holding back, I'm so hungry! When will I be tall after waiting like this?"

(???) "That's right, the radio is out of power, let's go back and discuss countermeasures first!"

_(:зゝ∠)_ "If you don't go anymore, the miniature time is about to come. Once exposed, you will definitely be beaten by Huaxia! They are crowded!"

Martin sighed, can we only withdraw first?

Just about to lead the team away!

Seeing Jiangnan's exploration vehicle drove into the Yinyue Force Field!

I saw Vinnie sitting cross-legged on the roof of the car like this, with a basket in her arms?

Martin stared, his forehead violent!


what's the situation? Vinnie came out long ago? Why didn't you come to your own group? Instead, he left with Jiangnan?

Did she rebel?

Then I saw Nicole in the car window again!

Hiss~ Why is Nicole from Eagle Country also here?

What is the situation?

Before Martin could figure out what was going on, Jiang Nan had already teleported into the curse array by car!

Martin:! !

"Damn it! Vinnie has rebelled! Didn't get the seeds, and even got one in there?"

"Is this a fart? Go home and find Lao Pi!"

[The grievance value from Martin is +1001! ]

So angrily led the team back to Interstellar City!

When he gets home, he will find that not only did he get in, but the spacesuit was also lost...

As soon as he returned to the City of Silver Moon, Jiang Nan went to report to Yang Jian!

Yang Jian was also relieved to see how many people returned safely, but Nicole and Vinnie who had come out were also dumbfounded!

Σ(°△°|||) "What? Not just grab the spacesuit? Even people grab it?"

Wang Dalei smiled!

(o????) "Brother Jian, don't get me wrong, this is a prisoner, and I brought it back to be tortured and tortured inhumanely!"

Seeing Nicole Bird nestling in Wang Dalei's arms, she looked ashamed!

Yang Jian's mouth twitched, you call this a prisoner?

Going out to bring others Daotian back?

Yang Jian was happy then!

(?°???°) "Then this difficult task is left to you! Give me a good interrogation!"

Wang Dalei: "Don't worry! You must know the roots!"

Jiangnan almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, so God knows the bottom line!

Are you better than me?

At that time, Wang Dalei was given a bottle of Dali 1.0 and Leek, and the two went for interrogation!

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: (??????) "What is it? This action worked well, right? Did they all stop?"

Yang Jian covered his face: "It's all gone, but it didn't stop. The aviation bureaus of various countries have finished cursing you!"

"It's not enough to say that Jiang Duosun took away the bamboo shoots from the Blue Star. You also took the bamboo shoots from the moon!"

After a wave, the personnel of the six-nation base had no clothes to wear, so it is strange that the Aviation Administration did not scold silver!

They all condemned Jiangnan for not doing personnel affairs!

Before Jiang Nan came back, Yang Jian already knew what Jiang Nan was going to do!

Jiang Nan curled his lips: (?ˇ~ˇ?) "Hmph~ What happened to the bamboo shoots? Who made them choke? Don't agree to come to the moon and **** me!"

"If you scold me, I will increase the price! Don't say anything, I'll go check the production line first!"

Speaking of a teleport, there was no shadow, and Yang Jian naturally knew what idea Jiangnan was playing!

Knowing that Jiang Nan knows it, it's up to him to come!

As soon as he entered the rabbit spit pill production workshop, Jiang Nan was taken aback by the scene in front of him!

All his eyes were cowardly rabbits, one by one, his lips were chapped and his cheeks sunken!

Even the drooling girl who drools the most is spitting up Yoko at this moment!


The little mouth fought for a long time before vomiting it out and rubbing it, with an expression about to cry!

Jiangnan hurried forward!

∑(°口°?) "How are you doing this? Why do you spit yourself like this when you spit?"

The saliva girl wiped her tears!

(???????) "That can't help but keep spitting out! Where can there be so much saliva?"

Jiang Nan frowned: (?????) "Why not? Are women not made of water?"

Slobber girl:? ? ?

"It's good, but women are made of water, definitely not made of saliva! Spit~"

Jiangnan: (??w???)

This batch of saliva girls is already bleating, and it seems that a new batch needs to be changed!

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